NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BAOBAB (Adansonia digitata L -

NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BAOBAB (Adansonia digitata L - NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BAOBAB (Adansonia digitata L -


Animal Research International (2005) 2(1): 240 – 245 240BAOBAB (Adansonia digitata L.) SEED PROTEIN UTILIZATION IN YOUNGALBINO RATS I: BIOCHEMICAL INGREDIENTS AND PERFORMANCECHARACTERISTICSEZEAGU, Ikechukwu EdwinNutrition Unit, Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, P. O. Box 15676,Enugu, Nigeria. Email:, cooked and HCl-extracted baobab, Adansonia digitata seed meals were used forbiological and nutritional evaluation studies. The seed is low in protein (16.60g/100g DM) butcould be a good source of oil (17.50g/100g) and minerals, particularly sodium, potassium andphosphorus, which contained 228.0, 1429.0 and 924.5 mg/100gDM respectively. Low levels ofantinutritional factors such as tannin, phytate, cyanide, oxalate, nitrate/nitrite and absence oftrypsin inhibitors were observed. Seed protein is high in sulfur-amino acid, with a chemicalscore (CS) of 126.80, but marginally limiting in lysine and threonine, with CS of 64.31 and85.59 respectively based on the preschool age (2-5yrs) reference protein requirement. Theseed oil contain appreciable level of unsaturated fatty acids with oleic and linoleic acidsmaking up 66.32% of total fatty acids. The raw diet was similar to the casein diet in weightgain, feed intake, net protein retention (NPR) and true digestibility (TD) but significantlyinferior in protein efficiency ratio (PER). Cooking did not have any significant effect on feedintake but significantly lowered the weight gain relative to the raw and casein diets. HClextractedmeal exerted significantly lower weight gain compared to the raw, cooked andcasein diets . It is concluded that the raw seed showed promise as a source of foodsupplement and is likely to be satisfactory in supporting growth and maintenance in livestockfeeding.Keywords: Adansonia digitata, Baobab seed protein, Biochemical ingredients, Performance, RatsINTRODUCTIONThe majority of sub-Saharan African countriesincluding Nigeria are faced with acute foodshortages. The solution to the food problem mustbe sought through a combination of all availablesources. Food and agricultural scientists arebeginning to screen wild and under-exploitednative plants for possible potential sources of foodin an attempt to widen the narrow food base(Vietmeyer and Janick 1996; Oelke et al., 1997).Several reports have also indicated that lots oflesser-known native crop species are high innutrients and could possibly relieve critical foodshortages if given adequate promotion andresearch attention (Madubuike et al., 1994; Murrayet al., 2001). Working on the prospects of utilizingsuch lesser known and neglected plants, researchreports have revealed that quite a large numberhave useful qualities – either for direct use asanimal feed ingredient or as a raw material forseed protein extraction (Ezeagu et al., 2000,2003). However, prior to utilization of suchunconventional resources data indicating thenutrient composition and toxic factors should beavailable. Toxicological evaluation of possibleepidemiological response to the ingestion of novelfood sources and the methods of processing thatwill enhance their utility as food or feed ingredientare all necessary in order to achieve optimalutilization (Longvah et a l., 2000).Baobab is a well-adapted deciduous treenative to the arid parts of Central Africa and widelyspread in the savannah regions in Nigeria(Wickens, 1980; FAO, 1988). Its leaves, bark andfruit are used as food and for medicinal purposesin many parts of Africa. In the Sahel, for example,baobab leaf is a staple the Hausas used to make“miyan kuka”, a soup prepared by boiling the leafin salt water and reported to be a rich source ofVitamin C. During acute seasonal food supplyfluctuations or famine periods, the leaves and fruitof baobab are of particular importance assupplementary and emergency food (Humphrey etal. 1993). The seed has a relatively thick shell,which is not readily separated from the kernel. Thekernel is edible but the difficulties of decorticatingseem to have limited its use as food/feed andconsequently large quantities go into waste. Butthe increasing pressure of population andpredictable food shortages are creating a demandfor new food sources of human nutrition. Fewreports have indicated the composition of thebaobab fruit pulp and leaves (Nour et a l., 1980;

