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Finally, it would be opportune to invest in monitoring legal activities (moneytransfers, commercial activity) used as systems for recycling money, keeping themunder control, evaluating the owners, and the money earned.e) Curative statutes and requests for asylumOf all the processes it emerges that many irregular madams have obtainedregularisation through a curative statute.Many common opinions are that the “policies of curative statutes” do not helpthe fight against organised crime, but in many cases make it possible to regularisethose who have links to criminality, who often have a capital of useful relations toguarantee the necessary requisites.On the other hand, it is noted that until the Comprehensive ImmigrationEnactment of 1998 the provisions of regularisation were the only real possibility toobtain a valid permission to stay in Italy, due to a lack of a serious policy on nonemergencyimmigration. It is t<strong>here</strong>fore evident that many foreign citizens who inItaly lived and worked, even in an irregular manner, found in the various curativestatutes the way to regularise their own position in the Country. Only a co<strong>here</strong>ntpolicy on immigration, which permits regular entries and helps the start of anaction to contrast the foreign criminality and not immigration, as such, wouldpermit avoiding the use of emergency regulations, often also “criminogenous”.Apart from taking advantage of situations given by the regularisation,criminality seems to be able to profit from the possibilities offered by the methodsof the requesters of asylum: many telephone intercepts suggest that t<strong>here</strong> is a use ofthe requests for asylum in a pretestuous manner, to temporarily guarantee a stay inItaly. The question is very delicate: the guarantee to a requester of asylum toremain on Italian territory for three months renewable until the pronouncement ofthe competent Commission is indispensable to “place in safety” those who are in arisk situation in their own country. At the same time undoubtedly the request ofasylum is one of the few possibilities of obtaining a valid permission to stay, whenone is already in Italy. It follows the necessity for a scrupulous attention to checkthe request, so as to avoid deciding in a standardised manner on the basis ofnationality of the origin of the person interviewed.f) The prospects of “de iure condendo”The possible legislative modifications in this matter, presently under discussionin Parliament, regard on the one hand the introduction of a specific crime whichpunishes the traffic of persons, on the other hand the change in the law onprostitution (Law No. 75/1958), the so-called Merlin Law.The Bill of the Council of Ministers of December 2002 on the modification ofLaw 75/1958 is characterised by the prohibition of prostitution on the street and tothe even minimum regulation of prostitution in apartments. The text, after a seriesof modifications and financial retouching, was presented to the Chamber at the endof March 2003 101 , but its examination has not yet commenced.101The text can be found on the internet site www.cittadinolex.kataweb.it under Costume.

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