2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI 2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

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Chapter VII, Section 47 Budget Control, a quarterly budget adjustment is submitted to the legislative body for reappropriationof approved funding.EncumbrancesEncumbrances are commitments under purchase orders or contracts. Outstanding encumbrances at year-end are notrecorded as expenditures until the goods or services are received. Only those encumbrances that are recorded as payablesat June 30 are included as expenditures for budgetary presentations. Fund balance has been reserved for all outstandingencumbrances in the governmental fund types and will be recorded as expenditures in the subsequent fiscal year. Inaccordance with the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act, all encumbrances, of a fund that ends in a deficit, arecancelled and expenditures are assessed against the next year’s budget.Reservations and Designations of Fund EquitiesReservations of fund balance are established to identify (1) claims against resources of the entity that have notmaterialized as liabilities at the balance sheet date or (2) the existence of assets that, because of their non-monetary natureor lack of liquidity, represent financial resources not available for current appropriation or expenditure, for example:encumbrances, prepaid items, inventories, specific projects, and long-term advances to other funds. Such reserves are notintended as valuation allowances, but merely demonstrate the current unavailability of the subject assets to pay currentexpenditures. The City of Saginaw operates from a balanced budget at the onset of every fiscal year. Undesignated fundbalance or prior year budgetary surplus can be appropriated to balance a fund’s budget if a sufficient balance/surplusexists and the appropriation is fiscally prudent.Citi-Stat and Performance ManagementIn an effort to align our City Council goals with departmental actions and to address Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder’scall for increased transparency and accountability, the City of Saginaw has refocused the manner in which it tracksperformance. The City’s revised approach is separated into two parallel tracks: CitiStat and Performance Management.For the City the City of Saginaw’s purposes CitiStat is defined as a problem solving mechanism, which is issue focused,inter-departmental, and accompanied by immediate action steps. The City defines its performance management strategyas an analysis and reporting tool, that is intra-departmental and mission focused and integral in long-term planning. Theperformance management process for the City of Saginaw begins in the month preceding the annual budget submissionto City Council and concludes the following year with a comprehensive city-wide performance evaluation document.28

BUDGET SUMMARYRESOURCE ALLOCATIONThe following Resource Allocation chart lists resources and appropriations for each fund and provides a grandtotal for all City resources. The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of fund(s), each of which isconsidered to be a separate accounting entity. These funds are the General, Special Revenue, Enterprise, InternalService, and Fiduciary Funds. Although each fund is accounted for independently, the proper cooperation andinteraction among all funds contribute to the overall effective and efficient management of City government.GENERAL FUNDThe General Fund is the top account for resources traditionally associated with government, which are notrequired legally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund.SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSSpecial Revenue Funds are defined as those funds used to account for proceeds of specific revenue sources thatare legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes.Major, Local, and Municipal Street Funds:The Major and Local Streets Funds receive allocation of State collected gasoline taxes and license fees to beused for the maintenance, repair, and construction of streets and bridges within the City. The MunicipalStreet Fund functions as an inventory account for street maintenance materials. These materials arereallocated to the Major and Local Streets Funds upon completion of construction.Public Safety Fund:In May of 2006 and renewed in November of 2011, the City levied a special property tax earmarked tosupport Police Officers and Firefighters. This fund accounts for the tax levy proceeds.Rubbish Collection Fund:This fund accounts for the $165 fee assessed to household units for the collection of solid waste, a trash(environmental) fees, and composting fees. It also records the expenditures for rubbish collection, haulingand disposal, curbside recycling, composting and trash cleanup.Clean Energy Coalition Fund:This fund accounts for the promotion of clean energy technology, projects, and savings citywide. The Stateof Michigan through MSHDA provided the City of Saginaw with a grant that gives the City the ability tocomplete energy efficiency and renewable energy installations on municipal facilities.Andersen Center Operation Fund:This fund accounts for the operation and maintenance expenditures and building rentals for the AndersenEnrichment Center. This fund also accounts for the private donations and individual contributions receivedby the Saginaw Community Enrichment Commission to provide financial support to cultural and creative artsorganizations and to sponsor various social and community events to improve the quality of life in the City.29

BUDGET SUMMARYRESOURCE ALLOCATIONThe following Resource Allocation chart lists resources and appropriations for each fund and provides a grandtotal for all <strong>City</strong> resources. The accounts <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> are organized on the basis <strong>of</strong> fund(s), each <strong>of</strong> which isconsidered to be a separate accounting entity. These funds are the General, Special Revenue, Enterprise, InternalService, and Fiduciary Funds. Although each fund is accounted for independently, the proper cooperation andinteraction among all funds contribute to the overall effective and efficient management <strong>of</strong> <strong>City</strong> government.GENERAL FUNDThe General Fund is the top account for resources traditionally associated with government, which are notrequired legally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund.SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSSpecial Revenue Funds are defined as those funds used to account for proceeds <strong>of</strong> specific revenue sources thatare legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes.Major, Local, and Municipal Street Funds:The Major and Local Streets Funds receive allocation <strong>of</strong> State collected gasoline taxes and license fees to beused for the maintenance, repair, and construction <strong>of</strong> streets and bridges within the <strong>City</strong>. The MunicipalStreet Fund functions as an inventory account for street maintenance materials. These materials arereallocated to the Major and Local Streets Funds upon completion <strong>of</strong> construction.Public Safety Fund:In May <strong>of</strong> 2006 and renewed in November <strong>of</strong> 2011, the <strong>City</strong> levied a special property tax earmarked tosupport Police Officers and Firefighters. This fund accounts for the tax levy proceeds.Rubbish Collection Fund:This fund accounts for the $165 fee assessed to household units for the collection <strong>of</strong> solid waste, a trash(environmental) fees, and composting fees. It also records the expenditures for rubbish collection, haulingand disposal, curbside recycling, composting and trash cleanup.Clean Energy Coalition Fund:This fund accounts for the promotion <strong>of</strong> clean energy technology, projects, and savings citywide. The State<strong>of</strong> Michigan through MSHDA provided the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Saginaw</strong> with a grant that gives the <strong>City</strong> the ability tocomplete energy efficiency and renewable energy installations on municipal facilities.Andersen Center Operation Fund:This fund accounts for the operation and maintenance expenditures and building rentals for the AndersenEnrichment Center. This fund also accounts for the private donations and individual contributions receivedby the <strong>Saginaw</strong> Community Enrichment Commission to provide financial support to cultural and creative artsorganizations and to sponsor various social and community events to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> life in the <strong>City</strong>.29

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