Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia Inc Show Regulations as of ...

Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia Inc Show Regulations as of ...

Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia Inc Show Regulations as of ...


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<strong>Welsh</strong> <strong>Pony</strong> & <strong>Cob</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Inc</strong> <strong>Show</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> <strong>as</strong> <strong>of</strong> February 2012• These <strong>Regulations</strong> must be followed by exhibitors, judges and stewards.• Where the word ‘exhibit ’ is used in these <strong>Regulations</strong>, it should be taken to refer to Section A, B, C, D, E, Foundation Stock or Part <strong>Welsh</strong>.• Where the word <strong>Welsh</strong> is used in these <strong>Regulations</strong>, it should be taken to refer to section A, B, C, D, E & Foundation Stock.• Panel Judges may not judge the same section within a 100km radius within a 90 day period.** New or amended rule.GENERAL1 Owners and exhibitors are expected to be familiar with the <strong>Show</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong><strong>of</strong> the WP&CS <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. and shall at all times abide by these regulationsand other rules and conditions <strong>as</strong> laid down by the <strong>Welsh</strong> <strong>Pony</strong> & <strong>Cob</strong><strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. (WP&CS). ** It is the exhibitor’s responsibility toensure eligibility for a cl<strong>as</strong>s.2** If the judge, steward or ringm<strong>as</strong>ter considers an exhibit to be dangerous oracting in a manner that is disruptive they may request that the exhibit is removedfrom the ring after issuing one prior warningELIGIBILITY TO SHOW3 <strong>Show</strong> entries without full payment will not be accepted.4 All exhibitors must be financial members <strong>of</strong> the WP&CS. Membership Cardsmay be requested and must be shown on demand.5 No exhibitor may show :• An exhibit bred by, or le<strong>as</strong>ed from the judge or his family in the ring inwhich the judge is <strong>of</strong>ficiating.• An exhibit purch<strong>as</strong>ed from the judge or his family in the ring in which thejudge is <strong>of</strong>ficiating, until after a period <strong>of</strong> 12 months.• An exhibit produced by the Judge or his immediate family until after aperiod <strong>of</strong> 12 months• An exhibit under a Judge where the Judge or immediate family have beenrewarded in c<strong>as</strong>h or kind for instruction <strong>of</strong> handler, rider or driver in thep<strong>as</strong>t six months.• Ünder a Judge when they are or have been in business partnership (excluding stud fees) with that Judge or a member <strong>of</strong> his immediate family in thep<strong>as</strong>t 6 months.• An exhibit under a Judge who h<strong>as</strong>, or had a financial interest in the exhibit(stud fees excluded) in the preceding twelve months.• An exhibit in a cl<strong>as</strong>s under a Judge who h<strong>as</strong> produced an animal for thatexhibitor in the previous twelve months.• A progeny group sired by, or out <strong>of</strong> a stallion or mare owned by the judge.6 All exhibits must be registered with the WP&CS and must be shown in thename <strong>of</strong> the recorded owner or lessee.7 Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> registration may be requested and must be shown on demand.8 All exhibits born in <strong>Australia</strong> and registered with the WP&CS must bebranded or will be ineligible to be shown, with the exception <strong>of</strong> foals shownprior to 31 July in the breeding se<strong>as</strong>on <strong>of</strong> their birth. These foals must be eligiblefor registration with the WP&CS but need not be branded.9 Exhibits entered into stallion or gelding cl<strong>as</strong>ses must be registered <strong>as</strong> suchwith the WP&CS. Geldings are shown <strong>as</strong> Section E <strong>of</strong> A, B, C, or D breedingand no height limit applies.10 **All Foundation