baking & roasting

baking & roasting

baking & roasting


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Miele Company Ltd.Fairacres, Marcham Road,Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 1TWTel: (01235) 554455Telefax: (01235) 554477Internet: www.miele.co.ukE-mail: info@miele.co.uk<strong>baking</strong> & <strong>roasting</strong><strong>baking</strong>COOKINGFOR PLEASUREWITH MIELE& <strong>roasting</strong>M.-Nr. 6 234 880

aking& <strong>roasting</strong>COOKINGFOR PLEASUREWITH MIELE

2forewordDear Connoisseur,Mealtimes are when families are mostoften together. Food is nearly alwaysthe focus when friends gather, be it fora casual evening or a more formalcelebration. And whenever people meetto enjoy a meal, <strong>baking</strong> and <strong>roasting</strong>take a central role.

4contents2 Foreword8 Cooking for pleasure10 Cooking functions12 Tips and useful hints17 Conversion chartBaking20 Baking – preparation tips28 Swiss roll31 Amaretto almond gateau32 Carrot cake33 Apple and poppy seed cake33 Pear tartlets34 Chocolate hazelnut pavlova36 Sponge gateau38 Dutch cherry slices40 Apple pyramids41 Cherry or redcurrant torte42 Choux buns44 Guglhupf46 Streusel cake47 Plaited loaf48 Swiss apple cake50 Butter cake51 Fresh fruit flan52 Stollen54 Cinnamon whirls56 Lemon tart58 Pear cake with almondtopping58 Plum cheese cake59 Apple hazelnut streusel60 Open apple tart62 Cherry and almond torte62 Blueberry cheesecake63 Apricot torte63 Cherry crumble slices64 Cappuccino crumble slices66 Seasonal fruit cheesecake66 Rhubarb vanilla tart68 Aniseed knots70 Hazelnut fruit torte71 Apple pie72 Apple turnovers72 Raisin whirls73 Apricot streusel74 Quark scones74 Quark stollen76 Iced Chelsea slices78 Sweet flan case78 Ring cake79 Madeira cake80 Almond slices80 Apricot and peach slices82 Chocolate cake82 Walnut muffins84 Apple cinnamon cake86 Apple tart86 French choc chip andrum ring cake87 Fruit loaf87 Espresso slices88 Meringue baskets90 Almond biscuits92 Chocolate cherry muffins94 Marble cake94 Pineapple ring cake95 Quark strudel96 Cherry strudel98 Olive bread98 Tomato and olive breadsticks100 Grissini100 Apple raisin bread102 Flat bread103 Bacon or herb baguettes104 Quick herb ciabatta106 Sesame bread rings108 Wholegrain bread108 White bread109 Marzipan squares109 Drop cookies110 Double nut biscuits110 Crunchy cookies111 Amaretti biscuits111 Nut crunchies112 Peanut cookies114 Vanilla crescents114 Vanilla biscuits116 Shortbread biscuits117 Gingerbread slices117 Mocha macaroons118 Chocolate bites120 Choc rum raisin squares120 Streusel cookies122 Almond baguettes124 Lemon slices125 Chocolate orange slices125 Florentines126 Marzipan hearts

Snacks and startersCasseroles andsavoury bakesVegetarian dishes130 Snacks and starters –preparation tips131 Chicken loaf132 Marinated peppers132 Baked pears134 Game terrine134 Baked artichoke hearts136 Tomatoes stuffed withgoats' cheese136 Tomarella toast138 Cheese soufflé138 Camembert toast140 Salmon trout loaf144 Casseroles and savoury bakes –preparation tips145 Oven soup146 Salmon lasagne146 Red pepper and rice casserole148 Aubergine moussaka149 Beef casserole with whitecabbage149 Salmon and potato bake150 Spicy beef casserole withred wine sauce150 Minced beef and vegetable bake152 Vegetable bake154 Beef and leek bake156 Seafood bake156 Pasta bake160 Vegetarian dishes –preparation tips161 Porcini lasagne162 Pepper and onion tart164 Potato and cauliflower quiche165 Broccoli and mushroom bake165 Vegetable gratin166 Vegetable lasagne166 Romanesco bake168 Spinach lasagne with goats'cheese169 Asparagus lasagne169 Basil tomatoes170 Hash browns172 Stuffed Savoy cabbage rolls174 Mushroom lasagne175 Stuffed peppers5

6contentsFish178 Fish – preparation tips180 Pikeperch in a herb creamsauce181 Trout182 Seabream baked in salt182 Mecklenburger fish bake184 Salmon in a horseradishcrust184 Salmon and rice bake185 Salmon trout186 Salmon steaks186 Hungarian carpMeat190 Meat – preparation tips194 Osso buco196 Pot roast veal196 Roast veal197 Shepherd's hot pot197 Lamb chops baked inthyme198 Rack of lamb in amustard and herb crust198 Leg of lamb200 Rabbit in a mustard sauce200 T-bone steak202 Goulash202 Beef roulades203 Beef burgers204 Roast beef206 Meat loaf206 Braised beef208 Pork steaks baked incheese and cream sauce208 Pork steaks baked intomatoes and cream209 Fillet of pork en croûte210 Spare ribs210 Szegediner goulash212 Roast ham213 Roast leg of pork in beer214 Gammon baked in honey214 Spit-roast pork216 Pork roulade218 Saddle of hare218 Haunch of hare219 Saddle of venison220 Fillet of venison in agrape sauceMeat222 Roast venison in acranberry sauce223 Saddle of wild boar ina cherry sauce224 Turkey roulade stuffed withcheese and pesto225 Lemon chicken breasts225 Roast chicken226 Turkey glazed with chutney228 Chicken satay230 Stuffed chicken breasts230 Coq au vin231 Tandoori chicken232 Chicken wings232 Turkey breasts baked inhoney234 Pheasant roast in juniperberries234 Duck served with acranberry sauce235 Goose236 Roast leg of goose238 Roast breast of goose238 Duck à l'orange239 Stuffed roast turkey

Side dishes andvegetablesSavouriesDesserts242 Side dishes and vegetables –preparation tips244 Potato and rocket salad soufflé244 Ratatouille246 Potato gratin with a mustardsauce246 Swiss style potato gratin247 Herby roast potatoes247 Filled jacket potatoes248 Potatoes with mojo sauce248 Stuffed courgettes250 Stuffed mushrooms251 Potato cheese bake252 Stuffed aubergines252 Baked spinach254 Green beans tossed intomatoes and breadcrumbs254 Courgettes baked in a tomatoherb sauce256 Baked asparagus256 Chicory in a balsamic sauce258 Risotto258 Tomatoes stuffed withMozzarella and bacon260 Brussels sprouts au gratin260 Tomato and potato gratin264 Savoury treats– preparation tips265 Meat timbales265 Walnut cheese bites266 Pizza269 Calzone270 Ham and cheese muffins270 Cheesy balls272 Goats' cheese on toast272 Savoury cheese biscuits274 Cheese and bacon quiche274 Broccoli flan275 Savoury tart276 Pizza whirls276 Mushroom squares278 Bread crisps278 Cheese and pear tart280 Grilled baguette slices282 Chicken nuggets with dips284 Game pasties285 Minced meat toasties288 Desserts – preparation tips289 Marzipan and mascarponesoufflé289 Plums stuffed with marzipan290 Chocolate sponge puddings292 Banana coffee meringue293 Baked apples294 Orange crème caramel294 Crème caramel296 Quark and raisin pudding296 Fruit crumble7

8cooking for pleasureThe most popular hobby in the world!One of the oldest domestic questionson the planet has to be “What am Igoing to cook today?” In earlycivilisations the answer was totallydependent on what hunters broughthome and on which fruits and plantswere available nearby to prepare overan open fire, but as time went on moreand more choice became available.Today we draw on the experience ofcenturies, and are constantly addingnew ideas to the repertoire. There aremore foods and ways of cooking themthan ever before. Distance is no barrierto culinary creativity, and ingredientsfrom the other side of the world canarrive fresh on our tables within hours.Eating is now more than a mere basicneed. It isn’t just a matter of what iscooked and eaten, but principally ofhow the preparation and consumptionof the food is celebrated. A fullstomach is not the be-all and end-all;rather the pure joy of eating, tasting,savouring… Nowadays eating is oftenreferred to as “dining” – implyingan attitude that encompasses apleasurable experience. Whether it is aromantic candle-lit dinner for two, ajoyous family occasion or a relaxedsupper party with friends, the pleasureof dining knows no bounds.And because the anticipation of theend result is part of that pleasure,cooking and the kitchen assume primeimportance. Some prefer to work ontheir own in the kitchen, surprisingtheir family and friends with carefullyprepared recipes, while others throwtheir kitchens open to friends as a formof hospitality, inviting them to helpcreate the result.

Cooking and eating make a valuablecontribution to internationalunderstanding. Restaurantsspecialising in the cuisines fromaround the world, as well as travel andbroadcasting, have introduced us tothe foods of different cultures, andencouraged us to appreciate them.The wok, which has been indispensableto the Chinese for over 3,000 years, isone of the latest utensils to elbow itsway onto our hobs.The modern generation of cooks whowant to enjoy their cooking and whoare open to new ideas, set great storeby quality cooking appliances andeasy-to-use technology. The latestgeneration Miele ovens feature everyimaginable convenience and break newground in the history of cooking.9

cooking functionsThe ideal programme for every dishAll foods have their own characteristicsand flavours, and the Miele oven has acooking function for every kind of food.The following summary will help you tobecome quickly conversant with thedifferent functions of your oven.The latest built-in ovens from Mieleare particularly easy to use. Theelectronics have been designed tobe exceptionally user friendly. Theintelligent user navigation systemenables you to set your requiredfunction quickly and precisely.1. Fan plusHot circulating air is used to cook onthis function. A high performanceelement heats the air, which is thencirculated by a fan to cook food on upto three levels to perfection withoutthe transference of smells or flavours.Pre-heating is usually unnecessary. TheFan plus function is perfect for mostcakes and bakes, and ensures an evenlycooked and browned result.2. Conventional top and bottom heatThe top and bottom heat of this ovenfunction is ideal for <strong>baking</strong> traditionalcakes and gateaux.3. GrillThin cuts such as steak, cutlets andflat fish cook to perfection under thegrill, offering a delicious and tastyalternative to frying. It is also the idealchoice for simple snacks like cheese ontoast.You should pre-heat the grill for about5 minutes before using it, and then grillwith the oven door closed. Rememberto use the <strong>roasting</strong> filter!10

tips and useful hintsBaking and <strong>roasting</strong> with Miele – pure pleasureYour Miele oven will be a member ofyour household for about twenty years.As a focal point in the most importantroom in the house, you will have spenta lot of time selecting the right one.The reasons for choosing a Mieleappliance are countless. A few aregiven here.1. It cooks intelligentlyUsing the latest electronic technology,our top-of-the-range appliances havea selection of automatic programmeswhich are easy to use and ensureperfect results. The cooking functions,as well as the temperatures andcooking times of individual dishes, arestored in memory. You can also selectwhether, for example, you prefer yourroast beef to be rare, medium or welldone, or your <strong>baking</strong> to have a normalor darker finish.What’s more, with “Cakes” the cookingtime is automatically controlled by asensor, and the exact finishing timecalculated. For example, you can popan open apple cake into the oven,select the programme, and then leavethe rest to your oven. On the Automaticprogramme for “Baked Goods”, themoisture content in the oven cavitywill be adjusted to suit each recipe –creating the ideal oven climate for thebest results. The display will keep youinformed of what’s happening.2. This oven remembers everythingUp to 30 of your favourite recipes,along with the name, cooking function,temperature and cooking time, can bestored in the memory of the oven,making your own programmes availableat the touch of a button. In this way,for example, Dad’s potato gratin alwaysturns out just how he likes it.Successful results every time!12

3. Be confident and be in control!Confidence in your own experience isimportant when cooking. However, toachieve the best flavours and results,precision is required. Success can beguaranteed when <strong>roasting</strong> by using theroast probe, as the core temperatureof the meat is constantly beingmonitored, and the oven can be setto produce the result you desire. Thedisplay shows how much cooking timeis left.4. We turn the spit for youSelected ovens have an additional grillmotor. The rotisserie slots easily intothe sockets in the motor and, as inmany professional kitchens, turnsslowly and evenly. Extra large jointscan be accommodated on thediagonally configured spit.5. Time is moneyHeat-up times can be reduced by up to50% by using the “Rapid Heat-up”function on the “Auto Roast”, “Fanplus” and “Conventional top andbottom heat” programmes. This savesboth time and energy.6. Clean air, clean ovenDelicious food often means a lot ofcleaning up afterwards – but notwith Miele! Cleaning the oven andaccessories is minimal, and thanks tothe built-in catalyser, cooking smellsand soiling levels are substantiallyreduced.The oven cavity, <strong>baking</strong> tray, grill pan,racks and even the side runners ofMiele ovens are treated withPerfectClean, a unique surface withoutstanding anti-stick propertieswhich, when cleaned regularly, willkeep your oven and accessories lookinggreat. The oven roof and sides havecatalytic liners, and at temperaturesabove 250°C they oxidise fat splashes,helping to keep these areas clean.For more stubborn soiling, some ovensoffer a Pyrolitic Programme in whichthe oven is heated to an extremely hightemperature, reducing soiling to ash.The full-width, sealed glass oven door,as well as the high-quality exterior withits retractable controls, are extremelyeasy to clean.13

General tipsHealthy food should not be overcookedor over-baked. Cakes, pizza, and chipsetc. should be baked until they aregolden brown, and not left to turn darkbrown.Cooking times apply to non pre-heatedovens, except where stated. If you dopre-heat the oven when it is notnecessary, the cooking time should bereduced to avoid overcooking. When<strong>baking</strong> several trays of biscuits insuccession, remember to reduce thetime for subsequent trays as the ovenwill already be hot.The times given serve as a guide, andmuch also depends on the temperatureof the uncooked food as well as itsquality. Small adjustments can be madeto suit your own taste as to how crispor brown you like your cakes, meat orvegetables.GeneralThe Contents are listed at thebeginning of the book, and there is analphabetical Index at the back to helpyou find specific recipes quickly.Recommended oven functionThe recommended function for eachrecipe is printed in bold. Recipesrecommending Fan plus can alsosuccessfully be cooked on Conventionaltop and bottom heat. If your ovendoesn’t have the recommendedfunction, choose one of the othersuggested settings.Temperature rangeTemperature ranges are quoted for<strong>baking</strong>, <strong>roasting</strong> and cooking.Generally the middle setting should bechosen. The temperature can be raisedor lowered depending on the type andsize of the <strong>baking</strong> tin, the quantity andthe desired browning result. The sameapplies to recommended temperatures.They are intended as a general guide,but can be altered to suit individualrequirements. However, if too high atemperature is selected, the resultwhen <strong>baking</strong> cakes or biscuits may berather uneven.Shelf levelThe shelf level quoted in the recipesassumes level 1 as being the lowestone and level 4 being at the top of theoven.14

List of specialist termsBardingWrapping or laying rashers of baconover meat, poultry or fish to avoidthese drying out during cooking.Blind <strong>baking</strong>Pre-<strong>baking</strong> a pasty or flan case linedwith <strong>baking</strong> parchment and filled withdried beans or <strong>baking</strong> beans helps toavoid the pastry bubbling. Discard thebeans before adding the filling.DeglazingAdding liquid to the pan after braisingmeat or vegetables.FoldingStiffly whipped cream or egg white canbe folded into creamy desserts or cakemixtures with a spatula or large wirewhisk. It should be folded in gently tomaintain the light, airy texture of thecream or egg white.ReducingBoil soups, sauces or the juices fromthe meat over a high heat. Water willevaporate, and the liquid becomesmore concentrated.Thickening with cream or corn flourSauces and soups can be thickened byadding double cream, crème fraîche orcorn flour mixed with a little coldwater to a smooth paste. Always addthese to cold liquids to avoid thembecoming lumpy.15

A few useful tips16Various measurements and ingredientsare mentioned in this recipe book whichare not commonly available in the UK.Wherever possible we have tried toadapt the recipes using ingredients thatwe can get.Vanilla sugarVanilla sugar is available in goodsupermarkets. However it is very easyto make your own:Split a vanilla pod lengthwise and thencut each half into quarters. Place in asealed jar with 500 g of caster sugarand leave for 3-4 days before using toallow the flavours to blend. The pulpcan be scraped out of the pods for aneven more intensive flavour.CreamIf the cream is to be heated or cookedyou should use double cream. Singlecream will curdle or separate ifsubjected to heat. Many of the recipescall for whipped cream. You can useeither whipping cream or double creamin these recipes.If you wish to give the whipped creammore stability so that it holds its formfor longer, dissolve 1 / 2 tsp ofunflavoured powdered gelatine in atablespoon of cold water and beat itinto the cream as you whip it. Thisquantity is sufficient for 250 ml ofcream.Sour cream, crème fraiche, quarkThese ingredients are sometimesmeasured in ml and sometimes in g onthe packaging. You can use them likefor like. In other words if the tubstates the contents are 150 ml this isthe same as 150 g.Instant custard powderMany of the original German recipescall for a packet of vanilla puddingmix. We have substituted this with apacket of instant custard powder.YeastYeast is a natural raising agent foraerating dough. Either fresh or driedyeast can be used with equally goodresults. It requires warmth (max.50°C), time and nutrients (flour, sugarand liquid) to rise. Fresh yeast is usedin many recipes in this book. It can besourced from bakery sections in largersupermarkets or local health foodshops. If you cannot get fresh yeast,you could use dried yeast instead. Wehave quoted the equivalent number ofsachets of dried yeast in theingredients. Dried yeast can usually beadded with the dry ingredients so youmay have to adapt the recipesaccordingly.

MeasurementsMetric measurements are usedthroughout this book. A conversionchart is given below, but please notethat it is to be used as a rough guideonly. The calculations are notscientific!Small quantities of ingredientsSmall quantities of dry ingredients,chopped herbs etc. are given inteaspoon and tablespoonmeasurements wherever possible:1 tsp = 5 ml teaspoon1 tbsp = 15 ml tablespoonMetricml / litresImperialfl. oz. / pintsMetricgramsImperialounces (oz)2.5 ml 1/2 tsp5 ml 1 tsp10 ml 1 dsp15 ml 1 tbsp30 ml 2 tbsp45 ml 3 tbsp60 ml 4 tbsp75 ml 3 fl oz / 5 tbsp100 ml 3 1/2 fl oz / 6 tbsp125 ml 4 fl oz150 ml 5 fl oz / 1/4 pint200 ml 7 fl oz250 ml 8 fl oz275 ml 10 fl oz / 1/2 pint375 ml 14 fl oz450 ml 3/4 pint500 ml 17 fl oz570 ml 1 pint750 ml 1 1/4 pints850 ml 1 1/2 pints1 litre 1 3/4 pints1.5 litres 2 1/2 pints2 litres 3 1/2 pints10 1/220 3/425 140 1 1/250 260 2 1/275 3100 3 1/2110 4125 4 1/2150 5175 6190 6 1/2200 7225 8250 9275 10300 11350 12400 14450 1 lb500 1 1/4 lbs700 1 1/2 lbs800 1 1/4 lbs900 2 lbs1 kg 2 1/4 lbs17


ALITTLEBITOFW HATYOU FANCY…Gateaux, cakes and biscuits are as muchpart of convivial coffee mornings andcosy afternoon teas as a beautifully laidtable and sparkling conversation.Anyone wanting to spoil their guestswith delicious home <strong>baking</strong> can choosefrom a wealth of pastries, ingredientsand toppings. Ideally there should besomething of everything as mostpeople will come back for a secondhelping!

To save energy, for cakes with a <strong>baking</strong>time of longer than 60 minutes theoven can be switched off 5-10 minutesbefore the end, and the <strong>baking</strong>process will be finished by the residualheat in the oven. If your oven has“Energy-Save”, it will automaticallyswitch off before the end of cookingusing a programmed procedure.Depending on the type of <strong>baking</strong> tin,the quantity and the desired browningresult, the temperature settings quotedin the recipes can be reduced orincreased by approx. 10°C.Biscuits and small cakesA range of dough mixtures are suitablefor biscuits and small cakes. Forbiscuits, a simple kneaded dough isespecially appropriate, as it is easy toshape, roll out and cut. To ensure thatbiscuits bake evenly, the mixtureshould be rolled out to an eventhickness before cutting, or shapes of asimilar size should be formed.Sponge mixes are ideal for cakes andfancies which can be filled or icedbefore being cut into slices or shapes.Fan plus is perfect for <strong>baking</strong> biscuitsand cup cakes as several trays can bebaked at the same time.Allow your biscuits or cakes to coolbefore storing in an airtight tin.21

An even lighter result is achieved ifsome of the flour is replaced with cornflour.Sponge is usually fat-free, althoughsome recipes call for melted, thenre-cooled butter to be folded into themixture just before <strong>baking</strong>.Sponge should be baked until golden. Ifit is baked for too long, it will be toodry and may crack easily. If using for aSwiss roll, the cake will then not besoft enough to roll. Turn Swiss rollcakes out onto a clean, damp tea towelimmediately after removing them fromthe oven. Sprinkle water over the<strong>baking</strong> parchment, peel it off and rollthe cake up with the tea towel. Youcould scatter some caster sugar overthe clean towel if liked, then roll thecake up in the tea towel.Puff pastryPuff pastry is made up of several layerswhich rise during <strong>baking</strong>. When rollingthis pastry out to cut shapes, do notknead the remaining pastry beforere-rolling as this will stop it rising inlayers. Instead, pile the remainingpastry up and re-roll.Puff pastry has a neutral flavour, andcan be either filled with sweet fillingssuch as cream or fruit, or with savouriessuch as cheese, vegetables, meat orfish.Choux pastryThe name itself is enchanting! Thepastry is first cooked in a pan on thehob before being baked in the oven.The first ten minutes of <strong>baking</strong> iscritical for choux pastry. On no accountshould the oven door be opened duringthis time, as this would cause thepastry to sink.Choux pastry has a neutral flavour, andcan take either a sweet or a savouryfilling.To prevent pastries, such as eclairs,becoming soggy, they should not befilled until just before serving.Rinse <strong>baking</strong> tins and trays with waterbefore placing the pastry on top. Thisensures that there is sufficientmoisture for the pastry to rise.23

Leftover scraps of pastry can bekneaded together and rolled out again.If it becomes dry and crumbly, add alittle beaten egg. Short-crust pastrycan be prepared in advance, and keptfresh for up to three days in therefrigerator.Quark and oil doughThis is a quick version of yeast dough,and the baked result is very similar. Itis ideal for cakes containing fresh fruit,apple turnovers and raisin whirls, aswell as for pizza bases.When making cakes and biscuits, sugaris added to the mixture.Whisked batter (foam cakes)This is made by beating the ingredientstogether until the mixture is smoothand creamy. Care should be taken, as ifit is beaten too long or too vigorously itwill not hold its shape during <strong>baking</strong>,and will have a tendency to sink. All theingredients should be the sametemperature (especially eggs, butter ormargarine), preferably roomtemperature, before starting to mixthem. If the temperatures of thedifferent ingredients differ widely, themixture may curdle.A whisked mix should have a softdropping consistency. You don’t want itto be either too runny or too stiff. If itis too stiff, add a little liquid, e.g. milk,a tablespoon at a time until the righttexture is achieved.Traditionally, the butter is creamedfirst, then the eggs and sugar addedalternately a little at a time, mixingthoroughly each time. Finally the flour,sieved with <strong>baking</strong> powder and/or cornflour is folded in. Alternatively, all theingredients can be placed in a foodprocessor and mixed until smooth.Here, the liquids are added at the sametime as the flour.Wash any dried fruit (currants, raisins,apricots) if necessary, and place onkitchen paper to dry. Sprinkle with alittle flour, and fold into the mixture.25

preparation tipsIn this way, the fruit is distributedevenly through the mixture, and willnot sink to the bottom. If it does sink,then either the mixture has been mixedtoo long, or it was too moist becausetoo much liquid was added.Cakes can be tested to see if they areready after the prescribed <strong>baking</strong> timeby inserting a skewer into the centre. Ifthe skewer comes out clean, withoutany moist particles of cake mixturesticking to it, then the cake is ready.Once ready, remove from the oven andleave the cake in the tin to rest for 10minutes. Then ease the point of a knifearound the edge, and turn the cakeupside down onto a wire rack, still in itstin. Cover the tin with a clean, damptea towel, and leave for a few minutes.The moisture from the tea towel willhelp loosen the cake from the tin.StrudelStrudel pastry requires patientkneading. The longer it is kneaded, themore elastic it will become, and theeasier it will be to roll out and pull.Essential to strudel pastry is thethinness of the rolled out mixture.Place the dough on a large clothsprinkled with flour. Roll out into alarge rectangle using a floured rollingpin. This becomes easier with a littlepractice. If you can see the pattern ofthe cloth through the pastry, it is justright!Having a neutral flavour, strudel pastrycan be filled with either a sweet orsavoury filling.26

BreadBread and rolls should be light andcrusty. Yeast and sourdough can bothbe used as raising agents. Light breadsmade from wheat flour use yeast, whilstheavier breads with whole grain, orcracked wheat, such as rye bread orpumpernickel require sourdough.Testing bread with a skewer doesn’twork, as bread continues to have asticky consistency until it has cooleddown completely.Turn bread out onto a wire rack to cool.Sourdough is easy to make by mixing250 g rye flour with approx. 200 ml oflukewarm water. Leave for 48 hours,then continue according to the recipe.Knead the dough well to ensure thebread has a good firm texture oncebaked, and is easy to cut withoutcrumbling.The dough should be allowed to riseuntil it has doubled in size.Wholemeal and wholegrain flourabsorbs more moisture, and requiresmore time to swell and to rise thanlighter, refined flours. The dough is stillquite moist when kneaded, and onlybecomes firmer after a while.Always pre-heat the oven when <strong>baking</strong>wholemeal or sourdough breads, evenwhen using Fan heat. To test whether aloaf is ready, tap on the base of theloaf with the palm of your hand. If itsounds “hollow”, the bread is done.27

Swiss rollServes 12Ingredients:Basic vanilla cake3 eggs3 tbsp hot water150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar100 g plain flour50 g corn flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderChocolate cakeAdd 30 g cocoa powder with theflourSee page 30 fora selection of fillings.Method:1. Beat the egg whites with the hot water until stiff.Then slowly add the sugar and the vanilla sugar.Lightly beat the eggs and fold into the egg whitemixture. Sieve the flour, corn flour and <strong>baking</strong>powder and gently fold into the beaten egg whites.2. Line the <strong>baking</strong> tray with <strong>baking</strong> parchment andspread the mixture evenly over it. Bake until golden.Turn the cake out onto a damp tea towel and peel offthe <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Use the tea towel to roll upthe cake.3. Leave to cool and then add your filling. Leave someof the filling mix to cover the roll.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heating28

Amaretto almond gateauServes 12Ingredients:4 egg yolksThe zest of one lemonPulp of 1 vanilla pod100 g icing sugar4 egg whites50 g plain flour1 1 /2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder100 g almonds in their skins,ground10 tbsp amarettoTopping:50 g icing sugar2 tbsp amaretto40 g chopped almondsMethod:1. Beat together the egg yolk, lemon zest, vanilla podpulp and icing sugar until creamy. Fold in the stifflywhipped egg whites. Mix the <strong>baking</strong> powder, flourand ground almonds together, and fold into themixture.2. Grease and flour a 26 cm Ø springform tin, and pourin the mixture. Bake until golden.3. After <strong>baking</strong>, drizzle with amaretto.4. To make the topping, mix the icing sugar withamaretto, spread over the cake, and sprinkle thelightly toasted almonds on topSetting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–45 minutes 40–50 minutesTipFrapuccinoMix 200 ml espresso with2 teaspoons sugar, 4 tbsp singlecream and 1 tbsp Amaretto.Leave to chill. Just beforeserving, add 8-10 crushed icecubes, mix well and serve in tallglasses.31

Carrot cakeServes 16Ingredients:7 eggs250 g sugarA pinch of salt1/4 tsp of cinnamon1/4 tsp ground cloves4 tbsp kirsch200 g finely grated carrots120 g ground hazelnuts120 g ground almonds50 g flour50 g breadcrumbs1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderTopping:Sifted icing sugar or chocolateglazeFor decoration:100 g marzipan50 g icing sugarOrange food colouringPistachio nutsMethod:1. Beat together the egg yolk, sugar, salt, cinnamon,cloves and kirsch until light and creamy. Fold in thecarrots, nuts, breadcrumbs, flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder.Whip the egg whites stiffly, and fold into themixture.2. Pour the mixture into a 26 cm Ø springform tin, andbake until golden.3. Let the cake cool, and dust with icing sugar.Alternatively, spread with melted chocolate cakecovering, and mark 16 portions.4. Knead together the marzipan, icing sugar and a fewdrops of orange food colouring. Make 16 carrotshapes, and use slivers of pistachio nut to make thegreen carrot tops. Place a carrot on each portion ofcake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 45–55 minutes+ pre-heating32

Apple and poppy seed cakeServes 12Ingredients:5 eggs, separated200 g icing sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar200 g ground almonds100 g poppy seedsJuice of 1 lemon1 tbsp rum1/2 tsp cinnamon400 g sharp apples, peeled andgrated50 g flour50 g corn flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderTopping:Icing sugarMethod:1. Beat together the egg yolk with approx. 2 /3 of theicing sugar and the vanilla sugar until creamy. Mixthe apples with the almonds, poppy seeds, lemonjuice, rum and cinnamon, and stir into the eggmixture. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder andcorn flour, and fold into the egg mixture2. Whip the egg whites until stiff, adding the rest ofthe icing sugar a little at a time. Fold into theapple/egg mixture.3. Pour into a greased 26 cm Ø springform tin, smooththe top and bake until golden.4. Dust with icing sugar.Setting: Intensive bake ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 60–70 minutesPear tartletsServes 9Ingredients:500 g puff pastry1 x 480 g can of pearsJuice of 1 lemon1 tbsp sugar150 ml whipping or double cream2 tsp vanilla sugar2 tbsp pear liqueurMethod:1. Defrost the pastry if necessary, and roll out on afloured surface. Cut 13–15 cm Ø circles, arrange ona <strong>baking</strong> tray that has been rinsed in cold water, andprick several times.2. Drain the pears, and slice. Drizzle with lemon juiceand pear liqueur, and arrange on the pastry. Sprinklethe tablespoon of sugar over the top and bakeimmediately.3. When cool whip the cream with the vanilla sugar andserve with the tartlets.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heating33

Chocolate hazelnut pavlovaServes 16Ingredients:Base:4 egg whites180 g sugar100 g ground hazelnuts20 g flourFilling and topping:750 ml whipping or double cream100 g grated dark chocolate4 tbsp brandy or rum100 g sugar100 g ground almondsMethod:1. Cut two 26 cm Ø circles from <strong>baking</strong> parchment, andplace on a <strong>baking</strong> tray.2. Beat the egg whites stiffly, adding the sugar a littleat a time. Mix together the flour and hazelnuts, andfold into the egg white. Spread the meringuemixture over the two <strong>baking</strong> parchment circles, andbake, making sure that the meringues do notbecome brown.3. Immediately after <strong>baking</strong>, turn the meringuescarefully and peel off the <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Placeone on a serving plate, and crush the other.4. For the topping, caramelise the sugar in a pan over alow heat, add the almonds, and stir until golden.Turn onto <strong>baking</strong> parchment, and leave to cool. Thencrush with a rolling pin.5. Beat the cream until stiff. Fold in the gratedchocolate, meringue crumbs and brandy or rum.Place a cake ring around the meringue base, andspread the cream filling over. Scatter thecaramelised almonds over the top.6. Freeze the pavlova. About 5 hours before serving,remove from the freezer, defrost and cut into slices.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 120–140°C 120–140°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 15-20 minutes foreach meringue34

