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of the groups, even in part on foot in the desert, to the coast of Morocco. ReachingMorocco, the victims can wait months, closed in support houses or in hotels, beforetheir turn comes up to embark clandestinely to reach Spain. During the wait it isnecessary that the madam sends money essential so that the girls can survive and insome cases, when the moment to embark arrives, they can pay the passeur. TheStrait of Gibraltar overcome, the group is separated and the women, through theclandestine immigration routes, reach Italy by train, either alone or accompanied.Now we will see, through accounts of the girls and women trafficked, thejourneys which brought them to Italy.a) Air journey with direct destination Western EuropeInterview victim No. 3Z. departs in 1999 alone from the airport of Lagos with Vienna as thedestination. Her accompanier, who in this case is the same person who contactedher in Nigeria (specifically, it is the husband of the madam who is waiting in Italy),remains blocked at the airport, and is not given permission to embark. Z. had neverundertaken a journey of this type and is a little afraid, but this is her onlyopportunity to reach Europe, find work as a hairdresser (she thinks) and conduct aneasier life.“As it was the first time that I left, I was alone, I said «but how is it possible?»(…) He said to me, «You are intelligent, with the address you can also go toAmerica». And I left with a plane. I knew that I was going to Italy because his wifeis <strong>here</strong>”.She embarks on a flight Lagos-Vienna and in Vienna takes a train to reachRome. At the Termini Station a Nigerian boy is waiting and escorts her to thehouse of the madam. The journey was concluded with the illusion of havingreached “paradise” in a simple and rapid manner: “they made me take a shower, Islept, I thought that I had really arrived in paradise, I did not ever think of leavingthe house to come to Europe”.The illusion vanished all too soon.Interview Victim No. 7“It was in 1998” says Y. “I remember that it was very quick, simple, simple, intwo days I was <strong>here</strong>”.Y. departed from Lagos for Paris with three other girls and with her Nigerianemployer who had promised her work in his shop in Rome.At the airport in Paris they find two men waiting for them who take them to ahotel. The accompanier gives back the passport which is in the name of his wife,but in which appears the photograph of Y., and gives her USD 3,000 in order topretend in the case of controls, to be a woman who is going to buy merchandise inNaples.

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