Eagle Package 2011 YDWIII - Gregory Double Wing

Eagle Package 2011 YDWIII - Gregory Double Wing

Eagle Package 2011 YDWIII - Gregory Double Wing

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YDW <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Package</strong>Jack <strong>Gregory</strong>“Keep’em on their heels!”Jack <strong>Gregory</strong>©<strong>2011</strong> All Rights Reserved

Run Power Stupid!Don’t forget why you run the <strong>Double</strong> <strong>Wing</strong>.WB SEAL IS OUR BASE PLAY!We make our living running POWER, POWERSWEEP, POWER PASS in this offense!

Why Use a Spread <strong>Package</strong>• I often get this question from DW coaches. Why use a spread packagewith the DW?– The answer for me is pretty simple. The beauty of the DW offense is how we approachour attack at the defense. We want to compress our formations by compressing thesplits and the eligible players and present ten gaps that force the defense to cover a lotof gaps in a very small area. Defenses often don’t operate as well in small spacesespecially when we can bring more players to the hole than the defenders have todefend that hole and the rest of the field. With the addition of misdirection and playaction pass it allows us to attack the entire field while we keep the defense compresseddefending our power running game. The approach is often very alien to most defenses.– This creates opportunities to make big plays!– It allows us to change our tempo of attack at a moments notice!– It makes us diverse and often our initial approach forces defenses to defend us verydifferently from other offenses. This allows us to mix in more common approaches(spread) and maximize their advantage while the defense is fixed on stopping our baseapproach.

Why Use a Spread <strong>Package</strong>Cont’d– Once a defense compresses to stop the DW and defend all those gaps in thatsmall area they start to give up other areas like the perimeter on each sideand the vertical space in the middle and on each side. Those are five specificareas we can now attack using the double wing when the defense vacatesthose areas. With the judicious use of edge tags and formation tags the DWcan now formation key defenders away from that compressed space and runthe entire power series into that voided area.– To ensure that the defense respects those expanded players we must nowlook at alternate ways of using them that are often outside of the scope of theDW. That is where we must now start looking at other offensive philosophiesand approaches and utilize concepts that mesh easily with the DW approach.– The Charlie Weis LOOK (uncovered pass) concept is one that I really like toutilize with the expanded players. The Quick perimeter passing game isanother concept I like to use although it requires more coaching andinstruction the payoffs can be considerable (I prefer the Coverdale/RobinsonQuick Passing and Bunch Passing Game concepts).

Why Use a Spread <strong>Package</strong>Cont’d– Once you start utilizing edge tags that expand yourperimeter players then you have to consider how you canbest utilize these additional tools.– Conceptually spread philosophies and double wingphilosophies are contradictory but if used properly theycan compliment each other because it forces the defenseto compress and expand while having to defend tocontrary approaches.– This allows your offense to maintain momentum even inthe face of defensive pressure and talent that wouldotherwise thwart either of these philosophies individually.

Play CallingRED/BLUE<strong>Eagle</strong>Trips/Bunch/QuadTornado/Razor RED/BLUE Speed/TrapBubble/CrazyFormation Edge Series Tag Play Side/Pass PlayEAGLE indicates our base 2x2spread packagesRED/BLUE indicates the side theRB aligns on.Edge tags:TRIPS: RB slot aligns on the far side splitting thedistance between the loose pair and the OT.BUNCH: RB slot aligns on the far side on theinside forming the bunch 8 to 12 yards wide.QUAD: FAR slot aligns in the same manner astrips on the RB side forming four receivers ononeside.BlockingSchemeSpecialTags orAudiblesTo keep the <strong>Eagle</strong> packagesimple I don’t use a numberingsystem at all.Pass protection is placed in theblocking scheme location.Pass Play: RED EAGLE BLUEDUMP DUECERun Play: RED EAGLE BLUETRAP

Calling a Play Out Loud• RED EAGLE tells our team to align in double loose(2x2) with QB in gun and RB aligned to right side(RED) under guard’s outside hip. QB is three to fouryards deep and RB is one to two steps behind himand to his right.• BLUE EAGLE tells our team to align in double loose(2x2) with QB in gun and RB aligned to left side(BLUE) under guard’s outside hip. QB is three to fouryards deep and RB is one to two steps behind him.

Play Calling cont’d• EXAMPLE of Play call:• RED EAGLE RED SPEED equals double loose with RB on rightside with line running sting blocking scheme right and ourbackfield running speed option right.• RED EAGLE RED DUMP PAPA equals double loose with RB onright side with line slide blocking left (always opposite of passcall “RED PAPA”). Right side is running DUMP route. Backsideautomatically runs all-stop route unless we specifically adjustthe backside to run FLY (vertical release).• You can either call out the pass protection or it can be impliedfor a specific pass play.• For example this past season all perimeter passes were DEUCEwhile all CROSSING routes where SPRINT and all RAZOR wereJOKER.

Making the Passing Successful• When you run the ball you really only need three things to be successful:– Players that can run block– Players that can fake a run or pass action– One player that can secure the ball and run to daylight.• Passing game requires much more detail to be successful:– Pass protection schemes that are sound and simple at this level– Players that can effectively pass protect for at least 3 seconds– Passer that can throw accurately and on time into and open space– Receivers that can release off the LOS cleanly– Receivers that can create separation– Receivers that can catch– Rhythm and timing between the passer and his receivers• The passing game is much more involved which is why play action,bootlegs, and sprint outs often help teams that don’t have a welldeveloped set of pass protection schemes or blockers.

44 Split DefenseNote how compressedthey are due to zero splitsL1L2RCompressing our splits opens up the edgeand perimeters as well as the verticalpassing game. It allows us to get moreblockers to the point of attack tooverwhelm it and we can hide our runner inall the traffic the compressed splits create.<strong>Double</strong> <strong>Wing</strong><strong>Double</strong> TightZero Splits

44 Split DefenseNote how compressedthey are due to zero splitsL1L2RUsing edge tags that expand our end and wingback out allow us to isolate key perimeterdefenders away from the point of attack or makethe defense pay for not covering those receiverswith uncovered passing concepts and perimeterpassing concepts.<strong>Double</strong> <strong>Wing</strong><strong>Double</strong> Tight w/ LoosetagZero Splits

44 Split Defensew// LB shift to OVER callVery rare that a defense catches this at the youth levelL1L2RUsing the OVER tag to move the BST to theexpanded side allows us to go unbalancedand maintain our 4 MAN TKO wall andoften defenses never catch the unbalancedlook until it is to late as we move in and outof it.<strong>Double</strong> <strong>Wing</strong><strong>Double</strong> Tight w/ LooseOver tagZero Splits

44 Split DefenseNote how compressed the interior six are isolatingthem away from the two perimeter defendersL1L2R<strong>Eagle</strong> formation is a basically a double loose callwith a RB and QB in a gun look. The compressedoffensive line splits allow us to further isolate theloose pairs and their defenders and allow us tomore easily attack the edge and the perimeter withour running and passing game.<strong>Double</strong> <strong>Wing</strong><strong>Eagle</strong> (2x2)Zero Splits

44 Split DefenseNote due to the expanded front of the entire offense thatthe individual defenders can still support one another.L1L2RNotice in the more classic spread 2x2 that withthe normal 12 to 18” splits you don’t get theisolation on the perimeter defenders that youdo in the eagle look.Spread 2x21 foot Splits

<strong>Eagle</strong> Running Game

<strong>Eagle</strong> Running Game• Where the YDW power game is based on angle blockingconcepts, wedge blocking concepts, and power running attackthe eagle running game is based on covered/uncovered driveblocking and pass protection schemes and using read andoption based schemes along with a robust passing game toattack the defense using the same zero splits concept used inthe YDW.• This allows us to attack defenses using both double wing andspread concepts in a uniformed manner while flowing in andout of double wing formations and spread formations as wellas hybrid formations that can utilize both concepts effectivelyand efficiently.

Keys for RUN/PASS in the <strong>Eagle</strong>• 6 or less in the box: run• 7 or more in the box: uncovered pass/perimeter pass/ crossing pass (in that order)• Always throw to an uncovered receiver. Force the defense to play four coverage defenderson four receivers minimum.• Don’t be afraid to throw the vertical outside ball (to an open receiver) this will force thedefense to play a safety and cover the deep ball.• 4 + 1 = 5 coverage defenders and 6 run defenders.• Perimeter game = pick on the weakest coverage guy on each side. Choose your match ups asyour primary read. Often the better coverage guy will jump that route to help; leaving thesecond read wide open as the game goes on.• Crossing game is about getting a good receiver into open space that has been vacated in themiddle of the field/opposite side. If they will not vacate don’t throw crossing routes!Crossing game takes longer to develop so pass protection must be very sound.• Draw/Crossing game is great against teams that are really focused on stopping the perimeterpassing game (uncovered/perimeter) and perimeter running game (TANK/STING/VICTORY) aswell as rushing from our edges (specifically because of our zero splits and pass protectionschemes they tend to rush heavy from the outside. It leaves a hole in the middle of the fieldfor DRAWS and CROSSING GAME.

Install a Little at a Time• This is not our primary package.• We install a little at a time and only if it enhances what wealready do.– Uncovered pass first.– Trap/Speed run game.– Perimeter pass/pass pro.– Cross game or Victory run• Don’t be afraid to drop a play that doesn’t work with yourplayers. It is normal for us to go through and drop one or twoplays that we see are not effective with that set of kids.• This is a catalog of plays we choose from, a cook book so tospeak. We never run them all but we run what is mosteffective for that specific group of kids!

Read Rules• Run Key – 6 or less in the run box• Tank READ (tackle trap with covered/uncovered rules)• BST trap and RB movement lures BSDE to crash/chase nearRB down line. Gives a very clear READ key to QB• RB always hits the PSG’s heels and then gets one cut afterhe passes the LOS (cutback, vertical, bounce to daylight)• QB steps with far foot at BSDE’s inside hip and places ballinto belly of RB. If BSDE comes QB bellies ball as RB carriesout cradled fake.• QB’s next step is with near foot taking a depth step as RBgoes by to get distance from DE then gets outside andreplaces him as he goes vertical. NORTH/SOUTH notEAST/WEST.

Tactical Considerations• Our running game in the <strong>Eagle</strong> is built primarilyaround the TRAP READ to the away side and theSPEED OPTION to the near side of the running back.• This set up allows us to constantly attack anaggressive DE that is bent on attacking our QB in thebackfield.• This combined with our perimeter passing game anduncovered passing game is what makes us successfulalong with the rest of our complimentary runningand passing game.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red TrapVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on theirdefenders:If DEFENDER eyes on you outside releaseand run fade/seam routes.If eyes inside get inside leverage andstalk/position block them.Often at our level the BSILB will sit on hisgap/window. The DE will box , pinch, or crash (allare a read) . Once the QB beats them on a fewread calls the DE will sit /squat on the LOS. If thecenter sees the BSLB sitting on his gap he cansimply chip the PSDT and head up field and attackthe flow side arm pit of the near safety.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red TrapVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on theirdefenders:If DEFENDER eyes on you outside releaseand run fade/seam routes.If eyes inside get inside leverage andstalk/position block them.Often at our level the MIKE will play aggressivelyto the RB flow. The read of the QB to the BSDE isvery important. Crash/Pinch/Box is a READ if theDE squats or sits it is a GIVE. The BSG can chipthe NT and head up field and read the eyes of thenear safety and attack his flow side arm pit andwall him off.

Tackle Read Rules• Run Key – 6 or less in the run box• Tiger READ (tackle trap with covered/uncovered rules)• BST trap and RB movement lures BSDT to crash/chase near RBdown line. Gives a very clear READ key to QB when the DE issquatting on the LOS or the DE and near OLB doing a scrapeexchange.• RB always hits the PSG’s heels and then gets one cut after he passesthe LOS (cutback, vertical, bounce to daylight)• QB steps with far foot at BSDE’s inside hip and places ball into bellyof RB. If BSDT chase RB inside QB bellies ball as RB carries outcradled fake.• QB’s next step is with near foot taking a side step as RB goes by toget square himself to the hole and get outside of the DT then getsvertical in the hole and replaces him. NORTH/SOUTH notEAST/WEST.

