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Even if it is always an individual case, it is however important to note that theexistence of this attitude damages the image and the credibility of the police.If one abandons the field of the institutional relations and looks instead at theproposals which could make the support actions of the victims more efficacious inthe future, t<strong>here</strong> are some priorities.In the process of the exit of the victims from the prostitution circuit and thedifficult search for autonomy, one of the decisive passages is represented by thesearch for a new work situation. Work offers the women a source of sure earnings,the possibility to send money to the family, a new social context, the opportunity toreconstruct a life. On this point t<strong>here</strong> emerged the growing difficulty on the part ofthe associations, NGOs, and religious organisations of autonomous support of thecosts of starting the victims in work. The associations point out on the other hand agrowing reduction over the years of state financing to support exit projects. Thedrop in public support has obliged in certain cases the reduction of the number ofinterventions and/or diminishing the resources set aside for the most costlyactivities, such as grants and the training paths. The financial support of the localorganisations has often proved decisive, and it is more so since the resourcesdestined to Article 18 projects started to decrease. It would be important in thisdirection to also involve employers and labour associations, who up to now havemarginally contributed to sustain projects for insertion into work.As far as prevention and health assistance, more attention should be paid to theexisting alarm of a considerable increase, over the next years in deaths due to AIDSof the Nigerian women today HIV positive (Comunità Rut - Caserta), given theexponential increase in the spreading of the virus in Nigeria. In this direction newforms of collaboration with the health institutions should be prefigured and specificpaths defined for the social and work insertion of those who have health problems.Possibilities of prevention and intervention in NigeriaThe interviews with the victims and the social operators, who more intenselywork in Italy on the phenomenon of the Nigerian traffic, give a picture of strongpessimism on the possibility of being able to intervene with efficacious preventionactions in Nigeria. Decidedly generalised is, in fact, the obvious consideration thatthe phenomenon of the traffic is a direct product of poverty, cultural privation, inthe absence of prospects for an entire nation.The reasons of the possible preventive actions bring us, in the major number ofthe cases, to reflect on the necessity to act “at the top” on the reduction of thecauses of poverty, on the search for occasions of work, on the incentives ofscholarity. On the other hand often the reflection on possible actions in Nigeriabrings about a request to make the local fight against criminality more incisive,even through the reinforcement of the scanty Italian staff within Interpol in Nigeria(Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Rimini).Having abandoned the idea that an action or a series of resolutive interventionscan be put into action, above all in the short term, the conviction remains thatsomething must be done urgently. All the subjects interviewed - victims, privileged

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