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Surrealism (1929-1933) 105days before the end and spent most of his time pouring wax into theeyes of stuffed donkeys. He played one of the two Marist brotherswho in one scene are painfully dragged about by Batcheff. For somereason, we wound up cutting the scene. You can see Dali in thedistance, however, running with my fiancee, Jeanne, after the hero'sfatal fall.Once the film was edited, we had no idea what to do with it.I'd kept it fairly secret from the Montparnasse contingent, but oneday at the Dome, Theriade, from the Cahiers dArt, who'd heardrumors about it, introduced me to Man Ray. Ray had just finishedshooting La <strong>My</strong>stires du chateau de De, a documentary on the deNoailles and their friends, and was looking for a second film to roundout the program. Man Ray and I got together a few days later at LaCoupole, where he introduced me to a fellow surrealist, Louis Aragon,who had the most elegant French manners I'd ever seen. WhenI told them that Un Chien andafou was in many ways a surrealistfilm, they agreed to go to a screening the following day at the Studiodes Ursulines and to start planning the premiere.More than anything else, surrealism was a kind of call heard bycertain people everywhere-in the United States, in Germany, Spain,Yugoslavia-who, unknown to one another, were already practicinginstinctive forms of irrational expression. Even the poems I'd publishedin Spain before I'd heard of the surrealist movement wereresponses to that call which eventually brought all of us together inParis. While Dali and I were making Un Chien andalou we used akind of automatic writing. There was indeed something in the air,and my connection with the surrealists in many ways determinedthe course of my life.<strong>My</strong> first meeting with the group took place at their regular cafe,the Cyrano, on the place Blanche, where I was introduced to MaxErnst, Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, Tristan Tzara, Rene Char, PierreUnik, Yves Tanguy, Jean Arp, Maxime Alexandre, and Magritteeveryone, in other words, except Benjamin Peret, who was in Brazil.We all shook hands, and they bought me a drink, promising not to

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