Sponge gateauServes 16Ingredients:Basic mixture:4 egg whites4 tbsp hot water175 g caster sugar4 egg yolks200 g plain flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderLuxury mixture:6 egg whites180 g caster sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar6 egg yolks90 g plain flour90 g corn flourMethod:1. Beat the egg whites and hot water until stiff. Slowlyadd the sugar and the vanilla sugar, beating aftereach addition, and then fold in the beaten egg yolk.2. Sieve the <strong>baking</strong> powder or the corn flour into theflour, and fold into the egg white mixture.3. Pour the mixture into a springform cake tin(Ø 26 cm) which has been greased and lined with<strong>baking</strong> parchment. Bake until golden brown.4. After <strong>baking</strong> loosen the edge of the cake from thetin and leave to cool. Turn out, remove the <strong>baking</strong>parchment, then cut the cake horizontally into2 or 3 rounds and fill as desired.Quark and cream filling500 g quark100 g caster sugarApprox. 100 ml milk2 tsp vanilla sugarJuice of 1 lemon12 leaves of white gelatine500 ml whipping or double creamIcing sugar for dustingQuark and cream fillingMix the quark, sugar, milk, vanilla sugar and lemonjuice. Soak the gelatine in cold water for about 10minutes, squeeze the gelatine, then dissolve it for 90seconds on 450 W in the microwave oven, or in a panon a low hob setting. Add a little of the quark mixtureto the gelatine and when cool add this mixture to theremainder of the quark mixture. As it thickens it shouldbe stirred several times. When visible traces are left inthe mixture when you run a fork through it you can foldthe stiffly whipped cream into it.Place one round of cake on a cake platter and spreadsome of the quark mixture over it. Top this withanother cake round. Add some more of the mixtureand top it all with the final piece of cake. Place in therefrigerator to chill and then dust with icing sugarbefore serving.For a fruity variation add about 300 g of bottled anddrained sour cherries or mandarin orange segments tothe quark mixture.36

Ingredients:Cappuccino filling100 g dark chocolate6 leaves white gelatine80 ml espresso500 ml whipping or double cream4 tsp vanilla sugar80 ml coffee liqueur1 tbsp cocoa powderA little extra cocoa powder fordustingMethod:Cappuccino fillingMelt the chocolate and then beat the cream until stiff.Place about 3 tablespoons of the cream in a separatebowl for using later on. Soak the gelatine in cold waterfor about 10 minutes, then squeeze the gelatine anddissolve it for 90 seconds on 450 W in the microwaveoven, or in a pan on a low hob setting. Leave to cool.Then stir about half the espresso and half the coffeeliqueur into the gelatine and add to the remainingwhipped cream. Divide the cream into two batches andadd the vanilla essence to one batch, and the meltedchocolate and cocoa powder to the other.Place one round of cake on a cake platter and drizzlewith a little coffee liqueur and espresso. Spread thedark cream over this and top with another cake round.Drizzle with the remaining liqueur and espresso andspread it with the light cream. Top it all with the finalpiece of cake, spread the cream which you put to oneside over the top and dust with a little cocoa powderbefore serving.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes(basic mixture) + pre-heating30–35 minutes (basic mixture)(luxury mixture) 30–35 minutes+ pre-heating(luxury mixture)TipAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ GateauIf making a sponge flan to fillwith fruit, halve the quantitiesgiven above, and reduce thecooking time by approx. 5minutes.To make a chocolate spongebase, add 1-2 tsp cocoa powderto the flour mixture.37

Apple pyramidsServes 8Ingredients:300 g puff pastry1-2 sharp dessert apples30 g marzipan30 g coarsely chopped hazelnuts30 g raisins soaked in rum2 tbsp sugar and cinnamon mixedFor the glaze:1 egg white1 egg yolkMethod:1. Roll the pastry out on a floured surface to arectangle approx. 40 x 20 cm. Cut into 8 squares10 x 10 cm.2. Peel, core and dice the apples. Dice the marzipan,and scatter with the apples, hazelnuts and drainedraisins over the pastry squares. Sprinkle the sugarand cinnamon over the top.3. Brush the edges of the pastry with egg white, andfold up the corners to make pyramids, pinching theedges together to form a seal.4. Arrange the apple pyramids on a <strong>baking</strong> tray rinsedin cold water, and brush with beaten egg yolk. Bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–18 minutes+ pre-heating40

Cherry or redcurrant torteServes 12Ingredients:Pastry:250 ml water125 g butter or margarineA pinch of salt125 g flour4 eggsFilling:500 ml double or whipping cream4 tsp vanilla sugar3 tbsp kirsch1 x 680 g jar cherries, or 500 gredcurrantsIcing sugar for dredgingMethod:1. Place the water, butter or margarine and salt in apan, and bring to the boil. Add the flour, and mixuntil smooth. Transfer the dough from the pan intoa large bowl.2. Mix in the eggs one at a time, until the doughstands in satiny peaks.3. Grease a 26 cm Ø springform tin, and dust withflour. Spread about 1 /3 of the mixture over thebottom, and bake until golden. Make 2 furtherpastry circles with the remaining mixture.4. Beat the cream with the vanilla sugar, and flavourwith the kirsch.5. Spread half of the cream over one of the pastrycircles. Arrange the drained cherries or preparedredcurrants on top. Layer with another pastry circle,then the rest of the cream.6. Flake the remaining pastry, and scatter over the topof the gateau. Dust with icing sugar.7. Freeze the gateau for about 3 hours, then cut andserve.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutesfor each + pre-heatingpastry circle41

Choux bunsServes 12Ingredients:250 ml water50 g butter or margarineA pinch of salt170 g flour4-5 eggs1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:500 ml double or whipping cream4 tsp vanilla sugar1 x 300 g tin mandarin orangesor 300 g fresh raspberriesMethod:1. Place the water, butter or margarine and salt in apan, and bring to the boil. Add the flour, and mixuntil smooth. Transfer the dough from the pan into alarge bowl.2. Mix in the eggs one at a time, until the doughstands up in satiny peaks. Finally mix in the <strong>baking</strong>powder.3. Grease and flour a <strong>baking</strong> tray. Using two teaspoonsor a forcing bag, arrange mandarin-sized dollops ofthe mixture on the <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake straightaway until golden.4. Whilst still warm, cut the puffs horizontally acrossthe middle with a pair of scissors. Remove anddiscard any of the centre that is still moist.5. Whilst the puffs are cooling to room temperature,beat the cream and vanilla essence with the castersugar until stiff peaks are formed. Stir in the drainedmandarins, raspberries or strawberries and then fillthe puffs.TipSetting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 30–40 minutes 25–35 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cookies - Muffins ➔Choux bunsThe puffs can also be filled with500 g of fresh strawberries,washed, hulled and cut intoquarters. Fold the strawberriesinto the cream mixture, andspoon into the puffs.To stabilise the whipped creamand help it hold its form forlonger, dissolve 1 /2 tsp ofunflavoured powdered gelatinein a tablespoon of cold water,and beat it into the cream asyou whip it. This quantity issufficient for 250 ml of cream.42

GuglhupfServes 16Ingredients:60 g butter50 g sugar1 eggZest of 1 /2 a lemonA pinch of salt500 g flour20 g fresh yeastor 1 sachet dried yeast375 ml milk50 g raisinsIcing sugar for dredgingMethod:1. Beat the butter until creamy. Add the sugar and eggyolk, and mix well. Add the lemon zest, salt, flour,yeast and milk, and mix all the ingredients to asmooth dough.2. Fold the stiffly beaten egg white into the mixture,together with the raisins. Grease and flour a ring tin(24 cm Ø), and pour the mixture into it.3. Allow to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature,or for 15 minutes in the oven at 50°C, until thedough has doubled in size. Then bake until golden.4. When cool, dust with the icing sugar.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Austrian ➔ Guglhupf44

Streusel cakeServes 16Ingredients:Base:450 g flour30 g fresh yeastor 1 1 /2 sachets dried yeast300 ml lukewarm milk50 g melted butter50 g sugar1 eggA pinch of saltFilling:125 g soft butter125 g sugar1 egg350 g quark1 tbsp corn flour3 tbsp lemon juiceStreusel topping:350 g plain flour200 g sugar1/2 tsp cinnamon200 g melted butterMethod:1. Sift the flour into a large bowl, and make a well inthe centre. Crumble the yeast into the well, and mixwith a little milk and some of the flour. Leave for 15minutes to rise.2. Add the rest of the ingredients for the base, andknead to a smooth dough. Leave the dough in awarm place for about 15 minutes to rise, then rollout onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray.3. Beat together the sugar and egg until creamy, thenstir in the quark, corn flour and lemon juice. Spreadthis mixture over the cake base.4. Rub the ingredients for the topping together untilyou get a coarse crumbly texture, and sprinkle thisover the quark mixture.5. Leave to rise for a further 15 minutes, then bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 35–45 minutes 35–45 minutes+ Pre-heating + Pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Streusel cake46

Plaited loafServes 16Ingredients:750 g flour60 g fresh yeastor 3 sachets of dried yeast200-250 ml lukewarm milk100 g sugar125 g soft margarine or butterA pinch of salt2 eggs75 g raisinsZest of one lemonTo glaze:1 egg yolk30 g crystal sugar50 g flaked almondsMethod:1. Put the flour, crumbled yeast, sugar, butter ormargarine and eggs in a mixing bowl. Add the milkand knead to a smooth elastic dough. Then mix inthe raisins and lemon zest.2. Leave to prove at room temperature for 30 minutes,or in the oven set at 50°C for about 20 minutes. Thedough should double in size.3. Divide into 3 pieces and roll each one out to about40 cm in length. Plait the three pieces of dough andplace on a <strong>baking</strong> tray.4. Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with the crystalsugar and almonds. Leave to prove for another 30minutes before <strong>baking</strong> until golden in colour.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–45 minutes 40–45 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Plaited loaf47

Swiss apple cakeServes 12Ingredients:Pastry:125 g flour1 sachet dried yeast15 g sugarA pinch of salt1 tbsp oil70-80 ml lukewarm waterFilling:2 apples100 g cranberries2 eggs125 g crème fraîche50 g sugar1 pkt instant custard powder1 tbsp flaked almondsMethod:1. Mix together the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, oil andwater, and knead to a smooth dough. Leave to rise atroom temperature for about 20 minutes. Roll outinto a Ø 30 cm pizza or pie dish, building up theedge at the sides.2. Peel and core the apples, and slice thickly. Blend theeggs, crème fraîche, sugar and custard powder.Spread half of this mixture over the pastry base.Scatter about 2 /3 of the cranberries over the bottomof the pastry case, arrange the sliced apple in apattern, and scatter the remaining cranberries overthe top.3. Pour over the rest of the sauce, scatter with flakedalmonds and bake.4. Serve warm with fresh cream.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 20–25 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Swiss ➔Swiss apple cakeTipAlso delicious with de-stonedplums or apricots. Halve orquarter the fruit, and arrangein the pastry case.48

Butter cakeServes 20Ingredients:Cake mix:400 g flour40 g soft butter150-200 ml lukewarm water30 g fresh yeastor 1 1 /2 sachets dried yeast50 g sugarA pinch of salt1 egg yolkTopping:125 g soft butter2 tsp vanilla sugar100 g sugar150 g flaked almondsMethod:1. Place the flour, butter, crumbled yeast, sugar, saltand egg yolk in a mixing bowl. Add enough milk toblend into a smooth velvety dough.2. Leave to prove for about 20 minutes at roomtemperature. Punch down, then roll out on a <strong>baking</strong>tray and leave to rise for another 20 minutes. Whenrisen make indentations in the top with your fingers.3. To make the topping, mix the butter with the vanillasugar and half of the sugar. Using two teaspoonsdrop small portions into the indentations. Sprinklethe remaining sugar and flaked almonds over thetop.4. Leave to rise for another 10 minutes before <strong>baking</strong>until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heatingTipAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Butter cakeHome made vanilla sugarTo make your own vanilla sugarsplit a vanilla pod lengthwiseand then cut each half intoquarters. Place in a sealed jarwith 500 g of caster sugar andleave for 3–4 days before using,to allow the flavours to blend.The pulp can be scraped out ofthe pods for an even moreintensive flavour.50

Fresh fruit flanServes 20Ingredients:Cake mix:375 g flour40 g fresh yeastor 2 sachets of dried yeastApprox. 125 ml lukewarm milk40 g sugar75 g butter or margarine, melted1 eggFruit:Approx. 1500 g sharp apples,plums or cherriesTopping:200 g flour125 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar125 g butter or margarine1/2 tsp cinnamonMethod:1. Sift the flour into a large bowl, and make a well inthe centre. Put the crumbled yeast, some sugar andmilk into the well, and combine with the flour.Place in the oven at 50°C, and leave to rise for 20minutes.2. Add the rest of the cake ingredients to this mix, andknead to a smooth dough. Return to the oven for afurther 20 minutes at 50°C to rise. Punch down,then roll onto the <strong>baking</strong> tray.3. Arrange the prepared fruit (peeled and sliced in 1 /2cm slices; stoned cherries or halved plums) evenlyover the dough.4. Rub the topping ingredients by hand until you get acrumbly texture, and scatter over the fruit. Place inthe oven at 50°C for 30 minutes to rise again, andthen bake as follows:Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160-180°C 180-200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40-50 minutes 40-50 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Fruit streuselTipApples are Europe's mostpopular fruit, and rank third inthe popularity charts worldwide– after citrus fruit and bananas.Apples are low in calories withonly 50 kcal per 100 g, andcontain plenty of fibre, pectinand vitamin C. “An apple a daykeeps the doctor away!”51

StollenServes 40Ingredients:750 g flour40 g fresh yeast,or 2 sachets of dried yeast125 g sugarApprox. 125 ml warm milk200 g butter or margarine, melted50 g lard1/2 tsp of rum essence1/2 tsp of vanilla essence1/2 tsp of almond essence1/2 tsp mace1/2 tsp cardamom300 g raisins150 g currants100 g candied orange peel100 g candied lemon peel150 g ground almondsMethod:1. Mix about 3 tbsp of the flour, 1 tsp sugar and thecrumbled yeast with the milk to a smooth paste. Setaside for about 15 minutes to rise, or place in themicrowave for 4 minutes at 80 Watts.2. Mix together with the rest of the flour, sugar, milk,lard, melted butter or margarine, then kneadthoroughly for a few minutes. Finally knead in theessences, spices, dried fruit and almonds.3. Halve the dough, and shape into 2 loaves. Place on2 <strong>baking</strong> trays, and put in the oven (50°C) to riseuntil the stollens have doubled in size. Bake. N.B.You will have to bake one at a time if usingConventional.4. When ready, remove from the oven, and immediatelybrush with melted butter. Dredge with icing sugar.TipTopping:200 g butter, melted75 g icing sugarSetting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 and 3 1Duration: 45–65 minutes 45–65 minutes foreach stollenCardamom is the second mostexpensive spice in the worldafter saffron. The white orgreen pods contain seeds whichare rich in aromatic oils. Theseeds are used whole in somedishes, or can be dried andground into a powder.52

Cinnamon whirlsMakes 16Ingredients:500 g flour40 g fresh yeastor 2 sachets of dried yeast125–200 ml lukewarm milk100 g butter or margarine,meltedFilling:50 g soft butter250 g brown sugar1 tsp ground cinnamonTopping:100 g icing sugar5 drops vanilla essence1 tbsp milkMethod:1. Sieve the flour into a large mixing bowl, and make awell in the centre. Crumble the yeast into the well,and add some sugar and milk. Mix in a little of theflour to make a smooth paste, and place in the ovenat 50°C for 20 minutes to rise.2. Mix in the rest of the flour, and knead to a smoothdough. Place back in the oven for a further30 minutes at 50°C. Punch the dough down, thenroll out to a 6 mm thick rectangle on a flouredsurface. Brush with butter, and scatter over thesugar and cinnamon. Roll up along the longer side.3. Cut the roll into 16 slices, each approx. 3 cm.Arrange the slices flat on a <strong>baking</strong> tray in the shapeof a rosette. Place in the oven at 50°C for20 minutes to rise, then bake until golden.4. Mix together the ingredients for the topping, andbrush over the rosettes as soon as they come out ofthe oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heatingTipCinnamon is the aromatic barkof a tree, and is sold in a tightquill or ground into a powder.The best quality comes from SriLanka. It is sometimes blendedwith cassia bark to make acheaper alternative.54

Lemon tartServes 12Ingredients:Base:150 g flourA pinch of salt100 g butter1 eggFilling:150 g butter100 g sugar3 eggs100 g ground almondsJuice of 1 or 2 lemonsCandied lemon slicesMethod:1. Combine the flour, salt, butter and egg, and kneadto a smooth dough. Leave in a cool place for 30minutes.2. Roll out on a floured surface to the size of a pizza orpie dish (Ø 28 cm), transfer into the dish and blindbake (this is not necessary if using Intensive bake).3. To make the filling, melt the butter. Beat the eggyolk with the sugar until creamy, add the butter,almonds and lemon juice, and mix thoroughly. Whipthe egg whites until stiff, and fold in.4. Spread the lemon mixture over the pastry base.Arrange the candied lemon slices on top, and bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–190°CShelf level: 1 1Pre-<strong>baking</strong>: 20 minutes 20 minutesDuration: 30–40 minutes 30–40 minutesTipSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 160°CShelf level 1Duration: 40–50 minutesCandied lemon slicesPlace 250 ml water in a panwith 200 g sugar, the squeezedjuice of 1 lemon, and the twolemon halves, and simmeruncovered for approx.45 minutes. Slice anotherlemon into about 12 very thinslices, and place in the lemonsyrup. Set aside for about30 minutes, then drain well.56When treated in this way, thelemon slices stay soft, and willnot have a sugary coating. Theywill not keep for long, and aretherefore unsuitable fordecorations that are required tolast.

Pear cake with almond toppingServes 16Ingredients:Base:375 g flour100 g sugar4 tsp vanilla sugar200 g butter or margarine1 eggFilling:3 tins of pears(each approx. 460 g)Topping:450 g crème fraîche2 tbsp corn flour3 eggs50 g sugar4 tsp vanilla sugar1 1 /2 tsp cinnamonApprox 30 g flaked almondsMethod:1. Combine the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, butter ormargarine and egg, and knead to a smooth dough.Roll out onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray.2. Drain the pears well. If using fresh pears, stew thembriefly. Cut into 1 cm slices, and arrange on top ofthe pastry base.3. Mix together the crème fraîche, corn flour, eggs,sugar, vanilla sugar and cinnamon, and pour overthe pears.4. Scatter with flaked almonds, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 65–75 minutesSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 170°CShelf level: 1Duration: 55–65 minutesPlum cheesecakeServes 12Ingredients:Base:250 g flour125 g butter125 g sugar1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder1 eggTopping:750 g plums, stoned250 ml double cream200 g sour cream2 eggs8 tsp vanilla sugar1 tsp cinnamon2 tbsp corn flourMethod:1. Combine the flour, butter, sugar, <strong>baking</strong> powder andegg, and knead to a smooth dough. Spread thedough evenly over the base of a Ø 26 cm springformtin.2. Arrange plums over the base. Thoroughly mixtogether the remaining ingredients for the topping,and pour over the plums. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus Intensive bakeTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–65 minutes 50–55 minutes58

Apple hazelnut streuselServes 12Ingredients:Base and topping:200 g butter, melted350 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar60 g hazelnut brittleFilling:1000 g sharp dessert apples50 g sugarZest of one lemonJuice of 1 lemonMethod:1. Mix the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, sugar and vanilla sugartogether. Add the slightly cooled butter and kneadinto a crumbly consistency.2. Press about 2 /3 of the mixture into the base of aØ 26 cm springform cake tin. Mix the remainingstreusel mixture with the broken up hazelnut brittle.3. Peel, quarter, core and dice the apples. Mix theapples with the sugar, lemon zest and lemon juiceand then place the mixture in the cake tin.4. Sprinkle the streusel-brittle mix over the top andbake.Setting: Intensive bake ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 65–75 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods➔ Cakes ➔ Apple streusel59

Open apple tartServes 12Ingredients:Base:200 g flour100 g butter60 g icing sugarA pinch of salt1 eggFilling:600 g applesJuice of half a lemon15 g butter100 g sugar20 ml apple juiceTopping:Icing sugarMethod:1. Mix together the flour, butter, icing sugar, salt andegg, and knead to a smooth dough. Place the doughin the refrigerator for 30 minutes.2. Roll the dough out onto a floured surface, and use itto line the base of a Ø 26 cm flan or pie dish. Peel,core and cut the apples in thick slices. Arrange inthe pastry case and dot with butter. Bake for about30 minutes.3. Caramelise the sugar in a pan on the hob, stirring allthe time. Add apple juice, and stir to make a syrup.Pour over the apples, and bake for a further 10minutes.Setting: Intensive bake ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–45 minutes 40–50 minutesAutomatic ➔National recipes ➔French ➔Apple tartTipAs a variation, this tart can bebaked using a filling made of150 g crème fraîche, 2 eggs,1 tbsp icing sugar and 2 tspvanilla sugar instead of thecaramel. Pour this mixture overthe apples at the end of thefirst 30 minutes of <strong>baking</strong>, andthen continue <strong>baking</strong>. Thisrecipe will take about10 minutes longer than therecipe above.If using the Automaticprogramme, you will need toadd the caramel or the filling atthe very beginning.60

Cherry and almond torteServes 12Ingredients:Base:150 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder100 g butter or margarine50 g sugar40 g ground almondsFilling:2 jars of sour cherries(each approx. 680 g)Topping:1 egg70 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar4 tbsp double cream3 tbsp corn flour3 drops almond essence100 g flaked almondsMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, butter ormargarine and sugar, and knead to a smooth dough.Spread evenly over the base of a greased springformtin (Ø 26 cm), and create a 2 cm high rim aroundthe sides.2. Prick all over with a fork, and scatter with almonds.Drain the cherries well, and arrange over the pastry.3. Combine all the ingredients for the topping, pourover the cherries, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesBlueberry cheesecakeServes 20Ingredients:Base:300 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder160 g butter or margarine150 g sugar1 eggFilling:1500 g frozen blueberries,thawed30 g corn flour150 g sugarTopping:250 ml double cream200 g crème fraîche3 eggs3 tbsp corn flour4 tsp vanilla sugar50 g sugarMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, butter ormargarine, sugar and egg, and knead to a smoothdough. Roll out evenly in the grill pan.2. Mix the corn flour and sugar into the blueberries,and spoon over the dough.3. Combine all the ingredients for the topping, pourover the blueberries and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 150–170°CShelf level: 1Duration: 40–50 minutes62

Apricot torteServes 12Ingredients:Base:250 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder125 g butter or margarine125 g sugar1 eggFilling:1 x 800 g tin of apricotsTopping:250 ml double cream2 eggs1 heaped tbsp corn flour4 tsp vanilla sugarJuice of 1 /2 a lemonMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, butter ormargarine, sugar and egg, and knead to a smoothdough. Spread evenly over the bottom of a greasedspringform tin (Ø 26 cm).2. Drain the apricots, and arrange dome side up in thepastry base. Pre-bake until light golden. (If usingIntensive bake, omit the pre-<strong>baking</strong>).3. Combine all the ingredients for the topping, mixingwell. Pour over the apricots, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus Intensive bakeTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Pre-bake: 25–35 minutes –Duration: 30–40 minutes 50–60 minutesCherry crumble slicesMakes 20Ingredients:Base:400 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder125 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar200 g margarine1 eggA few drops of rum essenceFilling:200 g cherry conserveTopping:350 g flour175 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar200 g butter1/ tsp cinnamonMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, sugar, vanillasugar, margarine, egg and rum essence, and kneadto a smooth dough. Roll out into a <strong>baking</strong> tray, andprick all over with a fork.2. Spread the cherry conserve over the base.3. Rub together the ingredients for the topping untilyou get a coarse crumble texture, and scatter evenlyover the conserve. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutes63

Cappuccino crumble slicesMakes 16Ingredients:Base:350 g butter, melted500 g flour250 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarA pinch of salt2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:25 g butter, melted500 g quark6 egg yolks150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar6 tsp instant cappuccino powder3 tbsp almond liqueur1 tbsp corn flour6 egg whitesMethod:1. Mix together the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and<strong>baking</strong> powder. Pour in 350 g melted butter, and rubtogether until you get a coarse crumble texture.2. Transfer about 2 /3 of the mixture into a grill pan,and roll out to a smooth dough using a rolling pin.3. To make the filling, combine the melted butter,quark, egg yolk, sugar, vanilla sugar, cappuccinopowder, liqueur and corn flour. Beat the egg whitesuntil stiff, and fold into the quark mixture. Spreadover the pastry base.4. Scatter the remaining third of the crumble mix overthe quark mixture, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 170°CShelf level: 1Duration: 40–50 minutesTipThe classical Italian cappuccinois made of two thirds coffee andone third frothy milk that hasbeen heated under pressure.Pour 50 ml frothy milk onto acup of black coffee, andsprinkle cocoa powder over thetop.64

Seasonal fruit cheesecakeServes 12Ingredients:Base:85 g butter85 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar1/2 beaten eggA pinch of salt170 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderTopping:750 g quark1 pkt instant custard powder1 egg, plus the rest of the eggfrom the base100 g sugar500 g prepared seasonal fruits(e.g. apricots, nectarines, pears,blackcurrants, gooseberries,blueberries, cherries; stoned,cored, halved or sliced asappropriate)Method:1. Beat together the butter, sugar, vanilla sugar, eggand salt until creamy. Fold in half of the flour and<strong>baking</strong> powder, and then knead in the rest.2. Spread the dough over the base of a flan dish orspringform tin (Ø 32 cm), and press or roll evenly.3. Combine the quark with the custard powder, eggand sugar, and spread over the base.4. Arrange the fruit on top, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus Intensive bakeTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 45–55 minutesRhubarb vanilla tartServes 12Ingredients:Base:200 g flour150 g butter80 g sugarA pinch of saltTopping:500 g rhubarbPulp from 1 vanilla pod3 eggs100 g sugar150 g crème fraîcheMethod:1. Mix together the flour, butter, sugar and salt, andknead to a smooth dough. Press the dough into thebase of a springform tin (Ø 26 cm).2. Cut open the vanilla pod with a sharp knife, andscoop out the pulp. Beat together with the eggs andsugar until creamy, and stir in the crème fraîche.Spread over the pastry base.3. Cut the rhubarb into 2 cm lengths, arrange on theegg mixture, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus Intensive bakeTemperature: 160–180°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 45–55 minutes66

Aniseed knotsMakes 30Ingredients:Pastry:300 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder1 egg1 egg yolk100 g sugar1 tsp ground aniseed75 g butter50 ml double creamTopping:150 g icing sugar2 tbsp rumMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, egg, eggyolk, sugar, aniseed, butter and cream, and kneadto a smooth dough. Leave to one side for30 minutes.2. Then roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of 1cm, and cut into strips 1 x 20 cm long. Make a 2 cmslit lengthways half way along, feed the ends of thestrip through the slit and make a knot shape asshown in the illustration.3. Arrange the knots on a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake untillight golden. Mix the icing sugar with the rum, andbrush over the warm biscuitsTipSetting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray,+ pre-heatingThese biscuits are an Italianspeciality known locally asBiscotti a nodo (knot biscuits).68

Hazelnut fruit torteServes 12Ingredients:Base:250 g flour1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder100 g hazelnut brittle180 g butter or margarine1 egg150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarTopping:500-750 g fresh strawberries,gooseberries or raspberries500 ml whipping or double cream4 tsp vanilla sugarMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, hazelnutbrittle, butter or margarine, egg, sugar and vanillasugar, and knead to a smooth dough. Line the baseof a Ø 26 cm springform tin with <strong>baking</strong> parchment.2. Roll out approx. 2 /3 of the mixture into the base ofthe tin. Roll out the remaining third on a flouredsurface to the size of the tin, and transfer onto a<strong>baking</strong> tray.3. Bake both bases until golden, removing the thinnerpiece on the <strong>baking</strong> tray from the oven slightlyearlier than the base in the springform tin.4. After <strong>baking</strong>, carefully ease the base from thespringform tin, turn the cake out and peel away the<strong>baking</strong> parchment, and then place it the right wayup on a serving plate. Crush the second base intocrumbs.5. Wash the fruit, and cut into smaller pieces ifnecessary. If using gooseberries, soften by stewingbriefly in water, drain well. Sweeten the fruit totaste. Arrange the fruit in the pastry case. Whip thecream with the vanilla sugar, spread over the fruit,sprinkle with the crumbled cake, and serve.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–30 minutes 18–25 minutesper base,+ pre-heatingTip70The cream will keep its form forlonger if beaten with a littlegelatine dissolved in water. Seep. 30 for details.As an alternative, roll thepastry out to a thickness of1/2 cm, and cut biscuits usingdifferent sized cutters. Servetopped with fruit and cream asa treat with your afternoon tea!

