Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38603detonation on the grass field which he observed on 4 August 1995. 5303 The analysisfinally led him to conclude that the shelling must have come from the mountain areaeast of Knin. 53041347. Stig Marker Hansen testified that during patrols of Knin on 7 and 8 August1995, the witness saw shell impacts in the streets and in residential areas. 5305 He sawshell impacts in the general area of the hospital, but did not observe any direct hits andwas not aware of any structural damage to the hospital. 5306 While patrolling a residentialarea close to the TVIK factory, the witness observed signs of shrapnel damage to thefacades of buildings in the area, but did not observe structural damage. 5307 According tothe witness, military targets including the SVK headquarters and the military bakerywere not targeted, and the witness did not observe any structural damage to theNorthern Barracks while driving past them. 5308 On 8 August 1995, the witness went onpatrol in Knin with his interpreter to his interpreter’s house, which was located in theresidential area north of the TVIK factory. 5309 The house had shrapnel on its walls andwas damaged by shell impacts although it did not appear to have been directly hit. 53101348. Bert Dijkstra testified that he was surprised by the discrepancy between thelarge extent of the shelling he had heard and the limited damage he saw in Knin after 8August 1995. 5311 The damage was all over town and was not just concentrated aroundthe military targets. 5312 There were hardly any fires or structural damage to thesemilitary targets, such as the Northern Barracks or the logistics base, and the witness sawthat the Croats were already occupying those buildings. 5313 The witness testified that he5303 P799 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 2 November 1995), p. 4; P802 (Søren Liborius, witnessstatement, 20 June 2008), paras 4-6; Søren Liborius, T. 8240-8241, 8250.5304 Søren Liborius, T. 8241.5305 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), paras 20-21; P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markings byStig Marker Hansen), areas where witness observed shelling damage marked III.5306 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14903; P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),areas where witness observed shelling damage marked III.5307 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14904; P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),areas where witness observed shelling damage marked III.5308 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; Stig Marker Hansen, T.14904, 15073.5309 P1285 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), paras 20-21; Stig Marker Hansen, T.14917; P1292 (Stig Marker Hansen, personal diary), pp. 6-7; P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markingsby Stig Marker Hansen), areas where witness observed shelling marked III.5310 P1285 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 20.5311 P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 12 March 2008), paras 31-32; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4763-4764.5312 Bert Dijkstra, T. 4761.5313 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), pp. 2, 4; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 33; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4761.712Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38602only saw superficial damage, such as holes in some roofs and some potholes that lookedlike they were caused by grenades and he did not see any house that had been destroyedby grenades. 53141349. Alun Roberts testified that from 8 August 1995, on regular journeys into townRoberts observed civilian buildings damaged by shell fire in different parts of Kninwhich according to Roberts were nowhere near the RSK government, military or policelocations. 5315 From these observations, Roberts estimated that the shelling hit about 200civilian locations over the entire area of Knin, though it was concentrated in the centreof town. 5316 Roberts identified specific shell damage on five civilian buildings atdifferent locations: a house on the road 200 metres from the UN compound; anapartment building in the centre on the street behind the main RSK political andadministrative buildings, which had a large shell impact hole in the upper wall; twocivilian houses on the dirt road below the castle which had had their roofs damaged; anda house at the far end of the town near the main school, which had also had its roofdamaged. 5317 He made these observations shortly after Operation Storm and later. 5318According to Roberts, shells fell on several shops and apartments located above them onthe main road in the centre causing them to catch fire. 5319 Roberts testified that shells hitthe courts and judiciary office building up the main road from the centre. 5320 Hesubmitted a photograph showing destroyed apartment buildings in Knin taken in lateAugust 1995. 