2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI 2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

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EXPENDITURE BUDGET SUMMARYThe total Workers Compensation Fund Expenditureswill be $1,260,488, for FY 2013. This budget willincrease .50%, from the FY 2012 approved budgetedlevels. Personnel Services is projected to increase13.37% in FY 2013. The personnel complement willremain the same as previous fiscal years. The increasein personnel services is attributed to higher pensionexpenditures. Operating Expenses is expected todecrease by a net $68. The Workers CompensationAdministration Division will decrease -5.72%. Thisreduction is due to the reallocation of insurance cost tothe Employee Health Services Division. Howeverwithin this division, the following costs will offset thereduction: legal services for attorney costs, professionalservices for ancillary and other administrative fees, andclaims and judgments. The Employee Health ServiceDivision will increase 50.98% due to the inclusion ofinsurance costs. There will be no Capital Outlaypurchases for FY 2013.FUNDING LEVEL SUMMARY2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected Approved1750 Workers CompensationAdministration 841,172 1,172,175 2,279,863 1,116,658 1,052,532 1,249,262 1,052,7741751 Employee HealthServices 121,149 123,517 118,363 137,577 201,703 180,587 207,714Total Expenditures 962,321 1,295,692 2,398,226 1,254,235 1,254,235 1,429,849 1,260,488FUNDING LEVEL BY CATEGORY2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedPersonnel Services 44,062 44,522 45,850 47,279 50,320 50,049 53,600Operating Expenses 917,493 1,251,170 2,338,682 1,206,956 1,203 915 1,379,800 1,206,888Capital Outlay 766 0 0 0 0 0 0Total Expenditures 962,321 1,295,692 2,384,532 1,254,235 1,254,235 1,429,849 1,260,488SUMMARY OF POSITIONS2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected Approved1751 Workers Compensation 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60Total Positions 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60The following “Expenditure Detail” page will outline the total amounts allocated in FY 2012/2013 by employee cost,operating expenses, capital outlay, and miscellaneous cost. Please refer to “How To Use the Budget Document” for betterclarification for the Operating Expenses categories.308

EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS DETAIL2012/2013 APPROVED BUDGET678-1751 Employee Health ServicesAllocation PlanPosition Control2012/JOB 2013PERSONNEL SERVICES CLASSIFICATION BUDGET ALLOCATIONSalaries 29,067 Administrative Assistant I 0.60 29,067Overtime 0Fringe Benefits 24,533 Total Personnel 0.60 29,067TOTAL53,600Overtime 0OPERATING EXPENSESFICA 2,338Supplies 0 Healthcare Benefits - Active 2,927Internal Services 20,924 Healthcare Benefits - Retirees 0Other Services Pension 19,268Professional Fees 133,190Maintenance Fees 0 Total Fringe Benefits 24,533Other Contracted Fees 0TOTAL154,114 TOTAL 0.60 53,600CAPITAL OUTLAY 0TOTAL0TOTAL APPROPRIATION 207,714309

EXPENDITURE BUDGET SUMMARYThe total Workers Compensation Fund Expenditureswill be $1,260,488, for FY <strong>2013</strong>. This budget willincrease .50%, from the FY <strong>2012</strong> approved budgetedlevels. Personnel Services is projected to increase13.37% in FY <strong>2013</strong>. The personnel complement willremain the same as previous fiscal years. The increasein personnel services is attributed to higher pensionexpenditures. Operating Expenses is expected todecrease by a net $68. The Workers CompensationAdministration Division will decrease -5.72%. Thisreduction is due to the reallocation <strong>of</strong> insurance cost tothe Employee Health Services Division. Howeverwithin this division, the following costs will <strong>of</strong>fset thereduction: legal services for attorney costs, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalservices for ancillary and other administrative fees, andclaims and judgments. The Employee Health ServiceDivision will increase 50.98% due to the inclusion <strong>of</strong>insurance costs. There will be no Capital Outlaypurchases for FY <strong>2013</strong>.FUNDING LEVEL SUMMARY2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 <strong>2012</strong>/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected Approved1750 Workers CompensationAdministration 841,172 1,172,175 2,279,863 1,116,658 1,052,532 1,249,262 1,052,7741751 Employee HealthServices 121,149 123,517 118,363 137,577 201,703 180,587 207,714Total Expenditures 962,321 1,295,692 2,398,226 1,254,235 1,254,235 1,429,849 1,260,488FUNDING LEVEL BY CATEGORY2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 <strong>2012</strong>/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedPersonnel Services 44,062 44,522 45,850 47,279 50,320 50,049 53,600Operating Expenses 917,493 1,251,170 2,338,682 1,206,956 1,203 915 1,379,800 1,206,888Capital Outlay 766 0 0 0 0 0 0Total Expenditures 962,321 1,295,692 2,384,532 1,254,235 1,254,235 1,429,849 1,260,488SUMMARY OF POSITIONS2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 <strong>2012</strong>/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected Approved1751 Workers Compensation 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60Total Positions 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60The following “Expenditure Detail” page will outline the total amounts allocated in FY <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong> by employee cost,operating expenses, capital outlay, and miscellaneous cost. Please refer to “How To Use the <strong>Budget</strong> Document” for betterclarification for the Operating Expenses categories.308

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