Issue 1:DE Squatting Forcing the Give to RBSquatting DE will force the QB to give the ball to the RB every timethus forcing the TRAP READ to become one dimensional and allowingthe LB’s and far side DE to squeeze the RB and kill the play at orbehind the LOS. Often used when facing an athletic QB and they wantto keep the ball out of his hands.

Issue 2:DE/OLB Scrape ExchangeScrape exchange is the opposite of the squatting DE in that the DE will crashand force the QB to keep the ball and go outside. As the DE crashes the nearOLB will scrape hard to the outside and replace the DE and trap the QB. It isbasically baiting the QB to keep it forcing the QB into the scraping the OLB. Itis often used when facing a good RB and the defense wants to keep the ball outof his hands as the game progresses.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red TackleVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on theirdefenders.Against a crash/pinch/box DE the BSGshould take a slide step outside and then aseveral drop steps (kick slides) to gaindepth and face the DE and wall him out.Against a sitting /squatting DE the BSG will slide stepand then drop step face the DE and wall him out. Thisis a much easier play against a 53/52 front. As the DTis aligned over the OT and if he chases the RB he mustturn his hips to do so and the read and fill is mucheasier for the QB. The key will be the footwork andblock of the BSG.

Speed option• Used against a DE reading or squatting on LOS and keyingon QB or attacking our QB in the backfield.• QB attacks outside hip with far foot. Belt buckle pointed atoutside hip.• If DE comes at QB he pitches to RB ASAP. If he floats out tocontain RB he keeps and goes vertical to replace DE.• RB is 4 yards out and 4 yards back from QB.• QB pitches ball just in front of RB so he gets it on the run.• Great against teams reading the line flow and/or a DE whois fixated on the QB and giving up contain due to TRAPREAD/TACKLE READ. Great compliment to our TRAP READ.

Speed OptionPitch KeyLine – PSG, PST, CTR, BSG allblock covered-uncovered. BSTpulls and goes vertical off of outsidehip of PST and wall off first defenderto cross his face. Goes vertical tothe end zone.RB to QB relationship4 yards by 4 yards

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue SpeedVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on their defenders:QB READ – PSDE (DEMLOS). Attack the heels ofthe PSOT ready to pitch ball.If the DE comes at the QB (crashes or pinches) orsits he pitches right now to the RB.If the DE slides or flows with the RB the QB keepsand goes vertical to daylight right now.BST HHM (hinge, hinge, mirror) and cut off the BSDE.This often helps with the BSLB and BSDE as they willthink pass reducing the run blocks to three actualdefenders.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue SpeedVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on their defenders:QB READ – PSDE (DEMLOS). Attack the heels ofthe PSOT ready to pitch ball.If the DE comes at the QB (crashes or pinches) orsits he pitches right now to the RB.If the DE slides or flows with the RB the QB keepsand goes vertical to daylight right now.BST HHM (hinge, hinge, mirror) and cut off the BSDT .The BST will hinge off of the BSDT and once he hingesthe inside man this will also wall out the BSDE as well.

Trap Follow• Used against a DE reading or squatting on LOS and keyingon QB.• The RB now becomes the LEAD blocker for the QB and wallsof the first backer to cross his face. QB cuts off of wall off.• The play will be set up exactly like TRAP READ – RB and QBwill mesh as QB appears to read BSDE. He will then pivotinside and follow the RB into the hole.• Great play against squatting DE or DE/OLB exchange onbackside as they are isolating the PSLB and we now have alead blocker on him.• Another nice compliment to the TRAP READ and SPEEDplays.

Trap FollowLine – PSG, PST, CTR,BSG all block covereduncovered(LEG & TURN).BST kicks out first defenderto cross his face.QB Footwork:Far foot steps first and aims atthe inside hip of the farEMLOS. He meshes with theRB lets the RB flash fake andlead into the hole off the PSG’soutside hip and the RB willwall off the first backer thatcrosses his face. The QB willpivot as soon as the RBcrosses his face and followhim into the hole and cut offhis wall off and get vertical tothe endz one.Using the Covered/Uncoveredblocking concept this will oftenlead to a nice double team onthe PSLB. With TKO the leadblock is very important.Initially you can teach TKOto the BSG to PST and theBSG is the base.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Trap FollowVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on theirdefenders:QB and RB will mesh and the QB will let theRB flash fake and cross his face and he willimmediately pivot and follow the RB in to thehole and cut off his wall off.Excellent play against a squatting/sitting DE or ateam using the OLB/DE scrape exchange.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Trap FollowVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on theirdefenders.QB and RB will mesh and the QB will let theRB flash fake and cross his face and he willimmediately pivot and follow the RB in to thehole and cut off his wall off.Excellent play against a squatting/sitting DE or ateam using the OLB/DE scrape exchange.Against an ODD front the play hits on the outsidehip of the PST where as an even front it hits on theoutside hip of the PSG.

Veer• Used against a DE reading or squatting on LOS andkeying on RB.• QB steps with far foot aimed at outside hip of BSDE.• RB meshes with QB but does not secure ball.• QB reads DE if he comes down the LOS or crashes onRB he fakes, pulls ball in, drop steps away from LOSwith near foot and goes outside and vertical replacingBSDE.• If DE squats on LOS or slides out to contain QB gives toRB. As soon as the QB removes far hand the RBsecures the ball and explodes vertically.

VeerPitch KeyLine – PSG, PST, CTR,BSG all block covereduncovered.BST hingehinge mirror (HHM).RB LandmarkBSG’s heels(Go vertical or cut inside todaylight)

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue VeerVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on their defenders:QB READ – PSDE (DEMLOS). He steps and lets the RBmesh with him. If the DE crashes or pinches inside to chasethe RB he pulls the ball in and slide steps with his outside footto gain width away from the DE and replaces him and goesvertical. If the DE sits he let the RB have the ball cross hisface and he attacks the DE’s outside hip and goes vertical.BST HHM (hinge, hinge, mirror) and cut off the BSDE.This often helps with the BSLB and BSDE as they willthink pass reducing the run blocks to three actualdefenders.PSG will down block the DT and the PSG will foldaround him and block the first backer to cross his faceand wall him off.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue VeerVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT have EYE RULE on their defenders:QB READ – PSDE (DEMLOS). He steps and lets the RBmesh with him. If the DE crashes or pinches inside to chasethe RB he pulls the ball in and slide steps with his outside footto gain width away from the DE and replaces him and goesvertical. If the DE sits he let the RB have the ball cross hisface and he attacks the DE’s outside hip and goes vertical.BST HHM (hinge, hinge, mirror) and cut off the BSDE.This often helps with the BSLB and BSDE as they will thinkpass reducing the run blocks to three actual defenders.PST and PSG will LEG & TURNAdjustment: have the PSG double team with PST and theBSG double team with the center . Can use both or justone.

Run Audibles• STING – is SPEED.• VICTORY – is VEER.• DAGGER – is DRAW.• FOLLOW – is TRAP FOLLOW• Audible is called and the LINE and QB/RBchange. If it was a pass play the receiver pairsstill execute the pass play otherwise theyFADE/STALK for normal run plays excludingDRAWS.

Making It Triple Option• I would only recommend this if you have ample time and talent to run it. Itypically don’t consider this until I have had a team for a few seasons as we tend tomove slowly with our <strong>Eagle</strong> package. If I was using the <strong>Eagle</strong> package as a standalone I would seriously consider this with a mature/experienced group of players.• Due to the simplicity of running option out of gun and the easy read fromattacking down hill making any of the QB runs outside into a triple option read ispretty simple. We get our running game (TRAP/SPEED) installed in one night andneed only two to three more nights of 10 minute reps to get it game ready. (this isbased on my experience with six different teams running these plays)• Used against slot defenders that are not playing coverage but hanging to play runand spacing themselves to stop the uncovered pass.• Slot (WB) becomes the second read. Pre-snap the QB/OC will determine if the slotdefender is hanging. If so we will signal to the QB that on his read he can CRAZYcall the slot defender.• The variations in this section can give you a great deal of variety in how you attacka defense by using our base running game in conjunction with these little twists.

Bubble Read Rules• Run Key – 6 or less in the run box w/ a hangeron RB side.• Can be ran with Trap or Tackle READ (tackletrap with covered/uncovered rules)

Bubble Trap ReadThrow it to slotLine – PSG, PST, CTR,BSG all block covereduncovered(LEG &TURN). BST kicks outfirst defender to cross hisface.QB Footwork:Far foot steps first and aims atthe inside hip of the farEMLOS. He meshes with theRB and if the EMLOS (GIVEREAD) collapses inside or atthe RB going inside he pullsand keeps the ball and hisnear foot steps wide (outside)to move away from EMLOSand he replaces the EMLOSand gets vertical.If the Hanger (slot defender)goes at the QB he sets his feetand throws to the SLOT whoexecutes the same move hewould do uncovered except hebacks away from the QBinitially to gain width to forcethe hanger into choosing whohe defends. The SE stalks theMDM. If the HANGER vacatesto collapse on the SLOT hekeeps it and goes vertical.(PASS KEY)

Bubble Tackle Readsolution to squatting DE’s and DE/OLB scrape exchangeQB Footwork:Far foot steps first and aims atthe inside hip of the farEMLOS. He meshes with theRB and if the NEAR DT (GIVEREAD) collapses inside or atthe RB going inside he pullsand keeps the ball and hisnear foot steps slides to moveaway from DT and he replacesthe near DT and gets vertical.If the Hanger (slot defender)goes at the QB he sets his feetand throws to the SLOT whoexecutes the same executemove he would do uncovered.The SE stalks the MDM. If theHANGER vacates to collapseon the SLOT he keeps it andgoes vertical. (PASS KEY)Throw it to slot

Crazy callBlue Trap CrazyPitch read Pitch readBlue Veer Crazy1) Ran with any play that the QB is the outside release (Trap/Tackle/Veer)2) QB attacks the inside foot of the slot defender and forces him toeither collapse and play the QB run or slide out and play the slot.3) The Slot must take one step back with his outside foot stutter inplace and climb as the QB goes past him.

Cherokee callBlue Trap CherokeePitch read Pitch readBlue Veer Cherokee1) Ran with any play that the QB is the outside release (Trap/Veer).2) QB makes TRAP/VEER mesh. If a KEEP call off READ he immediately attacksvertically and replaces the DE and gets his eyes on the slot defender.3) KEEP it if the slot defender slides away. Go vertical now.4) PITCH it right now if the slot defender steps down on the QB.5) The dual action of the slot expanding outside as if bubble and the speed slot runningspeed option is often more than enough to get the slot defender to expand. If hedoes the read is very easy to see as the slot now must expand out quickly.6) This is a great tag to add when the DE on the RB side and is hunting or crashing onthe near hip of the near back. It can get the SLOT outside in speed option.

Dump Read Rules• Run Key – 6 or less in the run box w/ a hangeron RB side and SE corner is playing squeezinginside to pick up slot (playing both se and slotbut eyes on slot).• Can be ran with Trap or Tackle READ (tackletrap with covered/uncovered rules).• Throw to the open space in front of thereceiver. This is basically a short fade pattern.

Dump Trap ReadThrow it to slotLine – PSG, PST, CTR,BSG all block covereduncovered(LEG &TURN). BST kicks outfirst defender to cross hisface.QB Footwork:Far foot steps first and aims atthe inside hip of the farEMLOS. He meshes with theRB and if the EMLOS (GIVEREAD) collapses inside or atthe RB going inside he pullsand keeps the ball and hisnear foot steps wide (outside)to move away from EMLOSand he replaces the EMLOSand gets vertical.If the Hanger (slot defender)goes at the QB he sets his feetand throws to the SE at theopen space just in front of theSE’s outside shoulder . TheSLOT shows bubble to pull thecorner down and hold him atthe LOS. The SE initiallyshows a stalk move thenreleases outside and getsvertical looking for the ball overthe outside shoulder. Let theSLOT sell the bubble initiallybefore you get vertical. TheQB will throw the ball off thehanger’s reaction (PASS KEY)

Draw Running Game

Red <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Lead DrawQB sets and peeks to the drawside SE running fade. QB willfake pass by placing ball on earas if to throw and shoulder fakeand then secure ball. Let RBlead into the hole and block firstbacker to cross face and wallhim off. QB follows him into thehole and cuts off his block.OLINE:Tackles: CV: LEM & WALL OFF/ UNCV: KKM & WALLOFFGuards: CV: LEM & WALL OFF/ UNCV: SSM insiderelease and wall off first back outsideCenter: CV: LEM & WALL OFF/UNCV: SSM away fromRB and release and wall off first backer backside.RB will pass protect set for a count of two and thenrelease into the space between the center and nearguard and wall of the first backer play side.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue Lead DrawVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RSE and SLOT on both sides run the vertical concept.QB sets and peeks at the draw side SE running the FADEonce the RB cross his face and leads into the hole he followsand cuts off the RB’s rear end to daylight.RB pass protect sets then aims off the center’s heels and leadblocks attacking near side LB and walling him off.Center: SSM to weak side then release and wall offweakside LB.Guards: LEM DT and wall offTackles: KKM and wall off the DE.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue Lead DrawVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT on both sides run the vertical concept.QB sets and peeks at the draw side SE running the FADEonce the RB cross his face and leads into the hole he followsand cuts off the RB’s rear end to daylight.RB pass protect sets then aims off the near guard’s heels andlead blocks attacking the MIB and walling him off.Center: LEM and wall off NTGuards: SSM to DT and wall him off.Tackles: KKM and wall the DE off.