Stock, Part <strong>Welsh</strong> and Geldings must have a registered numberin the <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Welsh</strong> Stud Book <strong>of</strong> the WP&CS (Registered FS, FS1and FS2 mares are eligible for exhibition in <strong>Welsh</strong> cl<strong>as</strong>ses).11 Foals must be eligible for registration with the WP&CS. If shown before registrationcertificate is issued, exhibitor must lodge with the show secretary:where stallion is not owned by the exhibitor, a copy <strong>of</strong> the Dam’s registrationcertificate and a copy <strong>of</strong> the Dam’s service certificate: or where the exhibitorowns and/or le<strong>as</strong>es the stallion or mare, a copy <strong>of</strong> their registration certificatesmust be provided with details <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> service.12 An overse<strong>as</strong> visiting exhibit registered with a recognised <strong>Welsh</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, maybe eligible to compete at <strong>Welsh</strong> run shows whilst in <strong>Australia</strong>, provided theshow secretary is advised <strong>of</strong> the pending visit, and a copy <strong>of</strong> the exhibit’sregistration certificate, with pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> membership with that <strong>Society</strong> is producedto the show secretary. The exhibitor must be provided with a copy <strong>of</strong>the show regulations, and must abide by the WP&CS show regulations whilstattending the show.13 Exhibitors who have a disability, and use a wheel chair or other mobility aid,are able to exhibit at WP&CS shows. At the discretion <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>of</strong>Management and/or the <strong>Show</strong> Sub Committee or Judge, or the request <strong>of</strong> afellow exhibitor, the exhibits may be judged independently if there are safetyconcerns. A competent able bodied person (over 16 years <strong>of</strong> age on the firstday <strong>of</strong> the show) must be present in the ring at all times.INSURANCE14 Exhibitors entering exhibits do so entirely at their own risk; it is a condition<strong>of</strong> entry that no liability <strong>of</strong> any kind attaches itself to the WP&CS, the <strong>Show</strong>Subcommittee or members in any respect whatsoever.SHOW SUB-COMMITTEE ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES15 Every exhibitor or competitor shall be bound by and observe the decisions<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Show</strong> Sub-committee.16 The <strong>Show</strong> Sub-committee reserves the right to adjudicate upon entry or uponany dispute and to make any determination upon any matter relevant to theshow. This decision shall be final and not subject to appeal <strong>of</strong> any kind.17 The <strong>Show</strong> Sub-committee reserves the right to disqualify any exhibit that,in its opinion, appears to be in poor condition at the time <strong>of</strong> showing.18 The <strong>Show</strong> Sub-committee reserves the right to combine cl<strong>as</strong>ses if there areinsufficient entries.19 An <strong>of</strong>ficial me<strong>as</strong>urer may be in attendance. Current EA, Hack Council andRoyal <strong>Show</strong> height certificates will be accepted.ELIGIBILITY FOR CLASSES20 Exhibits must be shown in the Section <strong>of</strong> the WP&CS Stud Book in whichthey are registered.21 Part <strong>Welsh</strong> are only eligible to compete in cl<strong>as</strong>ses especially provided forthem or cl<strong>as</strong>ses marked.22** Part <strong>Welsh</strong> exhibits are ineligible to compete against <strong>Welsh</strong> animals in<strong>Welsh</strong> led, <strong>Welsh</strong> ridden, <strong>Welsh</strong> harness cl<strong>as</strong>ses, <strong>Welsh</strong> championships andSupremes at WPCS approved events run under WP&CS rules and regulations.