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person to obtain either relevant resources within a reasonable time, or theconnection to a system of relationships already known and experimented.The forms of autonomous exit are, on the contrary, the expression of thecapacity of making a web of new relations, to profit from, for example, somesolidarity or interests (for example, ex-clients who offer their help), to single outinsertion possibilities, to adapt themselves to conditions still, and for a long time,precarious and not certainly corresponding to the dream of enrichment andrealisation. It seems that various situations of the victims evolve in this way, whichdemonstrates that many of them are in possession of competence, intelligence, ofresources at the high relationship level (the “social capital” of which we havespoken).The arrival of help structures (for example those delegated, in these last years,to the management of social protection, ex Art. 18), results in being the otherpossible type of trajectory. We have talked and will talk again about this in theconcluding part of this chapter.In this environment it is evident that both the potential of the instrument (beingthat the Nigerian nationality is that most present in the statistics relative toindividual projects under way, at least based on available data), as well as itslimitations, if one does not consider the specific characteristics of the varioustargets and the differences which denote the various criminal organisations, areemphasised. This applies in particular to the question of the obligation to file areport and to the management of the same in the various phases of the investigationand the proceedings.We have talked about the role of religion (or better religiousness), about bothits relevance in repelling the superstitions regarding the ominous consequences ofthe break in the tie undertaken in the wodoo ritual, as well as the consent toaggregation to a nucleus of believers, representing valid support for the prospectsof life. Also in this case, on the other hand, the importance of the attitude of thefamily emerges whether to face the various possible threats and blackmail that thesame breaking of the pact by the daughter may provoke, or in understanding thesteps that the same daughter is undertaking, either to accept the request for help tojoin another context, or, even if in rare cases, to accept her return not accompaniedby the desired success.7.2 Proposals and work tracksIf this is the synthetic picture of the situation, one can now seek to enucleatewhat could be - in the light of the many suggestions that the research work hassupplied and the reflections which followed - the possible hypothesis of a worktrack to improve and increase the contrast actions under the profile of the fightagainst criminality, support to the victims and, finally, prevention and interventionin the Nigerian context. We will start with the instruments of control and repressionto pass on to the social policies.

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