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“For me it was sad to see that I went to work and she remained <strong>here</strong> to sleep, Icame back in the morning, I was not at ease. If I had to work for myself, alright,but not that I had to give all to you” (Interview Victim No.4).For this reason, t<strong>here</strong> are cases of rebellion, even if not frequent, on the part ofthe victims, but above all t<strong>here</strong> are frequent fights with the madam who, insituations of difficult management, can decide to re-sell those who create problems.The girl to be placed is called in slang “fish” or you speak about “fabric”, “bigfish” or “lovely fabric” if she is a particularly beautiful girl and t<strong>here</strong>fore moreexpensive, but who promises major possibilities of earning.From the accounts of the victims the buying/selling takes place through anetwork of people known by the madam. When the girl must be sold, reciprocalvisits take place, during which the victim is observed and evaluated.. The girlsjudged “too lively” are very difficult to place, from the moment that no one wantsto have problems with the management of her “business”. On the other extreme butequally difficult to sell, are those that are too naive, who according to the madamare the first that denounce because incapable of pretending in front of the police.Areas and forms of controlThe isolation in which the victims find themselves living depends on the strictcontrol exercised on them by the madam through certain people (normally these aremen) appointed for this task. The control is expressed in many aspects of behaviourand relations and assumes different forms.

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