Apple pieServes 12Ingredients:Pastry:300 g flour1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder200 g butter or margarine100 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar1 eggFilling:1000 g cooking apples50 g raisins50 g sugar1/2 tsp cinnamonTo glaze:1 egg yolk2 tbsp milkMethod:1. Mix the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, butter or margarine,sugar, vanilla sugar and egg together, and knead toa smooth dough.2. Use about 2 /3 of the mixture to make the base bypressing it evenly into the bottom of a greased andfloured springform cake tin (Ø 26 cm). Make a rimabout 2 cm high around the edges of the tin.Pre-bake if using Fan plus or Conventional heat.(Pre-<strong>baking</strong> is not necessary with Intensive bake orthe Automatic programme).3. Peel and core the apples, then either dice or slicethem. Steam them gently in a saucepan togetherwith the raisins, sugar, cinnamon and 3 tablespoonsof water. Leave to cool and then place in the(pre-baked) pastry case.4. Roll the remaining pastry out on a floured surfaceand place it over the apples. Press the edges downand bake. About 10 minutes before the end brushthe surface with a mixture of milk and egg.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Pre-bake for: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heatingDuration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutesSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 150–170°CShelf level: 1Duration: 50–60 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Apple pieWhen using the Automatic programme, you will need toglaze the pie before it goes in the oven. Do not openthe door during <strong>baking</strong>!71

Apple turnoversMakes 12Ingredients:Pastry:See recipe for Apricot streuselbase (p. 73)Filling:750 apples, peeled and sliced50 g raisins70 g sugar20 g butterFor the glaze:1 egg yolk2 tbsp milkMethod:1. Prepare the pastry as for the Apricot streusel onp. 73. Roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of3 mm, and cut into 12 squares measuring 10 x 10 cm.2. Sauté the apples in the butter, and stir in the raisinsand sugar. Spoon the apple mixture onto the pastrysquares.3. Fold the pastry diagonally over the apple to maketriangle shapes, pinching the edges together. Brushwith some egg yolk mixed with milk, and bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150-170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 25-30 minutes 20–25 minutesper tray,plus pre-heatingRaisin whirlsMakes 12Ingredients:Pastry:See recipe for Apricot streuselbase (p. 73)Filling:30 g butter, melted50 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar50 g currants50 g raisins50 g chopped almondsTopping:175 g icing sugar2 tbsp hot water or rumMethod:1. Prepare the pastry as for the Apricot streusel onp. 73. Roll out the pastry onto a floured surfaceinto a rectangle (approx. 45 x 35 cm).2. Brush with butter, and scatter over the sugar,vanilla sugar, currants, raisins and almonds. Roll upfrom the wider side.3. Cut the roll into 1 1 /2 cm thick slices, arrange on a<strong>baking</strong> tray and bake until golden.4. Mix the icing sugar with hot water or rum, andbrush over the hot whirls.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes72

Apricot streuselServes 20Ingredients:Base:200 g quark6 tbsp milk8 tbsp oil1 egg100 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarA pinch of salt400 g flour4 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFruit filling:2 tins apricots(each approx. 400 g)Streusel topping:200 g flour125 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar125 g butter, diced1/2 tsp cinnamonMethod:1. Mix the quark with the milk, oil, egg, sugar, vanillasugar and salt. Stir half of the mix into the flour and<strong>baking</strong> powder, and then knead in the rest.2. Roll the mixture out onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray. Arrange thedrained apricot halves on top.3. Mix the ingredients for the streusel topping byhand until you have a coarse crumbly texture, thenscatter over the fruit. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–45 minutes 35–45 minutesAutomatic ➔Baked goods ➔Cakes ➔Fruit streuselTipPlums, cherries or gooseberriesmay be used instead of apricots.73

Quark sconesMakes 12Ingredients:250 g quark1 tbsp oil2 eggs2 tbsp sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarA pinch of salt250 g flour3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder150 g raisinsFor the glaze:3 tbsp milk2 tbsp sugarMethod:1. Mix together the quark, oil, eggs, sugar, vanillasugar and salt. Fold in half of the flour and <strong>baking</strong>powder, and then knead in the rest. Finally, kneadin the raisins.2. Using 2 dessertspoons, divide the dough into 12ball shapes, and arrange on two <strong>baking</strong> sheets,leaving space between each scone to allow forexpansion. Bake.3. After approx. 7 minutes, brush the scones with milk,sprinkle with sugar, and continue to bake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray,+ pre-heatingQuark stollenServes 24Ingredients:250 g quark200 g sugar175 g butter or margarine2 eggsZest of one lemon550 g flour3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder1 tsp ground cardamom50 g candied orange peel50 g candied lemon peel100 g ground almonds200 g raisins4 tbsp rumFor the glaze:150 g butter, meltedIcing sugarMethod:1. Mix together the quark, sugar, butter or margarine,eggs and lemon zest. Sieve together the flour,<strong>baking</strong> powder and ground cardamom, and stir halfinto the quark mixture. Knead in the rest of theflour.2. Knead in the candied orange and lemon peel, therum-soaked raisins and the ground almonds. Make astollen shape, place on a <strong>baking</strong> tray and bake.3. After approx. 25 minutes’ <strong>baking</strong> time, make a1/2 cm slit along the length of the stollen, and thencontinue to bake.4. After <strong>baking</strong>, brush the hot stollen several timeswith butter, and dredge thickly with icing sugar.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutes74

Iced Chelsea slicesMakes 16Ingredients:Base:75 g quark50 ml milk40 ml oil40 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar1/2 tsp vanilla essenceA pinch of salt200 g flour4 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:100 g marzipan, diced small50 g soft margarine1 egg125 g raisins50 g chopped hazelnutsA pinch of cinnamon1 tsp rum essenceTopping:75 g icing sugar1–2 tbsp rumMethod:1. Combine the quark, milk, oil, sugar, vanilla sugarand essence and salt. Fold in half of the flour andthe <strong>baking</strong> powder, then knead in the rest of theflour.2. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to arectangle 1 /2 cm thick (25 x 30 cm), and place on a<strong>baking</strong> tray.3. For the filling, mix together the marzipan,margarine and egg thoroughly. Add the raisins,hazelnuts, cinnamon and rum essence. Spread overthe dough.4. Form a 2 cm rim along the long edges of the dough,and bake until golden.5. Whilst still hot, brush over the rum icing topping.Cut in half lengthways, and then into 8 slices,approx. 3 cm wide.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heatingTipRaisins are dried grapes.They are dark in colour, whilesultanas are paler. By soakingthem in water, rum or brandy,they plump up to give betterresults when baked.76

Sweet flan caseServes 12Ingredients:125 g butter or margarine100 g sugar1 egg150 g flour1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderMethod:1. Beat together the sugar with the butter ormargarine and the egg. Fold in the flour and <strong>baking</strong>powder.2. Pour the mixture into a greased flan dish (Ø 26cm),and bake until golden.3. Remove from oven, and immediately turn out onto arack to cool. If it is difficult to get out of the tin,cover with a damp cloth for a few minutes. It shouldthen come away easily.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1 or 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heatingRing cakeServes 18Ingredients:250 g butter or margarine200 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar5 eggs1 tsp rum essence500 g flour4 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder125 ml milk300 g raisins100 g currants100 g candied lemon peelMethod:1. Beat together the butter or margarine with thesugar, vanilla sugar and eggs until creamy.2. Sieve together the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder, andfold into the flour with the milk and rum essence.Stir in the raisins, currants and candied peel.3. Pour into a greased ring tin (Ø 24 cm), and bake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutes78

Madeira cakeServes 12Ingredients:200 g butter200 g sugar4 eggsJuice and zest of one lemon200 g corn flour50 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderMethod:1. Beat the butter, sugar and eggs together untilcreamy. Add the lemon juice and zest.2. Sift together the flour with the corn flour and the<strong>baking</strong> powder, and fold into the mixture.3. Transfer the mixture into a <strong>baking</strong> tin lined with<strong>baking</strong> parchment, and make a slight dip down thecentre with a knife. Then bake until golden4. When ready turn the cake out onto a wire rack, andpeel off the paper. Dust with icing sugar or coverwith lemon icing.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Sponge cakeTipOrange juice may be usedinstead of lemon juice. For aspecial occasion, pierce the topof the cake several times with afork and drizzle over GrandMarnier or Cointreau, and usechocolate icing instead oflemon icing.79

Almond slicesMakes 20Ingredients:Base:1 cup (250 ml) double cream1 cup sugar2 cups flour3 eggs2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderTopping:125 g butter3 tbsp milk1 cup sugar100 g flaked almondsUse the empty cream pot as yourcup measure.Method:1. Mix together the cream, sugar, flour, eggs and<strong>baking</strong> powder until smooth. Spread the mixtureinto a grill pan, and bake until the surface is lightgolden and no longer sticky.2. Heat together the butter, milk and sugar, stirringall the time. Cool slightly, then pour over thepre-baked base and scatter with flaked almonds.Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Pre-<strong>baking</strong>: 15–20 minutes 15–20 minutesDuration: 20–25 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heatingApricot and peach slicesMakes 20Ingredients:Base:250 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder160 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar4 eggs250 g butter, meltedTopping:1 x 480 g tin each of apricothalves and peach slicesMethod:1. Mix together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, sugar, vanillasugar and eggs. Stir in the cooled melted butter.Spread the mixture into a <strong>baking</strong> tray.2. Arrange the well-drained fruit on top of the base,and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 35–45 minutes 30–40 minutes+ pre-heating80

Chocolate cakeServes 12Ingredients:Cake:300 g dark chocolate150 g butter5 eggs100 g sugar100 g flourTopping:100 g dark chocolate cakecoveringMethod:1. Melt the chocolate and butter in a saucepan on thehob, and allow to cool.2. Mix in the egg yolk, sugar and flour; then fold inthe stiffly beaten egg whites.3. Transfer the mixture into a greased springform tin(Ø 26 cm), and bake.4. Spread the chocolate cake covering over the cooledcake. The consistency of the cake is moist due to thehigh chocolate content.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150-170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35-40 minutes 35–40 minutes+ pre-heatingWalnut muffinsMakes 9Ingredients:100 g raisins5 tbsp rum150 g butter150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar3 eggs150 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder125 g walnuts, roughly chopped18 muffin cases(approx. Ø 7–8 cm)Method:1. Drizzle the rum over the raisins, and leave forapprox. 30 minutes.2. Cream the butter and then mix in the sugar, thevanilla sugar, and the eggs. Sift the flour with the<strong>baking</strong> powder, and fold into the mixture togetherwith the walnuts. Stir in the rum-soaked raisins.3. Arrange double layers of muffin cases, one insidethe other, on a <strong>baking</strong> tray. Spoon the mixture intothe muffin cases and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cookies / Muffins➔ Muffins ➔ without fruit82

Apple cinnamon cakeServes 16Ingredients:225 g soft butter200 g sugar4 eggs450 g flour3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder2 tbsp cinnamon600 g apples150 g cranberriesBreadcrumbsMethod:1. Beat the butter until creamy, and add the sugar andeggs a little at a time. Fold in the flour, cinnamonand <strong>baking</strong> powder.2. Peel, core and finely slice the apples, and fold intothe mixture with the cranberries.3. Pour the mixture into a greased ring tin, and bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 55–65 minutesTipUse the tartest applesavailable, such as GrannySmiths or Bramleys. They givethe cake a fresher, moreintensive flavour than sweetvarieties.84

Apple tartServes 12Ingredients:Cake mix:150 g butter or margarine150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar3 eggsJuice of half a lemon150 g flour1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:750 g sharp dessert applesIcing sugar or apricot jamMethod:1. Cream together the butter or margarine, sugar,vanilla sugar and eggs.2. Sift the <strong>baking</strong> powder and flour together, and addto the creamed mixture together with the lemonjuice. Spoon into a greased and floured springformcake tin (Ø 26 cm).3. Peel, quarter and core the apples. Make several cutsinto the top of each quarter and gently press intothe cake mixture. Bake until golden.4. Leave to cool to room temperature, then dust withicing sugar or spread a little apricot jam over thetop.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Apple tartFrench choc chip and rum ring cakeServes 12Ingredients:250 g butter250 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar6 egg yolks250 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder250 g chocolate chips or coarselygrated chocolate3 tbsp rum or brandy100 g ground almonds6 egg whitesMethod:1. Beat together the butter, sugar, vanilla sugar andegg yolk until creamy.2. Fold in the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, chocolate, rum orbrandy and almonds. Then fold in the stiffly beatenegg whites.3. Transfer the mixture into a greased ring tin(Ø 26 cm), and bake. Dust with icing sugar.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 65–75 minutes 65–75 minutes86

Fruit loafServes 12Ingredients:Dough:100 g honey4 eggs2 tbsp rum2 tsp cinnamonA pinch of ground cloves175 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFruit:175 g hazelnuts,coarsely chopped175 g apricots or figs,finely chopped175 g prunes, finely chopped325 g raisins2 tbsp rum4 tbsp orange liqueurMethod:1. Combine all the fruit with the rum and the orangeliqueur. Cover, and leave to soak for about 3 hours.2. Beat together the honey and eggs until creamy. Stirin the rum, cinnamon and cloves, and fold in theflour and <strong>baking</strong> powder. Finally fold in the fruitmixture.3. Grease and line a 30 cm loaf tin, and pour in themixture. Bake until brown.4. When cool, wrap in aluminium foil and keep in anairtight tin for a week before serving.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 60–70 minutesEspresso slicesMakes 20Ingredients:Base:250 g soft butter180 g sugar4 tsp vanilla sugar4 eggs250 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder100 ml espresso coffee, or 2 tspinstant espresso powder100 g chocolate drops100 g hazelnuts, groundTopping:200 g icing sugar4 tbsp espresso coffee2 tbsp coffee, whiskey ormocha liqueurMethod:1. Beat the butter until creamy, gradually adding thesugar, vanilla sugar and eggs alternately. Fold in theflour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, espresso or espresso powderand nuts. Finally stir in the chocolate drops.2. Spread the base onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake untillight brown.3. Mix together the icing sugar, espresso and liqueuruntil smooth, and spread over the cake whilst stillwarm.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heating87

Meringue basketsMakes 18Ingredients:150 ml egg white(taken from 4-5 eggs)Juice of 1 lemon100 g icing sugarRed and green food colouringTopping:StrawberriesSour cherries250 ml whipping or doublecream, stiffly whippedMethod:1. Beat the egg whites and lemon juice until stiff.Towards the end, gradually beat in the icing sugar.Spoon about 1 /3 of the mixture into a piping bagfitted with a large nozzle, and pipe Ø 8 cm basketsonto a <strong>baking</strong> tray lined with parchment.2. Colour half the remaining meringue with a few dropsof red colouring, and the rest with a few drops ofgreen. Pipe onto <strong>baking</strong> parchment as before, andbake all the baskets on a very low heat until dry butnot brown.3. When cool, peel off the <strong>baking</strong> parchment, and fillwith fruit and cream. Serve immediately.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 90–100°C 90–100°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 150–180 minutes 150–180 minutesTipThe meringues can be kept in anairtight tin without their fillingfor up to 4 weeks.88

Almond biscuitsMakes 12Ingredients:200 g marzipan2 egg whites100 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarA pinch of salt1 tbsp kirsch50 g flour50 g flaked almonds100 g dark chocolate cakecoveringMethod:1. Chop the marzipan roughly. Mix in a bowl with theegg white, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt untilsmooth. Fold in the kirsch and the flour.2. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag, and pipe 12crescents, each about 1 1 /2 cm wide and not too flat,onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray lined with <strong>baking</strong> parchment.Leave space between the crescents, as they willspread during <strong>baking</strong>.3. Scatter the flaked almonds over the crescents andpress in lightly. Bake until golden.4. When you take them out of the oven, the crescentswill still be a little soft. Dip each end in melted cakecovering when cool.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 15–20 minutes 15–18 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingTipChocolate cake covering ismade from chocolate, sugar andvegetable fat. It is cheaper thanluxury cake covering, is easy towork with and has a shinyfinish.90

Chocolate cherry muffinsMakes 12Ingredients:Cake mixture:100 g mocha or bitter chocolate100 g butter3 eggs80 g icing sugar10 g instant cappuccinopowder100 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:200 g Mascarpone cheese70 g icing sugar1 egg10 g flour200 g jar of cherries, drained12 muffin cases, 7 cm ØMethod:1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 3 minutesat 450 Watts.2. Beat the butter until creamy, stir in the eggs andsugar alternately, a little at a time. Fold in thecooled melted chocolate, the cappuccino powderand the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder.3. Blend together the mascarpone, icing sugar, eggand flour for the filling. Drain the cherries.4. Spoon half the chocolate mixture into the bottom ofthe muffin cases, followed by half of the cherriesand all of the mascarpone mixture. Then add therest of the chocolate mix and the cherries. Bake,then decorate with plain or milk chocolate cakecovering if preferred.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–40 minutes 30–40 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cookies / Muffins➔ Muffins / with fruitTipThe mixture can be baked in alarge cake tin instead of muffincases. Double the quantity offruit and increase the <strong>baking</strong>time to approx. 50 minutes.Apricots can be used instead ofcherries.92

Marble cakeServes 18Ingredients:250 g butter or margarine200 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar4 eggs4 tbsp rum500 g flour3 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder3 tbsp cocoa powder3 tbsp milkMethod:1. Cream the fat, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggstogether. Stir in the rum, and fold in the flour and<strong>baking</strong> powder.2. Stir the cocoa and milk into about 1 /3 of themixture.3. Spoon about 1 /2 of the remaining plain mixture intoa greased and floured ring tin (Ø 26 cm). Add thecocoa-flavoured mixture, and finally the rest of theplain mixture.4. Swirl a fork through the mixture to give a marbledeffect, and bake as follows.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cakes ➔ Marble cakePineapple ring cakeServes 18Ingredients:175 g soft butter200 g marzipan, roughly chopped150 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar3 eggs300 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder200 g pineapple (tinned)Method:1. Beat the butter and chopped marzipan togetheruntil creamy. Gradually add the egg, sugar andvanilla sugar alternately.2. Fold in the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder. Drain and chopthe pineapple, and stir into the mixture.3. Pour the mixture into a greased ring tin (Ø 26 cm),and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 55–65 minutes94

Quark strudelServes 12Ingredients:Pastry:30 g butter or margarine, melted1 egg1/2 tsp saltApprox. 100 ml water375 g flourFilling:3 egg yolks100 g sugar500 g quark150 g raisinsJuice of 1 lemonFor the glaze:4 tbsp butter, melted2 tbsp milkIcing sugarMethod:1. Beat together the melted butter or margarine withthe egg, salt and water, and fold in the flour. Kneadto a smooth dough, place in a warm bowl, cover andset aside for 30 minutes.2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until creamy. Mixin the quark, raisins and lemon juice.3. Sprinkle a clean tea towel with flour. Roll out thedough very thinly so that you can see the pattern ofthe cloth through it. Spread the filling over thepastry, leaving a border of 3 cm all the way round.Fold the edges into the middle, and pinch it downlightly.4. Roll up the strudel by lifting the cloth along its longside, and carefully transfer it onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray.Brush with melted butter, and bake until golden.Brush with milk, and dust with icing sugar.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–45 minutes 45–55 minutes+ pre-heating95

Cherry strudelServes 16Ingredients:Pastry:300 g flourA pinch of salt4 tbsp oil120-150 ml warm water1 tbsp oil for brushingFilling:200 g crème fraîche4 tsp vanilla sugar1 tsp cinnamon30 g butter60 g breadcrumbs2 jars sour cherries(each weighing 680 g), drainedTo glaze:6 tbsp melted butterIcing sugarMethod:1. Mix the flour with the 4 tbsp oil, salt and water, andknead to a smooth dough until it no longer sticks toyour fingers. The longer it is kneaded, the moreelastic it becomes, and the better and easier it is toroll out and stretch. Brush the 1 tbsp oil over thedough, and set to one side for 30 minutes.2. Brown the breadcrumbs in the butter on the hob.Combine the crème fraîche with the vanilla sugarand the cinnamon. Roll the dough out thinly on acloth that has been sprinkled with flour. Spread thecrème fraîche mixture over the pastry, leaving a 3cm border all the way round. Scatter the breadcrumbsover the crème fraîche, and arrange thedrained cherries on top.3. Fold the border inwards, pressing it down lightly.Roll the strudel up along the long side of the cloth,and transfer to the grill pan. Brush with butter, andbake. Dust with icing sugar.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1 or 2Duration: 40–45 minutes 40–45 minutesTipServe hot or cold with ahome-made custard or vanillasauce. Apple strudel makes adelicious alternative. To makethis, peel and slice or dice1000 g sharp apples, and mixwith 175 g raisins, 80 g pinenuts, 70 g sugar, 1 tspcinnamon and 1 tbsp rum.Brown about 50 g breadcrumbsin 30 g butter, and scatter overthe rolled out pastry. Spreadthe apple mixture over and rollup as before.96

Olive breadServes 12Ingredients:250 g flour1 1 /2 sachets (10 g) of dried yeast150 ml white wine50 ml olive oil100 g ham, finely diced100 g pecorino cheese, grated4 eggs1 tsp dried marjoram1/2–1 tsp salt100 g chopped walnuts100 g black olives,roughly choppedMethod:1. Mix the flour, yeast, wine and oil, and knead to asmooth dough. Set aside for 1 hour to prove.2. Combine the ham, cheese, eggs, marjoram, salt andwalnuts, and knead into the dough. Finally knead inthe olives.3. Transfer the soft dough into a 32 cm long loaf tin,and prove in the oven at 50°C for 60 minutes, thenbake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 65–75 minutes 65–75 minutesAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Greek ➔ Olive breadTomato and olive bread sticksMakes 15Ingredients:125 g sun-dried tomatoes in oil100 g black olives250 g flour250 wholemeal flour3 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder1 tsp salt50 g soft butter300 g full fat yoghurtTo glaze:3–4 tbsp milkMethod:1. Drain the tomatoes well. Dice these and the olivesfinely.2. Knead together the flours, <strong>baking</strong> powder, salt,butter and yoghurt to a smooth dough. Then kneadin the tomatoes and olives.3. Shape 15 bread sticks from the dough, approx.12 cm long x 3 cm wide.4. Place on the <strong>baking</strong> tray, brush over with milk, andbake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Bread ➔ Baguette98

Grissini (Italian bread sticks)Makes approx. 35Ingredients:250 g flour20 g fresh yeast or 1 sachetof dried yeast125 ml lukewarm water1/2 tsp salt20 g margarineTo glaze:75 ml water1/2 tsp saltRoll in:Poppy, caraway or sesame seedsMethod:1. Place the yeast in warm water, stirring until itdissolves. Add to the flour with the salt andmargarine, and knead to a smooth dough.2. Place the dough in the microwave at 80 Watts forapprox. 5 minutes, or in the oven at 50°C forapprox. 15 minutes to rise, until it has doubled insize.3. Punch the dough down, then roll out on a flouredsurface to a 20 cm square about 1 /2 cm thick. Cutinto breadsticks 1 /2 cm wide x 20 cm long. Brusheach stick with salty water.4. Roll one end of each stick in poppy, caraway orsesame seeds, place on the <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bakeuntil golden.Setting : Fan plus ConventionalTemperature : 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration : 15–20 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingApple and raisin breadServes 12Ingredients:375 g grated apple100 g sugar100 g raisins50 g chopped hazelnuts1/2 tsp cinnamon250 g flour3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderMethod:1. Mix together the grated apple with the sugar,raisins, hazelnuts and cinnamon, and set aside forapprox. 12 hours.2. Then fold in the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder. Transferthe dough into a 32 cm long loaf tin, and bake untilgolden.3. Keep the bread in an airtight container for 2–3 daysbefore serving.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–50 minutes 45–50 minutes100

Flat breadServes 12Ingredients:375 g flour40 g fresh yeastor 2 sachets dried yeast1/2 tsp salt200-220 ml lukewarm water orbuttermilkor 280 g natural yoghurt3 tbsp oilTo glaze:2-3 tbsp oilMethod:1. Dissolve the yeast in the water, buttermilk oryoghurt. Then mix in with the flour, salt and oil,and knead to a smooth dough.2. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes, then punchdown and roll out in a circle approx. 30 cm across.3. Transfer to a <strong>baking</strong> tray or a pizza dish. Brush withoil, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1 or 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Bread ➔ Flat breadTipFor variety, add 50 g roastonions, or 2 tsp choppedrosemary, or a mixture of 40 gchopped black olives and 1 tbspchopped pine nuts, or 1 tspchopped herbes de Provence.Flat bread is also ideal forfilling. Cut it across the middle,and spread both halves withcream cheese. Arrange mixedlettuce, sliced tomatoes, finelysliced onion rings and cucumberon the lower half, and replacethe top. Serve with tzatziki(made from 500 g finely gratedcucumber, 250 g naturalyoghurt, 250 g sour cream, 1crushed garlic clove, 2 tbspolive oil, salt and pepper).102

Bacon or herb baguettesServes 20Ingredients:250 g white flour250 g whole-grain flour1 sachet dried yeast1 tsp sugar2 tsp salt1/2 tsp pepper3 tbsp oil250 ml lukewarm water150 g finely diced grilled bacon,or 3 tbsp each of choppedparsley, dill and chivesTo glaze:2–3 tbsp milk1 egg yolkMethod:1. Mix the flours, yeast, sugar, salt, pepper, oil andwater to a smooth dough. Knead in the bacon orherbs.2. Place the dough in the oven at 50°C, and leave toprove for approx. 40 minutes.3. Punch down, then divide the dough in half, and rollinto two 30 cm long sticks.4. Beat together the egg yolk and the milk, and brushover the two loaves. Leave to rise for a further 20minutes in the oven at 50°C, then bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 20–25 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Bread ➔ BaguetteTip12 rolls can be made instead ofthe baguettes. Cut a cross inthe top of each, and brush withbeaten egg yolk. Bake untilgolden.103

Quick herb ciabattaServes 20Ingredients:Dough:125 ml lukewarm milk125 ml lukewarm water20 g fresh yeastor 1 sachet of dried yeast475 g flour2 tsp salt2 tbsp oilFilling:1 onion, finely diced1 clove garlic, finely diced1 tbsp oil1 tbsp chopped parsley1 tbsp chopped dill1 tbsp chopped chives1 tbsp chopped basil1 egg1 tbsp crème fraicheSalt and pepperMethod:1. Mix together the milk, water and crumbled yeast.Add to the flour, salt and oil, and knead to asmooth dough. Leave to prove for 30 minutes atroom temperature.2. For the filling, sauté the onion and garlic in the oil.Then add the herbs, egg, crème fraîche, salt andpepper.3. Knead the dough briefly, and roll out to a rectangle30 cm x 40 cm. Spread over the filling, leaving a 2cm border all the way round.4. Roll up the dough along the shorter side. Transferto the <strong>baking</strong> tray, and leave to rise for approx. 30minutes. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Bread ➔ BaguettesTipGarlic should always be usedfresh. To tell how fresh it is,look at the cloves. They shouldbe nice and firm with a tightfitting skin. They will either bewhite in colour or have a purpletinge to them. Garlic should bestored somewhere cool and dry,but not in the refrigerator.104

Sesame bread ringsMakes 10Ingredients:Dough:500 g flour40 g fresh yeast or2 sachets of dried yeast1 tsp salt1 tbsp sugar3 tbsp oil250 ml lukewarm waterTop with:Sesame seedsMethod:1. Sieve the flour into a bowl. Crumble in the yeast;add the salt, sugar, oil and water, and knead to asmooth dough. Leave the dough to stand forapprox. 30 minutes, and then knead again briefly.2. Roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of 1 cm.Using a Ø 14 cm bowl, cut circles. Then cut Ø 6 cmcircles from the middle of each using a glass, tocreate a dough ring. Knead together the middlesagain, and roll out to make more circles.3. Brush both sides of the rings with warm water, andcoat with sesame seeds.4. Bake until golden. The rolls will be soft on theinside with a crisp finish.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 190–210°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray106

Wholegrain breadServes 16Ingredients:500 g wholegrain flour500 g wheat flour40 g fresh yeastor 2 sachets of dried yeast1/4 tsp sugar4-5 tsp salt2 tbsp oil750 g lukewarm water30 g linseeds or sunflower seedsMethod:1. Mix the yeast with the sugar and some of the water.Add to the flour with the salt, oil, sunflower seedsand the rest of the water, and knead to a smoothdough. Place in the oven at 50°C and leave to provefor 30 minutes.2. Punch down, then transfer into a 15 cm wide loaftin. Make a 1 /2 cm deep cut along the top with thetip of a knife, and brush with milk or a little water.3. Prove again for approx. 30 minutes at 50°C, andthen bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingWhite breadServes 12Ingredients:1000 g flour40 g fresh yeastor 2 sachetsof dried yeast2 tsp salt4 tsp sugar40 g melted butter or margarine600–700 ml lukewarm milkTo glaze:3 tbsp milkMethod:1. Mix the yeast into a little milk. Combine the flour,salt, sugar, butter or margarine, yeast mixture andthe rest of the milk, and knead to a smooth dough.2. Transfer the dough into a (15 cm wide) loaf tin, orinto 2 smaller (11 cm wide) tins. Make a 1 /2 cm cutinto the top, and brush with milk.3. Allow to rise for approx. 30 minutes at 50°C untilthe dough has doubled in size, and then bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutes108

Marzipan squaresMakes 90Ingredients:Pastry:200 g flour1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder80 g sugar1 egg75 g butter or margarineFilling:200 g apricot jam400 g marzipan1 egg whiteTopping:100 g dark chocolateMethod:1. Knead together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, sugar, eggand butter or margarine to a smooth dough. Rollout onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake until light golden.Stir the apricot jam, and spread over the warmpastry.2. Roll out the marzipan between two sheets of clingfilm or <strong>baking</strong> paper to the size of the <strong>baking</strong> tray.Place it on top of the jam layer. Brush the marzipanwith beaten egg white. Bake until the top is lightgolden, but not brown.3. After cooling, cut into squares 3 x 3 cm. Dip onecorner of each into melted chocolate, and leave toset.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Pre-bake for: 10–20 minutes 10–15 minutesDuration: 10–15 minutes 10–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingDrop cookiesMakes 50Ingredients:160 g butter50 g brown sugar50 g icing sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarA pinch of salt1 egg white200 g flourMethod:1. Beat the butter until creamy, then beat in the brownsugar, icing sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until soft.Then fold in the egg white and flour.2. Spoon the mixture into a forcing bag fitted with asize 9 or 11 rosette or zig-zag nozzle. Pipe onto a<strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 10–12 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cookies / Muffins➔ Drop cookies109

Double nut biscuitsMakes 100Ingredients:200 g butter75 g smooth peanut butter175 g brown sugar1 eggPulp of 2 vanilla podsA pinch of salt300 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder100 g dark chocolate, grated200 g walnut pieces,coarsely chopped100 g roasted and salted peanutsMethod:1. Cream the butter, peanut butter, sugar and egg. Addthe salt and vanilla pulp. Sieve the <strong>baking</strong> powderinto the flour, then fold in.2. Mix in the grated chocolate and the nuts, and kneadwell.3. Make walnut-sized balls from the dough.4. Arrange the dough balls on the <strong>baking</strong> tray, andbake until light brown.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–18 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingCrunchy cookiesMakes 45110Ingredients:125 g butter75 g icing sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarA few drops of vanilla essenceA pinch of salt1 egg175 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder30 g cornflakes45 g pumpkin seeds25 g porridge oats75 g chocolate dropsMethod:1. Cream together the butter with the icing sugar,vanilla sugar, vanilla essence, salt and egg.2. Fold in the flour sieved with the <strong>baking</strong> powder.Then stir in the rest of the ingredients.3. Using 2 teaspoons, spoon small balls of the doughonto the <strong>baking</strong> tray, leaving space between them.Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heating

Amaretti biscuitsMakes 90Ingredients:250 g finely ground almonds200 g caster sugar1 tsp almond essence4 egg whitesMethod:1. Mix the almonds with the almond essence and about3/4 of the sugar.2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, adding the rest ofthe sugar gradually.3. Fold about 1 /3 of the almond-sugar mixture into thebeaten egg whites, then the second 1 /3, then thefinal 1 /3.4. Spoon into a piping bag with a large, plain nozzle,and pipe walnut-sized pieces onto the <strong>baking</strong> traylined with <strong>baking</strong> parchment.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 120–140°C 120–140°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 35–45 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingNut crunchiesMakes 90Ingredients:100 ml single cream100 g brown sugar10 g butter1/2 tbsp flour80 g sesame seeds80 g pumpkin seeds, roughlychopped80 g sunflower seeds, roughlychopped1/2 tsp vanilla essenceMethod:1. Toast the sesame seeds gently in a pan without fat.2. Put the cream, sugar, butter and flour into a pan,and bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Removefrom the heat, and add the sesame seeds, pumpkinseeds and sunflower seeds, as well as the vanillaessence.3. Line the <strong>baking</strong> tray with <strong>baking</strong> parchment, andusing two teaspoons, spoon out blobs of mixture.Bake until golden – but do not over-bake, as thetaste will become bitter.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heating111

Peanut cookiesMakes 70Ingredients:Dough:100 g butter50 g peanut butter70 g brown sugar100 g peanuts, ground50 g peanuts, roughly chopped170 g flourTopping:Dark chocolate50 g peanuts, roughly choppedTipMethod:1. Knead together the butter, peanut butter, sugar,peanuts and flour to a smooth dough.2. Roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of1/2 cm. Using a biscuit cutter, cut biscuits andarrange on the <strong>baking</strong> tray. Bake until golden.3. Once cool, dip half of each biscuit in meltedchocolate, and scatter with chopped peanuts.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 15–20 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingHome-made peanut butterWhiz 250 g roasted, unsalted,skinned peanuts with 1 /2 tspsalt in a food processor. Add1–3 tsp peanut oil or sunfloweroil until the mixture is thick andcreamy. The peanut butter canbe kept in the refrigerator forup to 2 weeks.112

Vanilla crescentsMakes 90Ingredients:280 g flour210 g butter70 g sugar100 g ground almondsApprox. 70 g vanilla sugar, fordredging the biscuitsMethod:1. Mix together the flour, butter, almonds and sugar,and knead to a smooth dough. Leave to cool for 30minutes.2. Break off pieces of dough, roll them out and thenmake crescent shapes from them.3. Place on a prepared <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake untilgolden.4. Dredge with the vanilla sugar whilst still warm.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 140–160°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 20–30 minutes 12–15 minutesper trayAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Cookies / Muffins➔ Vanilla biscuitsVanilla biscuitsMakes 90Ingredients:220 g butter80 g icing sugar10 tsp vanilla sugar70 g ground hazelnuts280 g flourMethod:1. Cream together the butter, sugar and vanilla sugar.Fold in half of the flour, then knead in the rest ofthe flour and the nuts.2. Make the dough into Ø 3 cm rolls, and chill well orplace in the freezer for a short while.3. Cut the roll into 1 /2 cm thick slices, and arrange onthe <strong>baking</strong> tray. Bake until golden.114Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 15–20 minutes 12–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heating

Shortbread biscuitsMakes 70Ingredients:250 g flour85 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar1 1 /2 tsp vanilla essence175 g butter or margarineMethod:1. Knead the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, vanilla essenceand butter or margarine to a smooth dough. Leaveto stand for 30 minutes.2. Roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of 3 mmand cut biscuits using shaped cutters. Transfer thebiscuits to a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingTipIf you wish, the biscuits can betopped with melted chocolatewhen cool.To make marble cookies, kneadsome cocoa powder into half ofthe dough. Roll out the twopieces of dough (plain andchocolate) separately, and thenput one on top of the other.Roll them up together, chill andcut biscuits as described above.Alternatively, the rolls of doughcan be rolled in finely choppedwalnuts or hazelnuts, chilledand cut into biscuits asdescribed above.116

