2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI 2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

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ENTERPRISE FUNDSThe total Enterprise Funds’ expenditures will be $49,335,291, for the 2012/2013 Approved Budget. Thisrepresents a $972,238, or 2.01% increase in expenditures from the previous fiscal year. Listed below is adiscussion on major variances within this fund type:Parking Operations and Maintenance Fund:The Parking Operations and Maintenance revenues will decrease -100%. This reduction is primarilyattributed the Parking Operations and Maintenance Fund reclassification from an Enterprise Fund to adivision of the Department of Development in the General Fund.Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund:The Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund will increase by 6.86%. During fiscal year 2012, thefollowing positions were eliminated from this fund: .25 of the Assistant City Engineer, .13 of theSurveying Technician, .25 of the Survey Assistant, and .50 of the Chief Right-of-Way (ROW) UtilitiesForeman positions. These eliminations will be offset by the addition of the following positions: .05Traffic Foreman, .10 Transportation Engineering Assistant, .10 of an Engineering Technician I, .10 ofthe Traffic Maintenance Technician II, .20 of the Traffic Maintenance I, and .50 of a Skilled Clerical.Additionally, the city will realize increases to the retiree healthcare, MERS Pension Liability, andStandby Pay for the ROW Utilities Foremen and the Traffic Maintenance Foreman in FY 2012/2013.On the operating side, the Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund will realize increases toprofessional services for the rate study and financial advisors; GIS charges due to the redistribution ofthese charges citywide; the inclusion of radio rental fees in some division that did not pay for thesecharges previously but utilized the equipment, contracting with an outside firm for surveying servicesdue to the outsourcing of this function in FY 2012; an increase to engineering services for variousprojects that will be completed during the course of 2013, and an anticipated increase to utilities by 5%by Consumers.Water Operations and Maintenance Fund:The Water Operations and Maintenance Fund will decrease by $401,751, or –1.78% from the 2012budgeted levels. This reduction is primarily attributable to the reduction in repair and replacementprojects budgeted in the Water Bond Construction Division. Additional decreases will be realized inthe elimination of .50 of the Chief ROW Utilities Foreman, fleet charges, and engineering services.These reductions will be offset by increases to GIS charges, indirect cost allocation, utilities, andprofessional services for the cost of surveying that was outsourced in FY 2012.INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDSThe total Internal Service Funds’ expenditures will be $7,235,102, for the 2012/2013 Approved Budget, whichis a $1,907,119, or -20.86% reductions from FY 2012. Listed below is a discussion on major variances withinthis fund type:Public Works Building Fund:The Public Works Building Fund expenditures will decrease by -13.24% from FY 2012 ApprovedBudget. This reduction is due to the redistribution of the Facilities Administrator, Labor Foreman, andParks Maintenance Person II to other funds. Operating expenses decline as well due to reductions inmotor pool/fleet charges, general liability insurance, and utilities, as well as the elimination of the Post-Retirement Healthcare expenditure.Radio Operations Fund:The Radio Operations Fund will be $352,435, higher than in FY 2012. This increase is due to thereallocation of salaries and benefits for.10 of the Traffic Foreman and .20 of the Traffic Electrician II as46