<strong>Welsh</strong> exhibits are eligible to compete against other breeds for awardsat WP&CS approved events run under WP&CS rules and regulations <strong>as</strong> approvedby the Committee <strong>of</strong> Management. To come into effect <strong>as</strong> <strong>of</strong> 12thMarch 201223 A Brood Mare is a mare which h<strong>as</strong> foaled, h<strong>as</strong> a foal at foot or is to foal inthe current breeding se<strong>as</strong>on, prior to the 31st July.24 Progeny <strong>of</strong> FS & FS1 mares are ineligible to be shown until they have a registrationnumber.25 All stallions and colts must be entire and may be subject to a veterinary inspectionat any time during the show at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Show</strong> Sub-committeeor designated <strong>of</strong>ficials.26 A Novice exhibit is not to have won first place at any WP&CS <strong>Australia</strong>event, Royal, Equestrian <strong>Australia</strong> or <strong>Show</strong> Hack Council Horse <strong>of</strong> the Year<strong>Show</strong>.27 A Leading Rein <strong>Pony</strong> is 12 hh or under and is to be ridden by a child 3 yearsand under 8 years <strong>of</strong> age on the first day <strong>of</strong> the show.28 A First Ridden <strong>Pony</strong> cannot exceed 12.2 hh, and is to be ridden by a child 5years and under 12 years <strong>of</strong> age on the first day <strong>of</strong> show.29 Stallions and colts are not eligible to compete in Costume, Fancy Dress,Leading Rein, First Ridden or Junior Handler/Ridden cl<strong>as</strong>ses.CONDUCT OF EXHIBITORS30 Exhibitors must abide by the Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct <strong>as</strong> set by the <strong>Welsh</strong> <strong>Pony</strong> &<strong>Cob</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>.31 Exhibitors should ensure they are wearing the correct exhibit number in thecl<strong>as</strong>s when supplied.32 Judges must not be approached on the day <strong>of</strong> the show or event.33 Once a cl<strong>as</strong>s h<strong>as</strong> commenced no exhibit may leave the ring unless so instructedby the ring <strong>of</strong>ficial.34 There is to be no change <strong>of</strong> handler once a cl<strong>as</strong>s h<strong>as</strong> commenced without thepermission <strong>of</strong> the judge.35 The judge’s decision is final and any protests must be lodged <strong>of</strong>ficially accordingto the <strong>Show</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong>.PLAITING OF EXHIBITS36 At all WP&CS run shows and events Led Section A, B, C, D & E exhibitsmust be exhibited unplaited.37 Open Leading Rein, Open First Ridden, <strong>Show</strong> Hunters and Children’s OpenRidden Exhibits are judged <strong>as</strong> an Open Exhibit, and are to be exhibitedplaited and trimmed. (Part <strong>Welsh</strong> are eligible.)38 <strong>Welsh</strong> Leading Rein, <strong>Welsh</strong> First Ridden, <strong>Welsh</strong> Hunter, Ridden <strong>Welsh</strong>, Children’s<strong>Welsh</strong> Ridden and <strong>Welsh</strong> Harness are to be exhibited with manes andtails unplaited. (Part <strong>Welsh</strong> are ineligible.)62 Action Autumn 2012

WELFARE OF EXHIBITS - The welfare <strong>of</strong> exhibits is paramount39 No lame or sick animal should be brought into a cl<strong>as</strong>s.40 All exhibits must compete drug free. Random swabbing may take place inaccordance with the Rules and <strong>Regulations</strong> <strong>of</strong> the WP&CS which are in accordancewith EFA standards.41 Random DNA testing may take place at all WP&CS run shows, <strong>as</strong> a condition<strong>of</strong> entry all exhibits when selected must be DNA tested.42 Exhibits must not be subjected to unnecessary, unre<strong>as</strong>onable or unjustifiablepain, suffering or injury.43 All foals are to be haltered in the ring and must not be bitted.44 All <strong>Welsh</strong> foals must be exhibited with manes and tails unplaited and mustnot be clipped (trimming is permissible). Part <strong>Welsh</strong> foals, clipping & plaitingis optional.45 Foals under the age <strong>of</strong> three weeks and their dams cannot be shown.46 All colts 2 years and over must be bitted in the ring.47 A brood mare with a foal at foot is ineligible for ridden or harness cl<strong>as</strong>ses.48 CLIPPING - <strong>Welsh</strong> Exhibits 3 years old and under must not be body clippedfor showing purposes. <strong>Welsh</strong> Exhibits 