Red <strong>Eagle</strong> Red DrawQB sets and peeks to the draw side SErunning fade. QB will fake pass by placingball on ear as if to throw and shoulder fakeand then hand off the ball to the RB as hecrosses your face. RB will turn outside as ifto pass pro and then pivot towards thecenter’s near hip and open up for the hand.As you cross the QB’s face secure the handand attack vertically off the center’s nearhip.OLINE:Tackles: CV: LEM & WALL OFF/ UNCV: KKM & WALLOFFGuards: CV: LEM & WALL OFF/ UNCV: SSM insiderelease and wall off first back outsideCenter: CV: LEM & WALL OFF/UNCV: SSM away fromRB and release and wall off first backer backside.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue DrawVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RSE and SLOT on both sides run the vertical concept.QB sets and peeks at the draw side SE running the FADEonce the RB pass protect sets the RB will mesh with the RBmake hand off and then continue to sell FADE pass to nearside SE.RB pass protect sets then mesh and secure handoff and aimsfor the center’s heels and gets vertical.Center: SSM to weak side then release and wall offweakside LB.Guards: LEM DT and wall offTackles: KKM and wall off the DE.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue DrawVs/ 53L1L2RSE and SLOT on both sides run the vertical concept.QB sets and peeks at the draw side SE running the FADEonce the RB pass protect sets the RB will mesh with the RBmake hand off and then continue to sell FADE pass to nearside SE.RB pass protect sets then mesh and secure handoff and aimfor the guard’s heels and gets vertical.Center: LEM and wall off NTGuards: SSM to DT and wall him off.Tackles: KKM and wall the DE off.

YDW/<strong>Eagle</strong> Pass ProtectionConcept• Because we basically run a multiple formation offense, even without the EAGLE concept, our pass protection must beversatile, simple, and sound in both expanded and compressed looks.• We always throw to an uncovered receiver. We will always force a defense to cover down on any expanded receiver(FLANKER, SPLIT, LOOSE, TRIPS, BUNCH, and EAGLE).• In compress looks we attempt to max protect with no more than three receivers releasing leaving as little as seven men infor protection. In expanded formations we use five and six man protection and attempt to force the defense to cover downon our four receivers.• The QB will always be responsible for the extra edge rusher on his passing side. We want him to see the rusher coming asthis allows for our UNCOVERED and HOT CONCEPTS to work in concert with our pass protection schemes.• We use area blocking schemes with zero splits. We compress the splits and squeeze the interior defenders down inside sowe can better manage them and put the edge rushers closer in so we can allow our OT’s and RB to better wall them outside.This creates a reliable pocket for our QB to set up in and it also opens up the perimeter when we decide to dash, sprint, rollout, or bootleg. We have two basic pass protection schemes (wall and dash) and four advanced base schemes (joker, deuce,slide, and sprint) , and four adjustment pass protection schemes we can use when defensive personal match ups dictatetheir use (half, cut, turn, roll).• We can get double teams with uncovered linemen and the prudent use of our RB. As a base our RB will always block thedefensive EMLOS on the far side but we can tag him to pick up defenders inside and help out our OT and OG at times as well.• Our rules are set up to work with expanded concepts and compressed concepts with very little adjustment. The addition ofa BSTE, PSTE, and extra RB inside allow us to add up to three more pass protectors if we need to do so.• Wall and Dash are the most basic pass protection schemes we teach and often to younger players (below age 10) and to lessexperienced lines. This allows us to get a working pass protection on the field quickly while we work on more advancedpass protection schemes.• Because we use area schemes that are based on our wedge and angle blocking concepts as well as our LEG blockingprogression it allows us to use our three step progression into all phases of our pass protection seamlessly.

Uncovered Passing to Loose Pairs• Whenever the coaching staff sees a receiver not covered or sees a 2 on 1 situations on either loosepair we will audible to a uncovered pass to get the ball immediately to a receiver on that side. 2 on1 meaning 2 receivers to 1 defender within 6 yards of the loose pair.• BROKEN/BLENDER means throw to slot receiver right now. (BR = right, BL = left) (can be any codeword you choose)• ROOK/LOOK means throw to split end right now. (R = right, L = left). (can be any code word youchoose for your team)• Receiver not called releases and gets position on defender to screen him off from called receiver(MDM). The receiver must catch the ball and get vertical and outside immediately. Get as manyyards as possible.• Can be used with any running play or passing play. The purpose is to get the ball to an uncoveredreceiver and force the defense to respect every eligible player on the field forcing them to expand.• This concept enhances our pass protection concepts and is a root principle of it because it greatlysimplifies our pass protection schemes and it often simplifies the identification of rushers anddroppers so we can make the right pass protection calls and it allows our linemen to fell confidentabout their jobs because our schemes allow them to work as a unit of players and not place anyplayer on an island due to splits or scheme.• It also greatly reduces what the defense can do against you from a presser stand point. Defensesare reduced to not blitzing with defensive backs and if they do we can easily identify them andattack them immediately with uncovered passing concepts.

Called on any play (runningor passing) when we see a 1on 2 situation.ROOKIE/LOOK

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Trap Follow (LOOK!!!)Vs/ 44 SplitL1L2ROC sees an uncovered look and yells LOOK – LOOKto indicate to throw to the SE on the left side.SE faces QB by dropping inside foot back and facingpasser. Can be used with any play called. The playonly affects the SE/SLOT on the call side and thepasser.

Called on any play (runningor passing) when we see a 1on 2 situation.BROKEN/BLENDER

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Blue Speed (BLENDER!!!)Vs/ 53L1L2ROC sees an uncovered look and yells BLENDER-BLENDER to indicate to throw to the SLOT on the leftside.SLOT faces QB by dropping inside foot back and facingpasser. Can be used with any play called. The play onlyaffects the SE/SLOT on the call side and the passer.

Uncovered Passing to RBCoaching staff sees that four defenders are on four receivers and interior sixdefenders are geared to bring pressure; specially the near side backer isshowing blitz.Call MAX and the RB will cross over and take three steps to get wide and thenturn up field and get vertical. Look for ball as soon as you start moving.Get vertical and find daylight and get as many yards as possible.Receivers on that side will run inside routes or stalk block the defender overthem down field.Great to call with Short pass call on that side. Often when I teach this I justteach the receivers on that side to run SHORT so that man coveragedefenders will be out of position and will rub off any inside coverage aswell.


Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Trap Follow (MAX!!!)Vs/ 44 SplitL1L2ROC sees an uncovered look to the RB (near side LB blitzing) and yellsMAX-MAX to indicate to throw to the RB on the left side.RB runs a swing route and looks for ball in front of himself as he cutsvertically. Can be used with any play called. The play only affects theRB, SE/SLOT on the RB side and the passer. Example above uses aSHORT pass concept to displace the defenders to the inside.

Receiver Blocking in the RunningGame• Stance – inside foot up, elbows bent and handsup near ribcage/chest. Head up, eyes up, chestover the knees.• Key the defender’s eyes. If he is looking at youthen take a radical release outside and getvertical and make him run with you.• If the defender is peeking inside or sliding insideyou stalk block him. Position/pick block so thereceiver gets his belt buckle in front of defenderand mirror him. Where ever his eyes go thereceiver’s belt buckle goes.

Run Off/Stalk Blocking DefendersEyes on thereceiversEyes in thebackfield

QB Read Adjustments• HOT call built into concepts• MOFO call (middle of the field open)• Tags to change primary receiver in concept

HOT Concept• Every pass concept has a built in HOT READ concept.• This tells the QB that when the OC yells HOT that he sees a blitz comingfrom the slot defender (flat/hook will be void) and to get the ball to thevoid right now.• This alerts the QB and the WR’s that the ball will be coming out fast and tothe HOT receiver. The receiver must get off the line and look for the ballright now, secure the catch, and get vertical to daylight.• This allows us to alert the QB and specific receiver to get the ball out tothe open area and beat the blitz.• I always call HOT with a RED or BLUE call to make sure the QB and SLOTare both area they must be ready for the quick pass.• With a more mature team (QB and RECEIVERS) you can have the QB andSLOT communicate to each other for the HOT call. With less matureteams I run this from the sideline like all my audibles.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Deuce Blue Short Pass (BLUE HOT!!)Vs/ 44 SplitL1L2ROC sees a slot defender blitz coming on the short pass call side and yells BLUE HOT-BLUE HOT! On the snap of the ball the QB sets and throws ball now to the SLANT of theSLOT receiver attacking the voided area of the field by the slot defender.Not that our base backside route is STOP so if we saw the blitz coming from that side wecould call RED HOT as well. We could also call for an uncovered pass on the BLUEside to the SE or SLOT.

MOFO Concept• MOFO = Middle Of the Field Open• Called when we see cover 0 or cover 0 blitz or cover 2 and wehave a receiver that is running to the middle of the field.• Call tells the receiver his peek deep is the MOFO receiver.• Throw to inside shoulder open.• Throwing to an actual open middle field has a higherpercentage of completion than throwing to the deep outsideas the distance is shorter thus increase the likelihood ofsuccess. The risk is being baited to throw into a robbercoverage. Which is why we only do this via a sideline call atthe youth level.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> SLIDE Red Shallow Pass (MOFO!!!)Vs/ 44 SplitL1L2ROC sees FS come down and hang on the right side. Calls MOFO-MOFO! and alerts the seam slot receiverand QB that when the QB peeks he will peek to the MOFO and if open throw it. Otherwise he will follow his1-2 cross read.Note that our RB will always check inside out his side and then check inside out away side. In this case hesees the near LB drop and the far LB drop and sees the FS coming on the far side. He pass pro sets andthen slides over to the outside hip of the far OT and walls off the FS.

Pass Protection

Pass ProtectionIn order to have an effective passing game you have to have a good passer, goodreceivers, and good pass protection. When it comes to pass protection I am notconcerned with my line faking run or pulling. I am concerned with the play beingsuccessful and a major portion of that is protecting the passer. I let my eligible playersfake and misdirect and my line protects. I never pull linemen when passing as I wantmy LOS gaps closed so that I get very little interior penetration to increase the successratio of my passing game and reduce the defense’s ability to rush my passer.Pass protection is broken into three levels of protection. Basic pass protection which isbuilt off our wedge run blocking scheme and we use it for drop back and roll out typeplays and used against basic defenses that are young and inexperienced with a youngexperienced team (not mature, not experienced, not technically sound). These arecalled WALL and DASH. I also have a more advanced set of protection schemes formature, experienced, and technically sound teams and more advanced defenses thatare well coached. These are JOKER, DEUCE, SLIDE, and SPRINT. I also haveadjustment protection schemes that allow me to adapt when needed. HALF, CUT,TURN, and ROLL.I always determine my needs based on biological maturity, mental/emotional maturity,position/game experience, and technical mastery.

Wall SchemesPass Protection SchemesBasic Pass ProWall – is simply a wedge scheme with the center firing out to create verticalmovement so the rest of the line can mesh. This basic concept eliminatesinside penetration and the backs are responsible for sealing/walling out theedge defenders.Dash – is wall protection with the backs walling in the edge defenders on theplay side so the passer can get outside.These are very simple schemes used against simple defenses with littleexperience in passing rushing.

