Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38555and got no reception. 5557 The witness testified that a TV and radio transmitter waslocated on the Ćelavac hill, close to Gračac. 5558 The witness heard several shellslanding, including the sound of a shell that fell between her house and her neighbour’shouse. 5559 The shells caused fragments to fly away from the witness’s house, damage tothe house’s exterior, a crack in the paint on the interior of the house, and tiles to slideoff the roof of the house. 5560 The witness felt frightened because the shelling was moreintense than what she had experienced regularly (at least once a week) between 1993and 1995 in Gračac. 5561 At 7 a.m., the witness observed that about 50-70 metres awayfrom her house, a veterinary operating room was on fire and smoke was coming from awarehouse. 5562 The witness took shelter in the basement of her neighbour’s house witheight other people. 5563 When leaving Gračac between 9:30 and 10 a.m., the witnessavoided certain roads and the centre of town because they were being shelled. 5564 Thewitness estimated that around 100 shells had fallen in Gračac by the time she left thetown. 5565 From 11 or 11:30 a.m., the witness observed from a vantage point inVučipolje in Gračac municipality that Gračac was being shelled with short breaks ofabout 15 minutes. 5566 Shells were falling on the eastern part of Gračac around a Catholiccemetery, an Orthodox Christian cemetery, a football pitch, a leather factory, thewitness’s house, and an intersection of roads east of Gračac. 5567 Around 1 p.m., sheentered her parents’ house situated just outside of Vučipolje, but could still hearexplosions thereafter. 5568 Around 6 p.m., a woman from Vučipolje warned the witnessto leave the village before night-time and informed her that people from Gračac and its5556 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 5; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2886, 2888-2889,2898-2899; P192 (Map of Gračac area, marked by Vida Gaćeša), witness’s house marked A.5557 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 9; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2899, 2905, 2917.5558 Vida Gaćeša, T. 2905-2906.5559 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 5; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2886; P192 (Map ofGračac area, marked by Vida Gaćeša), witness’s house marked A.5560 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 5.5561 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), paras 4 -5, 11; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2889-2892,2894, 2899.5562 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 6; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2887, 2907; P192(Map of Gračac area, marked by Vida Gaćeša), veterinary building marked C and warehouse marked D.5563 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 7; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2886-2887; P192(Map of Gračac area, marked by Vida Gaćeša), neighbour’s house marked B.5564 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 10; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2902-2905; D185(Map of Gračac town, marked by Vida Gaćeša), witness’s route marked in blue.5565 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 10; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2898-2899.5566 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 12; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2913-2915; P193(Map of Gračac municipality, marked by Vida Gaćeša), witness’s parents’ village marked in red.5567 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 12; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2913-2915; P193(Map of Gračac municipality, marked by Vida Gaćeša); D188 (Aerial photograph of Gračac, marked byVida Gaćeša), cross-roads marked in blue.760Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38554nearby villages were departing from those areas. 5569 The witness’s concern that shewould be left alone in Vučipolje, coupled with the panic amongst the people around her,drove the witness and her companions to leave that village even though they did notknow their next destination. 5570 After leaving Vučipolje whilst on the main road towardsSučevići, in Gračac municipality, the witness saw a convoy of tractor trailers, cars,cattle, and tractors. In Sučevići and in Srb in Donji Lapac municipality, the convoy wasjoined by more people. 5571 The witness observed that some people tried turning backfrom the convoy, but found it impossible to do so because of the large number of peoplethat clogged the road. 5572 The witness testified that they were not told to go anywherebut simply followed the convoy. 5573 The witness’s family was not with her during herjourney with the convoy and she had no information about what had happened tothem. 5574 The witness arrived in Serbia on 9 August 1995. 55751447. Herman Steenbergen, an UNMO in Team Gračac from 5 May until 24 October1995, 5576 testified that on 4 August 1995 around 5 a.m. shells fell on Gračac andexploded near the house in which he stayed. 5577 Initially Steenbergen took shelter, butlater he stood in the doorway of his house and heard shells flying over and observedshrapnel hitting houses in the street. 5578 Shrapnel also impacted on his house. 5579 Theshelling was regular, roughly two shells per minute, and lasted approximately twohours. 5580 The witness thought the shelling was aimed at two cross-roads. 