4 years and over which have beenclipped for winter activities can been shown. Fresh body clipping for showsis not permissible. Part <strong>Welsh</strong> clipping is optional. Judges must pay specialattention to this.49 Exhibits competing under saddle or in harness must be three years old or over.Exhibits competing in jumping must be four years and over.50 No dise<strong>as</strong>ed or sick animal may be brought on to event grounds. The eventorganiser reserves the right in its absolute discretion to take such action <strong>as</strong> aVeterinary Surgeon may advise in relation to any exhibit, without limitation.This may include removal <strong>of</strong> an exhibit to another location (in or out <strong>of</strong> thegrounds).The exhibitor indemnifies the <strong>Society</strong> and / or its sub-committee in respect <strong>of</strong>all costs incurred in connection with any action taken pursuant to the aboveregulations. If an animal displays symptoms <strong>of</strong> dise<strong>as</strong>e after arrival at eventgrounds, the owner / exhibitor must notify the organisers immediately and followthe advice <strong>of</strong> a Veterinary Surgeon <strong>as</strong> above.WELFARE OF EXHIBITORS51 Riders, drivers and handlers <strong>of</strong> stallions and colts are to be 16 years and overon the first day <strong>of</strong> the show.52 Riders at <strong>Society</strong> conducted shows and events must be 3 years and over onthe first day <strong>of</strong> the show. Riders must be 5 years and over on the first day <strong>of</strong>the show to compete independently.53 Exhibitors and grooms must wear safe footwear and look neat and smartlydressed when entering the ring.54 The wearing <strong>of</strong> Approved Helmets is compulsory for riders <strong>of</strong> all ages whenriding at all times, whilst mounted, at any WP&CS function. Approved Helmetsare current <strong>Australia</strong>n, New Zealand, European or American standards.55**While in the marshalling area and when entering and departing the ring, exhibitsmust be at no f<strong>as</strong>ter pace than the WALK. Once exhibitors are in thering they must remain at the walk unless instructed otherwise.56 In children’s events dressage whips and spurs are not permitted. Hackingcanes and crops are acceptable. A snaffle bit only may be used.57 WHIPS - length <strong>of</strong> the shaft must not exceed 75 centimetres excluding tails inall cl<strong>as</strong>ses except dressage and harness.58 Leading rein handler to be 16 years and over on the first day <strong>of</strong> the show.59 A fall <strong>of</strong> exhibit or rider in any ridden cl<strong>as</strong>s will result in disqualification fromthat cl<strong>as</strong>s. The rider must not remount in the ring.60 Shakers are prohibited - for safety re<strong>as</strong>ons no third party <strong>as</strong>sistance may beused eg: shakers that may cause interference with other exhibits / exhibitors.Does not apply to persons nominated by the show committee.WORKING HUNTER61 No change <strong>of</strong> saddlery is allowed between ph<strong>as</strong>es or during ph<strong>as</strong>es. Boots,bandages and protective pads on exhibits’ legs or feet are permissible in thejumping ph<strong>as</strong>e only. Open to all <strong>Welsh</strong> and Part <strong>Welsh</strong> exhibits. Open to stallions.Plaiting is not required. Both ph<strong>as</strong>es to be judged individually and consecutivelyby each judge. Any exhibit disqualified from Ph<strong>as</strong>e 1 does notproceed to Ph<strong>as</strong>e 2.Cl<strong>as</strong>ses* Ple<strong>as</strong>e Note:These heights are to come into effect <strong>as</strong> <strong>of</strong> 12th March 20121. Novice Maximum height (45cm)2. Under 12 hh Maximum height (45cm)3. 12 hh & under 13 hh Maximum height (55cm)4. 13 hh & under 14 hh Maximum height (65cm)5. 