Pass Protection SchemesAdvanced Pass ProCovered/Uncovered conceptsJoker – this is a minimum pass protection scheme that relies on our QB getting the ball out in rhythmand on time quickly to the open receiver. In our EAGLE formation (spread concepts/2x2) it is a fiveman concept. In our compressed formations it is a six man concept using either the BSTE or FSTEas the extra blocker. QB is always responsible for the extra rusher on the side he is passing to.Deuce – this is basically the JOKER scheme with the RB as the sixth man. The RB is responsiblefor the near side defensive EMLOS. Often used when facing a tough defensive end or anbandit/hanger (ILB blitz or OLB/DB blitz).Slide – this is a play action scheme using covered/uncovered slide away from the RB’s blockingside. The RB will cross the QB’s face and wall off the first defender past the far OT’s outside hip.The line will block LEM if covered, SSM if uncovered to the away side of the RB after he crosses theQB’s face. The far OT should SSM with depth to maintain position on the first defender to show.Sprint – this is our rollout/bootleg protection. The RB will wall inside the first defender to show pastthe near OT. The Near OT and OG will LEM & TURN. The center will LEM & TURN if covered andHHM & TURN if uncovered. The Far OG and OT will HHM & TURN.

Pass Protection SchemesAdjustment scheme• Half– this is six man (5+1) pass protection based on SLIDE pass protection except the OT (OEMLOS) willSSM or KKM and take the DEMLOS while the RB takes the LB. Based on BOB principles (BIG ON BIG/BACKON BACK). The remaining line slides away from the RB using covered (LEM)/uncovered (SSM) concepts.• Cut -• Slide – this is a play action scheme using covered/uncovered slide away from the RB’s blocking side. TheRB will cross the QB’s face and wall off the first defender past the far OT’s outside hip. The line will blockLEM if covered, SSM if uncovered to the away side of the RB after he crosses the QB’s face. The far OTshould SSM with depth to maintain position on the first defender to show.• Sprint – this is our rollout/bootleg protection. The RB will wall inside the first defender to show past thenear OT. The Near OT and OG will LEM & TURN. The center will LEM & TURN if covered and HHM & TURNif uncovered. The Far OG and OT will HHM & TURN.

Pass Protection Terms• Joker: no running back protection. 1 back – 5 man drop back protection, 3 back –6 man protection.• Deuce: two back protection. 1 back – 6 man protection, 3 back – 8 manprotection.• Slide: play action drop back protection. 1 back – 6 man PAP protection, 3 back – 7+ man protection• Sprint: play action roll/boot protection. 1 back – 6 man protection, 3 back – 7 +man protection. RB walls of DEMLOS to the inside• Half: drop back protection with half slide concept. 1 back – 6 man protection, 3back – 8 man protection.• Cut: modified half protection with line cut blocking• Turn: 45 degree drop back protection. 1 back – 6 man, 3 back – 8 man protection.Line uses slide-slide-turn concept and walls off far defender away from passer.• Roll: uses turn concept with RB walling off DEMLOS to the inside.

Pass Protection Terms Cont’d• Hanger: a DB or OLB that is blitzing from outside of the DEMLOS (defensive end man on theline of scrimmage)• Bandit: LB or Safety that is blitzing into to the OT or OG gap. Typically OT in a even front andOG in an odd front.• Mike: LB or Safety that is blitzing into the center gap. Seen mostly on even fronts.• Trouble: Call from a covered linemen telling his near uncovered linemen he needs help on atough defender. They respond with a GOT IT call if they can provide help after checking forpressure (HANGER/BANDIT/MIKE).• Skip: A call from the backside guard when he hears a RISKY/LUCKY call on the opposite sideto tell the guard that he can assist by covering that guard’s gap (skip to his gap). Drop-Drop-Wall Off• Echo: call to RB to from OEMLOS (offensive end man on LOS) that he will wall off the outsideman (DEMLOS)• Bully: call to RB from OEMLOS to tell him to take the first back to show on his side.• <strong>Double</strong>: call from OEMOS to tell next blocker inside that he will double team that man (SSM)and it also tells the RB to ECHO in one call. Used when facing a defender that needs a doubleteam on the edge.

Pass Protection Terms• Risky/Lucky: call from an uncovered center (even front) or a call from an uncovered guard(odd front). This call alerts the OT on that side that the caller will take the next defender onhis outside hip. He will check for pressure (BANDIT) and if nothing comes he will DROP-DROP-WALL OFF.• Bump: call from outside covered linemen to inside uncovered linemen for help. Theuncovered linemen will check for pressure (MIKE, BANDT, HANGER) and both linemen willthen KKM so that the uncovered blocker will take the covered blocker’s man and the coveredblocker can take the next defender outside.• MINE: QB identifies and responds to sideline call for either the uncovered pass or the hotaudible (RED/BLUE). It is also a means for the QB to alert the line who (if any) defender he isgoing to take responsibility for on the call side edge.• MIRROR: a term used to linemen to maintain a position that puts his hips directly in front ofthe defender’s hips so that the defender’s feet can never get past the blocker. He gives alittle ground if needed when mirroring so that he maintains that position as long as possible.• WALL OFF: a term used to linemen to tell them to gain inside leverage and immediately facethe defender so that he is denied access inside and then mirror him so that he cannot gaininside penetration or get around the blocker.

LEG – Pass Protection Terms• LEG Three Step Pass Protection Modifications:– LEM (LOAD EXPLODE MIRROR): blocker takes a shortened load and explode step as he explodes intothe defender. His remaining steps are mirror steps to keep his belt buckle/numbers in front of thedefender– SSM (SLIDE – SLIDE – MIRROR): blocker takes a slide step with near foot and then far foot to get hiships square with the defender and mirrors defender as above.– KKM (KICK – KICK – MIRROR): based on edge blocker using a kick slide technique. The blocker mustkeep his hips square to the LOS on his first two steps to ensure the defender doesn’t attempt totake an inside move. His first step is with his outside foot and he must get depth and a little width.His second step he can start to turn his hips towards the defender to mirror up on him. On his thirdstep he needs to get squared on the defender and maintain inside leverage as he mirrors him. Whenthe defender commits outside he can wall him off.– HHM (HINGE –HINGE – MIRROR): same as KKM but the first step is the outside foot gaining depthand stepping back inside. The second step also compresses inside as the blocker’s numbers pointtowards the backside. The hinge linemen should keep his inside hip near the next blocker inside. Hisjob is to make sure there is no inside penetration.– DDM (DROP-DROP-MIRROR): used with the RISKY/LUCKY/SKIP calls to move the blocker from his gaparound another blocker to cover an open gap or edge.– DDW (DROP-DROP-WALL OFF): used with RISKY/LUCKY/SKIP calls to move a blocker from his gaparound another blocker to wall off an edge.

Joker Pass Protection5 man pass protection (5+0) – drop backCenter if uncovered and no backeris over he will 1) double (SSM) witha OG that needs help. 2) Work toOT that needs help inside (KKM).This can be predetermined or calledvia code word from oline.We can call pass routes to either side. Alignment ofRB does not matter but when we call a RB tag theRB becomes the primary route. QB will look at thecalled route to hold/move the defense away and thenreset and throw the ball to lead the RB into verticalspace.Center: Cov – LEM, Uncov – SSM to play side/backside/help play sidetackle on IS hipThis pass pro allows us to get ourRB into a route via our THREERECEIVER looks to exploit adefense that is not covering our RBor the space he attacks.It also allows us to use trips/bunchon onside and loose on the other(empty sets).OG: Cov- LEM, Uncov – KKMOT: Cov – LEM, Uncov – KKM

Joker Pass ProtectionLucky calladjustment calls verse 42 frontTrouble callCenter: LUCKY call checks for pressure none comeshe drops to left side and helps otherwise the OTmust take the ILB and let the DE go.Lucky call and OC calls MAX QB calls RISKY and MINELOG calls trouble indicating that he needs help onthis DT. Center checks for pressure over and thenSSM and doubles the DT with LOG.Bump call and Max audible QB calls MINELucky call for center to block left bandit. QB hearsMAX call to throw to uncovered RB and shouts RISKYto send center right and MINE to acknowledge theMAX call.Bump call from center tells LOG to KKM and pick upBANDIT while center picks KKM and picks up LDT.Sideline calls MAX seeing that ILB is BANDIT. QBshouts MINE to acknowledge.

Joker Pass ProtectionBase calladjustment calls verse 51 frontTrouble callBoth OG’s check for pressure from BANDIT (ILB) thenDDM to their side and wall out EMLOS(LUCKY/RISKY).LOG call BANDIT and ROG calls RISKY to take RDE.Center has a tough NT calls trouble indicating thathe needs help on this NT. The call side OG will callTROUBLE back indicating he will help. QB must hearthis as he is now responsible for the DEMLOS.Bump call from LOG and BANDIT for ROGQB hears LOG call BANDIT he now calls MINE tellingthe LOG he has the DEMLOS on the left side.Sideline can call MAX to help QB or QB can call MAXLOG calls BUMP telling LOT to KKM and takeDEMLOS while LOG KKM and takes LDT. ROG seesthe ILB is going to blitz and calls BANDIT checks forpressure and LEM.

Deuce Pass Protection6 man pass protection (5+1) – drop backCenter if uncovered and no backeris over he will 1) double (SSM) witha OG that needs help. 2) Work tobackside OT that needs help inside(KKM). This can be predeterminedor called via code word from oline.RB will double the near side edge rusher or in thecase of a overload/hanger will pick up the firstdefender to show on the outside hip of the neartackle.We can call pass routes to either side. Alignment ofRB does not matter.Center: Cov – LEM, Uncov – SSM to play side/backside/help play sidetackle on IS hipThis pass pro allows us to double thebest edge rusher or pick up a blitzinghanger. Often defense will blitz theirbest pressure backer and this allows usto double team him. The QB can movethe RB to the RED or BLUE side if heneeds the double team/pick up ofhanger on a specific side.OG: Cov- LEM, Uncov – KKMOT: Cov – LEM, Uncov – KKM

Deuce Pass ProtectionLucky calladjustment calls verse 42 frontTrouble and BULLY callCenter: LUCKY call checks for pressure none comeshe drops to left side and helps otherwise the OTmust take the ILB and let the DE go. RB doubles thewith the near OT on the DEMLOS.Echo call and Risky callLOG calls trouble indicating that he needs help onthis DT. Center checks for pressure over and thenSSM and doubles the DT with LOG. BULLY call fromnear OT tells the RB to wall off the near ILB while thenear OT takes the DEMLOS.<strong>Double</strong> call and Risky callEcho call from near OT tells RB to wall off theDEMLOS while near OT takes BANDIT. Risky call tellscenter to check for pressure then DDM to right sideand wall off on the right outside hip of the ROG.<strong>Double</strong> call from near OT tells the RB to take the firstdefender to show on the outside hip of the OT. LOTwill SSM and double team the DT over the LOG.Risky call for CENTER to check and DDM to right sideand wall off first defender on the outside hip of ROG

Deuce Pass ProtectionBase calladjustment calls verse 51 frontTrouble callBoth OG’s check for pressure from BANDIT (ILB) thenDDM to their side and wall out EMLOS. RB doubleswith the LOG on the DEMLOS.LOG sees BANDIT and calls ECHO to tell RBCenter has a tough NT calls trouble indicating thathe needs help on this NT. The call side OG will callTROUBLE back indicating he will help. QB must hearthis as he is now responsible for the DEMLOS.Bully call from LOG due to BANDITRB hears ECHO and walls off DEMLOS on the leftside.LOG calls BULLY to tell RB to take bandit and LOG willdrop (DDM) and take DEMLOS. ROT /ROG call BUMPto account for DT and DE.

Slide Pass Protectiontrap/tackle play action (6 man – 5+1)Far OT and OG, Center, andNear OG.Covered: LEMUncovered: SSMNear OTCovered: LEMUncovered: SSM but gain depthas you take your two slide steps.The near OT will always pick upinside (ON) pressure first so aON/HANGER means the QBmust view that side HOT.RB has the first defender to show onthe outside hip of the far OT.As the RB crosses the QB’s face flashfake the hand off to hold the LB’s inplace so the receivers have morespace to operate in and lessdefenders. If the primary concept is onthe RB side the QB should fake meshwith the RB to make the action lookmore convincing if on away side facecenter and let the RB cross your faceand then set to pass side.