Gingerbread slicesMakes 50Ingredients:Base:250 g flour1/4 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder170 g soft butter120 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugarZest of 1 orange1/2 tsp ground gingerTopping:75 g apricot jam75 g preserved ginger,finely choppedMethod:1. Rub together the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, butter,sugar, vanilla essence, orange zest and ginger tomake fine crumbs.2. Knead half of the crumb mixture to a smooth dough,and roll out to about 2 /3 of the size of the <strong>baking</strong>tray to make a base.3. Spread with apricot jam, scatter with the ginger,and sprinkle the rest of the crumbs over the top.Bake until golden.4. Whilst still warm, cut into 2 x 4 cm slices.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 18–20 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingMocha macaroonsMakes 40Ingredients:2 egg whites130 g caster sugar125 g almonds125 g dark chocolate, grated1 tsp espresso or instant coffeepowderMethod:1. Brown the almonds in the grill pan without fat, andleave to cool. Combine with the grated chocolateand espresso powder.2. Beat the egg whites very stiffly, gradually addingthe sugar towards the end. Carefully fold in thealmond mixture.3. Line the <strong>baking</strong> try with <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Using2 teaspoons, spoon little balls of the meringuemixture onto the <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake very lightly.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 130–140°C 130–140°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutesper tray+ pre-heating117

Chocolate bitesMakes 90Ingredients:250 g butter200 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar6 eggs125 g flour75 g corn flour100 g ground almonds1/2 tsp vanilla essenceTopping:200 g dark chocolateMethod:1. Beat together the butter, eggs, sugar and vanillasugar until creamy. Mix in the flour, corn flour,almonds and vanilla essence.2. Line the <strong>baking</strong> tray with <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Using aspatula, spread about 4 tbsp of the mixture over thebottom to a thickness of about 2 mm.3. Place under the pre-heated grill until the mixture isgolden brown. Then spread a second layer thinlyover the first, and grill as before. Continue until allthe mixture is used up (6–8 layers).4. Turn the cake out onto another <strong>baking</strong> tray, andpeel off the <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Then turn it backonto the original <strong>baking</strong> tray, and cover with thesecond tray. Leave to cool completely.5. Cut into 1 x 2 cm slices, or 3 x 3 cm squares; cut thesquares across into triangles. Top with meltedchocolate.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 3 or 4Duration: 1–2 minutes per layerTipFor Christmas, add 1 tbspcinnamon to the flour to givethe cakes a festive flavour.118

Choc rum raisin squaresMakes 90Ingredients:4 egg yolks250 g sugar4 tsp vanilla sugar4 egg whitesJuice of 1 /2 a lemonA pinch of salt250 g flour250 hazelnuts, roughly chopped200 g raisins soaked in 40 ml rum200 g dark chocolate, gratedTopping:Dark chocolate cake coveringMethod:1. Drizzle the rum over the raisins, and steep for about30 minutes.2. Cream the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar. Foldin the stiffly beaten egg whites.3. Fold in the lemon juice, salt, flour, hazelnuts,rum/raisin mixture and grated chocolate.4. Transfer the mixture into a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bakeuntil golden.5. Spread with melted chocolate cake covering whilststill warm, and cut into 3 x 3 cm squares.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 18–20 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingStreusel cookiesMakes 100120Ingredients:Cookies:60 g butter50 g sugar125 g flour1 egg yolkCrumble topping:250 g flour120 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar170 g soft butterZest of 1 lemonMethod:1. Rub together the ingredients for the topping tomake fine crumbs.2. Knead together the ingredients for the cookies to asmooth dough. Roll out on a floured surface to athickness of about 3 mm. Cut round biscuits fromthe dough, scattering each with the topping whilststill in the cutter.3. Transfer to a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 15–20 minutes 10–14 minutesper tray+ pre-heating

Almond baguettesMakes 2 baguettesIngredients:Baguette mixture:150 g flour1 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder75 g brown sugarA pinch of salt100 g butter1 egg yolk1 tbsp milkFilling:2 egg whites200 g ground almonds200 g icing sugar40 g flour10 drops almond essence2 tbsp lemon juiceTo glaze:1 egg yolk1 tsp milkMethod:1. Knead the ingredients for the dough together untilsmooth. Cool for 30 minutes.2. Mix together the ingredients for the filling untilsmooth.3. Roll out half of the dough onto <strong>baking</strong> parchment toa rectangle approx. 18 x 26 cm, then cut in halflengthways through the dough and the paper.4. Place half of the filling in a baguette shape on topof the dough, leaving a border of 1 cm all the wayround. Place the second half of the dough on top,using the <strong>baking</strong> parchment to help you. Peel offthe parchment, and pinch the edges of the doughtogether.5. Transfer the baguette to a <strong>baking</strong> tray. Make up thesecond baguette in the same way.6. Brush the baguettes with beaten egg yolk and milk,and bake.7. Once cool, cut into 2 cm wide slices.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 140–160°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–40 minutes 25–35 minutes+ pre-heatingTipFor Christmas, you can give thealmond baguettes a festiveflavour by adding 2 tsp mixedspice to the mixture.122

Lemon slicesMakes 40Ingredients:Dough:100 g butter or margarine120 g sugar2 tsp vanilla sugar4 egg yolksJuice and zest of 1 lemon90 g flour30 g corn flour100 g ground almonds4 egg whitesFilling:200 g lemon curdTopping:200 g icing sugar4 tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp lemon liqueurMethod:1. Cream together the butter or margarine, sugar,vanilla sugar and egg yolk. Fold in the lemon juice,zest, flour, corn flour and almonds. Beat the eggwhites stiffly, and fold into the mixture.2. Spread the mixture onto 2 <strong>baking</strong> trays lined with<strong>baking</strong> parchment, and bake until golden. Whencool, turn the bases out onto a wire rack, and peeloff the <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Turn the bases back ontothe <strong>baking</strong> trays.3. Spread one base with lemon curd, and place thesecond base on top, pressing firmly. Place thesecond upturned <strong>baking</strong> tray on top, and set asidefor several hours.4. Mix together the icing sugar, lemon juice andliqueur, and spread over the top. Cut into slices 4 x6 cm.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 10–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heating124

Chocolate orange slicesMakes 90Ingredients:Base:200 g butter150 g sugar3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder4 eggs100 g ground walnuts100 g dark chocolate, melted150 g flour2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:250 g orange marmaladeTo glaze:150 g dark chocolate cakecovering100 g walnut pieces,roughly choppedMethod:1. Cream the butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggstogether. Stir in the ground walnuts, meltedchocolate, flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder.2. Line 2 <strong>baking</strong> trays with <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Spreadhalf of the mixture onto each, and bake. When cool,turn the bases onto wire racks and peel off the<strong>baking</strong> parchment. Turn the bases back the rightway.3. Spread one base with marmalade, and place thesecond on top, pressing down. Cover, and set aside.4. Spread the chocolate cake covering over the top,and whilst soft mark into 2 x 5 cm slices. Decorateeach with a few pieces of walnut.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 10–15 minutesper tray+ pre-heatingFlorentinesMakes 80Ingredients:125 ml double cream1 tsp flour125 g sugar10 g butter125 g flaked almonds100 g candied lemon peel,very finely choppedA pinch of salt5 drops lemon essenceTo glaze:Dark chocolateMethod:1. Place the cream, flour, butter and sugar in a pan,and heat slowly for about ten minutes, stirring allthe time. Stir in the almonds, candied peel, salt andlemon essence.2. Line <strong>baking</strong> trays with <strong>baking</strong> parchment. Using 2teaspoons, spoon balls of the mixture onto the<strong>baking</strong> trays, leaving sufficient space so that theydo not run into each other during <strong>baking</strong>. Flattenthe blobs of dough so that each Florentine is aboutØ 3 cm, and bake until golden.3. Cool, and remove from the <strong>baking</strong> parchment.Drizzle some melted chocolate over the bottom ofeach Florentine.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150-170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 10–12 minutesper tray+ pre-heating125

Marzipan heartsMakes 40Ingredients:Dough:200 g ground almonds150 g icing sugar1 tbsp rose water2 tbsp waterTo glaze:1 egg whiteMethod:1. Mix the very finely ground almonds with the icingsugar, rosewater and water in a food processor untilsmooth. Cover and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.Remove from the refrigerator, and stand at roomtemperature for 2 hours.2. Roll out portions of the biscuit dough between twopieces of clingfilm to a thickness of 4 mm. Cut intohearts or other shapes, and arrange on a <strong>baking</strong>tray.3. Pre-heat the grill. Brush with egg white, and grilluntil golden.TipSetting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 4Duration: Approx. 2 minutes+ pre-heatingRosewater is made up from 4drops of rose oil in 1 litre ofwater. It is used to flavourmarzipan, and is available frompharmacies and health foodshops.126

Snacks andstarters

ANAPPETISINGSTARTIt is said that anticipating something isas good as enjoying it, and this is neverso true as for a beautifully preparedmeal. A tasty starter whets theappetite, and excites the taste buds tocrave further stimulation in the maincourse. If these light bites simply tastetoo good to be a starter, you candouble the quantities and serve themas a main course! However you wish toserve them, we wish you “bon appetit”.

preparation tipsSnacks and startersThe dishes in this section can be servedeither as a snack or a starter or, bydoubling the quantities, they can alsobe served as a main course. A startershould not be too filling, which is whythey are often called “appetisers”.In this section, we have included a widevariety of easy-to-prepare recipes,ensuring that there is something to suitevery taste.The starter and main course shouldcomplement one another, and providecontrast. Menus should be planned sothat a meat starter, for example, isn’tfollowed by a meat main course, nor athick, hearty soup be preceded by alight consommé.130

Chicken loafServes 10Ingredients:250 g chicken breast50 g bacon, diced1 small onion, diced2 slices white bread75 g crème fraîche2 eggsSalt and pepper1 carrot, finely gratedMethod:1. Roughly chop the chicken breast. Place in a foodprocessor with the bacon, onion, bread, crèmefraîche and eggs, and blend until smooth. Seasonwith salt and pepper. Fold in the grated carrot.2. Transfer into a greased rectangular oven-proof dish(20 cm long), smooth the top, and bake uncovered.3. Remove from the oven, and allow to cool a little inthe dish. Then turn out onto a serving dish. Slice,and serve warm or cold with chunks of French bread.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutes131

Marinated peppersServes 4Ingredients:3 yellow peppers3 red peppers3 orange peppersMarinade:6 tbsp olive oil4 tbsp white wine4 tbsp white wine vinegar1 clove of garlic, crushedSalt and pepper3 tsp mixed herbsMethod:1. Combine all the ingredients for the marinade in ajug.2. Quarter the peppers, and remove the seeds and thepith. Place skin side up in the grill pan, and grilluntil the skin blisters and blackens.3. Remove from the oven, and place the peppers in apolythene bag for about 10 minutes to sweat. Thenpeel off the skins.4. Transfer to a serving dish, and pour over themarinade. Leave for several hours for the peppers toabsorb the flavours, and serve with French bread.Setting: GrillTemperature: 250°CShelf level: 3 or 4Duration: 6–8 minutesBaked pearsServes 8Ingredients:8 pear halves (tinned)300 g Brie1 onion, finely dicedSalt and pepper50 g walnuts, choppedMethod:1. Drain the pears well, and arrange in the bottom ofan oven-proof dish, domed side down.2. Combine the Brie with the onions, salt, pepper andwalnuts, and mix well. Spoon the mixture into thepear halves, and toast under the grill.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 4Duration: 8-10 minutes+ 5 minutes’ pre-heating132

Game terrineServes 10Ingredients:400 g hare or rabbit, diced2 onions, finely diced100 g white bread, diced5 tbsp sherry6 tbsp creamSalt and freshly groundblack pepper1 tsp thyme, finely chopped1 egg125 g crème fraîche750 g mushrooms, sliced1 onion, finely diced20 g butterMethod:1. Combine the diced meat, onions and bread in abowl. Mix the sherry, cream, salt, pepper and thymetogether, and add to the meat. Mix well, and leaveto stand for about an hour.2. Gently fry the remaining onion in the butter, addthe mushrooms and continue to fry until all theliquid has evaporated.3. Using a hand-held blender, coarsely blend the meatmixture, gradually adding the egg and crèmefraîche. Chop the mushrooms coarsely, and fold intothe rest of the mixture.4. Transfer into a greased loaf tin or terrine, and bakeuncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–35 minutes 25–35 minutes+ pre-heatingBaked artichoke heartsServes 3Ingredients:8–10 tinned artichoke hearts200 ml double cream100 g cream cheese with herbs100 g Cheddar cheese, grated75 g ham, dicedA little grated nutmegand seasoning, to tasteMethod:1. Gently heat together the cream, cream cheese andhalf of the Cheddar, stirring until smooth. Seasonwith salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Add thediced ham.2. Arrange the drained artichoke hearts in the bottomof an oven-proof dish, pour over the cheese sauce,and scatter the rest of the cheese over the top. Grilluntil golden.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 3Duration: 8–10 minutes+ pre-heating134

Tomatoes stuffed with goats’ cheeseServes 4Ingredients:4 large tomatoesSalt and pepper3 tbsp olive oil1 slice white bread1 tsp rosemary, chopped1 tsp parsley, chopped100 g goats’ cheeseMethod:1. Slice the top off each tomato and keep on one side.Scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon and keep onone side. Salt the insides of the tomatoes, andstand upside down on kitchen paper to drain.2. Cut the bread into cubes, and fry in 2 tbsp oil tomake croutons. Add the herbs, salt and pepper. Letthe mixture cool, then stir in the crumbled goats’cheese.3. Stuff each tomato with the goats’ cheese mixture,and place in an oven-proof dish. Spoon the scoopedoutseeds into the dish, and drizzle with the restof the oil. Bake uncovered. Bake the lids for the last5 minutes, and serve on top of the tomatoes.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180-200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25-30 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heatingTomarella ToastServes 4Ingredients:4 slices of white bread200 g tomatoes, diced100 g sliced ham, diced150 g Mozzarella cheese, dicedA pinch of mixed herbs,salt and pepper1/2 tsp fresh basil, choppedMethod:1. Liberally season the diced tomatoes and ham withsalt, pepper and herbs and mix well. Place the bread(lightly toasted if liked) on the rack over a grill pan,and spoon the tomato mixture over.2. Add plenty of Mozzarella cheese to each slice oftoast, and scatter more mixed herbs and basil overthe top. Toast under the grill.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 3 or 4Duration: 7–9 minutes+ 5 minutes’ pre-heating136

Cheese souffléServes 6Ingredients:70 g butter100 g Gruyère orAppenzeller cheese70 g flour250 ml milkSalt, pepper and a little groundnutmeg4 eggs, separatedMethod:1. Melt 50 g butter over a low heat, mix in the flour(do not allow it to go brown), and gradually stir inthe milk. Simmer for 5 minutes, continuing to stir.Liberally season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.2. Gradually mix in the rest of the butter and the eggyolks. Finally add the grated cheese, stirring untilsmooth. Beat the egg whites until stiff, thencarefully fold into the mixture.3. Grease an 18 cm Ø soufflé dish, and dust it withsome finely grated cheese. Transfer the mixture intothe dish, making sure that the dish is no more than3/4 full.4. Bake uncovered in a pre-heated oven, and serveimmediately to avoid the soufflé collapsing.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–40 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingCamembert toastServes 4Ingredients:4 slices of white bread4 pear halves, tinned4 tbsp cranberries200 g Camembert20 g butterPinch of cayenne pepperMethod:1. Lightly toast the bread, and spread thinly with thebutter. Drain the pears, slice, and arrange on thetoast.2. Scatter cranberries over, and top with Camembertcheese. Lightly sprinkle with cayenne pepper, placeon the rack over the grill pan and toast under thegrill.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 3 or 4Duration: 4-6 minutes+ 5 minutes’ pre-heating138

Salmon trout loafServes 10Ingredients:1 small onion, diced20 g butter750 g salmon trout fillet90 g white bread1 eggSalt, pepper and a little groundnutmeg350 ml cream1 tbsp fresh dill, choppedMethod:1. Sauté the onions in the butter. Keep one salmontrout fillet for later on. Flake the rest, and add tothe onions.2. Remove the crusts from the bread, and dice.Combine with the egg, seasoning and cream, andstir into the fish mixture. Leave to stand for 1 hour.3. Blend the mixture until smooth in a food processor.Fold in the dill, and spoon half of the mixture into agreased, rectangular loaf tin or terrine. Place theremaining piece of fillet on top, and top with therest of the fish mixture.4. Cover the dish, and stand in the grill pan containing1 litre water. Bake in the oven.5. Serve hot or cold with slices of toast.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 140–160°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesTipDill is one of the few herbswhich has always been used incooking, and was not originallyutilised for medical purposes. Itshould only be combined witheveryday ingredients such assalt, pepper, onions, parsleyand garlic, and never withanything that has a distinctiveflavour of its own.140

Casseroles andsavoury bakes

THEPLEASUREOFYOURCO MPANYCasseroles and savoury bakes offer anenormous amount of variety. You canbe as creative as you like, combiningdifferent ingredients depending onwhat is in season or what you havestored in your larder. These recipes aresimple to prepare, and are certain to bea hit with your friends and family. Andany leftovers can simply be refrigeratedor frozen, and reheated later!

preparation tipsCasseroles and savoury bakesSavoury bakes and casseroles arebecoming increasingly popular. Theycan be prepared in advance when youhave the time, and eaten later on,making them ideal for a mid-weekmeal.Casserole dishes are available in avariety of ovenproof materials, such asPyrex, ceramic or ironware.You could also use the Miele gourmetoven dish (available as an optionalaccessory). This comes in two sizes(5 litres and 8 litres) and is ideal forcooking large quantities. If a recipe isfor 4 servings you can triple thequantities quoted for the small gourmetoven dish (HUB 22) or quadruple themfor the larger gourmet oven dish(HUB 35).When preparing ingredients, bear inmind that vegetables cut to similardimensions will cook more evenly thanvegetables that are very different insize.For savoury bakes, grease the inside ofyour container and, depending on therecipe, dust with flour. To achieve acrisp, brown top, scatter knobs ofbutter over the surface of your bake,then sprinkle with grated cheese or amixture of grated cheese andbreadcrumbs.For sweet dishes, grease the dish withbutter and sprinkle brown or whitesugar over the top before <strong>baking</strong>.144

Oven soupServes 12Ingredients:1500 g chicken breasts750 g onions, diced1 tin of pineapple chunks (320 g)1 jar of red peppers (400 g)2 tins of sliced mushrooms(460 g each)500 g frozen peas2 tins of sweetcorn (280 g each)1500 ml water2 vegetable stock cubes3 tsp saltPinch of white pepper4–6 tbsp curry paste2 tbsp paprika750 ml cream750 ml passataMethod:1. Cut the chicken breast into 1 cm pieces, and place ina suitable oven-proof dish. Add the curry paste,onions, pineapple chunks with their juice, pepperswith their juice, drained mushrooms, peas and thedrained sweetcorn. Season with salt, pepper,paprika and stock cubes. Mix thoroughly. Add thewater, then cover, and cook in the oven for approx.100 minutes.2. Mix in the cream and passata and continue to cookin the oven, covered, for a further 30 minutes. Servewith French bread or pitta bread.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 120–140 minutes 120–140 minutesTipThis recipe is ideal for preparingthe day before. It can bere-heated in the oven forapprox. 1 hour at 100°C. Thesoup can be kept warm at atemperature of 80–90°C.145

Salmon lasagneServes 4Ingredients:400 g lightly smoked orfresh salmon, thinly slicedApprox. 12 sheets of driedlasagne, not pre-cooked2 onions, diced20 g butter2 tbsp flour600 ml milk300 ml double creamSalt and pepper2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped3 tbsp lemon juice1 finely shredded fennel bulb100 g Cheddar cheese, gratedMethod:1. Lightly fry the onions in the butter. Add the flour,mixing well. Keep stirring whilst you add the milkand cream. Season liberally with salt, pepper andlemon juice. Simmer for 10 minutes, then stir in thedill.2. Spread some of the sauce over the bottom of anoven-proof dish, and place 4 sheets of lasagne ontop, followed by a layer of fennel and salmon. Buildup with a further layer of sauce, lasagne, fennel,and salmon. Top with the rest of the lasagne andfinally the remaining sauce, and sprinkle withgrated cheese before <strong>baking</strong> uncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ LasagneRed pepper and rice casseroleServes 4Ingredients:75 g bacon, diced1 onion, finely diced2 red peppers75 g bottled peppers,e.g. anti-pasti125 g courgettes250 g smoked sausage orpepperoni, sliced250 g tomatoes, diced75 g long grain rice250 ml vegetable stock3 tbsp tomato puréeSalt and pepperMethod:1. Quarter the peppers, remove the seeds and the pith,and cut into thin strips. Peel and slice or dice thecourgetttes.2. Transfer the peppers and courgettes into anoven-proof dish with all the other ingredients, stirwell, cover and bake, stirring halfway through the<strong>baking</strong> time.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutes146

Aubergine moussakaServes 6Ingredients:1250 g aubergines50 ml (3 tbsp) olive oil1 onion, diced30 g butter750 g minced beef125 ml white wine1 tin tomatoes(drained weight 480 g)2 tbsp chopped parsleySalt and pepper3 tbsp breadcrumbs2 egg whites500 ml béchamel sauce,ready-made2 egg yolks100 g grated CheddarMethod:1. Cut the aubergine into 1 cm thick slices, sprinklewith salt, and leave for 20 minutes to draw out theliquid.2. Sauté the onion in the butter. Add the mince, andbrown whilst stirring. Chop the tinned tomatoesroughly, and add with the parsley and wine to themeat. Season liberally with salt and pepper, andsimmer for about 15 minutes. Fold in thebreadcrumbs the egg whites.3. Rinse the aubergines under cold water, pat dry andfry in olive oil until golden.4. Arrange half of the aubergines in the bottom of anoven-proof dish (32 x 22 cm), and then add themeat mixture. Add the rest of the aubergines.Mix the egg yolk and about 2/3 of the cheese intothe béchamel sauce. Spread the sauce over theaubergines, and sprinkle with the rest of thecheese. Bake in the oven, uncovered until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutesAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Greek ➔ Moussaka148

Beef casserole with white cabbageServes 5Ingredients:750 g stewing steak350 g onions, sliced in rings50 g margarine750 g potatoes, peeled and sliced1250 g white cabbage,coarsely chopped500 ml beef stockSalt and pepperMethod:1. Melt the margarine in a frying pan on the hob.Brown the meat, turning to avoid burning. Add theonion rings, and continue to brown for a minute ortwo. Season with salt and pepper.2. Transfer to a suitable oven-proof dish, arrange thesliced potato on top, and finally the white cabbage.3. Pour the stock over the top, cover and bake in theoven. When ready, mix the ingredients thoroughly.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutesSalmon and potato bakeServes 4Ingredients:1000 g potatoes, peeled300 g salmon fillet, cubed200 ml double cream100 ml milk1 eggSalt and white pepper125 g grated Cheddar cheese150 g crème fraîche4 tbsp chopped chivesMethod:1. Parboil the potatoes for about 10 minutes in saltedwater. Drain and leave to cool. Then slice, andarrange in the bottom of a shallow oven-proof dish.Mix in the salmon.2. Beat together the cream, milk, egg and seasoning,and pour over the salmon and potatoes. Sprinklewith grated cheese, and bake uncovered.3. Mix the chives into the crème fraîche, and servewith the salmon and potato bake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–45 minutes 35–45 minutes149

Spicy beef casserole with red wine sauceServes 7–8Ingredients:1500 g stewing steak750 g onions, diced3 tsp salt1/2 tsp each of freshly groundblack pepper and cayenne pepper4 tbsp paprika4 red chillies, very finely diced125 g tomato purée6 tbsp flour75 g butter4 red peppers2 tins of kidney beans, drained1 tin of haricot beans, drained1000 ml beef stock250 ml red wineMethod:1. Place the stewing steak, onions, seasoning, chilliesand tomato purée in a suitable oven-proof dish.Scatter the flour over, and mix thoroughly.2. Dot with butter, and cook uncovered in the oven for1 hour. Stir occasionally during cooking.3. Slice the peppers and add them together with thekidney and haricot beans and the stock to the meat,stirring thoroughly. Cover, and return to the ovenfor 45 minutes.4. Stir in the red wine, and cook uncovered for afurther 45 minutes.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 140–160 minutes 140–160 minutesMinced beef and vegetable bakeServes 4Ingredients:500 g potatoes750 g green beansSalt, freshly ground black pepperand thyme1 onion, diced2 tbsp oil500 g minced beef2 tomatoes, cut into eighths200 g goats’ cheese125 ml double cream100 ml sour cream200 ml passata with herbsMethod:1. Cook the beans in salted water for about 10 minutes;drain.2. Fry the onions gently in the oil, add the mince andcontinue frying until it has browned. Season withsalt and pepper.3. Peel and slice the potatoes. Add these together withthe beans and tomatoes to the mince, mixingthoroughly. Transfer to a suitable oven-proof dish,and spread over the sour cream, half of the creamand the passata.4. Crumble the goats’ cheese, and mix with the rest ofthe cream, the seasoning and the thyme. Pour overthe casserole, and bake uncovered until golden.Setting: Fan plus Gentle bakeTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes150

Vegetable bakeServes 5Ingredients:500 g potatoes, peeled and diced500 g carrots, sliced500 g leeks, sliced in rings500 g broccoli florets500 g pork fillet, cut into strips2 onions, diced20 g butter or margarineSalt, pepper and a pinch of sugar150 g raclette cheeseSauce:2 eggs200 ml double cream or milk200 ml sour cream100 ml vegetable stock3 tsp thyme, bruised and choppedSalt and pepper150 g raclette cheeseMethod:1. Parboil the potatoes for about 10 minutes in saltedwater, then drain.2. Fry the onions and the pork in the butter ormargarine. Add the carrots, leeks, broccoli, salt,pepper and sugar, and continue to cook on a lowheat for a further 10 minutes. Mix in the potatoesand cheese, and transfer into an oven-proof dish.3. Whisk the eggs with the cream or milk, the sourcream, stock and thyme, and liberally season withsalt and pepper. Pour over the vegetables, topwith the raclette cheese and bake uncovered untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutes152

Beef and leek bakeServes 6Ingredients:1000 g potatoes30 g bacon, diced1 onion, diced250 g leeks, sliced in rings600 g frozen peas1 tin (400 g) chanterellemushrooms900 g beef or pork fillet30 g butterSalt and freshly ground blackpepper3 pkts hollandaise sauce mix375 ml double cream375 ml waterMethod:1. Parboil the potatoes, drain, cool and slice.2. Cut the meat into 3 cm slices, and briefly fry onboth sides to seal. Remove from the pan, and fry thebacon in the pan juices. Add the diced onion, leeks,frozen peas, drained mushrooms and potato slices.Season with salt and pepper, and continue to cookfor a further 5 minutes.3. Transfer the vegetables together with the meat to asuitable oven-proof dish, and mix well.4. Combine the sauce mix, cream and water in a pan,and bring to the boil on the hob, stirring all thetime. Pour over the meat and vegetables, cover andcook in the oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–40 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heatingTipBroccoli florets are a deliciousalternative to the leeks andpeas. Chicken or turkey breastmeat can be used instead ofbeef or pork.154

Seafood bakeServes 6Ingredients:500 g rainbow trout500 g salmon fillet500 g cod fillet30 g butter200 ml white wine350 g spring onions,sliced in rings500 g frozen prawns(defrosted and drained)600 ml fish or chicken stock375 g crème fraîche with herbs150 g sour cream3 tbsp dill, chopped1 tsp tarragon, chopped1 1 /2 pkts white sauce mix(sufficient for 500 ml of sauce)Salt and ground white pepperMethod:1. Cut the fish into large chunks, and fry gently in thebutter. Season with salt and pepper, add the wine,cover, and continue to simmer for about 5 minutes.Transfer the fish into an oven-proof dish.2. Stir the fish or chicken stock into the cookingjuices, and then stir in the crème fraîche, sourcream, dill, tarragon and the white sauce mix(do not make it up).3. Add the sauce, spring onions and prawns to thefish, and bake uncovered in the oven until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–35 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingPasta bakeServes 6Ingredients:400 g macaroni40 g butter4 onions, diced2 red peppers, diced300 g carrots, sliced900 g tomatoes, roughly chopped250 ml vegetable stock500 g crème fraîche250 ml milkPepper and garlic salt300 g ham, raw or cooked, diced300 g goats’ cheese with herbs,diced200 g Cheddar cheese, gratedMethod:1. Cook the macaroni in rapidly boiling salted wateruntil al dente. Drain.2. Fry the onions gently in the butter. Add the dicedpeppers and carrots, and continue to fry for aminute or two. Pour in the stock. Combine thecrème fraîche with the milk, pepper and garlic salt,and mix into the vegetables. Bring to the boil,stirring all the time.3. Transfer the macaroni, tomatoes, ham and goats’cheese into an oven-proof dish, stir in the vegetablemixture, sprinkle with grated Cheddar, and bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus Gentle bakeTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutes156


TEMPTINGTo create something exotic withoutmeat or fish is a challenge for many acook. However, with a little imaginationand creativity it is much easier than youthink to serve filling, tasty andnutritious dishes without meat or fish.Ingredients which used to be given farless importance in the culinary leaguetable are now popular replacements formeat and fish. Herbs, grains, pulsesand vegetables give different dishestheir own individual identity, andstimulate the taste buds.

preparation tipsVegetarian dishesVegetarian food is no newcomer to theculinary stage. Even in Ancient Greece.philosophers were clamouring forvegetarian food. The Vegetarian Societywas founded in London in 1811,and the term “Vegetarian”was coined for anybodydeclining meat or fish.This chapter offers the full rangeof vegetarian fare, from tasty snacks tofull-blown main courses.A balanced diet should contain protein,fat and carbohydrate, as well asvitamins. Proteins are the buildingblocks for the body, and can be foundin milk, cheese, yoghurt and pulses.160

Porcini lasagneServes 4Ingredients:6 sheets of lasagne(not pre-cooked)400 g fresh or 40 g dried porcinimushrooms1 tbsp oil50 g spring onions, finely diced4 tomatoes, diced1-2 tbsp fresh basil,finely choppedSalt and pepperBéchamel sauce:30 g butter30 g flour500 ml milk100 ml white wineSalt, pepper and grated nutmegTo sprinkle on top:40 g grated Parmesan cheeseTipMethod:1. Wash and slice the fresh mushrooms. If using driedmushrooms, soak in warm water for about10 minutes, and then drain well.2. Lightly fry the spring onions in the oil, add themushrooms and sauté for a minute or so. Then addthe tomatoes and season with salt, pepper andbasil.3. For the béchamel sauce, heat the butter on the hob.Stir in the flour. Add the milk and wine a little at atime whilst continuing to stir. Season with salt,pepper and nutmeg.4. Spoon some of the sauce into the bottom of anoven-proof dish. Place 2 sheets of lasagne on top,and spread over half of the mushroom mixture. Pourover 1 /3 of the sauce, and top with half of theParmesan cheese. Continue to build up the layers,starting with 2 sheets of lasagne, the rest of themushrooms, another 1 /3 of sauce, two more sheetsof lasagne and finally the rest of the sauce. Sprinklethe rest of the Parmesan over the top, and bake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–40 minutes 35–40 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ LasagneWhen using the Miele Gourmetoven dish to make lasagne,double the quantities for the38 x 22 cm dish (HUB -22) andtriple them for the38 x 35 cm dish (HUB -35).Increase the <strong>baking</strong> time ineach case to 45-55 minutes.Non-vegetarians can add 100 gdiced, cooked bacon or ham tothe mushroom mixture.161