Animal Research International (2005) 2(1): 240 – 245 240<strong>BAOBAB</strong> (<strong>Adansonia</strong> <strong>digitata</strong> L.) SEED PROTEIN UTILIZATION IN YOUNGALBINO RATS I: BIOCHEMICAL INGREDIENTS AND PERFORMANCECHARACTERISTICSEZEAGU, Ikechukwu EdwinNutrition Unit, Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, P. O. Box 15676,Enugu, Nigeria. Email:, cooked and HCl-extracted baobab, <strong>Adansonia</strong> <strong>digitata</strong> seed meals were used forbiological and nutritional evaluation studies. The seed is low in protein (16.60g/100g DM) butcould be a good source of oil (17.50g/100g) and minerals, particularly sodium, potassium andphosphorus, which contained 228.0, 1429.0 and 924.5 mg/100gDM respectively. Low levels ofantinutritional factors such as tannin, phytate, cyanide, oxalate, nitrate/nitrite and absence oftrypsin inhibitors were observed. Seed protein is high in sulfur-amino acid, with a chemicalscore (CS) of 126.80, but marginally limiting in lysine and threonine, with CS of 64.31 and85.59 respectively based on the preschool age (2-5yrs) reference protein requirement. Theseed oil contain appreciable level of unsaturated fatty acids with oleic and linoleic acidsmaking up 66.32% of total fatty acids. The raw diet was similar to the casein diet in weightgain, feed intake, net protein retention (NPR) and true digestibility (TD) but significantlyinferior in protein efficiency ratio (PER). Cooking did not have any significant effect on feedintake but significantly lowered the weight gain relative to the raw and casein diets. HClextractedmeal exerted significantly lower weight gain compared to the raw, cooked andcasein diets . It is concluded that the raw seed showed promise as a source of foodsupplement and is likely to be satisfactory in supporting growth and maintenance in livestockfeeding.Keywords: <strong>Adansonia</strong> <strong>digitata</strong>, Baobab seed protein, Biochemical ingredients, Performance, RatsINTRODUCTIONThe majority of sub-Saharan African countriesincluding Nigeria are faced with acute foodshortages. The solution to the food problem mustbe sought through a combination of all availablesources. Food and agricultural scientists arebeginning to screen wild and under-exploitednative plants for possible potential sources of foodin an attempt to widen the narrow food base(Vietmeyer and Janick 1996; Oelke et al., 1997).Several reports have also indicated that lots oflesser-known native crop species are high innutrients and could possibly relieve critical foodshortages if given adequate promotion andresearch attention (Madubuike et al., 1994; Murrayet al., 2001). Working on the prospects of utilizingsuch lesser known and neglected plants, researchreports have revealed that quite a large numberhave useful qualities – either for direct use asanimal feed ingredient or as a raw material forseed protein extraction (Ezeagu et al., 2000,2003). However, prior to utilization of suchunconventional resources data indicating thenutrient composition and toxic factors should beavailable. Toxicological evaluation of possibleepidemiological response to the ingestion of novelfood sources and the methods of processing thatwill enhance their utility as food or feed ingredientare all necessary in order to achieve optimalutilization (Longvah et a l., 2000).Baobab is a well-adapted deciduous treenative to the arid parts of Central Africa and widelyspread in the savannah regions in Nigeria(Wickens, 1980; FAO, 1988). Its leaves, bark andfruit are used as food and for medicinal purposesin many parts of Africa. In the Sahel, for example,baobab leaf is a staple the Hausas used to make“miyan kuka”, a soup prepared by boiling the leafin salt water and reported to be a rich source ofVitamin C. During acute seasonal food supplyfluctuations or famine periods, the leaves and fruitof baobab are of particular importance assupplementary and emergency food (Humphrey etal. 1993). The seed has a relatively thick shell,which is not readily separated from the kernel. Thekernel is edible but the difficulties of decorticatingseem to have limited its use as food/feed andconsequently large quantities go into waste. Butthe increasing pressure of population andpredictable food shortages are creating a demandfor new food sources of human nutrition. Fewreports have indicated the composition of thebaobab fruit pulp and leaves (Nour et a l., 1980;

