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competition of other groups seems to have brought about the lowering of the age ofthe women recruited and trafficked. To this should be added the interest to havemore docile persons, more unprepared, to avoid the risk of being reported or ofinsubordination.The area of origin of the women is that of the South, South East of Nigeria inparticular from Edo State - with a net prevalence from the area around Benin City -but also from the area around Onisha (in Delta State), Port Harcourt (River State)and the urban area of Lagos, even if this last area one can consider to have lost agreat deal of relevance; regarding the economic conditions, these are people thatlive in poor conditions, or poverty; the prevalent ethnic origin is Benin.Figure No 1 - South East area of Nigeria.In most cases, the woman or her family are approached by someone whosuggests a departure for Europe with the prospects of easy work, safe and well-paid(and in minor cases to study and work part-time in Europe). This person is nearlyalways a person who is not unknown, but is part of the family nucleus 16 or hasfriendship links with the family nucleus, or is a person who is known locally,“famous” (in this last case contact with the woman or her family comes throughmediation with a component of the family or from someone known).16Family nucleus in the sense of the extended family.

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