Pepper and onion tartServes 16Ingredients:Base:125 g quark4 tbsp oil4 tbsp milk1 tsp salt1 egg250 g flour3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderTopping:4 onions2 red peppers2 green peppers2 tbsp oil3 tsp chopped thyme2 eggs150 g sour creamSalt and pepper150 g grated cheddar cheeseTipMethod:1. Combine the quark with the oil, milk, salt and egg.Mix half of this with the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder,and finally knead in the rest of the quark mixture.Roll the dough out to line the <strong>baking</strong> tray, creatinga base which is a few millimetres thick.2. Slice the onions thinly. Cut the peppers into thinstrips, discarding the seeds and pith. Sauté theonions and peppers lightly in the oil.3. Beat together the eggs, sour cream, salt, pepperand thyme.4. Spread the vegetables over the pastry base, andpour over the sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese,and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–50 minutes 45–50 minutesNon-vegetarians can add 100 gdiced smoked ham or grilledbacon to the onions andpeppers for a deliciousalternative.162

Potato and cauliflower quicheServes 12Ingredients:Base:250 g flour1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder1/2 tsp salt150 g butter1 egg yolk, 2 tbsp waterFilling:700 g potatoes450 g cauliflower florets300 g cherry tomatoesTopping:400 g crème fraiche4 eggs50 g corn flourSalt and white pepper1 tsp chopped basil, (optional)200 g diced CamembertMethod:1. Knead the flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder, salt, butter, eggyolk and water together to make a smooth dough.Roll out the dough and transfer to a Ø 28 cmspringform tin, raising the sides to 3 cm. Blind bakethe case (this is not necessary if using Intensivebake).2. Peel, boil, cool and slice the potatoes. Cook thecauliflower florets to al dente and drain. Mixtogether the potatoes, cauliflower and tomatoes,and spoon into the flan case.3. Blend together the crème fraîche, eggs, corn flour,seasoning and herbs to taste. Pour over thevegetables, and scatter the Camembert over the top.Setting: Intensive bake Fan plusTemperature: 160–180°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Blind bake: – 15–20 minutesDuration: 45–55 minutes 35–40 minutes164

Broccoli and mushroom bakeServes 6Ingredients:600 g broccoli florets600 g mushrooms, sliced800 g potatoes (peeled weight)250 g crème fraîche200 ml double cream2 tbsp corn flour2 tsp salt1/2 tsp black pepper300 g grated Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Place the broccoli into an oven-proof dish. Add themushrooms and the finely diced potatoes.2. Combine the crème fraîche with the cream, cornflour, salt, pepper and about a third of the cheese.3. Pour over the vegetables, and stir to coat. Sprinklewith the rest of the cheese, and bake uncovereduntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 80–90 minutes 80–90 minutesVegetable gratinServes 2Ingredients:500 g cauliflower or broccoli500 g carrotsCheese sauce:20 g margarine20 g flour300 ml vegetable stock200 ml milk100 g diced Emmental cheese50 g grated Cheddar cheeseSalt, pepper, grated nutmeg1 tbsp chopped parsleyMethod:1. Break the cauliflower or broccoli into florets, andpeel and slice the carrots. Place in the bottom of anoven-proof dish, and mix.2. Melt the margarine, add the flour, and gradually addthe milk, stirring constantly. Add the Emmentalcheese, and simmer until the cheese has melted.Liberally season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stirin the parsley.3. Pour the sauce over the vegetables, sprinkle withCheddar, and baked uncovered until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 55–65 minutes165

Vegetable lasagneServes 6Ingredients:2–3 red peppers2–3 yellow peppers1 courgette250 g Ricotta cheese100 crème fraîche35 g margarine35 g flour500 ml milk3 tbsp chopped basil50 ml oil25 g pine nutsSalt, pepper, grated nutmeg12 lasagne sheets, pre-cookedMethod:1. Quarter the peppers, and remove the seeds andpith. Place the peppers skin side up on the grill panunder the pre-heated grill (250°C) for 6-8 minutesuntil the skin blisters and blackens. Place thepeppers in a polythene bag to sweat for about10 minutes, and then the peel the skins off thepeppers.2. Slice the courgettes.3. Whiz the basil, oil, pine nuts and salt into a paste ina blender or food processor. Stir into the ricotta andcrème fraîche.4. Heat the margarine over the hob, gradually add theflour and milk, stirring all the time to make a sauce.Bring gently to the boil, and season with salt,pepper and nutmeg.5. Spoon some of the sauce into the bottom of aoven-proof dish. In layers, add lasagne sheets, someof the basil ricotta mixture, then half of thevegetables, and finally half of the sauce. Repeatthis, finishing with a final layer of lasagne, and topwith ricotta mixture. Bake uncovered in the oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesAutomatic ➔Bakes/Gratin ➔LasagneRomanesco bakeServes 3Ingredients:600 g sliced potatoes500 g romanesco (or cauliflower)florets150 g coarsely grated CheddarcheeseFor the sauce:250 ml double cream125 ml milk150 g Cheddar cheeseSalt, pepper, nutmegMethod:1. Combine all the ingredients for the sauce, andsimmer gently for about 5 minutes.2. Arrange the potato slices, romanesco and half ofthe cheese in an oven-proof dish. Pour over thesauce, and mix thoroughly.3. Sprinkle over the rest of the cheese, and bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus Gentle bakeTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes166

Spinach lasagne with goats’ cheeseServes 6–8Ingredients:900 g leaf spinach(frozen weight)15 lasagne sheets,not pre-cooked300 g goats’ cheese750 ml double cream400 g sour cream5 eggs400 g grated Cheddar cheese2 tsp salt1 tsp pepper1 tsp paprikaGarlic salt, (optional)5 tomatoes, sliced50 g grated Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Defrost the spinach and drain well. Dice the goats’cheese finely. Beat together the cream, sour cream,and eggs, and season liberally with salt, pepper,paprika and garlic salt (optional).2. Pour about 1 /4 of the egg mixture into the bottomof an oven-proof dish, and arrange 5 sheets oflasagne on top. Spread half of the spinach over,sprinkle with 1 /3 of the goats’ cheese and Cheddar,and pour over another 1 /4 of the egg mixture.Continue to build up the layers as follows: 5 sheetsof lasagne, the rest of the spinach, 1 /3 of thecheeses, 1 /4 of the egg mixture, 5 sheets of lasagne,1/4 of the egg mixture, the rest of the cheese. Bakeuncovered.3. About halfway through <strong>baking</strong>, arrange the slicedtomato on top, and sprinkle over the 50 g gratedCheddar. Continue <strong>baking</strong> until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ LasagneTip100 g of frozen spinachcontains 40–50% of the dailyrecommended requirement ofvitamin A, which fights againstfree radicals and strengthensthe immune system.168

Asparagus lasagneServes 6Ingredients:1000 g asparagus tips9 lasagne sheets, not pre-cooked50 g flour50 g butter250 ml vegetable stock250 ml waterfrom the blanching process100 g goats’ cheese2 tbsp lemon juiceSalt, white pepper50 g grated Parmesan cheese, or150 g grated Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Chop the asparagus into 3 cm lengths, and blanchin boiling water for 2 minutes. Retain the boilingwater, and plunge the asparagus into ice-cold water.Drain well. Set a few asparagus tips to one side.2. Melt the butter on the hob, then stir in the flour.Continuing to stir, add the vegetable stock and thewater from the blanching process. Simmer for a fewminutes, then stir in the crumbled goats’ cheese.Season the sauce with salt, pepper and lemon juice.3. Place 3 sheets of lasagne in the bottom of anoven-proof dish. Spread about 1 /3 of the sauce overthe lasagne, then arrange half of the asparagus ontop. Scatter over 1 /2 of the cheese. Continue with3 more sheets of lasagne, another 1 /3 of the sauceand the rest of the asparagus. Place the rest of thelasagne on top, followed by the rest of the sauce.4. Arrange a few lasagne tips decoratively on top, andsprinkle over the rest of the cheese. Bake uncovereduntil golden.Setting: Fan heat ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ LasagneBasil tomatoesServes 6Ingredients:6 tomatoes3 onions, finely diced1/2 clove of garlic, finely diced20 g butter100 ml vegetable stock3 tbsp white wine125 ml double creamSalt, pepper, Cayenne pepper1 teaspoon chopped basil100 g grated Pecorino orParmesan cheeseMethod:1. Gently fry the onion and garlic in the butter untilgolden. Add the stock, wine and cream, and seasonliberally with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper andbasil.2. Remove the stalks from the tomatoes, and arrangethe tomatoes in an oven-proof dish.3. Pour the sauce over, sprinkle with cheese and bakeuncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170-190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25-35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating169

Hash brownsServes 16Ingredients:1500 g potatoes2 onions4 eggs2–3 tbsp flourSalt, pepper, oil200 g sour cream orcrème fraîcheMethod:1. Peel the potatoes, and grate them with the onions.Mix with the eggs, flour, salt and pepper.2. Brush a <strong>baking</strong> tray with oil, and spread the potatomixture evenly over the tray. Bake in a pre-heatedoven.3. Serve in wedges with dollops of sour cream or crèmefraîche on top.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingTipAdding 200 g of diced, smokedham or grilled bacon makes adelicious non-vegetarianalternative. Mix half of thisquantity in with the potatoesand onions, and scatter the restover the top of the pancakesbefore <strong>baking</strong>.170

Stuffed Savoy cabbage rollsServes 6Ingredients:6 large Savoy cabbage leavesPorcini mushroom fillingfor 6 rolls:60 g dried porcini mushrooms250 ml waterSalt and pepper250 g crème fraîche300 ml vegetable stock2-3 tbsp corn flourFresh mushroom fillingfor 6 rolls:600 g fresh mushrooms, sliced1 onion, dicedSalt and pepper250 g crème fraîche300 ml vegetable stock2-3 tbsp corn flourMethod:1. Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling water for2 minutes, then plunge into ice-cold water and patdry.I. Dried porcini mushroom fillingSoak the mushrooms in water for about 20 minutes,drain, and retain the water. Chop the mushroomsroughly, and season with salt and pepper. Spreadhalf the crème fraîche over the cabbage leaves, andscatter the mushrooms over the top. Fold the longsides of the leaves in towards the middle, then rollup each one from the bottom, making a parcel.Arrange in an oven-proof dish, and bake uncoveredfor about 20 minutes. Mix together the rest of thecrème fraîche, the water the mushrooms werecooked in, the stock and corn flour, and pour overthe cabbage rolls. Continue to bake uncovered.II. Fresh mushroom fillingRoughly chop the mushrooms, and combine with theonion, salt, pepper and half of the crème fraîche.Spread the mixture over the cabbage leaves, foldthe long sides in towards the middle, then roll upinto parcels, as above. Arrange in an oven-proofdish, and bake uncovered for about 20 minutes. Mixtogether the rest of the crème fraîche, the stockand corn flour, and pour over the cabbage rolls.Continue to bake uncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutesTipEarly Savoy cabbages are tenderwith a mild flavour. They cookmore quickly than Autumn orWinter varieties.172

Mushroom lasagneServes 6Ingredients:15 lasagne sheets,not pre-cooked400 g diced Gorgonzola cheese1500 g sliced mushrooms3 tbsp chopped parsley150 g grated Parmesan cheeseor 250 g grated Cheddar cheeseBéchamel sauce:90 g margarine90 g flour1400 ml milkSalt, pepper, nutmegMethod:1. For the sauce, melt the butter on the hob, and stirin the flour. Add the milk, continuing to stir.Simmer for 5 minutes, and season with salt, pepperand nutmeg. Stir in the Gorgonzola, and beat untilsmooth. Stir in the mushrooms and parsley.2. Spoon about 1 /4 of the sauce into the bottom of anoven-proof dish, and arrange 5 sheets of lasagne ontop. Scatter over 1 /4 of the cheese. Repeat thistwice.3. Spread the rest of the sauce over the top, andscatter the rest of the cheese over the top. Bakeuncovered until golden.Setting: Fan plus Gentle bakeTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ LasagneTipWhite mushrooms are one ofthe most popular and readilyavailable mushrooms. They arevery low in calories, and rich invegetable protein, Vitamin B1and minerals. They should bestored in cool conditions, andused as fresh as possible. For avariation on the above recipe,experiment with an ordinarycheese and some more exoticmushrooms.174

Stuffed peppersServes 4Ingredients:4 peppers (2 red, 2 yellow)400 g courgettes1 onion, finely diced1 tbsp sunflower oil2 tsp seasoningPinch of oregano and thyme2 tbsp chopped parsley150 g cream cheese with herbs100 g bulghur wheat125 ml water or vegetable stock1 pkt white sauce mixMethod:1. Cut a 2 cm lid from the top of each pepper. Removethe seeds and pith. Dice the lid finely.2. Roughly chop the courgettes. Fry the onion gentlyin the oil, add the courgettes and diced peppers,and cook for about 5 minutes. Stir in the seasoning,herbs, cream cheese and bulghur wheat.3. Spoon the mixture into the peppers, and placethese in an oven-proof dish with the stock or water.Bake uncovered.4. Transfer the peppers to a serving dish. Add morestock to the cooking juices if necessary, and stir inthe white sauce mix. Bring to the boil, stirring, andserve with the peppers.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutesTipThe pepper is a popularvegetable available both as awhole vegetable or in a powderform as paprika. As a vegetableit comes in green, yellow, redand orange varieties, whichvary in their flavours. The greenones tend to be a little bitter,whilst the other colours aresweet. The best season forpeppers is summer time.175


COMETOT HETABLE!Many delicious foods belong to thecategory “a moment on the lips, alifetime on the hips”. Not so with fish,which is as healthy as it is delicious.Fish dishes come in an enormousvariety, depending on where the fish issourced and on the different ways it iscooked around the globe. The recipeson the pages that follow are highlyrecommended, and are well worth a try!

preparation tipsFishFish is very high in protein, vitamins A,B and D, and in minerals such as iron,iodine, calcium and phosphorus.Fish is light and easy to digest, and istherefore ideal for people who do nothave a large appetite or for those onspecial diets.Because fish has hardly any connectivetissues, it can break down anddisintegrate during cooking. Drizzlingthe raw fish with a little lemon juice orvinegar before cooking will help to fixthe connective tissues. Whole fish arecooked when the pupils of the eyes turnwhite, and when the dorsal fins can beremoved with ease. Fried, steamed andgrilled fish is cooked when the fleshflakes easily, or comes away freely fromthe bones.The basic rules for preparing fish:Cleaning: Gut the fish, and scale it ifnecessary. Rinse under running water.Adding acid: Drizzle the cleaned fishwith a little lemon juice or vinegar,and leave for 10 minutes beforefurther processing. This will not affectthe flavour of the cooked fish.Salting: Just before preparing the fishfor cooking, sprinkle a little salt orsome herbs over it. Do not do this toolong before cooking, as salt drawsmoisture and minerals out of the fish,and the cooked fish can become verydry.178

When <strong>baking</strong> fish in the oven, thecentre of the fish should reach at least70°C. This can be checked with a meatthermometer.Allow 250-300 g unfilleted fish perperson, or 200-250 g filleted fish.When using foil, select Fan plus orConventional instead of Auto roast,with a maximum temperature setting of200°C.Some types of fish such as trout, tench,eel or carp can be prepared “blue”. Theskin of these fish contain a dye whichtakes on a blue hue when exposed toacids (e.g. vinegar). Do not clean theslimy film off the skin, as this willdestroy the blue colour. Pour a littlehot water with vinegar over the fish,leave to stand for about 10 minutes andthen follow the recipe. Only salt thefish on the inside.If the fish is being cooked in a sauce,make sure that the sauce is not toorunny as the fish will lose liquid duringcooking.179

Pikeperch in a herb cream sauceServes 6Ingredients:1 pikeperch (approx. 1500 g)Juice of one lemon5 onions, sliced50 g butter or margarineSalt, black pepper60 g softened butter1 carrot, diced30 g anchovy paste1 tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp breadcrumbs250 g sour cream2 egg yolks5 tbsp parsley2 tbsp chopped dillExtra strong aluminium foilMethod:1. Scale, clean and salt the fish lightly inside and out.Fry the onions gently in 50 g butter until golden,and season with the salt and pepper.2. Transfer the onions with the cooking juices onto alarge piece of aluminium foil, and scatter over thecarrot and 2 tablespoons of parsley. Place the fishon top.3. Mix together the butter and anchovy paste, andspread over the top of the fish. Drizzle with lemonjuice and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Wrap the fishloosely in the foil.4. Place the parcel on the rack in the oven and bake.Combine the sour cream, the egg yolk, salt, the restof the parsley and the dill.5. Open the parcel after about 30 minutes of <strong>baking</strong>,and spoon the sauce over the top. Continue to bakeuncovered.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesTipPikeperch is often known aszander.Suggested winesThe moist, tender flesh of thepikeperch demands a fruity winethat complements its flavour,and does not overpower it. Adry white wine is always a goodchoice.180

TroutServes 4Ingredients:I. Blue trout4 trout (each weighing 250 g,ready to cook)SaltApprox. 500 ml water with a littlevinegar added (made up from450 ml water and 50 ml vinegar)4 slices of lemon100 g butterII. Trout with almonds4 trout (each weighing 250 g,ready to cook)2 tbsp lemon juiceSalt2 bunches of parsley80 g butter100 g flaked almondsIII. Trout with mushrooms4 trout (each weighing 250 g,ready to cook)2 tbsp lemon juiceSalt and pepper1 onion, diced2 bunches of parsley, chopped800 g white mushrooms, sliced50 g butterMethod:III. Blue trout: Salt the inside of the trout, and placein a fish kettle or long, narrow container. Pour thehot water and vinegar over, and cover. Bake in theoven. Serve with wedges of lemon and meltedbutter.III. Trout with almonds: Drizzle the trout with lemonjuice, and salt the fish inside and out. Stuff eachtrout with a handful of parsley. Melt about 2 /3 ofthe butter in a suitable oven-proof dish, add theflaked almonds, and gently brown them in theoven. Place the trout on top of the almonds, dotwith the rest of the butter, cover, and bake in theoven.III. Trout with mushrooms: Drizzle the trout withlemon juice, and salt the fish inside and out. Mixtogether the onions, parsley and mushrooms, andstuff the trout with this mixture. Place the fish sideby side in a suitable oven-proof dish, dot withbutter, and bake in the oven uncovered.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 35–45 minutes 30–40 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Fish ➔ TroutTipTrout is an excellent fish tocook, with a delicate flavour. Ithas a fat content of 2-3%, andis low in calories.181

Seabream baked in saltServes 2Ingredients:1 seabream (800 g)3000 g coarse saltApprox. 200 ml water2 tbsp oilSauce:Juice of 1 lemon2 cloves of garlic6 tbsp olive oilMethod:1. Dampen the salt with a little water. Spread about 2 /3of the salt onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray.2. Brush the fish with oil, and place it on the salt.Spoon the rest of the salt onto the fish, and pressdown so that it coats the fish well. Bake in theoven.3. After <strong>baking</strong>, remove and discard the salt crust, anddivide the fish into portions.4. To make the sauce, mix the lemon juice with the oiland crushed garlic, and serve with the fish.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Spanish ➔ SeabreamMecklenburger fish bakeServes 4Ingredients:750 g cod fillet3 tomatoes, sliced50 g smoked ham, diced1-2 apples, diced1 pickled gherkin, diced1 onion, diced1 tsp capers100 g Cheddar cheese,coarsely grated1 tbsp chopped parsleyMethod:1. Grease a Ø 30 cm soufflé dish, and arrange thesliced tomato in the bottom. Place the fish fillets ontop.2. Mix together the smoked ham, apple, gherkin, onionand capers, and spread over the fish. Scatter thecheese and parsley over the top, and bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutes182

Salmon in a horseradish crustServes 4Ingredients:400 g carrots20 g butterSalt and pepper4 salmon fillets (150 g each)1 egg1 packet white sauce4 tsp horseradish, gratedMethod:1. Cut the carrots into fine julienne strips, and frygently in the butter for a few minutes. Arrange inthe bottom of an oven-proof dish.2. Season the fish with the salt and pepper, andarrange on top of the carrots.3. Make up the sauce following the instructions on thepacket, and mix with the egg yolk and gratedhorseradish. Fold in the stiffly whipped egg whites.4. Pour the sauce over the fish, and bake uncovereduntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180-200°C 190-210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 25-30 minutes 20-25 minutes+ pre-heatingSalmon and rice bakeServes 5184Ingredients:5 salmon fillet portionsJuice of half a lemon300 g basmati or mixed wild rice600 ml vegetable stock600 g leaf spinach (frozen)1 clove of garlic, finely dicedSalt, pepper, nutmeg75 g butter or margarine75 g flour600 ml milk300 ml double cream1 tsp turmeric2 tbsp chopped dillMethod:1. Cook the rice in the vegetable stock until al dente,then drain and transfer it to an oven-proof dish.Drizzle lemon juice over the fish, and leave to oneside for a few minutes.2. Defrost and drain the spinach, and season with thegarlic, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Arrange it on top ofthe rice.3. Melt the butter or margarine, stir in the flour, andgradually add the milk and cream, continuing tostir. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg and turmeric.Simmer for about 5 minutes, and then stir in thedill.4. Pour about half of the sauce over the rice andspinach, then place the salmon on top, cover withthe rest of the sauce, and bake uncovered untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutes

Salmon troutServes 10Ingredients:1 salmon trout (approx. 1200 g)Salt and white pepper30 g butterExtra strong aluminium foilMethod:1. Season the salmon trout with salt and pepper,inside and out.2. Place the fish onto a large piece of kitchen foil anddot with butter.3. Wrap the fish loosely in the foil, and place on a<strong>baking</strong> tray. Bake in the oven, and serve either hotor cold.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–45 minutes 30–40 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Fish ➔Salmon troutTipCold salmon trout is deliciousserved with horseradish for asummer buffet. To make thehorseradish sauce: creamtogether 125 g crème fraîche,125 ml cream, approx. 3 tspgrated horseradish, 1 tsp salt,some pepper and a pinch ofsugar.185

Salmon steaksServes 4Ingredients:4 salmon steaks (200 g each)2 tbsp lemon juiceSalt and pepper30 g butter4 stems of dill or 1 tsp choppeddillMethod:1. Arrange the fish steaks on foil in a shallowcasserole dish or on a sheet of foil. Drizzle withlemon juice, and season with salt and pepper.2. Dot the salmon with butter, and place a sprig of dillon top or scatter with chopped dill. Cover or wrapthe foil loosely over the fish, and bake.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 140–160°C 140-160°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingHungarian carpServes 4Ingredients:1 oven-ready carp (1500 g)Juice of 1 lemonSalt150 g streaky bacon, diced2 onions, diced125 ml fish stock250 g sour cream or crème fraîche1 tbsp paprikaMethod:1. Drizzle the carp with lemon juice, inside and out.Season with salt and pepper.2. Sauté the onions and bacon and transfer to asuitable oven-proof dish. Place the fish on the top,add the stock, and cover. Bake in the oven for about15 minutes.3. Mix the paprika into the cream, pour over the fish,and finish <strong>baking</strong>.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 45–50 minutes 45–50 minutesAutomatic ➔ Fish ➔ Carp186


MEATMeat and poultry are healthycomponents to anyone’s diet, as wellas adding a wealth of variety. They canbe prepared in a range of differentways, and by using different seasoningsand serving them with interestingsauces and side dishes, they canconstantly be presented in new guises,uniting cultures – both exotic andtraditional - with their versatility.

preparation tipsMeatRoastingRoasting large joints of meat in theoven is a very practical way to cook.The joint can be pot roasted, roasted inan open grill pan, or on a rotisseriefitted on the grill pan, depending onthe oven. The cooking times given heregenerally apply to meat weighing 1 kg.For larger pieces of meat, add20 minutes per kg.The larger and heavier the meat, thelower the temperature required. For ajoint weighing 3 kg (e.g. a whole ham),the oven temperature should be setapprox. 10°C lower than the onesuggested in the recipe for a smallerpiece of meat. The cooking time willneed to be increased a little, but themeat will be cooked more evenly with acrisp result.Game usually comes oven-ready fromthe butcher. It is an intrinsically leanmeat, which easily dries when cooked.Streaky bacon placed over the meathelps it to retain its moisture. Venisonand wild boar can be soaked inbuttermilk or a marinade of vinegar,water, red wine, peppercorns andjuniper berries for 1–2 days. Thishas the effect of mellowing andtenderising the meat. Before cooking,drain the marinade from the meat,rinse it and pat dry with kitchen towel.If cooking the meat in foil, select Fanplus or Conventional top and bottomheat instead of Auto roast, using amaximum temperature of 200–220°C.Pre-heating is generally not requiredfor <strong>roasting</strong>, and the prepared meatcan be placed straight into the coldoven. Exception: when <strong>roasting</strong> beef orpieces of meat that only need to becooked for a short time, or whichshould be served “pink” in the middle,pre-heat the oven to the temperaturegiven in the recipe.The temperatures given in most recipesare for pot <strong>roasting</strong>. If the meat isbeing roasted directly on the rack or inan open grill pan, set the temperature20°C lower than that given. When<strong>roasting</strong> in the grill pan it is a goodidea to fit the anti-splash insert underthe rack. This keeps the oven cleanerand the juices collected can then beused for making your gravy.You could also use a Miele gourmetoven dish (see “Accessories” at the endof this book). These come in two sizeswith an optional stainless steel lid, andare ideal for cooking large quantities.190

The <strong>roasting</strong> filter supplied with theoven should always be used when open<strong>roasting</strong> and grilling. It protects thecomponents behind the back panel inthe oven from soiling. Do not use itwhen <strong>baking</strong>.For meat that can be served “pink”such as roast beef, lamb, venison andbreast of duck, three oven settings aregiven for “rare” (brown on the outside,red on the inside); “medium” (pinkishon the inside); and “well-done”(cooked through).● After <strong>roasting</strong>, cover the meat withfoil and leave to “rest” for 10 minutesto minimise the loss of juices when it iscarved.● Always carve meat across the grain.● To check whether the meat iscooked, press on the meat with theback of a spoon. The meat is cooked ifit resists pressing. If it is still elastic,then the middle is not yet cooked.● As a rule of thumb, cooking timescan be calculated with the followingformulae:20 minutes per lb (500 g) plus 20minutes over.You can also calculate the time bymultiplying the thickness of the meatby the time per cm.For beef or venison, 15–18 minutes percentimetreFor veal, pork or lamb, 12–15 minutesper centimetreFor precise cooking times, the roastprobe is recommended. The sensormeasures the temperature at thecentre of the meat, and when the setcore temperature has been reached,the meat is cooked.When using the roast probe, take carethat the probe does not touch anybones. The core temperature will riseby about 5°C during the resting timebetween taking the meat out of theoven and carving.Because of the amount of bone andcavity space in poultry and fish, it maybe difficult to find the right place toinsert the probe. For this reason we donot advise using the roast probe forfish and poultry.Core temperaturesRoast beef – rare60–65°CRoast beef – medium 70–75°CRoast beef – well done 80–85°CRoast pork 80°CPork fillet 80°CHam joint75–80°CRoast veal75–80°CLeg of lamb 70– 90°CHaunch of game80–90°CSaddle of venison65–75°C191

preparation tipsGravy250–500 ml of gravy is required for 4people. If you need a larger quantity,add water, stock, cream or crèmefraîche to the juices from the meat, andthicken with some plain flour or cornflour mixed to a smooth paste with alittle cold water. Bring the liquid to theboil, stirring to eliminate lumps and tomake a smooth sauce, and simmer for afew minutes.GrillingGrilling is a method of cooking usingintensive heat. The grill should bepre-heated for about 5 minutes beforecooking. Small cuts and portions needto be grilled at a high temperature,whilst larger cuts and quantities shouldbe grilled more slowly at a slightlylower temperature to ensure that theyare completely cooked before serving.Cooking at lower temperaturesAnother method of cooking meat is tocook it slowly in the oven for a longerperiod of time at a low temperature ofbetween 90 and 110°C. Because meatdoes not brown at this temperature, itneeds to be browned on the hobbeforehand.Slow <strong>roasting</strong> is ideal for <strong>roasting</strong>meats "rare” such as beef, venison orduck, as the result is exceptionallytender. Another advantage of slow<strong>roasting</strong> is that it is not so important tokeep to a precise cooking time:30 minutes longer than intended willnot do the meat any harm.Because meat cooked slowly producesvery little in the way of pan juices, it isnot suitable for dishes where you wantto make a gravy.Food should be turned using tongsabout halfway through the grillingtime. Do not use a fork, as prodding themeat will result in the unnecessary lossof natural juices.It is a good idea to marinate food in amixture of oil and herbs before grilling.This enhances the flavour, and helpsthe food to stay moist. Only salt foodafter grilling to prevent it from dryingout. Other seasoning can be addedbefore grilling.192

PoultryIt is essential to take great care withhygiene when handling uncookedpoultry. Defrost frozen poultry in therefrigerator or in the microwave;discard thawed juices, and thoroughlywash any dishes used for defrosting, aswell as your hands and the sink.Very lean poultry such as pheasant,quail or partridge should be wrapped inrashers of streaky bacon or brushedwith melted butter. Chicken can bebrushed with oil.Baste poultry several times during<strong>roasting</strong> using the fat from the bird.Alternatively, brush salt water over theskin towards the end of the cookingtime.It is very important to make sure thatpoultry is thoroughly cooked beforeserving it. The meat should reach atemperature of 80–85°C. The juices willrun clear when it is cooked. Use a roastthermometer to test the temperature ifyou have one.Goose and duck have sufficient fat oftheir own, and no further fat isrequired for cooking or basting.Instead, place a little water in thebottom of the <strong>roasting</strong> pan, then placethe bird on its breast in the water.Turn the bird halfway through <strong>roasting</strong>so that the breast is then uppermost.In this way the fat drains naturally fromthe bird, and the skin becomesbeautifully crisp. Skim the fat from thewater from time to time during<strong>roasting</strong>. Retain and chill the poultrydripping, and use it for roast potatoes.193

Osso bucoServes 8Ingredients:8 pieces of veal(approx. 300 g each )Salt and pepper2 tbsp flour50 g butter500 g carrots, diced200 g celery, diced500 g tomatoes, diced200 g onions, diced2 garlic cloves, crushed250 ml beef stock250 ml white wine3 bay leaves1 tsp thyme1 tsp basil1 tsp oregano3 tbsp chopped fresh parsleyMethod:1. Season the meat with salt and pepper, and roll inflour. Place the meat in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan or in the grillpan, and dot with butter. Place in the oven.2. Turn the meat after about 40 minutes, and add thevegetables, stock, wine and herbs. Continue to cookuncovered.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 80–100 minutes 80–100 minutes194

Pot roast vealServes 6Ingredients:1000 g veal joint(leg or prime cut)Salt and pepper2 tsp paprika30 g soft butter2 onions, roughly diced2 carrots, quartered, or 30 gdried mushrooms, soaked2 tomatoes, roughly chopped250 ml double cream250 ml waterCorn flourMethod:1. Season the veal with salt, pepper and paprika.Brush over the butter and place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan orin the grill pan. Add the onions, carrots or drainedmushrooms and the tomatoes. Cover, and cook forapprox. 30 minutes.2. Add the cream and the water, and turn the meat tocoat. Continue <strong>roasting</strong> without the lid.3. Transfer the meat onto a serving dish and leaveto stand whilst you make the gravy. Purée thevegetables together with the juices from the meat,and stir in the corn flour. Serve with the meat.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutesAutomatic ➔ Meat ➔ Veal ➔ Veal roastRoast vealServes 5Ingredients:1 joint of veal(approx. 1500 g)Salt and freshly ground blackpepper40 g melted butter2 carrots, quartered100 g celery sticks, chopped1 onion, quartered3 cloves500-750 ml hot waterHandful of parsley100 ml sour creamCorn flourMethod:1. Season the meat with salt and pepper, and brushover the melted butter. Place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan or inthe grill pan, and roast uncovered for approx. 1hour.2. Stick the cloves into the onion, and add thistogether with the carrots, celery, water and parsleyto the meat. Continue to roast uncovered.3. Remove the cloves, then purée the stock andvegetables with the sour cream, adding water toincrease the volume and thickening with corn flourpaste as necessary. Carve the meat, and serve withthe gravy.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 200– 220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 120–150 minutes 120–150 minutes196