well as the request to purchase a new radio system. This increase will be offset by reductions to partsand supplies, operating services for maintenance fees, general liability insurance, and general repairs.These reductions are possible because of the purchase of a new radio system.Motor Pool Operations Fund:The Motor Pool Operations Fund will be $923,669, or -31.77% less than in FY 2012. This fund willrealize a reduction in motor vehicle supplies, parts and supplies, indirect costs allocation, internalservice charges for public works building, employment agency fees due to the change to the part timecontract, a reduction in the motor vehicle repairs and motor vehicle charges.Self - Insurance Fund:The Self Insurance Fund will decrease $1,258,338 for FY 2013. This reduction is due in large part tothe reduction in general liability insurance renewal costs as well as a reduction in the amount of moniesthat will be transfer out of the fund in FY 2013.FIDUCIARY SERVICE FUNDSThe total Fiduciary Service Funds’ expenditures will be $15,167,288, for the 2012/2013 Budget. Thisrepresents a $1,310,887, increase to expenditures from the previous fiscal year. Listed below is a discussion onmajor variances within this fund type:Unfunded Liabilities Fund:The Unfunded Liabilities Fund will be $919,876 for FY 2013. In the 2012/2013 Budget, the city hasappropriated $919,876 for the payment of retiree healthcare cost for the General and Motor PoolOperation Funds. This apportionment represents amounts allocated towards the OPEB Liability overthe years from these funds.Forest Lawn Cemetery Fund:Forest Lawn Cemetery Fund will increase by $42,638, or 154.34% from the previous fiscal year.Operating expenditures were included for the first time in this fund to cover expenses for fuel,employment agency fees, and operating services.Oakwood Cemetery Fund:Oakwood Cemetery Fund will increase by $7,712, or 158.19% from the previous fiscal year. OperatingExpenses were included for the first time in this fund to cover fuel and employment agency fees.Police and Fire Pension Fund:The Police and Fire Pension fund will increase $472,204, or 3.45%. This increase is due in large part tothe increase in allocation for Police Pension and Fire Pension payment to retirees due to additionalemployee retiring and utilizing the Police and Fire Pension System as well as an increase to thecustodial fees for the various stock options/managers.Bliss Park Expenditure Endowment Fund:In FY 2013, the Bliss Park Expenditure Endowment Fund will be inactive. The endowment has beenexhausted and lawn services will be absorbed in under the General Fund’s Facilities Division.Overall, for fiscal year 2012/2013, the City of Saginaw’s budgeted expenditures will be $134,482,566, whichrepresents a $2,043,013 decrease from the Approved 2011/2012 Budget.47

well as the request to purchase a new radio system. This increase will be <strong>of</strong>fset by reductions to partsand supplies, operating services for maintenance fees, general liability insurance, and general repairs.These reductions are possible because <strong>of</strong> the purchase <strong>of</strong> a new radio system.Motor Pool Operations Fund:The Motor Pool Operations Fund will be $923,669, or -31.77% less than in FY <strong>2012</strong>. This fund willrealize a reduction in motor vehicle supplies, parts and supplies, indirect costs allocation, internalservice charges for public works building, employment agency fees due to the change to the part timecontract, a reduction in the motor vehicle repairs and motor vehicle charges.Self - Insurance Fund:The Self Insurance Fund will decrease $1,258,338 for FY <strong>2013</strong>. This reduction is due in large part tothe reduction in general liability insurance renewal costs as well as a reduction in the amount <strong>of</strong> moniesthat will be transfer out <strong>of</strong> the fund in FY <strong>2013</strong>.FIDUCIARY SERVICE FUNDSThe total Fiduciary Service Funds’ expenditures will be $15,167,288, for the <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>. Thisrepresents a $1,310,887, increase to expenditures from the previous fiscal year. Listed below is a discussion onmajor variances within this fund type:Unfunded Liabilities Fund:The Unfunded Liabilities Fund will be $919,876 for FY <strong>2013</strong>. In the <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>, the city hasappropriated $919,876 for the payment <strong>of</strong> retiree healthcare cost for the General and Motor PoolOperation Funds. This apportionment represents amounts allocated towards the OPEB Liability overthe years from these funds.Forest Lawn Cemetery Fund:Forest Lawn Cemetery Fund will increase by $42,638, or 154.34% from the previous fiscal year.Operating expenditures were included for the first time in this fund to cover expenses for fuel,employment agency fees, and operating services.Oakwood Cemetery Fund:Oakwood Cemetery Fund will increase by $7,712, or 158.19% from the previous fiscal year. OperatingExpenses were included for the first time in this fund to cover fuel and employment agency fees.Police and Fire Pension Fund:The Police and Fire Pension fund will increase $472,204, or 3.45%. This increase is due in large part tothe increase in allocation for Police Pension and Fire Pension payment to retirees due to additionalemployee retiring and utilizing the Police and Fire Pension System as well as an increase to thecustodial fees for the various stock options/managers.Bliss Park Expenditure Endowment Fund:In FY <strong>2013</strong>, the Bliss Park Expenditure Endowment Fund will be inactive. The endowment has beenexhausted and lawn services will be absorbed in under the General Fund’s Facilities Division.Overall, for fiscal year <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Saginaw</strong>’s budgeted expenditures will be $134,482,566, whichrepresents a $2,043,013 decrease from the Approved 2011/<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>.47

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