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Multiple however are the factors which affect the possibility, for the Nigerianwomen, to find and maintain work: the economic environment of the area in whichthey live, the politics of entering the labour market put in place by theorganisations that manage the social protection programmes 77 , their capacity toadapt which seems, in many cases, high, but with some rigidity - as for example t<strong>here</strong>spect for time - makes the efforts undertaken nil 78 .The finding of a satisfying job from an economic point of view is judged by allthe victims interviewed as the major factor for someone who wishes to abandonprostitution completely.“If you don’t find work you go on for two or three months, and you start tothink that you have already done it...I will go again! An intelligent person says: Iwill not do it, even if I die of hunger, but you are weak…you say, only some times,only until I need money If t<strong>here</strong> is work however you say: I want to do somethingserious” (Interview Victim No. 10).6.2 Taken in charge by organisationsThe most secure and consolidated path for leaving the circuit of exploitation ofprostitution - known in Italy these last few years - is that of taking in charge of thevictim by organisations known to operate within the project ex art. 18 d.lgs.286/1998: associations, religious organisations, NGOs, public institutions. This isthe “master way” towards the end of exploitation and the search for a new life forthe victims.Experience of this type (started with pilot projects in 1999 and then diffused inall Italy) tells a story of some years that, even if between light and shade, paints adecidedly positive picture.This is not the place for a balance of the projects Art.18, which has been doneelsew<strong>here</strong> 79 . We will limit ourselves to remember <strong>here</strong>, briefly, some elementswhich show a minor or major success of paths for the protection of victims of thetraffic and exploitation:the existence of a “virtuous co-operation” between the Questure (local StatePolice Offices), Prosecutors and organisations;the diverse availability of Questure to accept the social paths, without aformal complaint;77On this point see the timely reflections of Prina (2002 a, pages 513-515) and the case studies illustratedin AA.VV. (2002); Associazione On the Road (2002, pages 111-293).78For an interesting exam of the policies for insertion in work, see Candia et alii (2001). On exit pathsand insertion in work one can refer to Associazione On the Road (2002).79See, AA.VV (2002); Associazione On the Road (2002).

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