Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38575and 6:45 a.m., upon Uzelac’s order, the units withdrew to their reserve positions. 5410 At5:15 a.m., Uzelac left the command post at Biljane Gornje, in Benkovac municip<strong>al</strong>ity,and went to the Benkovac barracks. Uzelac did not find anyone at the logistics sectionof the barracks at 5:25 a.m. At 6 a.m., Croatian forces fired at Benkovac and theBrigade’s area of responsibility and Uzelac ordered the withdraw<strong>al</strong> of the units towardsDebelo Brdo, in Kistanje municip<strong>al</strong>ity, Bukovićki Gaj, and Bruška, in Lisičićmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity. 54111411. According to the HV operations diary of the first sector from 20 June to 20October 1995, at 6:55 a.m. on 4 August 1995, people were fleeing from Benkovac. 54121412. Dušan Sinobad, Director of a state-run transport company c<strong>al</strong>led “ZagrebackiTransporti” and as of 1990 “Auto Transport Benkovac” from 1984 to 1995 at the branchoffice in Benkovac, 5413 testified that on 4 August 1995 at 4 a.m. the HV started shellingBenkovac. 5414 According to the witness, the shelling was coming from differentdirections and lasted much longer than on previous occasions. 5415 Sinobad testified thathe saw that the holes caused by the shells were much larger than the ones that had f<strong>al</strong>lenon Benkovac prior to 4 August 1995. 5416 The witness went to his office at about 6a.m. 5417 On his way to the office he could see that three to four shells were f<strong>al</strong>lingaround the residenti<strong>al</strong> area of Barice and not in the town centre itself. 5418 Sinobad statedthat in previous shelling from the direction of Biograd, the shells would mainly f<strong>al</strong>l inthe park area of the town and then a few hours later the shells would hit the centre of th<strong>et</strong>own. 5419 The witness testified that the centre of the town was b<strong>et</strong>ween the barracks andthe residenti<strong>al</strong> quarters of Barice. 5420 Sinobad saw these three to four shells landing infront of apartment buildings in Barice, located just above the l<strong>et</strong>ter ‘A’ on map P2363,5409 D828 (Report by the commander of the 92nd Motorized Brigade to the SVK Main Staff on the periodfrom 4 to 10 August 1995, 25 August 1995), p. 3.5410 D828 (Report by the commander of the 92nd Motorized Brigade to the SVK Main Staff on the periodfrom 4 to 10 August 1995, 25 August 1995), pp. 4-5.5411 D828 (Report by the commander of the 92nd Motorized Brigade to the SVK Main Staff on the periodfrom 4 to 10 August 1995, 25 August 1995), p. 5.5412 P2436 (Operations diary first sector, June to October 1995), pp. 1, 6.5413 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), p. 1, paras 1-4; Dušan Sinobad, T. 16938.5414 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), para. 14.5415 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), paras 11, 14; Dušan Sinobad, T. 16944.5416 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), para. 14.5417 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), para. 15.5418 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), para. 15; Dušan Sinobad, T. 16942,17027-17029.5419 P2362 (Dušan Sinobad, witness statement, 7 March 2007), para. 15.5420 Dušan Sinobad, T. 16941, 16943; P2363 (Map of Benkovac marked by the witness), town centremarked B.740Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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