2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI 2012-2013 Budget - City of Saginaw MI

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MAJOR STREETS FUNDREVENUE BUDGET SUMMARYThe Major Streets Fund receives an allocation of Statecollected gasoline taxes and license fees to be used forthe maintenance, repair, and construction of state-ownedstreets and bridges within the City. The major revenuesource for this fund is “State Revenue Sharing”, which isanticipated to be $3,509,185 in FY 2013. This source ofrevenue increased by approximately $64,407 from FY2012 Approved Budgets. This increase was offset by adecreased allocation in Federal Grants by $375,000.Other sources of revenue for this fund include: statereimbursement, services and sales, interests, nonbusinesspermits and transfers from other funds.Overall, the Major Streets Fund’s revenues are projectedto decrease by $357,693, or -8.05% from the FY 2012ApprovedBudget.SUMMARY OF REVENUE2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedState Revenue 3,512,455 3,449,413 3,497,741 3,444,778 3,444,778 3,407,631 3,509,185State Reimbursements 563,587 553,773 1,311,187 514,948 604,045 452,623 554,948Federal Grants 724,138 0 0 375,000 56,000 55,697 0Non-Business Permits 0 0 0 0 25,560 29,740 2,850Services-Sales 42,750 24,995 22,511 25,000 38,001 15,842 11,050Interests and Rents 1,226 54 586 0 0 -635 0Other Revenues 80,199 48,020 15,157 86,000 105,954 56,824 10,000Use of Fund Equity 0 0 0 0 177,846 0 0Transfers from Other Funds 2,808 0 0 0 0 0 0REVENUE TRENDSTotal Revenues 4,927,163 4,076,255 4,847,182 4,445,726 4,452,184 4,017,414 4,088,0337,000,000Total Major Streets Revenues Since 20026,000,0005,000,0004,000,0003,000,0002,000,000Total Major StreetsRevenues1,000,000-122

The above graph reflects numerical data from FY 2002 – FY 2011 Actual Revenues, FY 2012 Approved Revenues, andFY 2013 Approved Budget. The revenue trend illustrates two significant peaks in revenues in 2003 and 2009. In 2003,the revenues increased drastically due to a high utilization of fund equity totaling $2,249,176. In 2009, the revenues riseagain this time less drastically, to account FEMA monies and reimbursements to the Major Streets Fund due to the 2008June wind storm. The trend also shows three years of decreased revenues: 2002, 2007, and 2010. In 2002, State Sharedrevenues decreased by $279,185. In 2007, revenues from MDOT for construction projects were reduced. Finally, in 2010and 2013, the Major Streets Fund revenues were decreased due to reduced FEMA and Other Revenue sources.DETAIL REVENUES ANALYSIS2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedGas and Weight Tax 3,512,455 3,449,413 3,497,741 3,444,778 3,444,778 3,407,631 3,509,185Trunkline Maintenance 341,600 326,498 285,307 294,948 339,203 192,056 294,948MDOT Projects 0 0 816,887 0 24,843 53,740 40,000Right of Way Revenue 221,987 227,275 208,993 220,000 239,999 206,827 220,000Sidewalk Permits 0 0 0 0 7,635 7,635 250Curb Cut 0 0 0 0 3,150 4,150 250Barricade Permits 0 0 0 0 2,655 4,005 1,000Right Way Permits 0 0 0 0 12,120 13,950 1,350FEMA 724,138 0 0 375,000 56,000 55,697 0Sale of Junk 2,115 8,643 12,843 5,000 18,001 18,466 1,050Materials and Service 40,635 16,352 9,668 20,000 20,000 14,376 10,000Interests on Investments 1,226 54 586 0 0 -635 0Surplus Receipts 0 0 16 0 0 6 0Reimbursements 80,199 48,020 15,141 86,000 105,957 56,824 10,000Use of Fund Equity 0 0 0 0 177,846 0 0Transfer In 2,808 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals 4,927,163 4,076,255 4,847,182 4,445,726 4,452,184 4,017,414 4,088,033EXPENDITURE BUDGET SUMMARYThe total Major Streets Fund expenditures will be$4,088,033 for FY 2013. Personnel Servicesexpenditures will decrease by $662,748, or -28.75% forFY 2013. The personnel complement will decrease by8.42 positions from the 2012 Approved Budgeted. Aportion of this reduction can be attributed to theelimination of an Administrative Professional, SurveyTechnician, Survey Assistant, Assistant City Engineer,and two Crossover positions. The remaining reductionswere realized through the reallocation of the Chief RowForeman, City Engineer, Traffic Electrician, TrafficMaintenance Technician, and Tree Trimmers.Operating Expenses will be $1,726,245 which is adecrease of -18.87% from the FY 2012 ApprovedBudget. Capital Outlay There are no capitalexpenditures budgeted for the FY 2013 year.Miscellaneous Expenditures will increase by $5,553,from the FY 2012 approved levels. This increase is dueto a transfer to Local Streets totaling $265,188 and anappropriation to Increase to Fund Equity totaling$454,279.123

MAJOR STREETS FUNDREVENUE BUDGET SUMMARYThe Major Streets Fund receives an allocation <strong>of</strong> Statecollected gasoline taxes and license fees to be used forthe maintenance, repair, and construction <strong>of</strong> state-ownedstreets and bridges within the <strong>City</strong>. The major revenuesource for this fund is “State Revenue Sharing”, which isanticipated to be $3,509,185 in FY <strong>2013</strong>. This source <strong>of</strong>revenue increased by approximately $64,407 from FY<strong>2012</strong> Approved <strong>Budget</strong>s. This increase was <strong>of</strong>fset by adecreased allocation in Federal Grants by $375,000.Other sources <strong>of</strong> revenue for this fund include: statereimbursement, services and sales, interests, nonbusinesspermits and transfers from other funds.Overall, the Major Streets Fund’s revenues are projectedto decrease by $357,693, or -8.05% from the FY <strong>2012</strong>Approved<strong>Budget</strong>.SUMMARY OF REVENUE2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 <strong>2012</strong>/13Actual Actual Actual Approved Adjusted Projected ApprovedState Revenue 3,512,455 3,449,413 3,497,741 3,444,778 3,444,778 3,407,631 3,509,185State Reimbursements 563,587 553,773 1,311,187 514,948 604,045 452,623 554,948Federal Grants 724,138 0 0 375,000 56,000 55,697 0Non-Business Permits 0 0 0 0 25,560 29,740 2,850Services-Sales 42,750 24,995 22,511 25,000 38,001 15,842 11,050Interests and Rents 1,226 54 586 0 0 -635 0Other Revenues 80,199 48,020 15,157 86,000 105,954 56,824 10,000Use <strong>of</strong> Fund Equity 0 0 0 0 177,846 0 0Transfers from Other Funds 2,808 0 0 0 0 0 0REVENUE TRENDSTotal Revenues 4,927,163 4,076,255 4,847,182 4,445,726 4,452,184 4,017,414 4,088,0337,000,000Total Major Streets Revenues Since 20026,000,0005,000,0004,000,0003,000,0002,000,000Total Major StreetsRevenues1,000,000-122

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