14 hh & under 15 hh Maximum height (75cm)6. Over 15 hh Maximum height (85cm)Champion & Reserve Champion Working Hunter(Winners <strong>of</strong> Novice Cl<strong>as</strong>s not eligible)MARKINGPh<strong>as</strong>e 1Jumping To be judged on jumping style and mannersJumping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 ptsStyle & Manners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 ptsPenalties Ph<strong>as</strong>e 1Knockdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 ptsFirst Refusal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 ptsSecond Refusal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 ptsThird Refusal DisqualificationFall <strong>of</strong> horse or rider either ph<strong>as</strong>e DisqualificationPh<strong>as</strong>e 2 Flat:To be judged on conformation, manners and freedom <strong>of</strong> actionConformation and freedom <strong>of</strong> action . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 ptsManners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 ptsTotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 ptsIn the event <strong>of</strong> a tie, the total from Ph<strong>as</strong>e 1 will take precedence, followedby Manners score, then conformation score. If there is still a tie, the Judge’sdecision is Final. No penalty is incurred if the lower pole on the same verticalplane is lowered. If an exhibit turns its quarters to a fence or h<strong>as</strong> acomplete turn around, both constitute a refusal. If an exhibit jumps the incorrectfence it will be eliminated. Exhibits displaying continued disobedienceor exhibits leaving the ring whether the rider is mounted ordismounted will be eliminated. The Jumping ph<strong>as</strong>e will be completed first;any exhibit eliminated or disqualified will be eliminated from the competition.PROTESTS62 An exhibitor may lodge a protest against a competitor/judge. Protests mustbe lodged in writing with the <strong>Show</strong> Secretary within 3 hours <strong>of</strong> the disputedaction, accompanied by a fee <strong>of</strong> $100, which will be forfeited if not upheld.In the first instance protests must be dealt with by the <strong>Show</strong> Sub-committeewhich may refer the matter to the Committee <strong>of</strong> Management. Any personwho h<strong>as</strong> a protest lodged against him or her h<strong>as</strong> the right <strong>of</strong> reply. Any expensesincurred by any party to the said protests shall be borne by that party.GUIDELINES TO JUDGES & EXHIBITORSRE: PLAITING Notice to Judges and Exhibitors.There appears to be some confusion relating to the plaiting <strong>of</strong> <strong>Welsh</strong> exhibitsat shows. For clarification, the following regulations apply: At showsconducted by the WP&CS, all exhibits shown in led and ridden <strong>Welsh</strong>cl<strong>as</strong>ses must be shown unplaited. This does not include Part <strong>Welsh</strong>. Atagricultural and horse shows that state they are being judged under theWP&CS <strong>Show</strong> regulations, exhibits in led and ridden <strong>Welsh</strong> cl<strong>as</strong>ses mustbe unplaited. At all other shows where the WP&CS h<strong>as</strong> no jurisdiction,this rule cannot be enforced. At these shows plaited exhibits should not bepenalised.NOTE: WP&CS Medals will only be allocated to shows which are judgedby a member <strong>of</strong> the WP&CS Judges’ Panel and are judged under the showregulations <strong>of</strong> the WP&CS.CANCELLATION POLICY• Cancellation Policy – in accordance with the WPCS <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Inc</strong> ExtremeWeather & Cancellation Policy if cancellation is required due to existingor predicted severe and dangerous conditions such <strong>as</strong> Code Red FireWarnings / Flood or travel warnings / dise<strong>as</strong>e outbreaks a recorded messagewill be available <strong>as</strong> printed on the relevant show programREFUND POLICY• If an event h<strong>as</strong> commenced there will be no refunds.• If an event is cancelled prior to commencement <strong>of</strong> the event – costs incurredby the show committee prior to the show will be paid and remaining fundswill be reimbursed to the member if the amount per exhibitor is $2 or more.• If an event is postponed entry fees will not be refunded without a writtenrequest from the exhibitor within 7 days <strong>of</strong> the notification <strong>of</strong> postponement.Action Autumn 2012 63

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