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The same thing happens to the women arriving in Spain via the Strait ofGibraltar who generally are intercepted by the Spanish police and accompanied to acentre of reception/permanence.When they go out of the centre of reception/permanence, after having receivedthe expulsion order, the woman finds waiting for her a person (either the madam ora man working for her) who accompanies her in Italy, eluding the controls.It is very evident that this type of intervention is possible only thanks to theexistence of a wide network, flexible, with ramifications in Nigeria and in the otherAfrican countries, as well as Europe.2.2 The journey seen through the account of thevictimsIn the testimony of the victims the experience of the journey may occupy ashort space or become a long and detailed account of an adventurous experience. Inthe first case, the concision can be due to the fact that it was a rapid transfer fromNigeria to Western Europe or Italy, via air; otherwise it could depend on the factthat, even if the journey lasted months, it is very hard to remember. One shouldalso add the total lack of knowledge of the countries, passed through and theirgeographical position in relation to the final destination, on the part of the womentransported for long stages inside a lorry or covered wagon and by foot, often atnight, on the tracks in the desert or on mountain trails.The girls generally are accompanied by so-called trolleys: men, not always ofNigerian nationality, who can change during the various stages of the journey orcan be the same for the whole journey.In some cases, for those who depart from the airport of Lagos, the presence ofsome escort, who normally finishes his work at the airport, facilitating the passageof the woman through the police controls prior to embarking, may not be foreseen.“The trolley should have escorted me to inside the airport, he should pay thepolice who were t<strong>here</strong> who help me enter the aircraft ” (Interview Victim No.4).“I left on my own (...) then I arrived in Hungary at Budapest with the plane,they had given me the address, I called this hotel and arrived t<strong>here</strong>, they gave me aroom and I was t<strong>here</strong> for three days. I called to say I was in Budapest, I calledNigeria and I called X who was in Rome. He told me «Be calm I send someone tocollect you»” (Interview Victim No.5).In general this type of organisation is only for single girls. At the destinationairport the girls may find an accompanier or may have the address of the pension,hotel or house w<strong>here</strong> they should report as a reception post to find the necessarysupport to reach the final destination. From some accounts it has emerged that evenin the case of women who, arriving at the intermediate stage of the journey, had totelephone the madam in Nigeria or whoever should have met them in Italy, to have

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