Avance Ultimate Wok - Breville

Avance Ultimate Wok - Breville

Avance Ultimate Wok - Breville

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Special ingredientsAgar-agarIs made from different types of seaweed. It hasexcellent setting properties, similar to gelatineand will set at room temperature.Bok choyAlso known as Chinese chard or Chinese whitecabbage, has fleshy white stems and dark greenleaves. It has a slight mustard taste. There is also asmaller version called shanghai or baby bok choy.Bamboo shootsThe young tender shoots of bamboo plants areavailable in cans. They are mainly used to addtexture to food.Coconut cream and coconut milkBoth coconut cream and milk are extracted from thegrated flesh of mature coconuts. The cream is a richerfirst pressing and the milk the second or third pressing.Chillies, fresh and driedChillies are available in many different types andsizes. The small ones (birds eye or bird peppers) arethe hottest. Use tight fitting gloves when handlingand chopping fresh chillies as they can burn yourskin. The chilli seeds are the hottest part of thechillies so remove them if you want to reduce theheat content of recipes.CorianderThis is also known as cilantro and Chinese parsley.It is essential to many South-East Asian cuisines.A strongly flavoured herb, use it sparingly until youare accustomed to the unique flavour. Parsley canbe used as a substitute; it looks the same but tastesquite different. Coriander is available fresh, groundand in seed form.Char siu sauceThis is the equivalent of Chinese BBQ sauce.Crisp fried shallotsThese are available from most Asian supermarketspre-prepared.Fish sauceA thin, salty dark brown sauce with a distinctivefishy smell, which is used extensively in Thai andVietnamese cookery. It is made from small fish thathave been fermented in the sun. Fish sauce replacessalt in many recipes.Garam masalaA blend of spices, usually consisting of somecombination of cinnamon, cumin, pepper, cloves,cardamom, nutmeg and mace.It can be bought already blended from supermarkets,but it is best freshly made. It is usually addedtowards the end of cooking.Green ginger wineAn Australian made alcoholic sweet wine infusedwith finely ground ginger.Hoisin sauceThis sauce is a thick sweet Chinese barbecue saucemade from a mixture of salted black beans, onionsand garlic.Hokkien noodlesAlso known as fukkien, these are thick, yellowand rubbery in texture. They are made from wheatflour and are cooked and lightly oiled before beingpackaged and sold. The noodles need to be brokenup before cooking.Rice noodlesThese are fresh white noodles, they do not require alot of cooking.Kaffir lime leavesThese are dark green, shiny, double leaves whichhave a very pungent perfume. They are rather thickand must be sliced very finely for use as a garnish, oradded whole in a curry.15

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