Baobab seed protein utilization in young albino rats 241Yazzie et al., 1994; Obizoba and Anyika, 1994),but reports on the nutritional and/or biochemicalevaluation of the whole seed are scarcelyavailable. An earlier report had indicated thepotential of its use as food component or feedsupplement (Proll et al., 1998). This study seeks toverify further the nutritional qualities of baobabseed as a protein source and the effect ofprocessing on the nutritional quality in albino ratsMATERIALS AND METHODSTreatment of Sample: About 2 kg of the maturedfruits were harvested from different locations aroundthe city of Ibadan, Nigeria and the seeds weremanually separated from the pods. Cooking wasdone by immersing in boiling water and allowingboiling for 30 min. For acid-extraction, 500g of seedswere immersed in 0.25 M HCl at 60 o C for 4 haccording to the method of Tasneem et al. (1982).The acid extract was decanted and the residuewashed free of acid using tap water and then dried.Raw and treated samples (350 g each) were groundto flour using a Wiley Mill with the 1 mm mesh sieveand stored in plastic bags at -4 o C until analysis.Proximate Analysis: Nitrogen, fat, ash, microandmacro-minerals were determined by standardmethods (AOAC, 1990). Crude proteins (CP) andtotal carbohydrates were calculated by N x 6.25and difference respectively. Total soluble sugarsand starch were determined by the combinedmethods of Duboise et al. (1956) and Kalenga etal. (1981). Soluble sugars were extracted withethanol (95 %) and residual starch was thenhydrolysed with perchloric acid intomonosaccharides. The sugars were thencolourimetrically determined with phenol-sulphuricacid. Gross energy was calculated from theAtwater conversion system (FAO, 1982).Analysis of Antinutritional Factors: Tannin wasdetermined by the Folin-Denis method (AOAC,1990); Phytic acid by the method of Wheeler andFerrel (1971); trypsin inhibitor activity by themethod of Kakade et al. (1974) using benzoyl-DLarginine-p-nitroanilide(BAPNA) as substrate.Phytohaemagglutinating activity was determined bythe serial dilution method of Liener and Hill (1953)using trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes and expressedas haemagglutinating unit (HU)/mg sample. Cyanidewas extracted with 0.1 M ortho-H 3 PO 4 acid andestimated using an auto analyzer according to themethod of Rao and Hahn (1984). Nitrate and nitritewere determined as previously described (Ezeaguand Fafunso, 1995) and oxalate was determined bythe method of Baker (1952).Amino Acid Analysis: Amino acids weredetermined according to the recommendations ofFAO/WHO (1991) by triple hydrolysis (Pellet andYoung, 1980) as previously described (Petzke etal., 1997).Fatty Acid Analysis: For fatty acid analysis thelipid extract was transmethylated withtrimethylsulfonium-hydroxide (TMSH) as describedby Schulte and Weber (1989). Aliquots (10 mg) offat were dissolved in 250 µl trichloromethane,followed by addition of 250 µl of the internalstandard and 250 µl of TMSH solutions. The fattyacid methyl esters were analyzed using a GLC(model 5890 series II, Hewlett Packard Co., PaloAlto, CA.) equipped with a flame-ionizationdetector and a 30 m capillary column (DB-Wax, id0.32mm). The initial oven temperature was 140o C followed by temperature programming in threesteps: a first rate of 4 o C/min until 170 o C, followedby a second rate of 1.5 o C/min until 185 o C and athird rate of 4 o C/min until 220o C. The finaltemperature was maintained for 33 min. Theinjection temperature was 225 o C and the detectortemperature was 250 o C. Helium was used as thecarrier gas. Peak areas were integrated usingHewlett-Packard 3365 Series II ChemStationsoftware, and the fatty acids were expressed aspercentage of total fatty acid pool. Fatty acidswere identified by comparison of their retentiontime with those of known standards. Quantitativedata were obtained using tricosanoate (C 23:0 ) as aninternal standard.Animals and Diets: Experimental diets wereprepared according to the method of Chapman etal. (1959) with adequate provision of vitamins andminerals (Miller, 1963). Twenty weanling malealbino rats, about 24 days old with mean weightsof 26-28 g were obtained from the PreclinicalLaboratories of the University of Ibadan, Ibadan.The animals were housed individually in allaluminumscreen metabolic cages with provisionfor urine, faecal collection and unrestricted accessto water and food. The rats were assigned four pergroup, equalized for body weight in a randomizedblock design. One group was fed the basal proteinfreediet, another group was given a 10% proteindiet based on casein, the other three groups wereassigned to diets with 10% protein supplied by theraw, cooked or acid-extracted meals, respectively.Weighed amounts of diets were daily offered tothe animals for 21 days. The food residues werecollected, dried and weighed. The faeces wereoven-dried at 60 o C and stored in plastic containersuntil analyzed. A drop of dilute H 2 SO 4 was addedto urine samples to prevent any loss of nitrogen.The rats were weighed weekly and proteinefficiency ratio (PER), net protein retention (NPR)and true digestibility (TD) were computed fromtotal feed intake, total faeces voided, as well asthe nitrogen determination.