Shepherd’s hot potServes 6Ingredients:1000 g lamb fillet800 g tinned butter beans,drained and liquid reserved2 onions, dicedA pinch of ground cloves1 tsp salt3 tsp herbes de Provence1/2 tsp freshly groundblack pepper1 tbsp flour3 tbsp tomato purée30 g butter, melted250 ml meat stock125 ml double creamMethod:1. Cut the lamb into 2 cm dice, and place with theliquid from the beans, the onions, seasoning, flour,tomato purée, butter and stock into a largecasserole dish or <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Cook in the ovenuncovered.2. Stir from time to time during the cooking process.About 10 minutes before the end, stir in the creamalong with the butter beans, and continue to cookuncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 70–80 minutes 70–80 minutesLamb chops baked in thymeServes 4Ingredients:8 lamb chops1 tbsp oilBunch of thyme, finely chopped75 g sun-dried tomatoes3 slices of day-old bread,crusts removed50 g grated Parmesan3 tbsp oilSalt and pepperMethod:1. Whiz the bread in a food processor to makebreadcrumbs. Mix in a bowl with the finely choppedtomatoes, thyme, Parmesan, 1 tbsp oil andseasoning.2. Pre-heat the grill. Season the lamb chops with saltand pepper, and brush with oil. Place on a rack overthe grill pan, and grill for about 2 minutes on eachside. Alternatively, fry the chops briefly on the hob.3. Arrange the chops in an oven-proof dish. Spread thetomato mixture over the meat, pressing lightly, andgrill until golden.Setting:GrillTemperature: 250°CShelf level: 3Grill to brown meat for: Approx. 2 minutes per sideGrill with topping for: 4–5 minutes+ pre-heating197

Rack of lamb in a mustard and herb crustServes 6Ingredients:1200 g rack of lamb,including bonesSalt and pepper20 g soft butter125 ml red wine125 g crème fraîche180 ml stockFor the herb crust:3 slices of day-old bread,crusts removed2 tbsp chopped parsley1 tsp chopped thyme1 egg2 tbsp grainy mustardMethod:1. To make the herb crust, remove the crusts from thebread, and make into fine breadcrumbs. Blend thebreadcrumbs well with the herbs, mustard and egg.2. Season the meat all over with the salt and pepper.Place the joint meat side facing upwards in a<strong>roasting</strong> pan, and brush with butter. Roastuncovered in the pre-heated oven for approx.15 minutes.3. Spread the herb mixture over the meat. Add thecrème fraîche, half of the red wine and the stock tothe meat, and continue to roast uncovered for afurther 40 minutes.4. To make the gravy: blend the pan juices with therest of the wine and stock, and thicken with cornflour.5. Carve the herb crust lengthways, and carefully cutthe meat off the bone with a sharp knife.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Meat ➔ Lamb ➔ Rack of lambLeg of lambServes 6Ingredients:1 leg of lamb (approx. 1500 g)Salt and pepper3 tsp herbes de Provence2 cloves of garlic30 g melted butter100 ml red wine150 ml stock50 ml sour creamCorn flourMethod:1. Season the meat with salt, pepper, herbs andcrushed garlic. Brush with melted butter. Cover androast for approx. 30 minutes in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan.2. Add the red wine, stock and sour cream, andcontinue to roast uncovered.3. Transfer the meat to a serving platter, and leave tostand whilst you make the gravy. Add water to thejuices from the meat, and thicken with corn flour.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 90–20 minutes 90–120 minutesAutomatic ➔ Meat ➔ Lamb ➔ Leg of lamb198

Rabbit in a mustard sauceServes 4-6Ingredients:1300 g rabbit (saddle or haunch)Salt and freshly ground blackpepper3 tbsp Dijon mustard100 g bacon, diced30 g butter1 tbsp flour2 onions, diced250 ml white wine1 tsp dried thyme3 tbsp crème fraîcheMethod:1. Season the rabbit with salt and pepper, and coatwith 2 tbsp mustard.2. Fry the bacon briefly in the butter, then add therabbit and continue to fry, turning the meat until itis nicely browned. Sprinkle in the flour, and add theonions, thyme and wine, stirring to blend theingredients. Transfer to a suitable <strong>roasting</strong> pan androast uncovered in the oven.3. Transfer the meat to a serving dish. Add the rest ofthe mustard, the crème fraîche and, if required,some water to the juices in the pan, and thickenwith corn flour. Serve with the carved meat.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 25–30 minutes 35–40 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Spanish ➔ RabbitT-bone steakServes 2Ingredients:1 T-bone steak (approx. 600 g)4 tbsp oil3 tbsp mixed peppercorns,crushed1/2 tsp thymeSaltMethod:1. Mix together the oil, crushed peppercorns andthyme. Coat both sides of the meat, and leave tomarinate for 2 hours.2. Pre-heat the grill. Place the steak on the rack overthe grill pan, and grill, turning the meat halfwaythrough. Season with salt to taste after grilling.Setting: GrillTemperature: 250°CShelf level: 3Duration: 10–12 minutes per side200

GoulashServes 4Ingredients:750 g stewing steak500 g onions, diced50 g butter or margarineSalt and pepper1 tbsp paprika1 tbsp tomato purée3 tbsp flour750 beef stock or waterMethod:1. Place the meat in a suitable casserole dish or<strong>roasting</strong> pan with the onions, butter or margarineand tomato purée. Season liberally with the salt,pepper and paprika, sprinkle over the flour, and stirall the ingredients thoroughly. Cook uncovered inthe oven for about 40 minutes.2. Stir thoroughly again, add the stock or water, andcontinue to cook uncovered until done.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutesBeef rouladesServes 4Ingredients:4 thin beef steaksSalt and pepper1 tsp mustard50 g bacon, diced3 onions, diced250 ml stock125 ml double creamCorn flourMethod:1. Season the steak with salt and pepper, and spreadwith mustard. Arrange the bacon and 2 /3 of theonions over the meat, and roll up, securing eachroulade with a meat skewer or kitchen string. Placein a casserole dish or <strong>roasting</strong> pan, cover, and bakefor around 30 minutes.2. Then add the cream and stir in the rest of theonions. Continue to cook uncovered, adding stockwhen necessary.3. Transfer the roulades onto a serving dish, andremove the skewers or string. Add further stock tothe juices in the pan, and mix in some corn flourpaste to thicken. Simmer, stirring to make a smoothsauce. Pour over the roulades, and serve.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutes202

Beef burgersServes 6Ingredients:500 g lean minced beefSalt and pepper1 onion, finely diced1 tsp grainy mustard6 slices of Cheddar orGouda cheeseMethod:1. Season the minced beef with the salt, pepper andmustard, and thoroughly knead with the onion.Form 6 burgers. Cover and place in the refrigeratorfor 30 minutes.2. Place on the rack over the grill pan, and grill for6-8 minutes on each side. Place a slice of cheese oneach burger just before the end of grilling.3. As an alternative, place a rasher of bacon or a fewstrips of thinly sliced pepper on the burgers underthe cheese.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 3Duration: 10–12 minutesTipFor classical burgers,thoroughly combine 500 gminced beef with an egg, afinely diced onion, a smallhandful of breadcrumbs, salt,pepper and paprika.You could also add: choppedcapers, hot peppers, olives,diced carrot, chopped leek,sweet corn, or diced goats’cheese. A more oriental flavourcan be achieved by adding somecardamom, cinnamon orchopped pistachio nuts to themeat.203

Roast beefServes 6Ingredients:1000 g joint of beefSalt and pepper1 tbsp grainy mustard75 g butterMethod:1. Season the meat with salt and pepper, and spreadthe mustard over. Dot with butter, and place in a<strong>roasting</strong> pan. Pre-heat the oven, and open roastuntil done.2. After <strong>roasting</strong>, wrap in foil, and leave to stand forabout 10 minutes before carving.Setting: Auto roast Fan grillTemperature: 190–210°C 250°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–45 minutes 25–35 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto: 60–65°C (rare), 70–75°C (medium) or 80–85°C(well done).Automatic ➔ Meat ➔ Beef ➔ RoastTipFor a different flavour, marinatethe meat for about 24 hours indry sherry. Alternatively,simmer 75 ml red wine, 125 mlwater, a diced onion, a dicedcarrot, 2 bay leaves, 3 tbspchopped parsley and 1 tspthyme, and marinate the meatin this for 24 hours, turningfrequently. Then roast the meatas described above.204

Meat loafServes 4Ingredients:300 g minced beef300 g minced pork1 bread roll2 eggs2 1 /2 tbsp paprikaSalt and pepper3 tbsp oil2 onions, diced50 g bacon, diced1 red pepper, diced1 tin of mushrooms, drained(250 g drained weight)125 g Cheddar cheese, dicedMethod:1. Fry the bacon in the oil. Add the onions, and frygently, followed by the diced pepper and themushrooms. Remove from the heat, and when themixture has cooled stir in the cheese.2. Soak the roll in cold water for about 10 minutes tosoften. Squeeze out the water, and combine withthe mince, eggs, paprika, salt and pepper.3. Add the vegetable mixture to the meat, and mixthoroughly. Form an oval loaf shape, and transfer toa suitable raosting pan or the grill pan. Bakeuncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–65 minutes 60–65 minutesBraised beefServes 6Ingredients:1000 g beef filletSalt, pepper and paprika1 onion, diced1 bay leaf50 g soft margarine250 ml beef stock250 ml water125 g crème fraîcheCorn flourMethod:1. Season the meat with salt and pepper, brush withmargarine, and place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Add theonion and bay leaf, cover, and cook for about 30minutes.2. Add some of the stock and the crème fraîche, andcontinue to roast without the lid.3. When ready, transfer the meat to a serving dish.Add the rest of the stock, crème fraîche and waterto the juices in the pan, and stir in corn flour pasteto thicken. Carve the meat, and serve with thegravy.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutesWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 70–80°C.Automatic ➔ Meat ➔ Beef ➔ Braised206

Pork steaks baked in cheese and cream sauceServes 4Ingredients:2 pork fillets, about 350 g each100 g streaky baconrashers, stretched20 g butter2 tbsp English mustardSalt and pepper2 onions, finely diced100 g full fat cream cheese50 g Cheddar cheese200 ml double cream1 tbsp chopped parsley1 small jar pickled peppercornsMethod:1. Cut the pork into 3 cm thick slices. Wrap a rasher ofbacon around the edge of each.2. Season with salt and pepper, spread with mustard,and fry in the butter for a few minutes on each side.Transfer to a <strong>roasting</strong> pan or casserole dish.3. Mix together the cheeses and the cream untilsmooth, and add the onions, parsley and drainedpeppercorns.4. Spread the cream mixture over the meat, and bakeuncovered in the oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingPork steaks baked in tomatoes and creamServes 8-10Ingredients:8-10 pork steaks(about 1.5 cm thick)2-3 leeks, sliced in rings500 ml double cream500 ml stock250 g tomato puréeSalt and pepper3 tbsp sweet paprikaMethod:1. Arrange the pork steaks in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, andscatter the leeks on top. Bake uncovered in the ovenfor about 15 minutes.2. Blend the cream with the tomato purée, the stockand seasoning, and pour over the meat. Continuecooking uncovered until done.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes208

Fillet of pork en croûteServes 4Ingredients:2 pork fillets (each 300 g)Salt, pepper and paprika50 g butter75 g streaky bacon, diced1 onion, diced400 g mushrooms, sliced4 tomatoes (tinned)1 tbsp parsley, choppedApprox. 450 g puff pastryTo glaze:1 egg yolk4 tbsp milkMethod:1. Season the pork with salt, pepper and paprika. Fryin the butter to seal, then remove from the pan.2. Sauté the bacon and onions in the same pan. Addthe sliced mushrooms and the chopped, drainedtomatoes. Simmer, and season with salt, pepper andpaprika.3. Roll the pastry out on a floured surface, and make 2rectangles (30 x 20 cm each). Place a piece of porkin the middle of each one. Spoon the mushroommixture onto the meat. Wrap the pastry around themeat to make a parcel, pinching the edges to seal it.Make leaf shapes out of the scraps of pastry todecorate.4. Place the parcels on a damp <strong>baking</strong> tray, and glazethem with a mixture of egg yolk and milk. Bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 70°C.Automatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Swiss ➔ Fillet en croûte209

Spare ribsServes 6Ingredients:8 spare ribs (approx. 2000 g)5 tbsp oil3 onions, finely diced4 tbsp brown sugar3 tbsp tomato purée1 tbsp red wine vinegar3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce3 tsp mustard1/2 tsp saltFreshly ground black pepper1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce50 ml waterMethod:1. Fry the onions lightly in the oil, add the remainingsauce ingredients, and simmer for about10 minutes.2. Coat the ribs in the sauce, cover, and marinate forabout 12 hours.3. Arrange the ribs in a grill pan, and roast uncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 80–100 minutes 80–100 minutesSzegediner goulashServes 6-8Ingredients:1000 g stewing pork,cut into large cubes200 g onions, diced50 g margarine2-3 tsp salt1 tsp pepper2-3 tbsp sweet paprika150 g tomato purée250 g sour creamor crème fraîche50 ml stock1 tin sauerkraut (approx. 750 g)Method:1. Arrange the meat and onions in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, anddot with margarine. Roast in the oven on Fan plus at250°C for about 30 minutes.2. Blend together the tomato purée, sour cream orcrème fraîche, seasoning and stock, and pour overthe meat, mixing well. Spread the sauerkraut overthe top, cover and continue to cook in the oven fora further 70 minutes.3. Mix the sauerkraut into the meat before serving.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutes210

Roast hamServes 6Ingredients:1000 g ham jointSalt, pepper and paprika1 tsp mustard30 g butter or margarine100 ml double cream orcrème fraîche250–750 ml stock or waterCorn flourMethod:1. Season the meat with salt, pepper and paprika,and spread the mustard over. Dot with butter, placein a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, cover and cook for about 30minutes.2. Add the cream or crème fraîche and the stock orwater, and continue to roast uncovered until done.3. When ready, transfer the meat to a serving dish.Add water to the juices in the pan, and thicken withcorn flour. Carve the meat, and serve with the gravy.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutesWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 85°C–90°C.Automatic ➔ Meat ➔ Pork ➔ Roast ham or Prime cutTipRoast pork can also be cookedin foil using Fan plus instead ofAuto roast. Use the sametemperatures for Auto roastgiven above. For a Bavarianalternative, add some roughlychopped onions, carrots andcelery at the 2nd stage.212

Roast leg of pork in beerServes 4Ingredients:1 leg of pork (approx. 1200 g)Salt and pepper1/2 tsp each of cumin andmarjoram1 carrot, quartered50 g celery1 apple, peeled and quartered250 ml beer100 g crème fraîcheCorn flourMethod:1. Cook the pork for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker,or for 1 hour in a little water on the hob. Slashacross the skin in diamond shapes.2. Rub the skin with salt, pepper, cumin and marjoram.Place in a suitable <strong>roasting</strong> pan, and cook uncoveredin the oven for 40 minutes.3. Add the carrot, celery, apple and about half ofthe beer, and continue <strong>roasting</strong> for a further30 minutes. Then stir in the crème fraîche and therest of the beer, and return to the oven for the restof the cooking time.4. Blend the juices from the meat, adding water andcorn flour paste to thicken the sauce. Carve themeat, and serve with the sauce.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutesWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 80°C.Automatic ➔ Meat ➔ Pork ➔ KnuckleTipMarjoram is a herb thatrequires a warm climate forthe best aroma, but whichsignificantly loses flavourwhen dried. With its digestiveproperties, it is particularlyideal for foods with a high fatcontent.213

Gammon baked in honeyServes 4–6Ingredients:4 tbsp honey2 tsp mustard1000 g ham joint20 g butter or margarine1 tin of pineapple chunks(approx. 300 g)125 ml double creamCorn flourMethod:1. Blend together the honey and mustard, and spreadover the meat. Dot with butter or margarine, androast in the oven for about 20 minutes.2. Scatter the pineapple over the meat, and continueto roast.3. Blend the juices from the meat with the cream,water and some of the pineapple juice, and thickenwith corn flour.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutesSpit-roast porkServes 6Ingredients:1000 g pork joint1 leek, finely sliced in rings200 g blue cheese3 tbsp oilSalt and pepperSweet paprikaMethod:1. Slice the joint along its length, ensuring that youdo not carve right through it.2. Mix the blue cheese into the leeks, and spread it inthe meat. Tie the joint with kitchen string.3. Blend the salt, pepper and paprika into the oil, andbrush over the meat. Place the meat on therotisserie or on the rack over the grill pan, androast.Setting: Grill ConventionalTemperature: 220–240°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 80–100 minutes 80–100 minutes214

Pork rouladeServes 6Ingredients:1000 g loin of pork10 g butter2 onions, diced500 g mushrooms, sliced5 tbsp parsley, chopped3 tbsp sour cream3 tbsp bread crumbs1000 g potatoes, peeled1000 g mushrooms, whole250 ml stockSalt and pepperMethod:1. Cut the meat along its length, but not all the waythrough. Combine the onions, sliced mushrooms,parsley, sour cream, breadcrumbs and seasoning.Spread the mixture inside of the meat, then tie thejoint together with string.2. Season the roulade with salt and pepper, and placeit in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Scatter the potatoes andmushrooms around the meat, and sprinkle a littlesalt and pepper over.3. Dot the meat and vegetables with a little butter,pour the stock over, and roast uncovered until done.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 90–100 minutes 90–100 minutesTipPotatoes are rich in easilydigestible carbohydrates whichare vital to good health. Theyare also a good source ofvegetable protein, as well asvitamins and minerals, not onlyjust under the skin, but in theentire root. All good reasons toinclude potatoes in our diet!216

Saddle of hareServes 2Ingredients:1 saddle of hare (approx. 750 g)Salt and pepper50 g streaky bacon2 bay leaves6 juniper berries100 ml double cream3 tbsp red wine150-400 ml meat stockCorn flourMethod:1. Remove any outer membrane from the hare, andseason with salt and pepper. Wrap in slices ofbacon, and place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Scatter theberries and bay leaves over the top and cover. Roastfor about 20 minutes.2. Turn the meat over, add the cream, and finish<strong>roasting</strong> without the lid.3. Transfer the meat to a warm serving dish, and carve,removing the bones. Blend the red wine and stockinto the juices from the meat, and thicken withsome corn flour paste.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200-220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 45–55 minutes 45-55 minutes+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ Game ➔ Saddle of hareHaunch of hareServes 2Ingredients:2 haunches of hare (750 g)500 ml buttermilkSalt and pepper6 juniper berries2 bay leaves50 g streaky bacon, in slices50 ml red wine100 ml double creamor sour cream150 ml waterCorn flourMethod:1. Marinate the hare for about 12 hours in thebuttermilk, turning frequently.2. Peel off any outer membranes from the hare, thenseason with salt and pepper, wrap in the slices ofbacon, and place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Scatter over thejuniper berries and bay leaves, cover and roast for15 minutes in the oven. Turn the meat, and addsome of the red wine, water and cream. Continue<strong>roasting</strong> without the lid until ready. Transfer themeat to a serving dish.3. Add the rest of the wine, cream and water to thejuices in the pan, and thicken with corn flour paste.Serve with the meat.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesAutomatic ➔ Game ➔ Haunch of hare218

Saddle of venisonServes 6Ingredients:2000 g saddle of venison orroebuck1 1 /2–2 litres buttermilk8 juniper berries2 bay leaves3 peppercornsSalt and pepper30 g butter, melted100 g streaky bacon125 ml red wine500 ml water125 g crème fraîche or sour creamCorn flour6 pear halves6 tsp cranberry sauceMethod:1. Remove any outer membranes from the meat, andmarinate for 24 hours in the buttermilk, turningfrequently. Rinse the meat in cold water, pat dry,brush with melted butter, and wrap in the slices ofbacon.2. Place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, and scatter the juniperberries and bay leaves over the top. Cover, and roastfor 15 minutes. Add some of the red wine, the waterand crème fraîche, and continue to roast withoutthe lid. When ready transfer the meat to a servingdish.3. To make the gravy: blend the juices from the meatwith the rest of the red wine, crème fraîche andwater, and thicken with some corn flour paste.4. Warm the pears, and arrange around the carvedmeat with the rounded side downwards. Fill with aspoonful of cranberry sauce, and serve with thegravy.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 65–70°C.Automatic ➔ Game ➔ Venison saddle or Roebuck saddleTipN.B. When <strong>roasting</strong> more than one piece of meat atonce, enter the weight of the larger piece and not thecombined weight of both.Game is a very healthy meat,low in fat and cholesterol. It iseasy to digest, and is a goodsource of protein. It is rich inminerals and in the B group ofvitamins.219

Fillet of venison in a grape sauceServes 6Ingredients:1000 g venison filletSalt and pepper30 g butter, melted6 juniper berries2 bay leaves50 ml red wine100 ml double cream orcrème fraîche250 ml water500 g grapes, black and green50 g sugar100 ml red wineMethod:1. Season the meat with salt and pepper, place in a<strong>roasting</strong> pan and brush with the butter. Scatter thejuniper berries and bay leaves over the top, androast uncovered for about 30 minutes.2. Blend together the red wine and cream/crèmefraîche, and pour over the meat. Roast for a further20 minutes.3. Halve the grapes, and remove the pips. Place in asaucepan with the sugar and red wine. Cover andsimmer over a low heat on the hob for 20 minutes.Drain.4. Add water to the juices from the meat, and thickenwith corn flour.5. Carve the meat and serve together with the grapesand the gravy.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 65–70°C.220

Roast venison in a cranberry sauceServes 4–6Ingredients:1000 g venison joint,off the bone20 juniper berries, finely choppedSalt and freshly groundblack pepper5 tbsp oil100 ml red wine500 ml game stock200 g crème fraîche3 tbsp cranberry sauceCorn flour300 g red onions20 g butter1 tin (480 g) peaches,drained and juice reserved100 ml red wineMethod:1. Stir the juniper berries into the oil with the pepper,and brush over the meat. Leave to marinate forabout 1 hour.2. Salt the meat, and place in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan with themarinade. Roast, uncovered for about 45 minutes.Add the wine, and roast for a further 10 minutes.Pour the game stock over, cover, and cook in theoven for another 45 minutes. Carve the meat.3. Add water to the juices from the meat, and thickenwith corn flour paste if required. Then stir in thecranberry sauce.4. Slice the onions, and fry gently in the butter. Chopthe peaches, add to the onions, and simmer forabout 5 minutes. Add the red wine, and continue tosimmer for another 10 minutes. Season with salt,sugar or peach juice, and serve with the meat andsauce.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 100–120 minutes 100–120 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 80–85°C.TipMango slices make a deliciousalternative to peaches. Ifvenison fillet is used instead ofa joint, the cooking time may bereduced by about half.222

Saddle of wild boar in a cherry sauceServes 6Ingredients:1500 g saddle of boar1/2 tsp sage, finely chopped1/2 tsp thyme1 tsp black pepper corns, crushed50 g streaky bacon125 ml cherry juice200 ml double cream250 g sour cherriesFor the marinade:500 ml red wine250 ml water1 carrot, diced3 onions, dicedSaltMethod:1. In a pan, bring the wine, water, carrot and onionsto the boil. Cool, and pour over the meat. Leave tomarinate for about 2 hours.2. Remove the meat, and pat dry. Season with salt,herbs and pepper, and wrap in slices of bacon.3. Place the meat in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, and roastuncovered. After about 40 minutes, add the creamand some of the marinade, and continue to roastuncovered, until done.4. Remove the meat, and add the cherry juice andsome water to the juices of the meat to make asauce. Thicken with some corn flour paste. Stir inthe cherries, and serve with the meat.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 210–230°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–80 minutes 60–80 minutesWhen using the roast probe, set the core temperatureto 70–75°C.TipFor an alternative flavour usecider instead of the cherry juiceand sliced apples instead of thecherries. Add the apple slicestogether with the cream andmarinade in stage 3 of themethod.223

Turkey roulade stuffed with cheese and pestoServes 6Ingredients:6 turkey steaks6 tsp basil pesto6 rashers bacon6 slices Emmentaler cheese30 g margarine2 onions, diced400 g sliced mushrooms400 g sliced carrots250 ml double creamMethod:1. Brush the pesto over the turkey steaks. Place arasher of bacon and a slice of cheese on each. Rollup the steaks, and secure with a cocktail stick. Placein a greased <strong>roasting</strong> pan, and roast uncovered forabout 20 minutes.2. Add the carrots and mushrooms, pour over thecream, and continue <strong>roasting</strong> uncovered until done.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingTipHome-made pestoBlend together a handful offresh basil with 2 tbsp pine nutsand a clove or two of garlic,2-3 tbsp olive or grapeseed oil,1/2 tsp salt and 50 g gratedParmesan. Fresh pesto can bekept in a screw-top jar in therefrigerator for up to 2 weeks.224

Lemon chicken breastsServes 6Ingredients:6 chicken breasts(each weighing about 150 g)6 tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp brown sugar1/2 tsp saltPepper3 tbsp oil200 ml double cream200 ml chicken stockMethod:1. Combine the lemon juice, sugar, salt, pepper andoil. Arrange the chicken breasts in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan,and pour over the lemon marinade. Leave for about20 minutes.2. Roast the chicken breasts uncovered for about 20minutes, then turn. Mix together half of the creamand half of the stock, and pour over the chicken.Continue to roast uncovered for a further20 minutes, or until done. Transfer to a servingdish.3. Stir the rest of the cream and the stock into thejuices from the meat, and bring to the boil, stirringall the time. Serve with the chicken breasts.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–45 minutes 40–45 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingRoast chickenServes 2Ingredients:1 chicken (approx. 1000 g)Salt, paprika, curry powder5 tbsp oil, or 50 gmelted butter100 ml double cream orcrème fraîcheCorn flourMethod:1. Mix the oil or butter with the salt, pepper and currypowder. Brush over the chicken. Place breast sidedown in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, and roast uncovered. Turnafter 20 minutes. Replace in the oven and continueto roast without a lid until done.2. To make the gravy blend the cream or crème fraîchewith the juices in the pan. Add sufficient water, andthicken with corn flour paste.Setting: Auto roast Fan grillTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutesAutomatic ➔ Poultry ➔ Chicken ➔ Roast pan, no lid225

Turkey glazed with chutneyServes 6Ingredients:1 crown of turkey (approx. 1200 g)Salt and pepper30 g margarine200 ml double cream200 g apricot or mango chutney250 ml water1 tin apricots (280 g) ormango slices, drainedMethod:1. Season the turkey with salt and pepper, and placein a <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Dot with margarine, and roastuncovered for about 60 minutes. Pour over thecream, and return to the oven for a further15 minutes.2. Add the chutney, and continue to roast uncoveredfor another 15 minutes. Remove the meat.3. Add water to the juices from the meat, and thickenwith a little corn flour paste if required.4. Add the apricot halves or mango slices to the sauce,heat through, and serve with the carved meat.TipSetting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 90–100 minutes 90–100 minutesRice goes well with this dish.It can be cooked in a covereddish in the oven for the last50 minutes with the turkey.226Home-made chutneyPlace 250 g dried apricots injust enough water to coverthem, and soak for 60 minutes.Transfer to a pan and cover,then bring to the boil andsimmer for 20 minutes tosoften. In another pan, gentlyfry 125 g finely diced onion in2 tbsp oil. Roughly mash theapricots and add them togetherwith 125 ml white wine, 2 tbspwine vinegar, salt, white pepperand a squirt of lemon juice tothe onions. Simmer until themixture thickens a little, andpour into hot sterilisedscrew-top jars whilst still hot.The chutney can be kept for2-3 months.

