Agile Requirements Modeling Example 1. Initial Envisionment

Agile Requirements Modeling Example 1. Initial Envisionment

Agile Requirements Modeling Example 1. Initial Envisionment


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<strong>Agile</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>Modeling</strong> <strong>Example</strong>http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/agile<strong>Requirements</strong><strong>Example</strong>.htmPage 6 of 133/1/2011make requirements as technology independent as possible but the reality is that many systems are alreadyconstrained to a subset of architectural options, for example SWA Online is constrained to an Internet-basedsolution, so investing time trying to abstract away from this constraint is likely of little value to your immediateefforts. Remember the principle maximize stakeholder ROI and focus your requirements modeling efforts ontasks that provide positive value.Figure 4. A high-level use case diagram for SWA Online.The use cases would be described simply, during your initial modeling efforts a point-form description of thelogic for each use case may be sufficient. You don’t need to specify the system in detail at this point, you onlyneed to gain a basic understanding of what the system should accomplish and to identify the initial scope for thesystem, and a point-form description of each use case and actor does this. If your project stakeholders allow ityou may not even need to go this far – perhaps identifying three or four use cases is enough for now. If it isthen apply the principle Model With A Purpose and stop your initial requirements modeling efforts for now,moving on to detailed modeling efforts that drill down into the modeling and implementing the requirements youhave already identified.In Figure 4 you see that I have applied the UML stereotype on a requirements diagram, yet in TheObject Primer 3/e I recommend that you apply stereotypes on analysis-level use case diagrams, typicallyreferred to as system use case diagrams because they often reflect architecture and design issues, but notrequirements-level use case diagrams. Once again the world hasn’t ended and the modeling police haven’tcharged me with crimes against software development humanity. The diagram is interesting because it showsthat it is common for models to cross process boundaries, in this case the diagram reflects what I wouldconsider to be both requirements and analysis issues.

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