Slide Pass ProtectionBase against a BANDITadjustment calls verse 42 frontLucky callCenter: checks for pressure and sees bandit comingand LEM. RB crosses QB face and flashes run actionand then sets up on outside hip of OT and walls offDEMLOS.Base against 2 BANDITSLOT sees a BANDIT and calls LUCKY to alert centerfor help. Center acknowledges LUCKY back that heis coming.2 Bandits and center calls BUMP to LOG.HANGER call from LOT tells QB that a defender isfree on the outside. QB will be responsible for thatman. ROT SSM and ends up double teaming the RDTwith the ROG.ROT sees BANDIT over and LEM to take pressure.Center calls BUMP seeing that the LOG has a banditand the LOT has to SSM to take the LDE. TheCENTER and LOG KKM to pick the LDT and bandit.

Slide Pass ProtectionLOG lucky call ROG calls SKIP to help LOG coverBANDITadjustment calls verse 51 frontTrouble call from center and ROG responds, BUMPcall from LOT and LOG.LOG sees LOT covered calls LUCKY and ROG is also uncoveredcalls SKIP to cover the BANDIT on either gap.ROT calls TROUBLE, LOT calls HANGERTough NT the center calls TROUBLE to get help. ROGcalls GOT IT and sees no pressure and SSM. LOT callsBUMP to tell LOG take the next defender out usingKKM.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls LUCKY and ROGcalls SKIPROT calls TROUBLE and ROG sees no pressure andresponds with GOT IT. LOT sees a HANGER and callsit. QB sees there is no blocker for him and callsMINE.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls LUCKY and ROGcalls SKIP to cover ILB who goes outside on the farside.

Sprint Pass Protection6 man protection – (5+1)Play side OT and OG:COVERED: LEM & TURNUNCOVERED: SSM to play side and attack playside arm pit (SSM & TURN)Center:COVERED: LEM & TURNUNCOVERD: HHM & TURNBackside OG and OT:HHM & TURN, basically hinging backside andcreating a wall so that the defenders must goaround the backside to get to the QB.RB cross over step and show speedoption initially the first defender toshow on the outside hip of the far OT.He is to attack the outside arm pit ofthat defender and wall him inside sothat the QB can get outside. Theshow of speed option is often enoughto slow the pass rush as the DE andDT are thinking run and option.QB pivots and faces the PSDEas if SPEED and then must get4 to 6 yards of depth quicklyand sprint and get outside of theOT. As soon as you breakoutside attack the LOS whileyou look for RUN first, PASSsecond. If you have verticalspace tuck the ball and get upfield.

Sprint Pass ProtectionROG calls TROUBLEadjustment calls verse 42 frontBase call against 6 man pressure (2 BANDITS)Center hears ROG call trouble sees no pressure(MIKE) and calls GOT IT (SSM).Bandit and MikeSprint protection holds up against 6 man doubleBANDIT pressure well. Very simple protection andeasy to teach.Bandit play sideBase call against double pressure with BANDIT andMIKE BLITZ.Base call

Sprint Pass ProtectionLOG sees BANDITadjustment calls verse 51 frontTOUGH call from Center and LOT.Bandit call by LOG he LEM and covers his gap. Center iscovered he LEM and ROG and ROT HHM.BANDIT play sideROG responds got it to Center and SSM afterchecking for BANDIT. LOG responds to LOT with GOTIT and SSM. ROT HHM and walls of first defenderinside.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls HANGERLOG checks for BANDIT pressure sees none can SSMand double LDT. ROG and ROT HHM and pick up firstinside defenders to show and wall them off (ILB andDT).RB picks up first defender to show outside. LOG callsLUCKY to DDM (not DDW).

Half Pass Protectiontrap/tackle play action 6 man (5+1)Far OT and OG, Center, andNear OG.Covered: LEMUncovered: SSM (OT gaindepth as you slide)Near OTCovered: LEMUncovered: SSM (gain depthas you slide)RB has the first defender to show onthe outside hip of the far OG. Near OThas first defender to showON/OUTSIDE of him.As you cross the QB’s face flash fakethe hand off to hold the LB’s in placeso the receivers have more space tooperate in and less defenders. If theprimary concept is on the RB side theQB should fake mesh with the RB tomake the action look more convincing.

Base against a bandit on backside of RB blockHalf Pass Protectionadjustment calls verse 42 frontBump callRB picks up BANDIT blitz as ROT SSM to outside picksup RDE. CENTER or LOG or LOT calls BUMP and allthree BUMP (DDW).Base against a BANDITMIKE and HANGERROG calls TROUBLE and CENTER responds with GOTIT and SSM to help after checking for pressure.Center goes LEM and picks up MIKE pressure. RBsets up for normal half and then walls off LB as hecomes outside . Very easy wall off.

Half Pass ProtectionBump call on both sidesadjustment calls verse 51 frontTrouble call from center and ROG responds, BUMPcall from LOT and LOG.LOT/LOG and ROT/ROG call BUMP. RB will flash and set upjust behind the center and mirror the BANDIT and wall himoff. I don’t prefer using this with half but have had to use ithas an adjustment in specific gamesROT calls TROUBLE, LOT calls HANGERTough NT the center calls TROUBLE to get help. ROGcalls GOT IT and sees no pressure and SSM. LOT callsBUMP to tell LOG take the next defender out usingKKM.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls LUCKY and ROGcalls SKIPROT calls TROUBLE and ROG sees no pressure andresponds with GOT IT. LOT sees a HANGER and callsit. QB sees there is no blocker for him and callsMINE.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls LUCKY and ROGcalls SKIP to cover ILB who goes outside on the farside. ROT calls TROUBLE and ROG HELPS.

Cut Pass Protectiontrap/tackle play action with HALF protection set upNear OT, FAR OG, CENTER:Slide Slide Cut (SSG) away.Gain depth if you need to.Keep numbers on defender.When you can step on his toescut him.Aim Point: Your backsideshoulder to their far thigh pad(i.e. blocking left, right shoulderto the far thigh pad of thedefender)•Get your head across theirbody and keep your head up.We can call pass routes to either side. Alignmentof RB does not matter.Alignment of the RB can be changed by simplycalling the opposite call BLUE/RED to tell him tomove to the other side. The QB should reinforce tothe line that the pass protection is flipped.Any OLINE that is sliding to a LB and there is nopressure coming should slide, set, and wait forpressure to come to him as he slowly gains depth.RB has the first defender to show onthe outside hip of the far OG.The FAR OG and OT have SSG ruletowards outside.As RB crosses the QB’s face flashfake the hand off to hold the LB’s inplace so the receivers have morespace to operate in and lessdefenders. If the primary concept is onthe RB side the QB should fake meshwith the RB to make the action lookmore convincing.

Slide Pass ProtectionBase against a BANDITadjustment calls verse 42 frontLucky callCenter: checks for pressure and sees bandit comingand LEM. RB crosses QB face and flashes run actionand then sets up on outside hip of OT and walls offDEMLOS.Base against 2 BANDITSLOT sees a BANDIT and calls LUCKY to alert centerfor help. Center acknowledges LUCKY back that heis coming.2 Bandits and center calls BUMP to LOG.HANGER call from LOT tells QB that a defender isfree on the outside. QB will be responsible for thatman. ROT SSM and ends up double teaming the RDTwith the ROG.ROT sees BANDIT over and LEM to take pressure.Center calls BUMP seeing that the LOG has a banditand the LOT has to SSM to take the LDE. TheCENTER and LOG KKM to pick the LDT and bandit.

Slide Pass ProtectionLOG lucky call ROG calls SKIP to help LOG coverBANDITadjustment calls verse 51 frontTrouble call from center and ROG responds, BUMPcall from LOT and LOG.LOG sees LOT covered calls LUCKY and ROG is also uncoveredcalls SKIP to cover the BANDIT on either gap.ROT calls TROUBLE, LOT calls HANGERTough NT the center calls TROUBLE to get help. ROGcalls GOT IT and sees no pressure and SSM. LOT callsBUMP to tell LOG take the next defender out usingKKM.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls LUCKY and ROGcalls SKIPROT calls TROUBLE and ROG sees no pressure andresponds with GOT IT. LOT sees a HANGER and callsit. QB sees there is no blocker for him and callsMINE.LOT calls HANGER and LOG calls LUCKY and ROGcalls SKIP to cover ILB who goes outside on the farside.

Determining the Arm Strength of your Passer• This offense we adjust the splits of our SE and SLOT based onthe QB’s arm strength.• We don’t change the drop depth of our passer for individualconcept/patterns/plays.• We don’t change the depth of an individual route for areceiver.• Good arm strength = longer throw• Longer throw = wider splits if needed to isolate a defender• Longer throw = vertical routes are an option when defendersare sitting on perimeter routes and running game• Reduction in splits = more vertical the route can be based onarm strength of passer

Determining the Arm Strength of your PasserCont’d• Passers in this offense throw a lot of perimeter and uncovered throws.These are relatively short throws. To increase the success of these throwswe need to know the arm strength of our passer so we know what oursplit limits are for his arm making these plays high percentage throws aswe stay in the frame work of our passer.• Getting the ball to the receiver on target with velocity increases ourpasser’s confidence and the offensive coordinators confidence in thepassing game.• It places stress on the defense to cover every possible eligible receiverknowing that we can hit any uncovered receiver reducing defendersagainst our running game.• It allows us to develop an inexperienced passer and over time allows us todevelop his arm strength and confidence while still making our passinggame effective.

Determining the Arm Strength of your PasserCont’d• We can calculate the length of a pass using Pythagorean’s Theorem (A²+B²=C²) or (receiversplit²+ (passer drop depth + receiver route depth)² = length of pass²• First thing we do is get a 12 yard split for our SE from our center spot and throw anuncovered pass to our SE as these are the shortest and most common throws we make.• We throw two passes and if they are on target we move the split out two yards and repeatthis process until we see a ball on a arc, loss of accuracy, wobbling ball.• We are looking for an accurate pass on line (very little arc). If at 10 yards the pass is made ontime, accurately, on a line we can then go to 12 yards and re test. We repeat this as long asthe throw meets the above criteria (14 yards, 16 yards, and finally 18 yards).• Once we determine max splits we then test the QB’s arm for vertical arm strength (a ball withan arc). We have the SE get 15 yard split from center (13.5 yards from OT to factor in anoutside release move). The SE will move fifteen yards vertically up the field turn around andface his number to the QB. The QB will throw two passes using a proper ARC release and weare looking for accuracy, good spin, good drop of the nose into the target. If the QB makesgood clean throws we move the SE up 5 yards and repeat. We repeat this process until wefind the max range of our QB’s arm vertically.• I use 10 yard splits (from OEMLOS) as a benchmark for youth football for receiver splits. Thatis ten yards from the center spot. I have found that is a very good split for a QB with averagearm strength so we use that as our baseline split. For older teams (12 and above) we go to12 yard splits.

Determining the Arm Strength of your PasserCont’dRapid Fire Drill (basic arm strength):1) QB aligns at his normal drop depth 4 to 6 yards – typically 4 yards).2) Receiver aligns at proper split and route depth.• Uncovered depth (0 depth)3) Passer executes two passes as coach watches throws for accuracy (with inframework of receiver, on a line (no arc to get their), clean throw(mechanically and technically sound – not forced or pushed).• Widen split by two yards and repeat. Repeat this sequence until yousee the throws are not in a line, lack accuracy, and /or not technicallysound. Once you do this you will have the max distance that thepasser can throw on a line accurately. Typically for ages 10 to 12 thatis around 18 yards and 12 and above that distance increases to 12 to18 yards. This is why I like to use 10 to 12 yard splits based on routesbeing used. If you figure in the loose formation that the OT is about 1.5yards from the QB the split of 8 yards will be 9.5 yards and up to 13.5yards for a 12 yard split.

Determining the Arm Strength of your PasserCont’dRapid Fire Drill (vertical arm strength):1) QB aligns at his normal drop depth 4 to 6 yards –(typically 4 yards).2) Receiver aligns at proper split (baseline 12 yards) and route depth.• 15 yards depth• 12 yard split from center (10.5 yard split from OT)3) Passer executes two passes as coach watches throws for accuracy (with inframework of receiver, good arc (ball nose drops cleanly at the top of the arctowards the target), clean throw (mechanically and technically sound – notforced or pushed and no wobble).• Increase depth by 5 yards each set. Repeat this sequence until yousee the throws are not clean, lack accuracy, and /or not technicallysound. Once you do this you will have the max vertical distance thatthe passer can throw. Typically for ages 10 to 12 that is around 25yards and 12 and above that distance increases to 35 yards.