Chicken satayServes 16Ingredients:4 chicken breast fillets (eachweighing 150 g)1 tbsp honey5 tbsp soy sauce2 tbsp sesame oil1 tsp turmeric or curry powder1 tsp coriander, ground1/2 tsp chilli powderSaltSatay sauce:1 onion, finely diced1 tbsp oil125 g peanut butter2 tbsp soya sauce125 g creamed coconut1 tbsp chilli sauce16 kebab skewersMethod:1. Cut each chicken breast into 4 lengths. Pierce,concertina fashion, on a skewer.2. Blend together the honey, soy sauce and seasoning,and coat each satay all over. Set aside for 1 hour.3. Arrange the satays in a grill pan, and roast on Fanplus. Alternatively, grill on a rack over a grill pan.4. After about half the cooking time, turn the satays,and baste with the marinade.5. To make the satay sauce, gently fry the onions inthe oil, and add the rest of the ingredients. Cookover a low heat until the sauce thickens, and servewith the satays.Setting: Fan plus GrillTemperature: 180–200°C 275°CShelf level: 1 3Duration: 20–25 minutes 5–7 minutes oneach side+ pre-heating + pre-heatingTipTurmeric is popular for itsdistinctive yellow colour, and isan important component ofcurry powder.228

Stuffed chicken breastsServes 4Ingredients:4 chicken breasts (150 g each)150 g goats’ cheese150 g sun-dried tomatoes in oilSalt and pepperHerbes de Provence3 tbsp tomato purée200 ml chicken stock100 ml double creamMethod:1. Make a pocket in each chicken breast, and seasonwith salt, pepper and herbes de Provence. Chop thesun-dried tomatoes, and crumble the goats’ cheese.2. Stuff the tomatoes and goats’ cheese into eachbreast, and secure with a cocktail stick.3. Arrange the chicken breasts in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, brushwith tomato purée, and drizzle the oil from thetomatoes over the top. Roast uncovered for about30 minutes.4. Turn the meat, and pour over the stock and cream.Continue to roast uncovered for a further15 minutes.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingCoq au vinServes 4Ingredients:4 chicken quartersSalt and pepperCayenne pepper40 g butter, melted50 g streaky bacon, diced5 onions, diced1 garlic clove, crushed2 bay leaves250 ml red wine250 ml chicken stock2 tbsp brandyMethod:1. Season the chicken with salt, pepper and cayennepepper. Place in a grill pan with the skin uppermost,and dot with butter.2. Add the bacon, onion, garlic, bay leaves, wine,stock and brandy, and cook uncovered in the ovenfor 30 minutes. Turn the meat, and continue<strong>roasting</strong> for a further 30 minutes.3. Remove the meat, and thicken the sauce with a littlecorn flour paste.Setting: Fan plusTemperature: 160–180°CShelf level: 2Duration: 50–60 minutes230

Tandoori chickenServes 4Ingredients:4 chicken breasts (150 g each)4 tsp tandoori spice mixSalt, pepper and sweet paprika3 onions, diced1 garlic clove, crushed (optional)20 g fresh root ginger,finely chopped2 tbsp sesame oil200 g natural yoghurt100 g double cream or sour cream150 ml chicken stock2 tsp turmeric1 tsp paprika1/2 tsp ground corianderMethod:1. Mix together the tandoori spice mix, salt, pepperand paprika. Rub into the chicken, and set aside forabout 10 minutes.2. Heat the oil on the hob, and gently fry the onions,garlic and ginger. Stir in the yoghurt, cream,chicken stock and spices.3. Coat the chicken with the yoghurt mixture, androast uncovered in the oven, turning halfwaythrough the cooking time.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190-210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 35-40 minutesTipTandoori is the name given toan Indian clay oven.Traditionally, the barrel-shapedoven was positioned in theground, and the marinated,highly spiced meat and poultrywas placed through an openingin the top of the oven andcooked over red-hot coals onlong skewers.231

Chicken wingsServes 4Ingredients:750 g chicken wings(approx. 20 wings)For the marinade:3 tbsp oil4 tbsp brown sugar3 tbsp tomato purée1 tbsp balsamic or white winevinegar2 tsp mustard1/2 tsp salt1 tsp sweet paprika1/2 tsp curry powder1 tbsp Tabasco sauceFreshly ground black pepperMethod:1. Combine all the ingredients for the marinadethoroughly, and pour over the chicken wings,making sure each piece is well coated. Cover, andplace in the refrigerator for approx. 12 hours.2. Transfer the marinated chicken to a grill pan, androast uncovered in the oven until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 190–210°C 210–230°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 45–55 minutesTurkey breasts baked in honeyServes 6Ingredients:1000 g turkey breast meatSalt and cayenne pepper2 tbsp runny honey2 tsp oil750 ml chicken stock100 g bacon rashers2 onions, quartered3 carrots, quarteredMethod:1. Mix together the honey, oil, salt and cayennepepper, and brush over the meat. Arrange the meatin a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, cover and roast for about45 minutes.2. Baste the meat with the cooking juices. Add theonions and carrots and about half of the stock, andcook for a further 15 minutes, covered.3. Place the bacon over the meat, and add the rest ofthe stock. Roast uncovered for another 30 minutes.4. Blend together the vegetables and the juices of themeat, adding some stock, cream or water asrequired. Serve with the sliced meat.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 90–100 minutes 90–100 minutes232

Pheasant roast in juniper berriesServes 2Ingredients:1 oven-ready pheasant(approx. 900 g)Salt8 juniper berries50 g melted butter or streakybacon rashersA handful fresh parsley100 g sour cream or crème fraîcheMethod:1. Rub the pheasant all over with salt and the crushedjuniper berries. Dot with butter, or cover the birdwith the bacon rashers. Stuff the cavity with theparsley.2. Place the bird breast side down in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan,and roast uncovered.3. Turn the pheasant halfway through the cookingtime, and add some of the cream or crème fraîche.Continue <strong>roasting</strong> until done.4. Transfer the pheasant to a serving dish. Then addthe rest of the cream/crème fraîche and some waterto the juices from the meat, and thicken with somecorn flour paste.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 50–60 minutes 50–60 minutesDuck served with a cranberry sauceServes 4234Ingredients:2 duck breast fillets(approx. 800 g)20 g butterSalt125 g crème fraîche1 tsp thyme2 tbsp cranberriesMethod:1. Salt the duck, and fry in butter on the hob, turningto ensure that the meat is browned all over. Add125 ml water and the crème fraîche. Then transferto a <strong>roasting</strong> pan, and cook uncovered in thepre-heated oven.2. Remove the meat and leave to stand for a fewminutes before serving.3. Stir the thyme and cranberries into the juices fromthe meat, and simmer gently for 4-5 minutes tosoften the cranberries. Serve with the sliced duck.Setting: ConventionalTemperature: 90–110°CShelf level: 1Duration: 50–60 minutes

GooseServes 6Ingredients:1 oven-ready goose(approx. 4000 g)Salt250 ml double cream, sour creamor crème fraîcheCorn flourMethod:1. Season the goose with salt. Put 100 ml water in thegrill pan or in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan. Place the goose inbreast side down, and roast in the oven without alid.2. Turn after about 60 minutes, and baste with the fatthat has collected in the bottom of the pan.Continue to roast, draining off the excess fat, andadding a little hot water every 30 minutes.3. For the last 30 minutes of <strong>roasting</strong>, add some of thecream or crème fraîche.4. Remove the goose. To make the gravy: blend thejuices from the meat with water, cream or crèmefraîche, using with corn flour paste to thicken.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 180–200 minutes 180–200 minutesAutomatic ➔ Poultry➔ Goose ➔ Roasting panTipA delicious goose stuffing canbe made using 1000 g sharpapples (e.g. Granny Smiths orBramleys), 100 g raisins and100 g dried prunes. Soak theraisins and prunes in water forapprox. 15 minutes. Peel andcore the apples. Slice thinly,and combine with the drainedraisins and prunes. Stuff themixture into the salted cavity ofthe goose, closing the openingwith wooden meat skewers.Roast as described above,adding another 20 minutes tothe <strong>roasting</strong> time for anunstuffed turkey.235

Roast leg of gooseServes 6Ingredients:3 goose legs (500 g each)Salt100 ml double creamCorn flourVariation 1 – with sauerkraut:500 g sauerkraut2 apples, sliced50 g streaky bacon, diced125 ml white wineVariation 2 – with chestnuts:1 tin chestnuts (approx. 300 g)2 apples, sliced20 ml brandy125 ml white wineMethod:1. Season the goose with the salt. Place in a <strong>roasting</strong>pan with about 50 ml water Cover, and cook in theoven for approx. 60 minutes.2. Drain the fat, and add a little water or cream, orinstead of the cream, the ingredients for Variations1 or 2. Turn the meat, and continue <strong>roasting</strong>uncovered until done.3. For the basic recipe, drain the fat again, add therest of the cream or water, and thicken with somecorn flour paste to make a gravy.4. For Variation 2, transfer the meat to a serving dish,and arrange the chestnuts and apples on top. Tomake a gravy, stir some cream or water into thejuices from the meat, and thicken with corn flourpaste if necessary.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 120–130 minutes 120–130 minutes236

Roast breast of gooseServes 4Ingredients:1 goose breast (1000 g)Salt1/2 tsp each of marjoramand thyme50 ml water150 ml double cream orcrème fraîcheCorn flourMethod:1. Season the goose with salt, marjoram and thyme.Bring some water to the boil in a suitable <strong>roasting</strong>pan on the hob, and place the goose in the water.Cook briefly on both sides.2. Roast in the oven breast side down, uncovered, forabout 40 minutes. Drain as much fat off as possible,turn the goose, add some cream or water, andcontinue to roast uncovered.3. Transfer the meat to a serving dish, drain the fatagain, and add water and cream to the juices fromthe meat. Thicken with some corn flour paste, andserve with the carved meat.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 80–90 minutes 80–90 minutesDuck à l’orangeServes 4Ingredients:1 duck (2000 g)Salt, pepper and thyme10 g butter4 oranges2 apples1 bay leaf125 ml white wine350 ml chicken stock125 ml orange juiceCorn flourMethod:1. Season the cleaned duck with salt, pepper andthyme. Peel 3 of the oranges and peel, core andslice the apples. Place with the bay leaf inside theduck cavity.2. Place the duck breast side down in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan,dot with butter and roast uncovered. Half-waythrough the cooking time turn the bird over and adda little wine and stock. Then continue to cook untildone.3. Transfer the duck to a serving plate, and add therest of the wine, stock and orange juice to the juicesfrom the meat. Thicken with corn flour paste.4. Cut the duck into portions. Garnish with the thinlysliced 4th orange, unpeeled, and serve with thesauce.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 90–110 minutes 90–110 minutes238

Stuffed roast turkeyServes 8Ingredients:1 oven-ready turkey(approx. 3500 g)Salt100 ml crème fraîche or sourcreamCorn flourStuffing:30 ml oil3 onions, diced125 g rice150 g pistachio nuts150 g raisins2 tbsp MadeiraMethod:1. First cook the rice. Whilst it is cooking, soak theraisins in the Madeira. Fry the onions gently in theoil, and add to the rice with the nuts, Madeira andraisins, mixing well.2. Sprinkle salt over the turkey. Stuff the cavity, andsecure the opening with wooden skewers. Place theturkey breast side down in a <strong>roasting</strong> pan or thegrill pan, and roast uncovered.3. Turn after 1 hour and baste. Then baste every30 minutes, and for the last 30 minutes of <strong>roasting</strong>add some of the crème fraîche or sour cream.3. When ready, transfer the bird to a serving dish,cover and leave to stand for a while. To make thegravy: blend the juices from the meat with waterand the rest of the cream or crème fraîche, andthicken slightly with a little corn flour paste.4. Remove the stuffing from the turkey, and serve withthe carved meat.Setting: Auto roast ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 180–200 minutes 180–200 minutesAutomatic ➔ Poultry ➔ Turkey239

Side dishes andvegetables

THEUNSUNGHEROESThe fact that we eat potatoes, rice orpasta nearly every day without tiring ofthem is proof of the tremendous partthey play in our well-being and in ahealthy, tasty diet. With countlessdifferent ways of preparing them,they are much more than a healthyaccessory. Side dishes are a constantscenery change in the theatre ofculinary performance – and vegetables,with ever-increasing diversity, addcolour and vitality to any dish.

preparation tipsSide dishesPotatoes, pasta and rice are all sidedishes that can accompany a maincourse.Potatoes are available in a wide rangeof waxy, semi waxy and floury varieties.The waxy ones are best for salads,boiling and <strong>roasting</strong>, whilst semi waxyvarieties lend themselves to bakes andgratins. Floury potatoes are starchierthan other types, and are especiallygood for dumplings, soups, purées andfor grating.Potatoes can also be baked in their jakketsor in foil. For a simple side dishthat can be cooked in the ovenalongside other dishes, wash thepotatoes, prick the skin and bake forapprox. 50 minutes at 160°C.Rice is a light side dish that is alsoeasily cooked in the oven. Calculateapprox. 40–50 g of dry rice per personfor a side dish, or 70–80 g per personfor a main dish. When cooked, riceexpands to about 3 times its dryvolume. Wholemeal rice requires 5–10minutes longer to cook than white rice.Pasta is highly versatile, and availableboth fresh and dried in many shapesand sizes. It is ideal for bakes, and isalways a good store cupboard ingredient.Wholemeal pasta is a healthyalternative, but it will take about 5-10minutes longer to cook than the whitevarieties.242

VegetablesBeing rich in vitamins and minerals,vegetables are vital to good health.They are also a valuable source ofcarbohydrate and dietary fibre. The partjust under the skin is particularly rich invitamins, so vegetables should bepeeled as thinly as possible, if at all.Water which has been used to boilunsprayed vegetables can be used toprepare soups and sauces. However,water in which sprayed vegetables havebeen cooked should be discarded.To avoid unnecessary loss of nutrients,wash vegetables before chopping them;cutting vegetables increases theirsurface area, with a consequent greaterloss of nutrients and breakdown offibre.Do not leave them immersed in water,as vitamins B and C are water-solubleand are dispersed when soaked.Vitamins A, D, E and K, on the otherhand, are fat-soluble. Carrots, forexample, which are high in vitamin A,should be served with a little fat(e.g. oil or butter) to enable thevitamin A to be processed by the body.243

Potato and rocket salad souffléServes 6Ingredients:1000 g potatoes2 onions, finely diced50 g herb butter150 g rocket leaves250 g quark50 g Parmesan cheese3 eggsSalt, pepper, nutmeg6 greased ramekinsMethod:1. Peel, boil and pass the potatoes through a potatoricer or a coarse sieve.2. Fry the onions gently in the herb butter untilsoftened.3. Chop the rocket leaves and add to the potatoes withthe onions, quark, Parmesan, eggs and seasoning.Mix thoroughly.4. Spoon into the greased ramekin dishes, and bakeuncovered until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heatingRatatouilleServes 6-8Ingredients:5 tbsp oil2 onions, diced1 clove of garlic, finely diced2 red, 2 green and2 yellow peppers6 tomatoes750 g courgettesSalt, pepper1 tsp chopped rosemary1 tsp chopped basilMethod:1. Halve the peppers and remove the seeds and pith.Cut into large chunks. Quarter the tomatoes, andslice the courgettes into 1 cm pieces.2. Sauté the onions and garlic in the oil. Add thevegetables, and continue to fry for a few minutes.Transfer into an oven-proof dish, and seasonliberally with salt, pepper and herbs.3. Cover and bake in the oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ French ➔ Ratatouille244

Potato gratin with a mustard sauceServes 4Ingredients:800 g potatoesSalt and pepper1 onion, finely diced1 clove of garlic, finely diced30 g butter2 tbsp coarse grained mustard250 ml vegetable stockA few strands of saffron125 ml double cream50 g grated Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Peel and slice the potatoes, and parboil in saltedwater for about 5 minutes. Drain, and arrange inthe bottom of an oven-proof dish.2. Fry the onions and garlic gently in the butter. Addthe mustard, stock, saffron and cream, and bring tothe boil. Season with salt and pepper.3. Pour the sauce over the potatoes, and sprinkle overthe grated cheese. Bake uncovered in the oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ Potato gratin➔ Potatoes, boiledSwiss style potato gratinServes 4Ingredients:200 g shallots or onions, diced20 g butter750 g potatoes100 g grated Gruyère cheese100 ml white wine150 ml waterSalt and pepper150 ml double creamMethod:1. Fry the onions lightly in the butter until softened.Peel and slice the potatoes.2. Grease an oven-proof dish. Arrange the potatoes,onions and cheese in layers in the dish. Mix thewine, water, salt and pepper, and pour over thepotatoes. Cover with a lid or foil, and bake for about50 minutes.3. Remove the cover, pour over the cream, and continueto bake uncovered for a further 15 minutes untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 55–65 minutes 55–65 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ Potato gratin➔ Potatoes, raw246

Herby roast potatoesServes 8Ingredients:1200 g waxy potatoes1 tsp rosemary, chopped2 tsp thyme, chopped1 tsp sage, chopped6 cloves of garlic (optional)Salt and pepper6 tbsp olive oilMethod:1. Peel and quarter the potatoes, and place in the grillpan. Mix together the herbs (fresh ones have a moreintensive flavour), seasoning and garlic with the oil,and pour over the potatoes, making sure they arewell coated. Place in the oven and roast until goldenbrown, turning during cooking.2. Alternatively, roast with oil, salt and pepper, andserve with porcini mushroom pesto. To make thepesto, soak 50 g dried porcini mushrooms in 150 mlwater for about 15 minutes, and then blend with150 ml oil, 2 tbsp pumpkin seed oil, 2 tbsp choppedparsley, 75 g grated pecorino or Parmesan cheeseand 1 tsp salt.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 160–180°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 50–60 minutes 55–65 minutesFilled jacket potatoesServes 6Ingredients:6 large potatoes250 ml vegetable stock3 eggs125 g crème fraîche2 chillies, finely chopped2 tbsp chopped chives200 g mixed grated cheese(Appenzeller, Emmental,Parmesan)Method:1. Halve the potatoes lengthways, and arrange cutside up in a suitable oven-proof dish. Pour over thestock, cover, and bake in the oven for about 30minutes.2. Combine the remaining ingredients, and spoon overthe potato halves. Continue to bake uncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 55–65 minutes 55–65 minutes247

Potatoes with mojo sauceServes 6Ingredients:1200 g small potatoes300 ml water150 g coarse saltFor the sauce:75 g white bread, diced2 tbsp red wine vinegar2 tbsp warm water2 cloves of garlic, finely diced2 red chillies, de-seeded2 tbsp paprika1/2 tsp ground cumin1/2 tsp oreganoSalt125 ml olive oil125 ml sunflower oilMethod:1. Bring the water to the boil, and add the salt.Arrange the potatoes in an oven-proof dish, andadd the water. Cover, and cook in the oven.2. Pour vinegar and water over the diced bread, andset aside for 10 minutes. Whiz in a blender withthe garlic, chilli, seasoning and olive oil. Add thesunflower oil drop by drop. If the mixture becomestoo thick, add a little boiling water.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 60–70 minutes 60–70 minutesStuffed courgettesServes 4Ingredients:2 courgettes1 onion, finely diced10 g butter1 tsp oregano or marjoram,finely chopped1 slice bread, cubed200 g goats’ cheese1 tbsp sour creamSalt and freshly ground blackpepperMethod:1. Halve the courgettes lengthways, and scoop out thecentres with a teaspoon. Chop the flesh roughly.Sauté the onion gently in the butter, and add theinsides of the courgette and the herbs.2. Crumble the goats’ cheese, and blend with the sourcream. Stir into the onion mixture with the breadcubes, and season with salt and pepper.3. Arrange the courgette halves in an oven-proof dish,and spoon in the filling. Bake in the oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes248

Stuffed mushroomsServes 4Ingredients:8 large open cap or fieldmushrooms1 onion, diced3 tbsp chopped parsley1 tbsp oil300 g minced meat250 g tin of tomatoes100 ml double cream1 tsp chopped marjoramSalt and pepper75 g grated Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Remove and finely chop the stalks from themushrooms. Brown the meat in the oil. Add theonions, chopped mushroom stalks and parsley, andcontinue to fry until cooked through. Transfer themixture to another dish.2. Add the undrained tomatoes to the meat juices, andstir in the cream. Bring gently to the boil. Seasonwith salt, pepper and marjoram.3. Arrange the mushrooms gill side upwards in anoven-proof dish, and spoon some of the meatmixture into each one. Any remaining mixture canbe placed between the mushrooms. Pour the tomatomixture over the mushrooms, and scatter withgrated cheese. Bake uncovered until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating250

Potato cheese bakeServes 4Ingredients:500 g peeled, floury potatoes250 ml double cream125 g crème fraîche150 g grated Cheddar orGouda cheese1 clove of garlicSalt, black pepper, nutmegMethod:1. Grease an oven-proof dish approx. 20 cm diameter,and rub with the garlic clove.2. Slice the potatoes thinly, mix with 2 /3 of the cheese,and place in the oven-proof dish.3. Blend together the cream, crème fraîche, salt,pepper and nutmeg, and pour evenly over thepotatoes. Scatter the rest of the cheese over the top,and bake uncovered in the oven until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 160–180°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 45–55 minutes 45–55 minutesAutomatic ➔ Bakes/Gratin ➔ Potato gratin➔ Potatoes, rawTipFor a low-calorie variation,arrange 750 g sliced potatoes inan oven-proof dish. Season withsalt and pepper, and pour over250 ml of vegetable stock. Bakeas above. About 10 minutesbefore the end of <strong>baking</strong>,scatter 3 tbsp grated Parmesanover the top.251

Stuffed auberginesServes 4Ingredients:3–4 auberginesOilFor the filling:2 onions, diced20 g butter or oil300 g minced beef250 g sliced mushrooms200 g tomato purée250 ml double creamSalt and pepper150 g grated Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Cut the aubergines lengthways into 1 cm slices,sprinkle with salt and set aside for 10 minutes. Patdry with kitchen paper, and fry briefly in the hot oil.Arrange the slices in an oven-proof dish.2. Fry the onions in oil, and add the meat, turninguntil it is browned. Add the mushrooms, and stir inthe tomato purée, cream and seasoning.3. Spread the mixture over the aubergine slices.Sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heatingStuffed rolled aubergines are an alternative to thisrecipe. Finely chop the mushroom slices, and cook thefilling as before. Spread the filling over the aubergineslices, and roll them up before arranging in anoven-proof dish, sprinkling with grated cheese, and<strong>baking</strong> as before.Baked spinachServes 6Ingredients:900 g spinach (frozen)1 onion, finely diced1 glove of garlic, finely diced100 ml double cream1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese4 tbsp grated Gruyère cheese3 tbsp breadcrumbs30 g butterSalt, pepper, nutmegMethod:1. Defrost the spinach and drain well. Arrange theonions and garlic in the bottom of an oven-proofdish. Season the spinach with salt, pepper andnutmeg, and spread over the onions before pouringon the cream.2. Combine the cheese and breadcrumbs, and scatterover the top. Dot with butter, and bake uncovereduntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heating252

Green beans tossed in tomatoes and breadcrumbsServes 6Ingredients:500 g green beans3 tomatoes, choppedand de-seeded2-3 tbsp oil50 g breadcrumbsSalt, black pepper1 tsp chopped thymeMethod:1. Cook the beans briefly in boiling water, but do notovercook them. Drain, and arrange in the bottom ofan oven-proof dish.2. Combine the tomatoes with oil, breadcrumbs andseasoning, and add to the beans. Bake until golden.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 3Duration: 10–15 minutes+ 5 minutes’ pre-heatingCourgettes baked in a tomato herb sauceServes 6Ingredients:750 g courgettes1 tsp oregano1/2 tsp rosemary, finely chopped3 tbsp breadcrumbs4 tbsp cream150 g crème fraîche1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheeseSauce:1 tbsp oil50 g diced bacon1 onion, diced1 clove of garlic, crushed500 g tomatoes or 370 g tomatopassata1 tsp oreganoSalt, pepper and paprikaMethod:1. Gently fry the bacon, onion and garlic in the oil.2. If using fresh tomatoes, place the tomatoes inboiling water for about 1 minute, drain and removethe skins and the stalk. Chop and add the tomatoesor the passata to the bacon mixture. Mix in theherbs and seasoning. Simmer for about 10 minutesuntil the mixture thickens. Pour the sauce into agreased oven-proof dish.3. Halve the courgettes lengthways, and season withsalt. Mix together the remaining ingredients, andspread over the cut side of the courgettes.4. Arrange the courgettes on the tomato sauce, andbake uncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 35–40 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating254

Baked asparagusServes 6Ingredients:1200 g asparagus tips150 g diced ham100 g grated Parmesan cheese100 g grated Cheddar cheese50 g melted butterSalt and pepper2 tbsp parsleyMethod:1. Cut the asparagus tips into 3 cm pieces. Cook brieflyin boiling salted water until they are al dente.2. Drain and arrange the asparagus in an oven-proofdish, and season with salt and a little sugar. Pourover half of the butter.3. Mix together the ham, Parmesan, Cheddar andparsley, and scatter over the asparagus. Grill untilgolden.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 2Duration: 6–8 minutes+ pre-heatingChicory in a balsamic sauceServes 4Ingredients:4 chicory heads8 tbsp olive oil3 tbsp balsamic vinegarSalt and pepperMethod:1. Halve the chicory lengthways, and remove the bittercore. Boil in salted water for 3-4 minutes, anddrain.2. Pre-heat the grill, brush an oven-proof dish with oiland arrange the chicory cut side down in the dish.Grill for 10 minutes, remembering to turn half-way.3. Combine the oil, balsamic vinegar and seasoningtogether, and drizzle over the grilled chicory.Setting: GrillTemperature: 275°CShelf level: 4Duration: 5 minutes per side+ 5 minutes’ pre-heating256

RisottoServes 4Ingredients:250 g long grain or risotto rice500 ml vegetable stockMethod:1. Pour the stock over the rice in a suitable oven-proofdish, mix well, cover, and cook in the oven.I. Adding a few strands of saffron and a finelychopped red pepper gives the rice an intensivecolour.II. For a vegetable risotto, add approx. 150 g peas and100 g diced carrot.III. Stir 200 g drained chanterelle mushrooms and 50 ggrated Emmental cheese into the cooked rice.IV. A rich flavour is achieved by adding some friedonions and sliced mushrooms to the rice and stockbefore cooking, and scattering grated Parmesanover just before serving.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesTomatoes stuffed with Mozzarella and baconServes 6Ingredients:6 tomatoesSalt and pepper50 g diced bacon125 g Mozarella, diced2 slices of bread, diced2 tsp chopped basil1/2 tsp herbes de Provence1/2 tsp oregano50 ml vegetable stockMethod:1. Slice a lid from the top of each tomato, and dicethe lid. Scoop out the inside of the tomatoes witha teaspoon, and season the inside with salt andpepper.2. Fry the bacon lightly, and stir in the diced bread,diced tomatoes and Mozzarella. Season with basil,herbes de Provence and oregano.3. Arrange the tomatoes in the bottom of anoven-proof dish, and stuff with the filling. Stir anyremaining filling into the stock, and pour aroundthe tomatoes. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heating258

Brussels sprouts au gratinServes 4Ingredients:750 g Brussels sprouts, washedand trimmed250 g tomatoes, diced250 ml vegetable stock150 g cream cheese with herbsSalt, pepper and nutmeg100 g grated Cheddar orGouda cheeseMethod:1. Boil the sprouts in the water until al dente, but donot overcook. Drain.2. Arrange the sprouts and tomatoes in an oven-proofdish, and mix well.3. Bring the stock to the boil, and stir in the creamcheese until it has melted. Season with nutmeg andpepper, and pour over the vegetables. SprinkleCheddar over the top, and bake uncovered untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 35–45 minutes 35–45 minutesTomato and potato gratinServes 6Ingredients:600 g potatoes4 tomatoes, sliced1 courgette, sliced100 g smoked sausage, diced250 ml creamSalt and pepper1/2 clove of garlic, crushed1 tsp marjoram1 tsp basil100 g grated Cheddar orGouda cheese10 g herb butterMethod:1. Peel the potatoes, and slice thinly. Arrange in anoven-proof dish (Ø 24 cm) that has been greasedwith the herb butter. Add the sliced courgettes,tomatoes, smoked sausage and half of the cheese.2. Combine the cream, seasoning, garlic and herbs,and pour over the vegetables.3. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top, andbake uncovered.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 40–50 minutes 40–50 minutesIf this dish is being served as an accompaniment tomeat, the smoked sausage can be left out.260

Savoury treats

TH E TASTIEST TREATSINTHE WORLDPizzas, tarts, patés etc are the favouritechoice of many people for any occasion,be it a family celebration, a buffetparty or a snack to savour at a sportingevent or in front of the television.Some of the dishes have richingredients complemented by a lightpastry; others are based on classicalrecipes. These savoury bites aredesigned to whet the appetite, andwith a little ingenuity are open toendless variation.

preparation tipsSavouriesSome of the recipes in this section arecomplete courses, and others are tastybites to accompany a glass of wine.There are suggestions both forentertaining and for everyday use.Many can be prepared in advance, anddon’t require last-minute attention justas the first guests arrive.Unexpected visitors are no problem, asthese snacks can be rustled up in nextto no time.264

Meat timbalesServes 6Ingredients:500 g minced beef2 eggs1 small onion, very finely diced1 tsp chopped fresh parsley50 g ham, finely diced30 g Cheddar cheese, grated6 ramekins, Ø 7 cmMethod:1. Mix the meat thoroughly with the other ingredients.Divide between the lightly greased ramekins, andbake uncovered in the oven.2. Remove from the oven, and leave in the ramekinsfor a few minutes. Turn out, and arrange in a pool ofsauce on a serving dish.3. Serve hot or cold.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heatingA fresh savoury sauce can be made by blendingtogether 200 g crème fraîche, 150 g natural yoghurt,2 tbsp mayonnaise, salt, pepper, parsley, chives andfinely diced red and yellow peppers.Walnut cheese bitesMakes 12Ingredients:60 g Gruyère or Appenzellercheese, grated40 g walnuts, finely choppedA little finely chopped rosemary(optional)Method:1. Mix together the cheese, walnuts and rosemary.2. Place teaspoonfuls of the mixture well apart onto<strong>baking</strong> trays, and bake in a pre-heated oven untilgolden.3. After a few minutes’ cooling, the bites become crispand can then be removed from the <strong>baking</strong> tray.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190-210°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 10–12 minutes 8–10 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heating265

Pizza1 Ø 30 cm pizza serves 21 tray-baked pizza serves 4Ingredients:Yeast based pizza doughSufficient for 1 Ø 30 cm pizza:125 g flour10 g yeast1/4 tsp salt1 tbsp oil70–80 ml lukewarm waterQuark and oil based pizza doughSufficient for 1 Ø 30 cm pizza60 g quark2 tbsp milk2 tbsp oil1/2 tsp salt1 egg yolk125 g flour1 1 /2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderBasic toppingApprox. 100 ml tomato passataper pizzaOreganoMethod:1. To make the yeast based dough, mix the flour,yeast, salt, oil and water together, and then kneaduntil you have a smooth dough. Leave it to rise atroom temperature for approx. 20 minutes. Brieflyknead the dough again.2. To make the quark and oil based dough, mixtogether the quark, milk, oil, salt and egg yolk.Sieve together the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder, andfold half into the quark mixture, then knead in therest of the flour.3. Roll the dough out on a floured surface to make acircular shape approx. 30 cm in diameter, or roll tofit the <strong>baking</strong> tray if making a tray-baked pizza(remember to double the quantities!).4. Spread some tomato passata over the pizza, andseason with salt, pepper and oregano before addingthe topping of your choice.See p. 268 for a variety of toppings and <strong>baking</strong> times.Double the quantities above for a tray-baked pizzausing the Miele <strong>baking</strong> tray.266

Pizza toppingsIngredientsPizza Margherita250 g sliced tomatoes150 g sliced Mozzarella cheeseOlive oilOreganoOnion pizza300 g finely sliced onionsSalt and a pinchof fresh rosemary4 tbsp olive oilVegetarian pizza150 g broccoli florets, cooked150 g mushrooms, sliced50 g leeks, sliced in ringsand cooked150 g Mozzarella, diced or slicedRainbow pizzaOne half each of a red, yellow andgreen pepper, washed and cutinto strips2 tomatoes, sliced100 g Emmental cheese,coarsely gratedMethod:Arrange the topping of your choice over the top, andbake immediately.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 170–190°CShelf level: 1Duration: 25–30 minutesAutomatic ➔ Baked goods ➔ Pizza ➔ NormalA tray-baked pizza will take about 5 minutes longerthan a Ø 30 cm pizza when using the Automaticprogramme.Ricotta and basil25 g ricotta or quark, mixed with50 ml cream2 eggs1 tbsp walnut oilSalt and pepper1 tbsp fresh basil, torn into stripsMix the above ingredientstogether, and spread over thepizza base. Then arrange2 tomatoes, sliced or diced, ontop of the ricotta mixture, andscatter 100 g crumbledGorgonzola over the top.Double all quantities above fortray-baked pizza using the Miele<strong>baking</strong> tray.268

Calzoneserves 2Ingredients:For the ingredients for thedough, see Pizza recipe on p. 266Fillings(each quantity is for 1 calzone)Tomato and tuna1-2 tomatoes, sliced1 tin tuna fish in brine, flaked150 g tin sweet corn1 red pepper75 g Cheddar cheese, gratedMeat surprise250 g minced beefSalt, pepper and oregano1 red pepper150 g goats’ cheese, diced8 olives, stoned and dicedMethod:1. Prepare the base following the Pizza recipe onp. 266. Roll out on a floured surface to a diameterof 30 cm. Arrange the filling of your choice over onehalf of the base.2. Fold the other half of the base over the filling, andpinch the edges to make a good seal. Brush milkover the top, and place on a <strong>baking</strong> tray. Bake untilgolden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heatingVegetarian1 onion, finely diced1 tbsp oil200 g frozen spinach, defrostedSalt and pepper1/2 clove of garlic, finely dicedSalmon1 onion, finely diced1 tbsp oil200 g frozen spinach, defrostedSalt, pepper and garlic250 g salmon fillet, cookedand diced125 g Mozzarella cheese, dicedTo glaze:3 tbsp milk269

Ham and cheese muffinsMakes 8Ingredients:50 g butter2 eggs1 tsp sweet paprika150 g natural yoghurt220 g flour3 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder60 g ham, finely diced2 tbsp chopped chives75 g Cheddar cheese, grated16 muffin casesMethod:1. Beat the butter until creamy. Stir in the eggs,paprika and yoghurt, and mix well.2. Fold in the flour and <strong>baking</strong> powder, and finally theham, chives and cheese.3. Arrange a double layer of muffin cases on a <strong>baking</strong>tray, divide the mixture between the cases and bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180-200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 25-30 minutes+ pre-heatingCheesy ballsMakes 24Ingredients:250 ml water1/2 tsp salt80 g margarine200 g flour4 eggs1/2 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder180 g Gruyère or Emmentalcheese, gratedTo glaze:1 egg yolk2 tbsp milkMethod:1. Bring the water, salt and margarine to the boil in apan. Add the flour all at once, and beat vigourouslywith a wooden spoon until smooth.2. Then transfer the dough to a bowl, and mix in theeggs one at a time, mixing the dough smooth aftereach egg is added. Finally mix in the <strong>baking</strong> powderand half of the cheese.3. Using 2 teaspoons, make balls of dough and arrangeon a <strong>baking</strong> tray.4. Blend together the egg yolk and milk, and brushover the dough balls. Scatter the rest of the cheeseover, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–30 minutes 20–25 minutes+ pre-heating270

Goats’ cheese on toastServes 5Ingredients:5 slices of bread200 g goats’ cheese3 tbsp white wineBlack pepper1/2 tsp oregano1 tsp parsley, chopped1 clove of garlic, crushedMethod:1. Pre-heat the grill, then toast one side of the breadlightly. Cut in half diagonally.2. Mix together the goats’ cheese with the rest of theingredients. Spread over the toast triangles and grilluntil golden.Setting: GrillTemperature: 250°CShelf level: 4Duration: 6–8 minutesSavoury cheese biscuitsMakes 100Ingredients:For the dough:100 g flour75 g corn flour1/4 tsp <strong>baking</strong> powder150 g Cheddar cheese, grated1 egg1 tbsp milk100 g butter or margarineFor glazing and topping:1 egg yolkGrated cheese or poppy, sesameor caraway seedsMethod:1. Knead together the flour, corn flour, <strong>baking</strong> powder,cheese, egg, milk and butter or margarine to make asmooth dough. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.2. Roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of 4 mm.3. Using different shaped cutters, cut biscuits andplace on a <strong>baking</strong> tray. Brush with beaten egg yolk,and scatter caraway, poppy or sesame seeds over orsprinkle with grated cheese. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 20–25 minutesper tray+ pre-heating272

