2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI 2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

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REVENUE BUDGET SUMMARYDRUG FORFEITURE GRANT FUNDThe Drug Forfeiture Fund accounts for all revenues andexpenditures received from the forfeiture or cash andproperty seized during a drug raid. The major revenuesource for the Drug Forfeiture Fund is fines and federaland state forfeitures. After a drug raid, the city turnsover these seized funds to the judicial system asevidence in prosecution. Afterwards, these funds arereleased back to the city and are utilized to offset thecost of drug enforcement activities.The budget for the Drug Forfeiture Grant Fund has beenapproved at $148,036. This represents a $16,200, or12.29% increase from the previous fiscal years. Theincrease in this fund is primarily attributed to a largerappropriation of fund equity to offset the increasingexpenditures.SUMMARY OF REVENUES2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedFederal Grants 10,687 0 0 0 0 0 0Fines and Forfeitures 365,485 39,127 160,255 32,360 35,906 43,869 32,360Interest and Rents 7,407 2,688 1,898 2,500 2,500 2,078 2,500Other Revenues 1,270 4,855 32,232 96,976 207,668 167,962 113,176REVENUE TRENDSTotal Revenues 384,849 46,670 194,385 131,836 246,074 213,909 148,036450,000400,000350,000300,000250,000200,000150,000100,00050,000-Total Drug Forfeiture Revenues Since 20022002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Total Drug Forfeiture RevenuesThe above graph reflects numerical data from FY 2002 – FY 2011 Actual Revenues, FY 2012 Approved Budget, and FY2013 Approved Budget. From FY 2002-2008 there had been a steady decrease in the amounts collected from fines andforfeitures. However, by February of 2009, the city received a cash transfer of over $251,000, for federal forfeitedproperty from a judicial case that had been completed in a previous fiscal year. In FY 2010, little or no monies werereceived in fines and forfeitures. In March of 2011, the city received approximately $170,421, in monies from a federalforfeited case. These monies are not expected to be received in FY 2012. In FY 2013, the City expects an upward trendin revenues due to the large appropriation of reserves.172

EXPENDITURE BUDGET SUMMARYThe total Drug Forfeiture Fund Expenditures will be$148,036, for FY 2013. Again, this represents a$16,200, increase from the previous fiscal year. Nofunds will be appropriated for Personnel Services.Operating Expenses will be $148,036, for the upcomingyear. This represents a $66,200, increase from FY 2012.This increase is due to funds allotted to purchase 26Taser cameras, K-9 supplies, ammunition and to coverthe maintenance agreement for the City’s Shotspottersystem. The category of Capital Outlay will be zero, forthe upcoming year.FUNDING LEVEL SUMMARY2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected Approved3040 Drug Forfeiture 63,976 118,661 158,859 131,836 246,074 213,909 148,036Total Expenditures 63,976 118,661 158,859 131,836 246,074 213,909 148,036FUNDING LEVEL BY CATEGORY2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedPersonnel Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Operating Expenses 63,026 118,661 79,904 81,836 138,476 117,117 148,036Capital Outlay 950 0 78,955 50,000 107,598 96,792 0Total Expenditures 63,976 118,661 158,859 131,836 246,074 213,909 148,036173

REVENUE BUDGET SUMMARYDRUG FORFEITURE GRANT FUNDThe Drug Forfeiture Fund accounts for all revenues andexpenditures received from the forfeiture or cash andproperty seized during a drug raid. The major revenuesource for the Drug Forfeiture Fund is fines and federaland state forfeitures. After a drug raid, the city turnsover these seized funds to the judicial system asevidence in prosecution. Afterwards, these funds arereleased back to the city and are utilized to <strong>of</strong>fset thecost <strong>of</strong> drug enforcement activities.The budget for the Drug Forfeiture Grant Fund has beenapproved at $148,036. This represents a $16,200, or12.29% increase from the previous fiscal years. Theincrease in this fund is primarily attributed to a largerappropriation <strong>of</strong> fund equity to <strong>of</strong>fset the increasingexpenditures.SUMMARY OF REVENUES2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 <strong>2012</strong>/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedFederal Grants 10,687 0 0 0 0 0 0Fines and Forfeitures 365,485 39,127 160,255 32,360 35,906 43,869 32,360Interest and Rents 7,407 2,688 1,898 2,500 2,500 2,078 2,500Other Revenues 1,270 4,855 32,232 96,976 207,668 167,962 113,176REVENUE TRENDSTotal Revenues 384,849 46,670 194,385 131,836 246,074 213,909 148,036450,000400,000350,000300,000250,000200,000150,000100,00050,000-Total Drug Forfeiture Revenues Since 20022002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Total Drug Forfeiture RevenuesThe above graph reflects numerical data from FY 2002 – FY 2011 Actual Revenues, FY <strong>2012</strong> Approved <strong>Budget</strong>, and FY<strong>2013</strong> Approved <strong>Budget</strong>. From FY 2002-2008 there had been a steady decrease in the amounts collected from fines andforfeitures. However, by February <strong>of</strong> 2009, the city received a cash transfer <strong>of</strong> over $251,000, for federal forfeitedproperty from a judicial case that had been completed in a previous fiscal year. In FY 2010, little or no monies werereceived in fines and forfeitures. In March <strong>of</strong> 2011, the city received approximately $170,421, in monies from a federalforfeited case. These monies are not expected to be received in FY <strong>2012</strong>. In FY <strong>2013</strong>, the <strong>City</strong> expects an upward trendin revenues due to the large appropriation <strong>of</strong> reserves.172

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