EZEAGU, Ikechukwu Edwin 242Table 1: Proximate composition and mineral components of baobab seed meal comparedto soybean, cowpea and maizeBaobab Soybean* Cowpea* Maize*Proximate CompositionCrude protein 16.60 36.70 23.1 8.9Crude fat 17.50 20.10 15.0 3.9Ash 5.50 4.60 3.4 1.2Carbohydrates 60.40 33.95 67.8 74.2Total sugars 2.52 - - -Starch 22.60 - - -Crude fibre 14.94 - - -Energy, kJ (kcal)/100g 1883 (450) 1816 (434) 2016 (482) 1490 (356)Minerals (mg/100g)Sodium 228.0 10.0 20.0Potassium 1429.0 192.0 96.0Calcium 212.0 260.0 130.0Magnesium 353.0 320.0Phosphorus 924.5 750.0 430.0Iron 11.13 - -Copper 2.55 - -Zinc 8.41 - -Manganese 2.10 - -*FAO 1982. 1 Mean of two independent analyses, - Not availableAll analysis was done in duplicate. Data wereanalyzed by one-way analysis of variance.Treatment means were compared by the Duncan’s(1955) multiple range tests.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONChemical analysis of the whole baobab seed ispresented and compared to some common staplesin Table 1. The results seem to be on the samelevel with the previous report (Proll et al., 1998).Comparing protein contents, baobab seed is lowerin protein (16.60g/100g) than soybean (36.70g/100g) and cowpea (23.10g/100g) but higherthan maize (8.90g/100g). Total sugar is low(2.52g/100g) but starch content of (22.60 g/100g)is higher than the 18.44 g/100g reported forsoybean (Ezeagu et al., 2000). With a total fat andcarbohydrate contents of 17.50 and 60.40 g/100grespectively, baobab seeds could be a good sourceof energy and edible oil, and thus a usefulsupplement in animal feed formulation. There areappreciable levels of minerals, potassium (1429.0)and phosphorus (924.5mg/100g) being the mostabundant. The seed meal seems to be higher iniron (11.13), copper (2.55) and zinc(8.41mg/100g) than conventional staples and willeasily satisfy animal needs, assuming that theyoccur in readily available forms. About 34% oftotal P occurred as phytate-P, which is lower than80% value reported for most legumes (Rackis andAnderson, 1977). Gross energy (1883.28) washigher than that of maize (1490.22) butcomparable to those of soybean (1815.89) andcommon beans (2016.40 kJ/100g).The results on antinutritional components(Table 2) showed absence of trypsin inhibitor,which could be considered as a nutritionaladvantage. Tannin (0.29 mg/g), phytate (1.20g/100 g), total oxalate (42.0 mg/100 g) andcyanide (0.25mg/100g) appeared low and inreasonable agreement with values reported forcommonly consumed food articles.Table 2: Antinutritional components ofbaobab seedParametersBaobab*seedTannin, mg/g 0.29Phytate, g/100g 1.20Phytate-phosphorus 0.34Phytate-P as % total P 1.0Trypsin inhibitor, TIU/mgNDHaemagglutinins, HU/mg 0.250Cyanide, mg/100g 0.25Total oxalate, mg/100g 42.0Water soluble Oxalate 26.0Soluble oxalate as % of total 61.9oxalateNitrate, mg/g 19.45Nitrite, mg/g 0.104ND: Not Detected, *Means o f two independent analysesAmino acid profile as shown in Table 3 indicates afair complement of essential amino acids. Usingthe FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) preschool age (2-5yrs)reference amino acid requirement as a guide incalculating the chemical score (CS) of amino acids,the seed seems marginally limiting in lysine andthreonine (CS 64.31 and 85.59% respectively) but

