Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38573which contained the offices of the TO (on the first floor), the Secretariat of NationalDefence, the early warning centre and the Red Cross; and the Bagat and Kepolfactories. 5433 According to the witness there were no military units at the firemen’shall. 5434 Also according to the witness, there was no military production at the Bagat andKepol factories, or at the cool storage. 5435 The witness testified that the petrol station,the fire brigade and the two factories were in a civilian residential neighbourhood. 5436Vukašinović also testified that he could hear that shells were landing in the direction ofthe Benkovac barracks (“Slobodan Macura barracks”), which was fitted for repairingarmaments and which was the only military facility in Benkovac according to him. 5437The witness further testified that he called the police station to obtain information as towhat was happening and the duty officer informed him that this was a massive attack bythe HV. According to the witness, the police officer received information about theCroatian attack through the radio and a Special Police phone line. Men in the trenchesinformed the police officer that they could see the HV advancing. 5438 The witnessimmediately went to the police station and on his way he could hear that the shellingwas becoming more intense. 5439 Vukašinović also saw that the HV were shelling theBenkovačko Selo area as well as the pine wood area in Ristići. 5440 The witnessestimated that between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. about 100 shells landed on the areas of the twofactories, the cool storage, the petrol station, the barracks, the police station inBenkovac, Benkovačko Selo, the Ristić hamlet and the pine woods. 54411415. Just after 7 a.m., Vukašinović went with a mechanic from the police stationtoward Zadar to see what was happening. They drove to the front line at Zemunik wherethe command of the 2nd Battalion of the 92nd Brigade was located and he spoke with5433 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 3, p. 8; ðuro Vukašinović, T.18544-18548, 18574; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), petrol station marked A, firemen’s hall marked B,Bagat factory marked D, Kepol factory next to it.5434 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), p. 8; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18546,18574; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), firemen’s hall marked B.5435 ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18547, 18574-18575; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), cool storage marked C,Bagat factory marked D.5436 ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18545-18547, 18575; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), petrol station marked A,firemen’s hall marked B, Bagat factory marked D.5437 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 3; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18574,18585-18586.5438 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 4.5439 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), paras 4-6.5440 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 5; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18551-18553; D1501 (Map of Benkovac town), Ristići forested area marked B.742Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38572the commander who stated that they were under attack and that the HV had taken overthe Gorleš hamlet. 5442 The witness left Zemunik and at around 8:20 a.m. reached theintersection of roads leading to Benkovac, Obrovac, and Knin. 5443 The intersection wasunder severe attack and trees were on fire. 5444 As soon as the witness arrived at theObrovac police station, he heard on the radio someone say that they were beingattacked. A policeman at the station told the witness that the person relaying themessage was in Ćelavac, in Lovinac municipality, and that aircraft were shellingĆelavac. According to the witness, the RSK had ordinary and special radio, televisionand special telephone communications equipment in Ćelavac. 5445 Then, at the policestation all the communications went dead. 5446 Vukašinović arrived back at Benkovacaround 10:30 a.m. and spent the rest of the day at the police station, constantlyattempting to find out more information about the situation by phoning the barracks andthe civil protection. According to the witness, the barracks were used as a warehousefrom where the Serbian units received their supplies. Their main storage place howeverwas in Strmica. Vukašinović also testified that the HV quickly occupied the warehouseand cut off the supplies. 5447 At around 4:30 p.m. the shelling started again with a shellfalling within two metres of the police station, hitting the ticket office of the stadium. 5448Additionally, according to Vukašinović a shell fell on the stadium hitting the bencheswhere the players sit. 5449 The witness also testified that he saw ten more shells hit thearea of Ristić, which was about 800 metres north of the stadium. 5450 The police stationemployees later told the witness that five or six shells had also landed on the nearbyhigh school building, which was in the immediate vicinity of the football stadium. 5451The witness estimated that between 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. that day, 30-40 shells landed5441 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 5, p. 8; ðuro Vukašinović, T.18545, 18547, 18553, 18576-18577; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), petrol station marked A, cool storagemarked C, Bagat factory marked D; D1501 (Map of Benkovac town), Ristići forested area marked B.5442 D1499 (Ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 7.5443 D1499 (Ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 7; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18554.5444 D1499 (Ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 7; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18554,18576.5445 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 9; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18568.5446 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 9; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18565.5447 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 10.5448 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 12; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18577,18580-18581.5449 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 12; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18577-19578, 18580-18581.5450 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 12; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18580.5451 ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18577-18579.743Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38573which contained the offices of the TO (on the first floor), the Secr<strong>et</strong>ariat of Nation<strong>al</strong>Defence, the early warning centre and the Red Cross; and the Bagat and Kepolfactories. 5433 According to the witness there were no military units at the firemen’sh<strong>al</strong>l. 5434 Also according to the witness, there was no military production at the Bagat andKepol factories, or at the cool storage. 5435 The witness testified that the p<strong>et</strong>rol station,the fire brigade and the two factories were in a civilian residenti<strong>al</strong> neighbourhood. 5436Vukašinović <strong>al</strong>so testified that he could hear that shells were landing in the direction ofthe Benkovac barracks (“Slobodan Macura barracks”), which was fitted for repairingarmaments and which was the only military facility in Benkovac according to him. 5437The witness further testified that he c<strong>al</strong>led the police station to obtain information as towhat was happening and the duty officer informed him that this was a massive attack bythe HV. According to the witness, the police officer received information about theCroatian attack through the radio and a Speci<strong>al</strong> Police phone line. Men in the trenchesinformed the police officer that they could see the HV advancing. 5438 The witnessimmediately went to the police station and on his way he could hear that the shellingwas becoming more intense. 5439 Vukašinović <strong>al</strong>so saw that the HV were shelling theBenkovačko Selo area as well as the pine wood area in Ristići. 5440 The witnessestimated that b<strong>et</strong>ween 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. about 100 shells landed on the areas of the twofactories, the cool storage, the p<strong>et</strong>rol station, the barracks, the police station inBenkovac, Benkovačko Selo, the Ristić haml<strong>et</strong> and the pine woods. 54411415. Just after 7 a.m., Vukašinović went with a mechanic from the police stationtoward Zadar to see what was happening. They drove to the front line at Zemunik wher<strong>et</strong>he command of the 2nd Batt<strong>al</strong>ion of the 92nd Brigade was located and he spoke with5433 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 3, p. 8; ðuro Vukašinović, T.18544-18548, 18574; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), p<strong>et</strong>rol station marked A, firemen’s h<strong>al</strong>l marked B,Bagat factory marked D, Kepol factory next to it.5434 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), p. 8; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18546,18574; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), firemen’s h<strong>al</strong>l marked B.5435 ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18547, 18574-18575; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), cool storage marked C,Bagat factory marked D.5436 ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18545-18547, 18575; D1500 (Map of Benkovac), p<strong>et</strong>rol station marked A,firemen’s h<strong>al</strong>l marked B, Bagat factory marked D.5437 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 3; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18574,18585-18586.5438 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 4.5439 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), paras 4-6.5440 D1499 (ðuro Vukašinović, witness statement, 3 April 2007), para. 5; ðuro Vukašinović, T. 18551-18553; D1501 (Map of Benkovac town), Ristići forested area marked B.742Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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