5581 Other5568 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 12; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2912.5569 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 12; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2917.5570 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 13.5571 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 15; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2917.5572 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 16.5573 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 15; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2917.5574 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 16.5575 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 17.5576 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), p. 1, paras 1-5, 7; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), p. 1, para. 1; P518 (Herman Steenbergen, witnessstatement, 10 March 1996), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5408, 5442, 5461-5462; P519 (Incident reportby Steenbergen regarding lost items due to Operation Storm, 21 September 1995), p. 1.5577 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 20-21; P518 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 10 March 1996), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5419-5420, 5457; P519(Incident report by Steenbergen regarding lost items due to Operation Storm, 21 September 1995), p. 1;P538 (Map of Gračac municipality marked by Herman Steenbergen), house marked G.5578 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 24; Herman Steenbergen, T.5422-5423, 5469-5470, 5498; P519 (Incident report by Steenbergen regarding lost items due to OperationStorm, 21 September 1995), p. 1.5579 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 24; Herman Steenbergen, T.5498.5580 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 21; Herman Steenbergen, T.5465-5466.761Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38554nearby villages were departing from those areas. 5569 The witness’s concern that shewould be left <strong>al</strong>one in Vučipolje, coupled with the panic amongst the people around her,drove the witness and her companions to leave that village even though they did notknow their next destination. 5570 After leaving Vučipolje whilst on the main road towardsSučevići, in Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity, the witness saw a convoy of tractor trailers, cars,cattle, and tractors. In Sučevići and in Srb in Donji Lapac municip<strong>al</strong>ity, the convoy wasjoined by more people. 5571 The witness observed that some people tried turning backfrom the convoy, but found it impossible to do so because of the large number of peopl<strong>et</strong>hat clogged the road. 5572 The witness testified that they were not told to go anywherebut simply followed the convoy. 5573 The witness’s family was not with her during herjourney with the convoy and she had no information about what had happened tothem. 5574 The witness arrived in Serbia on 9 August 1995. 55751447. Herman Steenbergen, an UNMO in Team Gračac from 5 May until 24 October1995, 5576 testified that on 4 August 1995 around 5 a.m. shells fell on Gračac andexploded near the house in which he stayed. 5577 Initi<strong>al</strong>ly Steenbergen took shelter, butlater he stood in the doorway of his house and heard shells flying over and observedshrapnel hitting houses in the stre<strong>et</strong>. 5578 Shrapnel <strong>al</strong>so impacted on his house. 5579 Theshelling was regular, roughly two shells per minute, and lasted approximately twohours. 5580 The witness thought the shelling was aimed at two cross-roads. 5581 Other5568 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 12; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2912.5569 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 12; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2917.5570 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 13.5571 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 15; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2917.5572 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 16.5573 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 15; Vida Gaćeša, T. 2917.5574 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 16.5575 P191 (Vida Gaćeša, witness statement, 4 April 2007), para. 17.5576 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), p. 1, paras 1-5, 7; P517 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 18 September 2007), p. 1, para. 1; P518 (Herman Steenbergen, witnessstatement, 10 March 1996), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5408, 5442, 5461-5462; P519 (Incident reportby Steenbergen regarding lost items due to Operation Storm, 21 September 1995), p. 1.5577 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), paras 20-21; P518 (HermanSteenbergen, witness statement, 10 March 1996), p. 1; Herman Steenbergen, T. 5419-5420, 5457; P519(Incident report by Steenbergen regarding lost items due to Operation Storm, 21 September 1995), p. 1;P538 (Map of Gračac municip<strong>al</strong>ity marked by Herman Steenbergen), house marked G.5578 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 24; Herman Steenbergen, T.5422-5423, 5469-5470, 5498; P519 (Incident report by Steenbergen regarding lost items due to OperationStorm, 21 September 1995), p. 1.5579 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 24; Herman Steenbergen, T.5498.5580 P516 (Herman Steenbergen, witness statement, 18 July 2007), para. 21; Herman Steenbergen, T.5465-5466.761Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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