Determining the Arm Strength of your Passerfor the Uncovered Pass (basic)Split End split: 12 yardsDrop depth of passer4 yardsLength of Pass: 10.77 yardsL1L2R12 yards receiver split /10.5 yards from OT = 12.65 yards14 yards receiver split / 12.5 yards from OT = 14.56 yards16 yards receiver split / 14.5 yards from OT = 16.49 yards18 yards receiver split / 16.5 yards from OT = 18.44 yards20 yards receiver splits/18.5 yards from OT = 20.4 yards22 yards receiver splits/ 20.5 yards from OT = 22.36 yardsTake into account that the OT is 1.5yards from passer. In the Loose theSE will be split from the OT.

Determining the Vertical Arm Strength of your PasserLength of Pass:L1L2RDrop depth of passer and route depth ofreceiver . 4 yards depth for QB and 12yard split from center for receiver10 split from QB (slot) + Receiver end of route width on break of outroute. The below example shows how important it is for the QB torelease the ball on time once he makes the LOW/HIGH read to theSLOT. I15 yards depth of route = 22.47 yards20 yards depth of route = 26.83 yards25 yards depth of route = 31.39 yards30 yards depth of route = 36.1 yards35 yards depth of route = 40.8 yards40 yards depth of route = 45.61 yards45 yards depth of route = 50 .45 yards

Passing Game Set up• Basic Passing Play: RED EAGLE RED DUMP PASS DEUCE. Pass alerts theentire team it is a passing play and reminds the line to protect the passerat all costs and alerts the RB to listen to the line call. Deuce is the passprotection• The addition of ALL instead of RED/BLUE tells both pair of receivers toexecute the pattern called. Normally we have a STOP pattern called onthe backside. See notes on STOP/ALL STOP.• ALL FLY is our basic four vertical concept. The use of ALL FLY MAX gives usfour verticals and quick release outlet with JOKER pass protection. ALL FLYCHECK gives us a check release outlet that allows us to have a DUECE orSLIDE pass protection initially. ALL SWITCH can be used as well to tie upman cover receivers on the release point. See notes on ALL FLY and ALLSWITCH for further detail.

Perimeter Pass <strong>Package</strong>s

Notes on All Stop• All Stop is a our base perimeter pass route.• It is very simple inside-outside read.• QB/OC find the most vulnerable side (softest coverage).• Reads inside (slot defender) to outside (corner). Get the ball to the nearest open receiver as quickly andaccurately as possible.• If the defender jumps between the receiver and the QB the receiver must convert to a GO and get verticalquickly and look over his inside shoulder. QB must reset and throw the ball over the top to the insideshoulder of the receiver. This is short throw over the top.• Press corners are a key to not running all-stop but if both sides are covered by hard/press corners pick theside with the receiver that you know will beat the defender outside and up the field. Throw to hisOUTSIDE SHOULDER so he can go get the ball and block out the defender. Run the short fade right nowdon’t stop simply get an outside release and get up field right now. Ball will come right over the outsideshoulder.• This is the backside route (STOP) for all of our perimeter passes. So when we call EAGLE BLUE DUMPDUECE the backside route is Stop and it allows the QB/OC the option to go to a simple throw when he seesreally soft coverage on that side or sees that his primary route is not going to work. Works great in theopen field and in the red zone which is why we use this as our base backside route.• If the OC notices that the front side route will not work (low percentage) he can call BINGO to indicate tothrow to the backside STOP route. This alerts the QB and the backside receivers they are now primary.

Red/Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> All Stop (Deuce)Inside-Out readLook to throw tonearest receiverfirst as they willvacate to applypressure first andis the easiest toget to the ball to.HOTHOTSlot runs a 45 degree 4 step stop.SE runs a outside release 4 stepstop.If your defender gets in front ofyou (between you and the ballconvert to a STOP & GO!Against any sort of soft corneralways execute your stop.Against a press/hard corner run aoutside release fade on the snap!QB/OC will check both sides presnapand pick the side he thinkshe can get a pass off to theSE/SLOT. If a defender getsinside leverage on his target hepump fakes and converts to aSTOP & GO throw.

RED <strong>Eagle</strong> RED Wasp Pass DeuceRed ZoneHOTbacksideHOTprimaryPress corner he will immediately take aradical outside release get vertical and lookfor a soft lob over the outside shoulder. Hemust get past the outside shoulder of thedefender and get separation vertically. TheQB will quick set and as soon as thereceiver’s shoulders clear the defender hewill put the ball over the outside shoulder.This is a quick, short , throw into an openvoid not a deep fade route.OC sees low percentage chanceagainst the RED side with WASPcall and calls BINGO to go to thebackside. QB will now drop andset reading the BLUE side. If hesees the slot defender blitzinghe will throw to the HOT rightnow.

Notes on All Fly/Switch• All Fly is our basic four vertical concept; we don’t use it that much as I prefer to run RED/BLUE FLY orSWITCH and pick on the weakest pair of coverage defenders but running four verticals allows you to peekto the backside side and pin the FS by getting him to roll the wrong way and come back and read the frontside.• It is very simple inside-outside read unless we see a MOFO and tag/audible with MOFO (COVER 0/2)switching the read to inside-outside• OC will pick on the vulnerable side by reading the FS. Our QB will PEEK to the backside SE initially as hesets and then he will immediately reset and read the play side SE and throw of f his OUTSIDE-INSIDE read.• As soon as the QB sees an open field he throws the receiver open to the outside shoulder. The SE mustgive the QB a 5 to 7 yard lane between himself and the boundary to throw into. If he squeezes thesideline the ball will go out of bounds.• If a MOFO tag or audible is called from the side line (RED EAGLE ALL FLY DEUCE MOFO) the QB will readthe middle of the field. He sees open field he throws to the inside shoulder of the SLOT in the samemanner as he does the SE. He wants the ball to land in the middle of the hash marks ahead of the slot sohe can run under it.• Against Cover 2 if we call MOFO the QB will PEEK to the backside and get the coverage to roll away andthrow to the play side slot as he slips away from the lean of the safety.• No built in hot route – must call MAX or uncovered to get the ball out fast.• QB makes a 3 step drop – peeks as he drops, sets, throws to the open field.• Switch is great against press coverage or bump and run especially if they don’t cowboy the cross often theoutside man comes free. Against cover 2 press with corners funneling inside switch works really well as itbaits the corner inside and he naturally rubs off the inside defender.

Red <strong>Eagle</strong> All Fly DeucePeekSlot runs a 45 degree 4 step stop.SE runs a outside release 4 stepstop.If your defender gets in front ofyou (between you and the ballconvert to a STOP & GO!Against any sort of soft corneralways execute your stop.Against a press/hard corner run aoutside release fade on the snap!QB/OC will check both sides presnapand pick the side he thinkshe can get a pass off to theSE/SLOT. If a defender getsinside leverage on his target hepump fakes and converts to aSTOP & GO throw.

PIPE READSWheel Pass ------- Dump Pass221 (HOT)1 (HOT)1 step out – 30degree inside3 steps aimedat heel s of SEcut inside at 45degrees.Inside Pipe Read1 – key slot defender if he vacates pipe throw it to the inside route now2 – defender sits in pipe throw to the outside route on the outsideshoulder now.

PIPE READSShort Pass ------- Wasp Pass1 (HOT)21 (HOT) 21 step out – 30degree inside3 steps and 45degrees.1 step out – 30degree inside4 steps andplant insidefoot andpresent buckleInside Pipe Read1 – key slot defender if he vacates pipe throw it to the inside route now2 – defender sits in pipe throw to the outside route now.

PIPE READSQuick Pass ------- Slam Pass1 (HOT)221 (HOT)3 steps and 45degrees.4 steps pivotinside.2 steps andslant to outsideat 45 degrees.1 step out – 30degree insideInside Pipe Read1 – key slot defender if he vacates pipe throw it to the inside route now2 – defender sits in pipe throw to the outside route on the outsideshoulder now.

PIPE READSFade Pass ------- Curl Pass221 (HOT)1 (HOT)3 steps – cutflat to sideline3 steps cut flatto sideline8 steps pivoton inside footand stop. Beltbuckle to QB.Outside Pipe Read1 – key SE defender if he vacates pipe throw it to the outside routenow2 – defender sits in pipe throw to the vertical outside route now.

PIPE READSSmash Pass ------- Allen Pass221 (HOT)1 (HOT)4 steps – cutand stop insideand face QB(present beltbuckle)6 steps –break at 45degrees tosideline.Outside Pipe Read5 steps andtake a 45degree cut togoal post. Assoon as youcut look forball.5 steps and cutinside. Lookfor ball as soonas you cut.Inside Pipe Read

Vertical READSFly Pass ------- Switch Pass1 (HOT) 2Outside – In readMOFO: throw to theHash.MOFC: throw to theFLYOutside – In readMOFO: throw to theHash.MOFC: throw to theFLY21 (HOT)Release at the near hipof the outside defenderand break throughoutside toe of the slotdefender to the goalpost.SE: release outsideand press hard on yourthird step release insidebreaking through theinside toe of yourdefender.SLOT: Release at thenear hip of the outsidedefender and breakthrough the heels of theSE as he cuts insideand get vertical as hegoes by you. Scraphips as you climb.

Crossing Pass <strong>Package</strong>s

RED Shallow PassMOFOPeek21HOTCross ProgressionPeek Deep – if wide open throw him open.1 – eyes on top of center’s hat if no defender in space when 1 crosses your face throw him open.2 – if defender in the space of 1 reset and throw to 2 right now!MOFO – pre-snap if you see MOFO that HASH route is your PEEK DEEP.LSE: aim for the toes of the linebackers and stay underneath them as you go play side. You should be 4 to 8 yardsdeep.LSLOT: outside release and take nine steps and break at 90 degrees and look for ball as you go play side. Do not go at100% speed…75 to 85% at max.RSE: outside release FADERSLOT: outside release SEAM

RED Deep PassMOFOPeek21HOTCross ProgressionPeek Deep – if wide open throw him open.1 – eyes on top of center’s hat if no defender in space when 1 crosses your face throw him open.2 – if defender in the space of 1 reset and throw to 2 right now!MOFO – pre-snap if you see MOFO that SEAM route is your PEEK DEEP.LSE – outside release and take nine steps and break at 90 degrees and look for ball as you go play side. Do not goat 100% speed…75 to 85% at max.LSLOT – aim for the heels of the ILB and gain depth as you go. You should be 12 to 15 yards deep on the play side.RSE – outside release fadeRSLOT – outside release seam.

RED Mesh PassPeek21 - LowHOTCross ProgressionPeek Deep – if wide open throw him open.1 – eyes on top of center’s hat if no defender in space when 1 crosses your face throw him open.2 – if defender in the space of 1 reset and throw to 2 right now!LSE: outside release and take nine steps and break at 90 degrees and look for ball as you go play side. Do not go at100% speed…75 to 85% at max.LSLOT: aim at the toes of the near ILB and rub the up field hip of the RSLOT crossing from the other side. You are theLOW man. Depth should be 3 to 6 yards.RSE: outside release FADERSLOT: aim at the toes of the near ILB and rub the slot coming from the other side so that when you cross each otheryou scrape hips. (you are the HIGH guy). Accelerate to the opposite flat.

BLUE Middle PassMOFOPeek Deep21HOTCross ProgressionPeek Deep – if wide open throw him open.1 – eyes on top of center’s hat if no defender in space when 1 crosses your face throw him open.2 – if defender in the space of 1 reset and throw to 2 right now!MOFO – pre-snap if you see MOFO that FLY route convert to a POST for your PEEK DEEP.LSE: outside release and take nine steps and break at 90 degrees and look for ball as you go play side. Do not go at100% speed…75 to 85% at max.LSLOT: outside release arrow. Release below the heels of the SE and get six steps wide and face passer at 0 to 1 yarddepth.RSE: outside release FADE. If MOFO on step 5 break at 45 degrees inside and look for ball. On break accelerate andlook for ball.RSLOT: aim for toes of ILB and drag to opposite flat. Look for ball as soon as you cross the center’s face.