53215314 P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 12 March 2008), paras 31-33; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4764.5315 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement,28 February 2007), p. 5; P678 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), para. 8; Alun Roberts,T. 6819, 7062, 7072-7074; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson Phillip Arnold onlooting, 9 August 1995), para. 6.5316 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; Alun Roberts, T. 6819, 7061-7063, D276(Video of Knin from Knin castle on 5 August 1995).5317 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), paras 19, 32, nos 1-3; Alun Roberts, T. 6819, 6823-6825, 6827-6830, 7063-7066; P681(Aerial map marking civilian buildings hit by shells), house on road near UN compound marked H,apartment building in the centre marked I, house below the castle marked K, house near the main schoolmarked L; P683 (Various photographs of destruction, looting and killing in Knin and in villages takenbetween 10 August and mid-October 1995), pp. 1-6; D276 (Video of Knin from Knin castle on 5 August1995).5318 Alun Roberts, T. 6819, 6824-6825, 6827-6828, 7074.5319 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), para. 19; P681 (Aerial map marking civilian buildings hit by shells), shops marked M.5320 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), para. 19; P681 (Aerial map marking civilian buildings hit by shells), judiciary buildingmarked N.5321 P678 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), para. 34, no. 3; P709 (Photographsdestruction in Knin and countryside and displaced persons in UN compound), second row, right picture;P713 (Photograph destroyed apartment buildings in Knin, late August 1995).713Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38602only saw superfici<strong>al</strong> damage, such as holes in some roofs and some potholes that lookedlike they were caused by grenades and he did not see any house that had been destroyedby grenades. 53141349. Alun Roberts testified that from 8 August 1995, on regular journeys into townRoberts observed civilian buildings damaged by shell fire in different parts of Kninwhich according to Roberts were nowhere near the RSK government, military or policelocations. 5315 From these observations, Roberts estimated that the shelling hit about 200civilian locations over the entire area of Knin, though it was concentrated in the centreof town. 5316 Roberts identified specific shell damage on five civilian buildings atdifferent locations: a house on the road 200 m<strong>et</strong>res from the UN compound; anapartment building in the centre on the stre<strong>et</strong> behind the main RSK politic<strong>al</strong> andadministrative buildings, which had a large shell impact hole in the upper w<strong>al</strong>l; twocivilian houses on the dirt road below the castle which had had their roofs damaged; anda house at the far end of the town near the main school, which had <strong>al</strong>so had its roofdamaged. 5317 He made these observations shortly after Operation Storm and later. 5318According to Roberts, shells fell on sever<strong>al</strong> shops and apartments located above them onthe main road in the centre causing them to catch fire. 5319 Roberts testified that shells hitthe courts and judiciary office building up the main road from the centre. 5320 Hesubmitted a photograph showing destroyed apartment buildings in Knin taken in lateAugust 1995. 53215314 P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 12 March 2008), paras 31-33; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4764.5315 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement,28 February 2007), p. 5; P678 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), para. 8; Alun Roberts,T. 6819, 7062, 7072-7074; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson Phillip Arnold onlooting, 9 August 1995), para. 6.5316 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; Alun Roberts, T. 6819, 7061-7063, D276(Video of Knin from Knin castle on 5 August 1995).5317 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), paras 19, 32, nos 1-3; Alun Roberts, T. 6819, 6823-6825, 6827-6830, 7063-7066; P681(Aeri<strong>al</strong> map marking civilian buildings hit by shells), house on road near UN compound marked H,apartment building in the centre marked I, house below the castle marked K, house near the main schoolmarked L; P683 (Various photographs of destruction, looting and killing in Knin and in villages takenb<strong>et</strong>ween 10 August and mid-October 1995), pp. 1-6; D276 (Video of Knin from Knin castle on 5 August1995).5318 Alun Roberts, T. 6819, 6824-6825, 6827-6828, 7074.5319 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), para. 19; P681 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> map marking civilian buildings hit by shells), shops marked M.5320 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), para. 19; P681 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> map marking civilian buildings hit by shells), judiciary buildingmarked N.5321 P678 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), para. 34, no. 3; P709 (Photographsdestruction in Knin and countryside and displaced persons in UN compound), second row, right picture;P713 (Photograph destroyed apartment buildings in Knin, late August 1995).713Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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