Cheese and bacon quicheServes 20Ingredients:For the pastry:250 g flour80 ml water100 g margarine1/2 tsp saltFor the filling:400 g bacon, diced1 garlic clove, crushed200 g Cheddar, coarsely grated200 g Emmental cheese,coarsely grated500 ml double cream4 eggs2 tbsp parsley, choppedNutmegMethod:1. Knead together the flour, water, margarine and saltuntil you have an elastic dough. Roll the pastry outon a floured surface to a shape that is slightlylarger than the <strong>baking</strong> tray. Place the pastry on the<strong>baking</strong> tray, and roll in the sides to make an edge tothe pastry case. Prick all over with a fork.2. Gently fry the bacon and garlic in the butter. Cool,and mix in the cheese. Spread over the pastry.3. Blend together the cream, eggs, parsley andnutmeg, and pour over the filling. Bake immediatelyin a pre-heated oven.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 190–210°C 220–240°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 25–35 minutes 25–35 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 190–210°CShelf level: 1Duration: 25–30 minutesBroccoli flanServes 12Ingredients:250 g of puff pastry500 g broccoli florets150 g ham, diced3 eggs250 ml double cream50 ml vegetable stock75 g Parmesan, gratedPepper and ground nutmegMethod:1. Roll the pastry out on a floured surface to the sizeof a pizza or pie dish (Ø 28 cm), and place thepastry inside.2. Mix the broccoli florets with the ham and half of thecheese, and scatter over the pastry.3. Blend together the eggs, cream, stock andseasoning, and pour over the broccoli and hammixture. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese over, andbake immediately.Setting: Intensive bake Fan plusTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 30–35 minutes 40–45 minutes274

Savoury tartServes 20Ingredients:750 g puff pastry1000 g quark1 onion, finely diced1 tsp mustard6 drops Tabasco sauce1 tsp salt1 tsp Worcestershire sauce2 tsp tomato purée1 tsp sweet paprika2 tbsp mixed herbs1 tsp pickled green peppercorns20 slices of very thinly slicedsmoked salmonSprigs of parsley or dill to garnishMethod:1. Roll the pastry on a floured surface into threeØ 26 cm circles. Place each circle in round springform cake tins, and bake until golden.2. Combine the quark with the onion, mustard,Tabasco, salt and Worcestershire sauce, and dividethe mixture into three.3. Mix tomato purée and paprika into one third, andmixed herbs and peppercorns into another third.4. Place one pastry circle on a serving dish, and spreadover the tomato quark mixture. Place the 2 pastrycircle on top, and spread with the herb quarkmixture. Place the 3 pastry circle on top, and spreadwith 2 /3 of the plain quark mixture.5. Mark out 20 portions. Fill a piping bag with the restof the quark mixture, and pipe over the top. Garnishwith rolls of smoked salmon and with sprigs ofparsley or dill. Chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hoursbefore serving.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1, 2 and 4 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes for+ pre-heating each pastry circle+ pre-heating275

Pizza whirlsMakes 16Ingredients:Base:120 g quark4 tbsp oil4 tbsp milk1 tsp salt1 egg250 g flour3 level tsp <strong>baking</strong> powderFilling:200 g salami, diced3 tomatoes, diced1 onion, diced50 g quark75 g Cheddar cheese, gratedSalt, pepper and oreganoFor glazing and topping:1 egg yolk100 g Cheddar cheese,coarsely gratedMethod:1. Mix together the quark, oil, milk, salt and egg. Mixin half of the flour and the <strong>baking</strong> powder, and thenknead in the rest of the flour to make a smoothdough. Divide the dough in half.2. Roll the two halves of dough out on a flouredsurface to rectangles measuring approx.25 cm x 40 cm. Spread the filling over, and roll therectangles up.3. Cut each roll into 8 slices, and arrange the slices onthe <strong>baking</strong> tray.4. Brush the whirls with beaten egg yolk, sprinkle withcheese, and bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 180-200°CShelf level: 1 and 3 2Duration: 30–40 minutes 25–35 minutes+ pre-heatingMushroom squaresMakes 30Ingredients:Base:250 g flour1 tsp sweet paprika125 g butter2 tbsp lemon juice4-5 tbsp cold waterFilling:400 g mushrooms, sliced1 tbsp oil80 g ham, cut into strips4 spring onions, finely chopped2 tbsp parsley, chopped250 g cream cheese4 eggsSalt and pepperMethod:1. Knead the flour, paprika, butter, lemon juice andwater to a smooth dough. Set aside for 30 minutes,then roll out onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray.2. Fry the mushrooms in the oil until the liquid hasevaporated. Add the ham, spring onions andparsley, and spread the mixture over the pastrybase.3. Combine the eggs and seasoning with the creamcheese, and pour over the mushroom mixture. Bakeimmediately until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 40–45 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heatingSetting: Intensive bakeTemperature: 190°CShelf level: 1Duration: 30-35 minutes276

Bread crispsServes 3Ingredients:1 baguette (250 g), either 1 dayold or, if fresh, lightly frozen100 g herb or garlic butter,meltedMethod:1. Cut the bread into 2 mm thick slices.2. Butter both sides of each slice thinly with butter,place on a <strong>baking</strong> tray and bake until golden,turning halfway through the cooking time.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 200–220°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 10–15 minutes 10–15 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingCheese and pear tartServes 12Ingredients:For the base:250 g flour10 g fresh yeast1/4 tsp salt125 ml warm milk25 g butter1/2 beaten eggTopping:125 g blue cheese or Roquefort2 pear halves (tinned)30 g walnuts, coarsely choppedMethod:1. Dissolve the yeast in the milk, stirring. Add to theflour with the salt, butter and egg, and knead to asmooth dough. Set the dough to one side for 15minutes at room temperature.2. Roll the dough out on a floured surface to aØ 34 cm circle. Transfer onto a <strong>baking</strong> tray, androll about 1 cm into the centre all the way roundthe edge to form a lip.3. Chop the well-drained pears, and scatter with thecrumbled cheese and walnuts over the pastry base.Bake immediately.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190-210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 35–40 minutes 30–35 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heating278

Grilled baguette slicesIngredients:1. Pesto slice – serves 88 baguette slices8 tsp basil pesto8 slices of Mozzarella cheese2. Tomato slice – serves 66 baguette slices150 g sun-dried tomatoes in oil50 g Ricotta cheese or butter1 tsp chopped basilSalt and freshly ground blackpepper3. Bruschetta – serves 66 baguette slices1 garlic clove, crushed3 tbsp olive oil3 tomatoes, diced1/2 cucumber, dicedSalt and pepperChopped basil4. Vegetable crostini – serves 1212 baguette slices20 g butter200 g courgettes, finely diced150 g peppers, finely diced200 g tomatoes, diced1 clove of garlic, crushed1 tbsp fresh mixed herbs(parsley, basil, thyme),finely choppedSalt and pepper250 g Mozzarella cheese, dicedMethod:1. Pesto slice: Spread each slice of bread with ateaspoon of pesto. Arrange the Mozzarella on top.Pre-heat the grill, then place the slices on the rack,and grill for 4–6 minutes.2. Tomato slice: Dice the tomatoes finely, and mix intothe Ricotta or butter, the basil, salt and pepper witha fork. Toast the baguette slices on one side underthe pre-heated grill for about 1 minute. Spread thetomato mixture over the untoasted side, and grillfor a further 4-6 minutes.3. Bruschetta: Mix the garlic with the olive oil, andspread over the slices of bread. Pre-heat the grill,then place the bread on the rack, and grill for about4–6 minutes. Mix the tomato and cucumber, andseason well with salt and pepper. Spread over thetoasted bread, scatter with fresh basil and serveimmediately.Setting: GrillTemperature: 250°CShelf level: 4Duration: 4–6 minutes+ pre-heating4. Vegetable crostini: Sauté the vegetables in thebutter, and season well with the salt, pepper andherbs. Cool the mixture, then stir in the mozzarella.Arrange the sliced bread on the <strong>baking</strong> tray, andspread the vegetable and cheese mixture over. Bakeuntil golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 3Duration: 12–15 minutes 10–12 minutes+ pre-heating280

Chicken nuggets with dipsServes 6Ingredients:1000 g chicken breast fillets3 tbsp oil100 g breadcrumbs1 tsp salt4 tsp sweet paprika3 tsp curry powderDip variations:Spicy chilli dip1 red chilli pepper,very finely dicedSalt, pepper and paprika200 g yoghurt2 tbsp low-fat mayonnaiseCream cheese dip150 g yoghurt200 g cream cheeseSalt, pepper and lemon juice1 tsp fresh herbs (parsley, chives)Method:1. Cut the chicken breast into 1 cm wide strips, andtoss in oil.2. Combine the rest of the ingredients for the chickenbreasts, and coat the chicken well. Arrange thechicken pieces in the grill pan, and bake uncoveredin a pre-heated oven. Turn the nuggets halfwaythrough cooking.3. Serve hot or cold with your choice of dip.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 180–200°C 180-200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 15–20 minutes 12–15 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingCurry dip200 ml double cream,lightly whipped2 tbsp low-fat mayonnaiseSalt1 small tin pineapple,finely choppedPineapple juice282

Game pastiesMakes 12Ingredients:200 g game (hare, venison, boar)50 g smoked streaky bacon, diced1 onion, diced2 tbsp parsley, chopped1 tsp thyme2 tbsp double cream1 tbsp portSalt450 g puff pastry1 egg whiteFor the glaze:1 egg yolk2 tbsp milkMethod:1. Chop the game and bacon into small pieces, andblend coarsely using a hand-held blender, or passthrough a meat mincer. Mix the onion, parsley,thyme, cream, port and salt into the meat.2. Roll the pastry out onto a floured surface to arectangle measuring 30 x 40 cm. Cut 12 squares10 x 10 cm from this.3. Spoon the mixture onto the pastry squares. Brushthe edges with egg white, and pinch the sidestogether to form pyramids.4. Mix together the milk and egg yolk, and brush overthe pasties. Rinse a <strong>baking</strong> tray with cold water, andplace the pasties on the tray. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heatingTipPort is a Portuguese red orwhite wine with an alcoholcontent of 19–20% per volume.77% brandy is added to halt thefermentation process and togive the port its characteristicsweetness.284

Minced meat toastiesServes 4Ingredients:4 wholemeal rolls250 g minced meat1 egg1 onion, finely diced1 tsp mustard1/2 tsp salt1 tsp sweet paprika100 g tinned sweet corn1 red pepper, finely diced8 slices of Cheddar cheeseMethod:1. Mix the minced meat with egg, onion and seasoning.Drain the tinned vegetables, and combine with themeat mixture.2. Split the rolls, and spread some of the mixture ontoeach.3. Place the topped rolls on a <strong>baking</strong> tray, and cook inthe oven for about 20 minutes (15 minutes onConventional). Top with a slice of cheese, and bakefor a further 5 minutes.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 150–170°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heatingTipMinced meat does not have along shelf life and has to besold on the day it is made. Itmust be kept at a temperatureof less than 4°C.285


ALL’SWE LLTHATENDSWELLIf your guests can still find room for it,you know you’ve made a good dessert!Few can resist the temptation, be it icecream, a traditional hot pudding,something fruity or death by chocolate.A good dessert will win muchadmiration, and often with very littleeffort on the part of the cook!

preparation tipsDessertsA luxury pudding is the crowning gloryof a delicious meal, and a fine maincourse should be always be followed byan exotic dessert. The dessert shouldoffer a contrast in terms of colour andtexture to the rest of the meal, so thatif you are serving a creamy-colouredsoup or white sauce, for example, thenvanilla ice cream should be avoided.Similarly, a tomato sauce is best notfollowed by strawberries!So, when planning your menu, considerwhat would be an appropriate finale tocomplement the rest of the meal –caramel cream, orange soufflé orchocolate gateau – the choice is yours!A substantial, rich dessert, such as aquark bake, can even replace a maincourse. To achieve a crisp, brown top onbaked puddings, add a sprinkling oficing sugar about 20 minutes before theend of the <strong>baking</strong> time.Light soufflés can be very exotic, butneed careful watching to ensuresuccess. They should be bakedimmediately after preparation, and theoven door should not be opened duringthe <strong>baking</strong> time as this will cause thesoufflé to collapse. Only fill the soufflédish 2 /3 full, and always bake in apre-heated oven using Conventional topand bottom heat.288

Marzipan and mascarpone souffléServes 6Ingredients:100 g marzipan3 tbsp rose water250 g mascarpone orfull fat cream cheese2 tbsp sugar3 egg yolks1 vanilla pod3 egg whites2 tbsp flaked almonds6 ramekinsMethod:1. Dice the marzipan, and mix with the rose water. Addthe mascarpone, sugar, egg yolk and the pulp fromthe vanilla pod, and mix thoroughly.2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, and fold into themarzipan mixture. Spoon into 6 greased ramekins,scatter the flaked almonds over, and bake in thepre-heated oven.3. Serve immediately, as even well-risen soufflés willsink within 5 minutes!Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 15–20 minutes 15–20 minutes+ pre-heatingPlums stuffed with marzipanServes 6TipIngredients:24 plums, halved with stonesremoved150 g marzipan, diced300 g crème fraîche2 tsp sugar1 tsp cinnamon1 tbsp brandy3 tbsp creamMethod:1. Fill the plum halves with marzipan, place in anoven-proof dish, and bake.2. Combine the rest of the ingredients, and serve withthe plums3. If using frozen fruit, defrost slightly, fill and bakeas before.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2 or 3Duration: 15–20 minutes 10–15 minutes+ pre-heating + pre-heatingServe with a home-madecustard or vanilla sauce (seerecipe in the Tip on p. 290).289

Chocolate sponge puddingsServes 9TipIngredients:70 g butter70 g sugar4 egg yolks70 g dark chocolate, melted70 g ground almonds20 g breadcrumbs4 egg whites9 individual pudding tins orramekins (Ø 7 cm)500 ml home-made vanillacustard200 ml stiffly whipped creamChocolate sauceIcing sugarMethod:1. Beat the butter, sugar and egg yolk until creamy.Fold in the cooled, melted chocolate, almonds andbreadcrumbs. Then carefully fold in the stifflybeaten egg whites.2. Divide the mixture between the ramekins orindividual tins. Stand in a grill pan filled with about750 ml of water, and bake uncovered.3. Mix the cream with the vanilla custard, and spoon apool of this onto each dessert plate. Drizzle squirlsof chocolate sauce onto each one, and use acocktail stick to create a marbled effect.4. Turn the puddings out, and arrange one in themiddle of each pool of sauce. Dust with icing sugar,and serve warm.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 140–160°C 150–170°CShelf level: 1 1Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutes,+ pre-heatingAutomatic ➔ National dishes ➔ Austrian➔ Choc spongeHome-made vanilla custardcan be made by beatingtogether 2 tbsp corn flour with3 tbsp milk and an egg yolk. Cutopen and scrape the pulp out ofa vanilla pod. Add to the eggmixture with 2 tbsp sugar, apinch of salt and 500 ml milk.Bring to the boil, stirring all thetime, until it begins to thicken.Remove the vanilla pod andserve.290

Banana coffee meringueServes 8Ingredients:6 bananas170 g caster sugar1 tbsp flour150 ml milk60 ml espresso2 eggs3 tbsp rumMethod:1. Halve 4 bananas lengthways, and arrange in anoven-proof dish. Mash the remaining bananas, andspread over the banana halves.2. Place 60 g of the caster sugar, flour, milk andespresso in a pan, and simmer gently for about 5minutes, stirring all the time. Add the egg yolk andrum. Keep stirring, and do not let the sauce boil.Pour over the bananas.3. Whip the egg whites stiffly, then gradually whisk inthe remaining caster sugar to form a meringue.Spread over the bananas. Bake until golden.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 15–20 minutes 12–15 minutes+ pre-heating292

Baked applesServes 4Ingredients:4 sharp dessert apples, e.g.Granny SmithsThe quantities below are eachsufficient to fill 4 apples.1. Classic filling2 tbsp raisins2 tbsp flaked almonds4 tsp sugar1/2 tsp cinnamon10 g butter2. Apricot and date filling6 apricot halves (tinned or dried)100 g chopped dates40 g chopped almonds4 tbsp honey3. Prune and marzipan filling200 g prunes50 g chopped walnuts50 g marzipan2 tbsp rum40 g butter4 tbsp honeyMethod:Core the apples, and place in an oven-proof dish. Fillwith your chosen filling, and bake uncovered.1. For the classic filling, mix together the raisins,almonds, sugar and cinnamon, and spoon into theapples. Dot with butter, and bake.2. For the apricot and date filling, combine theapricots, dates, almonds and honey. Spoon into theapples, and bake uncovered.3. For the prune filling, finely chop the prunes, andmix with the walnuts, marzipan, rum, butter andhoney. Spoon into the apples, and bake uncovered.Serve with vanilla sauce.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutesTipHome-made vanilla custardcan be made by beatingtogether 2 tbsp corn flour with3 tbsp milk and an egg yolk. Cutopen and scrape the pulp out ofa vanilla pod. Add to the eggmixture with 2 tbsp sugar, apinch of salt and 500 ml milk.Bring to the boil, stirring all thetime, until it begins to thicken.Remove the vanilla pod andserve.293

Orange crème caramelServes 6Ingredients:For the caramel:60 g sugar2 tbsp CointreauFor the flan:3 eggs3 egg yolks50 g sugar300 ml milk50 ml orange juice3 tbsp Cointreau6 ramekins (Ø 7 cm)Method:1. Caramelise the sugar until golden brown, then stirin the Cointreau. Divide between the 6 ramekins.2. Beat together the eggs, egg yolk, sugar, milk,orange juice and Cointreau. Pour over thecaramelised sugar. Stand the ramekins in a grill panfilled with 750 ml water, and bake uncovered.3. Cool for a few minutes, then, using a knife, turn thecrème caramels out onto dessert plates. Serve warmor cold with whipped cream and slices of orange orraspberries.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 35–40 minutes 35–40 minutesCrème caramelServes 6Ingredients:For the caramel:4 tbsp sugar2 tbsp waterFor the flan:500 ml milk1 vanilla pod, split3 eggs2 egg yolks100 g sugar6 ramekin dishes (Ø 7 cm)Method:1. Mix the water and sugar. Caramelise the sugar bystirring over a gentle heat until golden brown (donot allow to become too dark, or it will have a bitterflavour). Divide between the 6 ramekin dishes.2. Bring the milk and vanilla pod to the boil. Beattogether the eggs, egg yolk and sugar, andgradually stir in the milk. Pass through a fine sieve,and pour into the ramekins.3. Stand the ramekins in a grill pan filled with 750 mlwater, and bake uncovered.4. Cool, and chill for at least 5 hours. Then, using aknife, turn out onto dessert plates. Decorate withwhipped cream and wafers.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 190–210°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–35 minutes 30–35 minutes294

Quark and raisin puddingServes 6Ingredients300 g quark3 egg yolks150 g sour cream40 g sugar100 g flour3 egg whites75 g raisins, soaked in rum20 g vegetable cooking fatFor decoration:1 tbsp sugarMethod:1. Blend together the quark, egg yolk, cream, sugarand flour. Drain the raisins, and add to the quarkmixture.2. Carefully fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites.3. Place the vegetable fat in a soufflé dish or smallgourmet oven dish in the oven for about 10-15minutes at the temperature given below.4. Pour in the quark mixture, and bake until golden.5. After <strong>baking</strong>, break the pudding into bite-sizedpieces using 2 forks. Transfer to a serving dish, andsprinkle with sugar or icing sugar. Serve warm.Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 180–200°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 25–35 minutes 25–30 minutes+ pre-heatingFruit crumbleServes 6Ingredients:400 g strawberries600 g rhubarb, gooseberries,apricots, blackberries, plums orfrozen mixed berries100 g sugarFor the crumble:125 g sugar250 g flour150 g butter1/2 tsp cinnamonMethod:1. Wash the fruit. Cut the rhubarb into 2 cm pieces.Stone the apricots and plums, and cut in half. Halvethe strawberries. Place in a dish and scatter thesugar over. Set aside for half an hour.2. Rub the sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, butter andcinnamon together until you get a crumbly texture.3. Drain any liquid from the fruit, and arrange in anoven-proof dish (Ø 30 cm). Scatter the crumble overthe top, and bake until golden. Serve warm withhome-made vanilla sauce (see Tip on p. 290).Setting: Fan plus ConventionalTemperature: 170–190°C 170–190°CShelf level: 1 2Duration: 30–40 minutes 35–45 minutes296

accessoriesMiele à la carteMiele offer an excellent range ofaccessories which are perfectlydesigned to complement your oven.298

Standard accessoriesE-clothSome accessories such as racks, grillpan, anti-splash tray (depending oncountry) and <strong>baking</strong> trays are suppliedas standard with your oven. If you needmore than you get with your oven youcan order them through Miele or yourlocal Miele Dealer.Optional accessoriesIn addition to the standard accessories,Miele also offer a wide range ofprofessional oven accessories, fromgourmet oven dishes to <strong>baking</strong> stones,to further enhance the cookingexperience and help you to prepareexquisite meals. These accessories arelisted on the next few pages and areonly available to order.(The Rotisserie shown on page 305 is astandard accessory on certain modelsonly, and cannot be retro-fitted toother models).To help you keep external surfaces ofyour appliances looking good Miele inthe UK are also able offer an E-cloth.This is a revolutionary cloth whichremoves grease and stains and leavesno smearing. It is extremely useful forany kitchen and invaluable forpolishing glass and stainless steelsurfaces, giving them a gleamingfinish. The cloth is environmentallyfriendly as it cleans without the use ofchemicals.299

accessoriesHBS 60 Gourmet <strong>baking</strong> stoneThe Gourmet <strong>baking</strong> stone is a glazedfirebrick with an easy-clean surfacecoating. It comes supplied with awooden paddle and is the idealaccessory for <strong>baking</strong> pizzas, bread, rollsand tarts.It has excellent heat storage properties,ensuring you get excellent crispyresults whenever you use it.It sits on the wire rack in all currentMiele ovens. It is not suitable for theMiele H 100 / 4000 series combi-ovenswith integrated microwave function.300

Gourmet oven dishesThe gourmet oven dish is a deep sidedoven dish, with a high quality castaluminium base with a Teflon® Platinumcoating.HUB 61-35 Gourmet oven dishCapacityMax. 8 kg for 16–20 servingsDimensionsW x D x H = 38 x 35 x 8.6 cmIt is suitable for use in all current Mieleovens. It slides straight onto the shelfsupports of 60 cm wide ovens and maybe placed on the wire rack or in the<strong>baking</strong> tray in 70 cm wide ovens.It can also be used for cooking onconventional ceramic hobs, howeverplease note that it is not suitable forcooking on induction hobs, or gas onfull output.Optional lidsfor gourmet oven dishesA stainless steel lid with a stainlesssteel lid is also available for thegourmet oven dishes. (Please notethat they are not suitable for use inH 100 / 4000 series combi-ovens withintegrated microwave).HBD 60-35 lidDimensionsW x D x H = 39.0 x 35.5 x 13.4 cmThe total height of the HUB 61-35 withthe HBD 60-35 lid is 22 cm.HUB 61-22 Gourmet oven dishCapacityMax. 8 kg for 10–12 servingsDimensionsW x D x H = 38 x 22 x 8.6 cmHBD 60-22 lidDimensionsW x D x H = 39.0 x 23.5 x 7.4 cmThe total height of the HUB 61-22 withthe HBD 60-22 lid is 16 cm.301

accessoriesFlan dishThis 27 cm Ø circular pan isPerfectClean coated and ideal forcooking pizza and quiche. It isparticularly suitable for use in ovenswhich have the Intensive Bakefunction. The PerfectClean surfaceis even tough enough for you to cuton it.302

HTW 4000Telescopic <strong>baking</strong> carriageA telescopic <strong>baking</strong> carriage is the idealaccessory for safe and convenientremoval of oven trays away from theheat of the oven. All trays slide outautomatically on the carriage, so thereis no need to reach into the oven.It is especially useful if your oven isinstalled under a worksurface.It is PerfectClean finished for easycleaning and is suitable for use in allcurrent 60 cm wide Miele ovens. Youwill, however, need to purchase newcatalytic liners (does not apply toPyrolytic ovens) as the telescopic<strong>baking</strong> carriage will not fit into thefactory fitted liners. Please contactMiele for details.If fitted in an oven with a Pyrolyticcleaning programme it must be removedbefore running this programme.303

accessoriesHCE 60 & HCE 90 telecopic racksThese pull-out runners provide threeshelf levels which can be drawn rightout of the oven individually giving easyaccess and a good overview of thecooking in progress. These runners aresupplied with a special PerfectCleancoated rack which is used instead of therack supplied as standard with the oven.Order HCE 60 for 60 cm wide ovensOrder HCE 90 for 90 cm wide ovens* These runners do not fit in allovens. Please contact your Mieledealer for details.304

Diagonal rotisserieSome models have a rotisserie whichfits diagonally into the oven, making itideal for really large joints (max. 5 kg).It is simple to operate as itsself-engaging mechanism willautomatically position the rotisseriecorrectly.N.B. This accessory is not available forretrofitting on other ovens.Special poutry clamps are alsoavailable for holding poultry securelyin position, as well as a kebabattachement for holding 4-8 kebabs.305

index of recipesAlmond baguettes 122Almond biscuits 90Almond slices 80Amaretti biscuits 111Amaretto almond gateau 31Aniseed knots 68Apple and poppy seed cake 33Apple cinnamon cake 84Apple hazelnut streusel 59Apple pie 71Apple pyramids 40Apple raisin bread 100Apple tart 86Apple turnovers 72Apricot and peach slices 80Apricot streusel 73Apricot torte 63Asparagus lasagne 169Aubergine moussaka 148BBacon or herb baguettes 103Baked apples 293Baked artichoke hearts 134Baked asparagus 256Baked pears 132Baked spinach 252Banana coffee meringue 292Basil tomatoes 169Beef and leek bake 154Beef burgers 203Beef casserole with white cabbage 149Beef roulades 202Blueberry cheesecake 62Braised beef 206Bread crisps 278Broccoli and mushroom bake 165Broccoli flan 274Brussels sprouts au gratin 260Butter cake 50CCalzone 269Camembert toast 138Cappuccino crumble slices 64Carrot cake 32Cheese and bacon quiche 274Cheese and pear tart 278Cheese soufflé 138Cheesy balls 270Cherry and almond torte 62Cherry crumble slices 63Cherry or redcurrant torte 41Cherry strudel 96Chicken loaf 131Chicken nuggets with dips 282Chicken satay 228Chicken wings 232Chicory in a balsamic sauce 256Choc rum raisin squares 120Chocolate bites 118Chocolate cake 82Chocolate cherry muffins 92Chocolate hazelnut pavlova 34Chocolate orange slices 125Chocolate sponge puddings 290Choux buns 42Cinnamon whirls 54Conversion chart 17Coq au vin 230Courgettes baked in a tomato herb sauce 254Crème caramel 294Crunchy cookies 110DDouble nut biscuits 110Drop cookies 109Duck à l'orange 238Duck served with a cranberry sauce 234Dutch cherry slices 38306

Espresso slices 87FFilled jacket potatoes 247Fillet of pork en croûte 209Fillet of venison in a grape sauce 220Flat bread 102Florentines 125French choc chip and rum ring cake 86Fresh fruit flan 51Fruit crumble 296Fruit loaf 87GGame pasties 284Game terrine 134Gammon baked in honey 214Gingerbread slices 117Goats' cheese on toast 272Goose 235Goulash 202Green beans tossed in tomatoes andbreadcrumbs 254Grilled baguette slices 280Grissini 100Guglhupf 44HHam and cheese muffins 270Hash browns 170Haunch of hare 218Hazelnut fruit torte 70Herby roast potatoes 247Hungarian carp 186Iced Chelsea slices 76LLamb chops baked in thyme 197Leg of lamb 198Lemon chicken breasts 225Lemon slices 124Lemon tart 56MMadeira cake 79Marble cake 94Marinated peppers 132Marzipan and mascarpone soufflé 289Marzipan hearts 126Marzipan squares 109Meat loaf 206Meat timbales 265Mecklenburger fish bake 182Meringue baskets 88Minced beef and vegetable bake 150Minced meat toasties 285Mocha macaroons 117Mushroom lasagne 174Mushroom squares 276Nut crunchies 111307

OOlive bread 98Open apple tart 60Orange crème caramel 294Osso buco 194Oven soup 145PPasta bake 156Peanut cookies 112Pear cake with almond topping 58Pear tartlets 33Pepper and onion tart 162Pheasant roast in juniper berries 234Pikeperch in a herb cream sauce 180Pineapple ring cake 94Pizza 266Pizza whirls 276Plaited loaf 47Plum cheesecake 58Plums stuffed with marzipan 289Porcini lasagne 161Pork roulade 216Pork steaks baked in cheese andcream sauce 208Pork steaks baked in tomatoes andcream 208Pot roast veal 196Potato and cauliflower quiche 164Potato and rocket salad soufflé 244Potato cheese bake 251Potato gratin with a mustard sauce 246Potatoes with mojo sauce 248QQuark and raisin pudding 296Quark scones 74Quark stollen 74Quark strudel 95Quick herb ciabatta 104RRabbit in a mustard sauce 200Rack of lamb in a mustard and herb crust 198Raisin whirls 72Ratatouille 244Red pepper and rice casserole 146Rhubarb vanilla tart 66Ring cake 78Risotto 258Roast beef 204Roast breast of goose 238Roast chicken 225Roast ham 212Roast leg of goose 236Roast leg of pork in beer 213Roast veal 196Roast venison in a cranberry sauce 222Romanesco bake 166SSaddle of hare 218Saddle of venison 219Saddle of wild boar in a cherry sauce 223Salmon and potato bake 149Salmon and rice bake 184Salmon in a horseradish crust 184Salmon lasagne 146Salmon steaks 186Salmon trout 185Salmon trout loaf 140Savoury cheese biscuits 272Savoury tart 275Seabream baked in salt 182Seafood bake 156Seasonal fruit cheesecake 66Sesame bread rings 106Shepherd's hot pot 197Shortbread biscuits 116Spare ribs 210Spicy beef casserole with red wine sauce 150Spinach lasagne with goats' cheese 168Spit-roast pork 214308

Sponge gateau 36Stollen 52Streusel cake 46Streusel cookies 120Stuffed aubergines 252Stuffed chicken breasts 230Stuffed courgettes 248Stuffed mushrooms 250Stuffed peppers 175Stuffed roast turkey 239Stuffed Savoy cabbage rolls 172Sweet flan case 78Swiss apple cake 48Swiss roll 28Swiss style potato gratin 246Szegediner goulash 210WWalnut cheese bites 265Walnut muffins 82White bread 108Wholegrain bread 108TTandoori chicken 231T-bone steak 200Tomarella toast 136Tomato and olive bread sticks 98Tomato and potato gratin 260Tomatoes stuffed with goats' cheese 136Tomatoes stuffed with Mozzarellaand bacon 258Trout 181Turkey breasts baked in honey 232Turkey glazed with chutney 226Turkey roulade stuffedwith cheese and pesto 224VVanilla biscuits 114Vanilla crescents 114Vegetable bake 152Vegetable gratin 165Vegetable lasagne 166309


Editor:Sigrid Langemeier, OeldePhotography:Martina Urban, HamburgFood styling:Antje Küthe, HamburgConception, design and production:Miele Werbeabteilung, GüterslohEnglish translation:Translation Dept. and Training Kitchen,Miele UKTypesetting:Jana Media, LöhneLithography:bkn das mediahaus AG, BielefeldPrinters:Bösmann, DetmoldReproduction in whole or in part mayonly be carried out with the expresspermission of Miele & Cie. KG, statingthe source.© Miele & Cie. KG, GüterslohAlteration rights reserved/44-EM.-Nr. 6 234 880 (07/04)311

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