here - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

here - Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo

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“T. telephones E. and says that one of the girls she has in the house does nothave clothes to work, t<strong>here</strong>fore she asks E., telling her that she cannot wait untilMonday. E. says that is alright because in fact that girl cannot wait until Mondayand that she will bring clothes and will also take the girl to her work post ”.“T. talks to E. about the difficulty of work for the girls because of the presenceof the police and the necessity to control one of the girls who was in hospital; ofthe fact that the night is full of girls who work and that O. has sent her girls t<strong>here</strong>”(Transcription of telephone intercepts, criminal proceeding - Turin, 2001).The links, even if not daily, are frequent even within the national territory.Numerous telephone intercepts 53 have uncovered the existence of a tested salessystem and exchange of girls within Italian territory (and in some cases also withother European countries). If a woman does not earn or it has become difficult tomake her work because she has met a man with whom she has started arelationship, or t<strong>here</strong> is the fear she will escape, the organisation is able veryrapidly to move her to another zone and give her to another madam.In this case the woman is given to the new madam against payment of a sum ofmoney, or in exchange with another woman, or the new madam simply managesthe victim on behalf of the other, keeping a part of the earnings or even enjoying, inan exclusive manner, the profits earned from the payment of board and lodging ofthe joint.The relations between madams active in different places have also otherreasons: in one criminal proceeding 54 for example, a telephone conversation wastaped in which one madam says to another that she needs to have a woman broughtfrom Naples to Turin to have an abortion and makes an agreement on how tomanage this move as quickly as possible. The level of collaboration reached,t<strong>here</strong>fore appears as high as to make a telephone call sufficient to agree on a moveand on the type of service, even delicate, to be rendered.The network, however, also appears spread throughout European territory. Indifferent investigations, numerous appear to be the telephone contacts with peoplein foreign countries who offer hospitality to the women during the journey or whotake it upon themselves to temporarily manage a woman while waiting for whent<strong>here</strong> is the possibility to have her arrive at the destination.If it is necessary to send a woman away from Italy for a certain period, whenneeded it is possible to call upon this network and to temporarily find anotherplace: France, Spain, and the Netherlands seem to be the countries w<strong>here</strong> t<strong>here</strong> aremajor contacts for this type of brief transfer 55 .During the journey of her “merchandise”, the madam also has the possibility torely on some persons present in the different territories w<strong>here</strong> the victim shouldtransit, who are able to intervene if something “goes wrong”.53In nearly all the criminal proceedings analysed t<strong>here</strong> are references to sales of women.54This is a recent criminal proceeding started in the area of Naples.55The interviews carried out to Law Enforcement officers and the telephone intercepts of differentcriminal proceedings contain various elements confirming this point.

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