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This naturally does not mean that every woman freed from exploitation afterhaving paid the debt becomes a madam, but it highlights how the system is such asto favour its continuous development in a sort of self-reproduction of itsconstitutive mechanisms, paradoxically favoured by legal restrictions and theinstitutional “defence” regulations put in place to fight illegal immigration. It is infact the impossibility, once inside Italian territory, to regularise the woman’sposition - one of the elements which favours the stay within illegal environmentsand the expansion of the same.Figure No.7 - Source: Operation Edo - final notes on the Nigerian mafia - Questura ofUdine, 1998.The capacity to exploit occasions: the example of the request forasylumA further demonstration of the capillarity of the organisation and also of itscapacity to profit from every occasion is, for example, an investigation undertakenin the area of Udine 57 w<strong>here</strong> many accused possessed false Somali passports. Beingone of those years of one of the many conflicts that interested Somalia, theNigerians managed to profit from the situation, obtaining false Somali passports(probably paying the men of war at that time) and thus having an easier access toEurope as refugees.57This investigation refers to facts verified in 1994 and in 1997.

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