Notes on Crossing <strong>Package</strong>• Used to attack the middle of the field. Advanced concept.• Always have the QB peek to the deep route. If open throw it.• This also sets up the safety and moves him away from the primary crossingroutes. It is a built in LOOK OFF that trains our QB to not put his eyes onhis primary read first.• After peek look to 1 if not open look to 2. If not open throw it away or runthe ball.• Prefer using sprint protection and get the QB outside to the primary readto give the QB a running option with all of the crossing routes but we canuse drop back as well. The drop back works much better with thepeek/MOFO tags as well.• HOT route is always #1 read so if we see pressure coming from slotdefender on the #1 side we will call HOT to that side.

Three Receiver <strong>Package</strong>s

PEEK tag3 RXR ConceptsPower (also known as Sail)21 (HOT)SE: outside release and run a fade routeSLOT: outside release and break (at near fullspeed) at 90 degrees on your sixth step flat to thesideline.RB: cross over step and cross the face of theDEMLOS and into the flat. As soon as you crossthe DEMLOS face look for the ball. Depth is 0 to3 yards deep.QB READ:LOW to HIGHRB FLAT to SLOTOUTPEEK tag: When QBsets he should PEEKdeep if the SE is wideopen throw it.SE: outside release and run a fade routeSLOT: outside release and break (at nearfull speed) at 90 degrees on your sixth step flatto the sideline.INSIDE SLOT: cross over step working tocross under the heels of the slot receiver andinto the flat at 0 to 3 yards depth. As soon asyou cross the slot’s heels you look for the ball.

3 RXR ConceptsCrease321 (HOT)SE: outside release take six steps and breakoutside at 45 degrees taking 2 more steps andbreak outside to boundary down hill at 45 degreesand look for the ball. If it doesn’t come float backinside flat (zone find open spot/man accelerate toopen spot)SLOT: release through the slot defender’s insideshoulder and on the 4 step sit down and presentchest/numbers to QB. If slot defender is on youaccelerate inside to open void.RB: cross over step and accelerate to gain widthquickly. As soon as you cross the slot RX heelsbreak and go vertical up the field. Look for the ballas soon as you go vertical.QB Read:SLOT: SIT OPEN throw itnow.RB: CREASE OPENvertically throw him open.This is not a deep throw. Itshould be just ahead and overhis inside shoulder.SE: throw to the outsideshoulder has he breaks to thesideline.SE: outside release take six steps and breakoutside at 45 degrees taking 2 more steps andbreak outside to boundary down hill at 45 degreesand look for the ball. If it doesn’t come float backinside flat (zone find open spot/man accelerate toopen spot)SLOT: release through the slot defender’s insideshoulder and on the 4 step sit down and presentchest/numbers to QB. If slot defender is on youaccelerate inside to open void.Inside SLOT: cross over step and accelerate togain width quickly. As soon as you cross the slotRX heels break and go vertical up the field. Look forthe ball as soon as you go vertical.

3 RXR ConceptsSpace31 (HOT)2SE: outside release take six steps and break/pivotinside and present chest/numbers to QB.SLOT: release through the slot defender’s insideshoulder and on the 4 step sit down and presentchest/numbers to QB. If slot defender is on youaccelerate inside to open void.RB: cross over step and cross the face of theDEMLOS and into the flat. As soon as you crossthe DEMLOS face look for the ball. Depth is 0 to 3yards deep.

Peek tag3 RXR ConceptsStick21 (HOT)

3 RXR ConceptsSwing321 (Hot)

1 (Hot)23 RXR Concepts3(MOFO)Burn

Screen Schemes

Screen Schemes• Screen schemes = involve linemen in theblocking for the eligible player receiving theball.• Middle screen is simply called JAIL• Edge screen is called SCREEN• SCREEN and JAIL are the line calls and we adda direction tag (RED/BLUE)

BLUE EAGLE BLUE JAILRED EAGLE RED JAIL (opposite)L1L2RBased on Joker/Deuce pass protection.All linemen execute their three step blockingprogression based on COVER/UNCOVER thenoutside release up field vertically to LB level and walloff any defender outside –in.RB or SLOT can execute the JAIL SCREEN.For the RB it will simply be RED/BLUE JAIL forslot it will be RED SLOT or BLUE SLOT JAIL.RB will set as if to pass protect and then turninside and aim for spot that the center snappedthe ball turn and secure the pass and getvertical.Deuce look for RB JAIL and JOKER look for SLOTJAIL. The RB will run swing to the opposite sideto reduce inside coverage.QB will begin to slowly drift back peeking to theSE on the side of the JAIL call as he waits for theplay to set up. As soon as he sees his linevertically set he will get his eyes on the receiver.

BLUE EAGLE RED SLOT JAILRED EAGLE BLUE SLOT JAIL (opposite)L1L2RBased on Joker/Deuce pass protection.All linemen execute their three step blockingprogression based on COVER/UNCOVER thenoutside release up field vertically to LB level and walloff any defender outside –in.RB or SLOT can execute the JAIL SCREEN.For the RB it will simply be RED/BLUE JAIL forslot it will be RED SLOT or BLUE SLOT JAIL.Slot will take a radical inside release and flowunder the vertical release of the OLINE, securethe pass and get vertical.Deuce look for RB JAIL and JOKER look for SLOTJAIL. The RB will run swing to the opposite sideto reduce inside coverage.QB will begin to slowly drift back peeking to theSE on the side of the JAIL call as he waits for theplay to set up. As soon as he sees his linevertically set he will get his eyes on the receiver.

BLUE EAGLE RED SLOT SCREENRED EAGLE BLUE SLOT SCREEN (opposite)L1L2RBased on Joker/Deuce pass protection.All linemen execute their three step blocking progressionbased on COVER/UNCOVER then outside release up fieldto LB level and wall off any defender outside –in. PSOTand PSG release and wall off any outside defenders.Center, BSG, BST work inside and release vertically upfield.RB or SLOT can execute the SCREEN.For the RB it will simply be RED/BLUE SCREENfor slot it will be RED SLOT or BLUE SLOTSCREEN.Slot will take an inside radical release and getunder the releasing PST and PSG, secure thepass, and get vertical.Deuce look for RB SCREEN and JOKER look forSLOT SCREEN. The RB will run swing to theopposite side to reduce inside coverage.QB will begin to slowly drift back peeking to theSE on the side of the SCREEN call as he waits forthe play to set up. As soon as he sees his linevertically set he will get his eyes on the receiver.

RED EAGLE RED SCREENBLUE EAGLE BLUE SCREEN (opposite)L1L2RBased on Joker/Deuce pass protection.All linemen execute their three step blocking progressionbased on COVER/UNCOVER then outside release up fieldto LB level and wall off any defender outside –in. PSOTand PSG release and wall off any outside defenders.Center, BSG, BST work inside and release vertically upfield.RB or SLOT can execute the SCREEN.For the RB it will simply be RED/BLUE SCREENfor slot it will be RED SLOT or BLUE SLOTSCREEN.The RB will pass protect set and then releaseoutside replacing the near side DE’s startingspot, secure the pass and get vertical.Deuce look for RB SCREEN and JOKER look forSLOT SCREEN. The RB will run swing to theopposite side to reduce inside coverage.QB will begin to slowly drift back peeking to theSE on the side of the SCREEN call as he waits forthe play to set up. As soon as he sees his linevertically set he will get his eyes on the receiver.

QB/WR Mechanics and Drills

Basic Receiver Rules1) Inside foot is up if you are slot or split end. Feet are staggered with a shoulder width lengthbetween inside foot heel and outside foot toe.2) You are looking inside until ball is snapped so you can see QB. This is so he can confirm thatyou see and acknowledge any audible.3) Facemask is over the nose and arms are cocked and below chin.4) Slot must align his inside foot to the toe of the outside foot of the SE. In the case of bubble andwheel routes he can align up to 1 yard deep behind the outside foot of the SE. He aligns 2 to 3yards away from the SE.5) LOOSE SE aligns 8 to 15 yards depending on play. Any running play they align 12 to 15 yardsout to get maximum separation of the perimeter defenders . Any outside or vertical passingroute align the loose pair closer to the passer. Any inside passing route align the loose pairfarther out to give the inside route more space to operate in. See notes on determining passerthrowing distance and loose split.6) SE must always check with the LINE JUDGE

Basic Receiver RulesCorrectstance

Receiver Stance1) Inside foot up.2) SE must check with Ref on his side to confirm he is on the LOS. Slot’s inside footshould be at the depth of the heel of the outside foot of the SE or a little deeper (6”).3) Head up, slight bend in knees, hips bent.4) Hands up in front of chest or just outside of rib cage with elbows in near ribcage.5) Toes pointed up field and feet shoulder width apart not narrow or wide.Drill 1) Receiver Stance – All players align on LOS and get into a left and than rightstance. Coaches check stances each time and correct. Coach calls ball left or ballright or ball middle (coaching standing in middle of players to mark ball location). Allplayer should call for ref on their backside foot to confirm if they are on the LOS.

Basic Release Rules1) Normal vertical release if your route goes inside you must step with your outside foot aiming at the outside toe ofthe defender then climb inside hard after you flash your head and shoulder outside. If your route is outside theoutside foot aims for the defender’s inside toe of the defender then climb outside hard after you flash your headand shoulder inside.2) If the route uses a radical outside release your outside foot must drive to the sideline with the toe pointed up fieldas your inside arm sweeps outside to clear any chuck by a defender (defender is soft don’t worry about itaccelerate your arms). On your third step (outside foot) go vertical ASAP. Leave a 5 to 7 yards cushion to thesideline.3) If the route uses a radical inside release your outside foot will jab step inside as your outside arm sweeps inside(rip) to clear any chuck by defender. (defender is soft or not there don’t worry about it accelerate your arms). Afteryou jab step accelerate with your inside foot then your outside at a 30 degree angle on your fourth step at 30degrees immediately go vertical aiming at the near hip of the near safety.4) For non-vertical routes we use foot steps so it is imperative they get into a inside foot up stance.

Basic QB Rules1. Always check formation and make sure everyone is in the right spot/alignment.2. Bend hips and knees and get hands up to midline of chest ready to take ball.3. On all plays even if the QB does not get the ball on the snap he must fake as if hereceived the snap. This increases the deception of every play and reduces the defensesability to landmark the snap from the edges.4. On POWER PASS or any Play action pass you always fake WB SEAL your first two steps.Then you execute a half roll (5 to 6 yards under PSTE) or roll (5 to 6 yards get outside andattack the LOS).5. Uncovered and Soft Perimeter throws the QB takes a drop step, sets, and throw the ball.6. Perimeter/Vertical/Crossing routes he takes three quick steps back, set, and throws theball. He can drop at a angle towards read if that will give him more time from thebackside pressure. Get eyes on PIPE/READ as soon as you start dropping.

Receiver Release1) The release must always be explosive. The receiver on his first step must always appear to begoing vertical even if he is not. This forces the defender to begin his back peddle or risk losing hiscushion to quickly.Release Drill 1: Outside radical release – take a flat step aimed at the sideline with the outside footthen a second step on the inside foot then on the third step get vertical. 5 reps to each side. Workfor 5 yards and then come back and repeat.Release Drill 2: Vertical release - Normal vertical release if your route goes inside you must step withyour outside foot aiming at the outside toe of the defender then climb inside hard after you flashyour head and shoulder outside. If your route is outside the outside foot aims for the defender’sinside toe of the defender then climb outside hard after you flash your head and shoulder inside. 5inside release and 5 outside release each. Work up field for 10 yards.

