Week 3 - Heights Christian Church

Week 3 - Heights Christian Church Week 3 - Heights Christian Church

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Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB and the Dalai Lama4Sunday, March 10, 13

Two Things More on Meditation1. An inexperienced gardener at this time of year in the northern hemisphere struggles against pruning the branches and hedges that are just beginning to bud. Cutting the branches back seems like an offence against the life-­‐process that is breaking into its new cycle; and there is the fear that you will stunt growth for the new season. (Fr. Laurence OSB) Read More…2. If, in the presence of God, you don’t feel safe and even protected, then I don’t think it is God—it is something else. It’s a god that is not God. It’s probably what Meister Eckhart is referring to when he says, “I pray God to rid me of God.” Richard Rohr’s Meditation 3-­‐9-­‐135Sunday, March 10, 13

PRVI DIOUvodPoglavlje I.U ŠTO VJERUJEM"Nikada nije kasno krenuti putevima mudrosti i znanja."Život je, zapravo, vrlo jednostavan:koliko dajemo, toliko i dobivamoŠto mislimo o sebi, postaje istina za nas. Vjerujem da jesvatko, uključujući i mene, sto posto odgovoran za sve što muse u životu događa - dobro ili loše. Svaka naša misao kreira našubudućnost. Svojim načinom razmišljanja i osjećajima stvaramosvoja iskustva. Misli i riječi koje danas izgovaramo, kreiraju našabuduća iskustva.Mi kreiramo što će nam se dogoditi, a onda,da bi nam bilo lakše, okrivljujemo druge za svoje frustracije. Nitijedna osoba, niti mjesto ili stvar nema nikakvu moć nad namajer smo mi jedini koji koristimo svoj um. Mi kreiramo svojaiskustva, svoju stvarnost i određujemo odnose drugih premasebi. Ako stvorimo mir i harmoniju u svojim mislima, pronaćićemo ih i u svojim životima.Koja od slijedećih izjava zvuči kao vaša izjava?"Svi me napadaju.""Svi mi uvijek pomažu."Svaka ova izjava stvorit će sasvim različita iskustva. Štovjerujemo o sebi i o životu, postaje istina za nas.Svemir potpuno podržava svaku našu misaokoju odaberemo i u koju vjerujemo.Drugim riječima, naša podsvijest prihvatit će sve u što misami vjerujemo. Svatko ima svoju životnu istinu, a izbor je u

The Fourth Theme:0 Fourth Theme: Everything belongs and no one needs to be scapegoated or excluded. Evil and illusion only need to be named and exposed truthfully, and they die in exposure to the light (ECUMENICAL).Sunday, March 10, 13

Paradox: Let It Happen but You Can’t MAKE It Happen!0 If you stay in the Nirst half of life and 0 Something BAD happens, 0 And if you refuse the second journey, 0 What do you imagine happens?Sunday, March 10, 13

Rohr on Mysticism0 Now do not let the word “mystic” scare you. It simply means one who has moved from mere belief systems or belonging systems to actual inner experience. All spiritual traditions agree that such a movement is possible, desirable, and available to everyone. In fact, Jesus seems to say that this is the whole point! (See, for example, John 10:19-38.)0 Daily Meditation for 2/16/13.13Sunday, March 10, 13

“Saved”-­‐-­‐ continued“Those who can recognize the Divine within their own puny and ordinary souls will be the same who can freely and daringly afNirm the Divine Presence in the body of Jesus and also in the body of the whole universe. Get it here, get it everywhere! Get it once, and it is true all the time! It is all one and the same pattern, and we call it the Christ Mystery. Once you are inside of this Mystery, you are indeed inside! (Maybe that is what it means to be ‘saved.’)."15Sunday, March 10, 13

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