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DVOJEZIČNI <strong>DOKUMENT</strong> – <strong>VERZIJA</strong> <strong>NA</strong> <strong>SRPSKOM</strong> I ENGLESKOM JEZIKUBILINGUAL DOCUMET – SERBIAN AND ENGLISH VERSIONS“KAVIM-RAŠKA”A.D.UPRAVNI ODBORBr. 156-1Raška,dana 10.05.2012.god.“KAVIM-RAŠKA”A.D.BOARD OF DIRECTORSNo. 156-1Place and date: Raška, 10 th May 2012P O Z I V N I C AI N V I T A T I O NNa osnovu člana 329. i 335. Zakona oprivrednim društvima u skladu sa Odlukom upravnogodbora o zakazivanju redovne sednice skupštine„Kavim-Raška“a.d.Raška, broj :156 od 10.05.2012.godine, Upravni odbor Društva upućuje ovu pozivnicuza redovnu sednicu akcionarske skupštine društva.Redovna skupštine društva će se održati26.06.2012.godine sa početkom u 12,00 časova u uRaški.Za redovnu skupštinu predložen je sledećiBased on Articles 329 and 335 of the Companies Law andacting in accordance with the Decision by the Board ofDirectors regulating the summoning of the regular meetingof „Kavim Raška‟ Decision No. 156, as of 10 th May 2012,the Board of Directors of the Company herewith announcesthis Invitation for the regular meeting of the CompanyAssembly.The regular meeting of the Company Assembly will beheld on 26 th June 2012, starting at 12:00 a.m., at theCompany premises in Novi Pazar.The following agenda is proposed for the regular meeting:DNEVNI RED:1. Usvajanje zapisnika sa predhodne sedniceskupštine „Kavim-Raška“ a.d.Raška;2. Donošenje odluke o usvajanju finansijskih izveštajadruštva za 2011.godinu;3. Donošenje odluke o usvajanju izveštaja o reviziji za2011.godinu ovlašćenog revizora revizijske kuće»Baker Tilly WB revizija« d.o.o. ul. Bulevar DepotaStefana 12. Beograd4. Donošenje odluke o usvajanju Statuta društva radiusklaĎivanja sa novim Zakonom o privrednimdruštvima;5. Donošenje odluke o usvajanju Poslovnika o raduskupštine društva;6. Donošenje odluke o Razrešenje članova Upravnogodbora dosadašnjeg saziva zbog ukidanja tog organau Zakonu;7. Izbor predsednika i članova Nadzornog odboraDruštva;8. Izbor sekretara društva;9. Razna pitanja iz delokruga ovlašćenja SkupštineDruštva.AGENDA:1. Verification of Protocol from the previous meeting of„Kavim Raška‟ a.d. Raška;2. Making a decision to approve financial reports of theCompany for 2011;3. Making a decision to approve the report on audit for2011, submitted by the certified auditor – the auditors‟house »Baker Tilly WB revizija« d.o.o., located at BulevarDespota Stefana 12. Beograd4. Making a decision to approve the Company Statute, inorder to synchronise it with the new Companies Law;5. Making a decision to approve the Rules that regulate thefunction and activites of the Company Assembly;6. Making a decision to dismiss the members of the Boardof Directors from the previous office, due to the abolition ofthis organ by the new Law;7. Appointment of the President and members of theSupervisory Board of the Company;8. Appointment of the Secretary of the Company;9. Other questions within the scope of responsibility of theCompany Assembly.

Dan akcionara za redovnu skupštinu akcionaradruštva na koji se utvrĎuje spisak akcionara koji imajupravo na učešće u radu sednice skupštine, UTVRDIna deseti dan pre dana održavanja te sednice 16.06.2012.godine.Punomoćje se dostavlja u sedište Društva preodržavanja sednice Skupštine društva.Punomoćje važi i za nastavak prekinutesednice skupštine.Pisani poziv za redovnu Skupštine Društvaobjavljuje na internet stranici Društva:www.kavimserbia.rsi na internet stranici registra privrednihsubjekata. Pored toga obzirom da se radi o javnomakcionarskom društvu, poziv sa sednicu objaviće se ina internet stranici Beogradske berze, gde suuključene njegove akcije.Društvo obezbeĎuje kopiju teksta predlogaodluka, informacije i dokumenta za usvajanje u sedištuDruštva svakog radnog dana.<strong>NA</strong>POME<strong>NA</strong> :- Dan objavljivanja (slanja) pozivnice je23.05.2012.godine.It is herewith decided that the day on which to establish thelist of shareholders who will have the right to participate inthe meeting of the Company Assembly, will be the TENTHday prior to holding the meeting, which is 16 th June 2012.Powers of attorney must be submitted to the head officeof the Company, prior to holding the meeting of theCompany Assembly.A power of attorney will be valid for any continuation of aninterrupted meeting of the Company Assembly.A written invitation to attend the regular meeting of theCompany Assembly will be publicised on the Internetpages of the Company, www.kavim-serbia.rs as well as theInternet pages of the Companies Register. In addition tothis and given the fact that the Company herein is a publicshareholding company, the invitation for the meeting willalso be published at the Internet pages of the BelgradeStock Exchange, where the shares of the Company arelisted.The Company will supply a copy of the text of the draftdecisions, the information and documents that will beproposed for approval, all of which will be available at theCompany‟s head office, during the working days..NOTE:- The date of the publication (sending out) of theinvitation is 23 rd May 2012..PREDSEDNIK UPRAVNOG ODBORA / PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS___________________________ZEEV HORENOvim potvrĎujem da je engleski prevod teksta na desnoj strani ovog dokumenta u potpunostiveran originalu na srpskom jeziku, koji je dat na levoj strani dokumenta.Ljubomir Vasojević, prof. Stalni sudski tumač za engleski jezik.Cara Lazara 27, 32000 Čačak. Rešenje br. 740-06-1783/08-03 od 30. 10. 2008., Ministastvopravde Rep. SrbijeI hereby certify that the English version of the text, given on the right-hand side of this document, is atrue translation of the original Serbian version, given on its left-hand side.Ljubomir Vasojević MA, Certified Court Translator for English.Cara Lazara 27, 32000 Čačak. Licence No. 740-06-1783/08-03 of 30 th October 2008, issued by theMinistry of Justice, Republic of Serbia

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