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Waking dreams are as important, as unpredictable? and as pwerfdas those we have when we're asleep. I've often indulged myselfin delicious fantasies about being invisible, and therefore becomingthe most invulnerable man in the world. There are myriad variationson this theme, including one based on an ultimatum that I rememberfmm the time of the Second World War. <strong>My</strong> invisible hand givesHitler a piece of paper which states that he has twenty-four hours toexecute Goering? Goebbels, and the rest of his cohorts. If he doesn't?the message says, he'd better look out. Alarmed, Hitler calls hissecretaries."Who brought this paper?" he screams.Invisible in a corner of the room, I watch his hysteria. On thefollowing day, I assassinate Goebbels (for example). . . . From there,ubiquitous as well as invincible? I transport myself to Rome and giveMussolini the same ultimatum. In between, I slip into the bedroomof some gorgeous woman and sit in an armchair while she slowlyremoves her clothes. Then I leave to renew my ultimatum to Hitler,who is now wild with rage.During my student days, when I used to walk with Pepin Be110in the Sierra de Guadarrama, I often stopped before a particularlymagnificent panorama, an enormous amphitheatre entirely surroundedby mountains."Imagine that there are ramparts all around it," I'd sayl "withslits and moats and galleries and arches. And imagine that everythinginside belongs to me. I have my army and my farmers, my artisans?a chapel. We live peacefully; all we do is shoot some arrows fromtime to time at curiosity seekers who try to get too close to thegates.''That vague but persistent attraction for the Middle Ages bringsme back over and over again to the same image of a feudal lord?isolated from the world, ruling his kingdom like a benevolent dictator.He doesn't do much of anything-perhaps a small orgy everyonce in a while. He drinks mead and wine before a wood fire wherewhole animals roast on spits. Time passes and nothing changes;everyone lives inside himself. There are no journeys to take.

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