Baobab seed protein utilization in young albino rats 243Table 3: Essential amino acid profile of baobab seed (g/100g Protein)Baobab ChemicalscoreFAO/WHO/UNU 1985(reference pattern)Child* Adult2-5yrLysine 3.73 64.31 5.80 1.60Methionine 1.25Cystein 1.92Total S-Amino Acids 3.17 126.80 2.50 1.70Isoleucine3.54 126.43 2.80 1.30Leucine 6.54 99.09 6.60 1.60Phenylanine 4.54Tyrosine 2.72Total Aromatic Amino Acids 7.26 115.24 6.30 1.90Threonine 2.91 85.59 3.40 0.90Tryptophan 1.38 125.45 1.10 0.5Valine 4.99 142.57 3.50 1.30Histidine 1.98 104.21 1.90 1.601 Total EAAs 33.52 43.30 33.90 12.70*For calculating the chemical score of amino acids, the FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) reference pattern for children 2-5 years old wasused, Total EAAs: Total essential amino acidshigh in sulphur-amino acids (CS 126.8%).Acceptable CS is considered to be in the order of60 and above (Nordeide et al., 1994). However,the seed protein was quite adequate in totalessential amino acids (EAAs) and comparedfavorably to the reference protein in total EAAsand in meeting the recommended adultrequirements.Oleic and linoleic acids are the mostabundant unsaturated fatty acids (Table 4). Withlow polyunsaturated/saturated ratio (P/S) (1.1)compared to soybean (3.6) and other high linoleicTable 4: Fatty acid composition of oil (Area%)*Fatty acidsBaobabLauric C 12 -Myristic C 14:0 0.25Palmitic C 16:0 22.06Palmitoleic C 16:1n-7 0.27Hexadecadienic C 16:2n-4 0.95Stearic C 18:0 4.02Oleic C 18:1n-9 34.97Oleic (isomer) C 18:1n-7 1.00Linoleic C 18:2n-6 26.14Linolenic C 18:3n-6 γ 0.49Linolenic C18:3n-3 α 2.00Arachidic C 20:0 0.86Gadoleic C 20:1n-9 0.22Benhenic C 22:0 0.42Lignoceric C 24:0 -Sum 93.65Sat a 27.61P/S ratio b 1.07a Sum of C +C + C +C +C b Polyunsatura t ed14:0 16: 0 18:0 20:0 22:0,(C16: 2+C 18:2 +C 18:3 / Saturated (C 16:0 +C 18:0 +C 20:0 +C 22:0 +C 24:0 ),*Mean of two independent analysessources (Sinclair, 1964), the baobab seed oil maynot be considered a good source of essential fattyacids.Results of the feeding experiment (Table5) showed total weight gain, feed and proteinintakes (13.45, 70.40 and 8.42 g respectively) ofrats maintained on the raw meal were statisticallysimilar (P < 0.01) to those on the casein controldiet (17.70, 71.53 and 7.15 g respectively). Ratson the raw meal recorded a significantly (P

EZEAGU, Ikechukwu Edwin 244Table 5: Protein quality indices of raw and processed baobab seed mealDietsWeightgain (g)Feedintake (g)Proteinintake (g)PER NPR TD%Casein 17.70 ±1.71 a 71.53±4.71 a 7.15±0.47 ab 2.47±0.08 a 3.07±2.34 a 93.17±5.37 aRaw 13.45 ±2.64 a 70.40±4.14 a 8.42±1.26 a 1.63±0.29 b 2.18±2.96 a 80.64±15.23 aCooked 9.80 ± 1.27 b 62.90±4.98 a 6.29±0.47 b 1.57±0.21 b 2.28±2.48 a 85.53±1.49 aHCl-Extracted 3.53 ± 3.07 c 59.88±10.09 b 6.35±0.99 b 0.49±0.62 c 0.69±7.90 b 79.91±1.69 babc (Means no t followed by the same subscrip t on the same column are significantly diff erent (P

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