Receiver Route Progression1) Step one every player breaks up into SE and SLOT pairs and run the routes on air working onstance, release, and route running. 5 reps to the left and right.2) Step two one QB to the left and one QB to right. QB’s will throw alternating the throw fromreceiver to receiver. After 10 throws rotate to the opposite side.3) INSIDE DEFENDER PIPE – SHORT/DUMP/ALLEN/WHEEL4) OUTSIDE DEFENDER PIPE – FADE-OUT/FADE-CURL5) SOFT PERIMETER – BUBBLE/SLIP6) POWER PASS7) CROSSING ROUTE (need to pick from SHALLOW/MESH/DEEP) Thinking Shallow due to theeasiest to teach and the highest percentage throw. (John let me know what you think)ROUTE PROGRESSION DRILL 1: see description aboveROUTE PROGRESSION DRILL 2: see description above

QB Passing Mechanics1) One Knee throws (ball carry-shoulder/hip/elbow/ball)2) Standing throws (as above – shoulder level – front toe – follow through)3) Drop (Ball to belly) – Set – Throw Drill4) Quick Step and throw5) 3 quick step and throw (reset and throw deep – pipe read)6) Rollout/bootleg throw7) All to the right and left 5 throws each.8) QB PASS PROGRESSION DRILL

Catching Mechanics1) Whenever a receiver catches a ball the hands must be spread; thumbs out, fingers spread, softlike a net (hands and fingers should naturally wrap around the ball as it makes contact). Relaxedhands catch balls, stiff hands will cause ball to bounce off (hard surface).1) If ball is above chest the thumbs are together and make a soft net (don’t tense/stiffen hands)2) If ball is below the chest the pinkies are together and make a soft net (don’t tense/stiffenhands)3) If the ball is over the shoulder the pinkies and forearms are together and make a soft net.4) One hand facing5) Secure ball and get vertical.2) RECEIVER CATCHING PROGRESSION – 5 reps each (one hand R & L)

Passing Game Theory• <strong>Eagle</strong> Passing Game is based primarily on the uncovered passing game,perimeter passing game, and the crossing game.• Uncovered passing game: whenever the defense presents a 1 on 2situation on either perimeter we will get the ball to one of the receiverswhile the other blocks the MDM. The receiver must catch the ball and getvertical to the end zone as quickly as possible.• Uncovered passing game is a simple way of building a timing relationshipbetween our QB’s and receivers as the pass and the body mechanics forthe receiver are very simple. It builds confidence in both our QB andreceivers while allowing them to enhance proper passing/catchingtechniques.• Uncovered passing we want to get the ball to the best receiver on thatperimeter so we have the ability to get the ball to either the SE or SLOT.

Passing Game Theory• Perimeter passing is based on getting two receivers against the perimeter andmaking a progression read or what I call a PIPE read.– It basically has the QB split the perimeter in half with the two coverage defenders taking up eachhalf.– Depending on the pattern called the QB will read the inside defender or the outside defender andthrow to the open receiver based on that read. The pipe read is the shortest throw with the highestpercentage of completion in the read.– PIPE read simply tells the QB that there is an imaginary vertical pipe that runs perpendicular to theLOS 5 yards above and 5 yards below. If the defender being read is in that pipe he throws to theroute outside of the pipe and if the defender vacates that pipe he throws to that route. In eithercase the QB makes the read and makes the throw with no second guessing.– Always key the defender and never watch your receivers. Throw the ball based on the read defender.

Passing Game Theory• Cross passing game is a progression read that utilizes a level concept and we are specifically attacking theshallow, vertical middle, and vertical outside to one side of the field. It allows us to use our receiversspeed horizontally (across the field) and get them into open space vacated by the defenders who arecovering the vertical routes on the play side.• The QB will always peek to the vertical outside route in the pattern to pull the safety to that side of thefield and to rotate the coverage away from are primary reads. It also gives us a PEEK DEEP that allows ourQB to see an open vertical receiver and throw to him if he is wide open. This happens when the defense isoverplaying the run and/or the uncovered/perimeter passing game.• Peek deep will always be on the opposite side of the 2 read (FOLLOW IN route to the vertical middle).• 1 Read is always the shallow read. Once the QB peeks deep he resets and looks over the top of thecenter’s head and waits for the 1 to cross his face. If he is open (space from center to perimeter is open infront of the receiver) he throws him open now.• 2 Read if you see the defense on top of the space in front of 1 that means they have rotated to the shallowand 2 will be in the space they have rotated out of and he will look “behind” the center and above theshallow and find the open space and throw the ball to the 2 right now.• In the case of backside routes and perimeter routes that are not a part of the read progression you can tagthe PASS play with the route name to tell the QB and RECEIVER they will be the 1 read after the PEEK DEEP.

Passing Areas & ReadsVertical Out Vertical Middle Vertical OutOutside – InsideLow – HighPEEKMOFO TAGCross progressionOutside – InsideLow – HighPEEKPerimeterPipe ReadLow – HighInside - OutShallowCross ProgressionPerimeterPipe ReadLow – HighInside - OutWe consider six areas on the field that we can attack with ourpassing game. Our primary points of attack are the perimeters andthe vertical outs as they have a higher percentage of success.

Passing Success PercentagesVertical Out Vertical Middle Vertical OutModerate successVery LowChance ofsuccess ifMOFCModerateChance ofsuccess ifMOFO (betterchance thanVertical Out)Moderate successPerimeterHigh chance ofsuccessShallowModerate successPerimeterHigh chance ofsuccessHigh(Green): 75% or better passing completion percentage and very low probability ofan interception if proper read and technique is used.Moderate(Yellow): 50% or better passing completion percentage and a moderatechance of an interception.Very Low/Red: 30% or less passing completion percentage and a high percentagechance of an interception.Obviously one of the main reasons we target the perimeter for the majority of ourpassing play is the high rate of success and the low rate of a turnover compared to theother locations on the field.

Loose Pair & Splits• Any running play the loose SE should split 15 to 12 yards tofully isolate both defenders away from the running lane. Thisdoes two things for the offense: first it forces the slotdefender to define his role to the passer (slot coverage or runsupport) and second it helps to refine the uncoveredrelationship of the loose pair to the passer and OC.• Any inside breaking pattern (primary read is inside) should besplit 16 to 12 yards and should be based on PASSER ARMSTRENGTH + QUICKNESS OF RECEIVER BREAKING INSIDE.• Any outside breaking pattern or vertical pattern should beadjusted to 12 to 8 yards to shorten the distance the ball isthrown to the outside breaking receiver (which increaseschance of completion).

Reads in the <strong>Eagle</strong> Passing Game• Uncovered: pre-snap read by OC/QB.– Initially with new/younger teams the OC will call itfrom the sideline. As your offense gainsexperience and maturity the QB can call it.– 2 on 1 (loose) or 3 on 2 (trips/bunch)– No matter the play called it is a QB throw it nowto the called uncovered receiver and get the ballvertical. This forces defenses to cover and respectour loose pairs.

Fine Points of the Pipe Read & INSIDE- OUT Read• Pipe Read: perimeter read utilizing a two to the sideline and using a pipe progression read.• Split the flat in half. One route (primary route) will attack either the inside or outside of the flat. If a defender vacates thatarea the QB throws to that receiver right now! If the defender sits in that space we throw to the second receiver right now.Each pattern is designed so that if the space is filled the second receiver will be open if thrown on time.• The key defender on inside pipe routes is the slot defender. He can only align in one of three locations and this will help toquickly determine his job and whether it is coverage or run/pass rush.321• 1) is a hanger and is on the LOS and tight to three yards away from the OT. He is a more than likely supporting run andrushing the passer. If he is coverage it is more than likely as a flat zone defender or a quick pass support defender. (LOOSEPAIR IS UNCOVERED) A pressure 1 is a good ALL STOP INSIDE – OUT READ• 2) is off the LOS and three to four yards away from the OT. He is more than likely a zone defender or a showing passcoverage but is actually going to support run/pass rush (LOOSE PAIR IS UNCOVERED if splits are wide (12 to 16)) (OUTSIDEPIPE READS are a must against a 2). Never throw an ALL STOP INSIDE – OUTSIDE against a 2 unless you know he is soft orplaying run/rush.• 3) is in pass coverage. Key him if he vacates throw it to the inside route now! If he sits in the pipe throw it to two now! Asoft 3 is a great ALL STOP INSIDE – OUT read.• 1 and 2 are easy pass keys and if a defense decides to sit in this it would be prudent to hit them with uncovered passing orperimeter passing until they get out of it.

Razor SeriesRB motion to tripsUsed this originally in 2004 and again in 2005 and2006 and again in 2007 and 2008 with greatsuccess. The Razor screen pass is a nice way toforce coverage down on your RB and the RazorDraw is a really nice compliment when he does ifyou have a mobile QB that runs the draw well.

Red <strong>Eagle</strong> Red RazorSlot runs a 45 degree 4 stepstop.SE runs a outside release 4step stop.If your defender gets infront of you (between youand the ball convert to aSTOP & GO!If QB sees defense overshift or a very soft coverageon ALL STOP backsidetheQB can throw tobackside with normal ALLSTOP read.

Red <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Razor FlyOUTSIDE – INSIDEREADMOFO – take theshot in the middleQB can throw to ALL STOP if he feelspressure, soft coverage on ALL STOP, ordefense overloads to RAZOR side.Pump fake to RB reset feet and throwball to open SE running fly. If you seeMOFO pre-snap go to slot.

Red <strong>Eagle</strong> Red Razor DrawIf ILB to RB side motionsout with RB RAZOR call weautomatically go DRAW. QBcan call DAGGER orDANGER to remind line.QB must pump fake to getFS to flow then plant andexplode into hole .

Tornado SeriesSlot motionJet action series first used in 2005 and 2006. Used itagain in 2008 during our play off run with some nicesuccess. The jet sweep is the base of this series and theuse of the QB TRAP and the TRAP FOLLOW give thisseries a nice backside attack away from the flow. Thepass action allows us to attack DB’s that start to sit and/orflow to the jet action with a vertical attack.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Tornado Red Trap Blue Slot SweepVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RPSSE and PS SLOT will stalk block theirdefender and wall him to the inside.RB will release aggressively a the outsidehip of the near DEMLOS and log in himinside. Keep your arms and elbows insidehis frame work and rotate your hips and buttoutside.BSSLOT will go into motion on SET so that he crosses the face ofthe QB at nearly full speed 90%) mesh and secure hand off take adip step to gain a little depth and aim for the next set of numbersup field and get vertical. The QB will snap the ball when the slot isjust outside of the PSOT. As the slot crosses your face make thehand off. Once he does pivot back BS and attack the BSG’s heelsand get vertical. BSSE will face QB like uncovered pass.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Tornado Red QB TrapVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RBSSE and BS SLOT will fake a stalk blockon their defender and run SE FADE andSLOT SEAM.RB will release aggressively a the inside hipof the near DEMLOS and wall him outside.PSSLOT will go into motion on SET so that he crosses theface of the QB at nearly full speed 90%). The QB will snapthe ball when the slot is just outside of the PSOT. Let theslot cross your face as you keep the ball in your belly.Reset and face to right side se running fade after he sellsfaking uncovered. RSE will face passer and let the CB driftaway and then run outside release fade.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Tornado Pass (Half or Deuce Protection)Vs/ 44 Split2 MOFO13L1L2RBSSE and BS SLOT will fake a stalk blockon their defender (stalk/stalk/ go) and runSE FADE and SLOT SEAM.RB (half protection) will fire off and getunder the near guards heels and wall outthe first defender to show on the outside hipof the near guard (LB).PSSLOT will go into motion on SET so that he crosses the face of the QB atnearly full speed 90%). The QB will snap the ball when the slot is just outsideof the PSOT. Let the slot cross your face as you keep the ball in your belly.Slot will fake jet sweep until he gets to the next set of numbers and will turnand face QB. Reset and face to right side se running fade after he sellsfaking uncovered (primary 1) RSE will face passer and let the CB drift awayand then run outside release fade. LSE (fade) is 2, RSLOT is 3.

Blue <strong>Eagle</strong> Tornado Red Trap FollowVs/ 44 SplitL1L2RBSSE and BS SLOT will fake a stalk blockon their defender .RB will let the slot cross his face and thenattack the far guard’s heels and leadthrough the hole and wall off the first backerto show.PSSLOT will go into motion on SET so that he crosses theface of the QB at nearly full speed 90%). The QB will snapthe ball when the slot is just outside of the PSOT. Let theslot cross your face as you keep the ball in your belly andfollow the RB into the hole and cut off his block and getvertical.

Final Thoughts• This is not our primary offensive package but a supporting package.• It allows us to develop our uncovered/perimeter passing for the DSDW.• We teach uncovered concepts first. This allows our QB and receivers todevelop proper passing/catching techniques and habits as well as developa timing relationship.• Perimeter patterns can be applied to our LOOSE tag in our DSDW.• JOKER/DEUCE/SPRINT/SLIDE are easily modified to add the two additionalblockers in the DSDW.• We add very little to this package initially but by season’s end we have awell thought out and robust package of plays that give us a solidalternative to our DSDW power running game that forces defenses toaccount for our entire body of work.

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