Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38605hospital. 5284 Hill stated that the parliament building and the military headquarters inKnin were both hit once, and that the majority of civilian homes in Knin, especially inthe centre, were destroyed. 52851343. Lennart Widén, a UNCIVPOL member stationed in Knin in the beginning ofAugust 1995, 5286 testified that at 7 a.m. on 6 August 1995, the witness left for the UNheadquarters. 5287 Around 10 a.m. on 6 August 1995 the witness and UNCIVPOL chief,Normand Boucher, went on a foot patrol in Knin. 5288 The witness observed that a lot ofdetached houses behind the school in the centre of Knin had been hit by shells. 5289 Thewitness also observed that, although the police station bore no signs of having been hit,the block on the other side of the street had been hit by several shells. 5290 The witnessalso observed shell impacts near a row of houses on the road leading to the UNheadquarters. 5291 As far as the witness could observe, no public buildings in Knin hadbeen hit. 5292 Having moved around in Knin five to fifteen times during a period of sevendays after Operation Storm, but without visiting the eastern part of town, the witness’sassessment was that most shells had landed in residential areas. 52935284 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 6; P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21January 1998), p. 98.5285 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), pp. 99-100.5286 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), paras 2-3; P722 (Lennart Widén,witness statement, 27 February 2008), p. 1, para. 4.5287 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 7; Lennart Widén, T. 7316-7317, 7387.5288 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 21; Lennart Widén, T. 7375.5289 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), paras 15-16, 24, p. 10 (Aerial photograph of Knin, marked by LennartWidén), houses behind school marked G; D718 (Aerial photograph of Knin, with Lennart Widén’smarking), p. 1, houses behind school marked G.5290 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 3; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 30, p. 10 (Aerial photograph of Knin, marked by Lennart Widén),police station marked H; Lennart Widén, T. 7310; D718 (Aerial photograph of Knin, with LennartWidén’s marking), police station marked H, p. 1; D719 (Lennart Widén, supplemental information sheet,23 August 2008), p. 1.5291 P722 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 27 February 2008), para. 17, p. 10 (Aerial photograph ofKnin, marked by Lennart Widén), row of houses marked E.5292 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 6; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), para. 11; Lennart Widén, T. 7354.5293 P721 (Lennart Widén, witness statement, 14 December 1995), para. 6; P722 (Lennart Widén, witnessstatement, 27 February 2008), paras 26, 38, p. 10 (Aerial photograph of Knin, marked by Lennart Widén),areas marked C, D, F, J; Lennart Widén, T. 7351, 7367-7368, 7384; D718 (Aerial photograph of Knin,with Lennart Widén’s marking), p. 1, areas marked C, D, F, J.710Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

386041344. Emin Teskeredžić, a leader of an explosives-removal team operating in andaround Knin between 6 August and 30 October 1995, 5294 testified that upon his arrivalin Knin, he observed the city to be practically intact, with approximately six houseshaving been hit by shells. 5295 A shell that had fallen on the radio station building hadgone through the top floor and exploded on the floor below in Milan Martić’s office.Two Croatian houses were also hit by shells, one immediately next to the Staff buildingand the other at the exit of the town near the TVIK factory. 52961345. Edward Flynn, a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the UNHCHR andthe leader of one of the HRATs in the former Sector South from 7 August to mid-September 1995, 5297 arrived in Knin by helicopter with Akashi and others on 7 August1995 and saw smoke rising in a couple of places in Knin. 5298 Very shortly thereafter,they drove down the main street of Knin, where Flynn saw shattered shop windows,buildings with signs of ballistics impacts and a lot of persons in military uniform. 5299 Healso saw many buildings which appeared to have been left untouched by the fighting. 5300Flynn went to the hospital, where a nurse told him that at one point during OperationStorm an SVK tank had been firing from a position very close to the hospital, and hadreceived fire in return. 5301 Flynn saw only one impact, with minor damage, to thehospital. 53021346. Søren Liborius testified that on 7 or 8 August 1995, he conducted a crateranalysis of four craters which were between 40 and 200 metres away from the ECMMRC building and south and south-west of it, one of those being the artillery shell5294 D1732 (Emin Teskeredžić, witness statement, 26 May 2009), p. 1, paras 1-4, 6, 11, 13, 19; EminTeskeredžić, T. 23242-23243, 23260, 23263-23264, 23274-23275; D1027 (Request by Čermak forTeskeredžić to be relieved of his employment, 19 August 1995).5295 D1732 (Emin Teskeredžić, witness statement, 26 May 2009), para. 6; Emin Teskeredžić, T. 23274-23276.5296 D1732 (Emin Teskeredžić, witness statement, 26 May 2009), para. 6.5297P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 1-2, 6, 13, 23; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 36; Edward Flynn, T. 1044, 1270, 1291-1292, 1312,1325.5298 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 2-3, 5, 16, 25; Edward Flynn, T. 1109,1141, 1298, 1301, 1303; D29 (Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995),para. 1.5299 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 3, 19; Edward Flynn, T. 1307; D29 (Cablefrom Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995), paras 1-2.5300 Edward Flynn, T. 1156, 1302, 1307; D29 (Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7August 1995), para. 2.5301 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 3; Edward Flynn, T. 1302-1303, 1307; D29(Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995), paras 1, 3.5302 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 3-4; Edward Flynn, T. 1301-1302, 1355;D29 (Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995), para. 3.711Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

386041344. Emin Teskeredžić, a leader of an explosives-remov<strong>al</strong> team operating in andaround Knin b<strong>et</strong>ween 6 August and 30 October 1995, 5294 testified that upon his arriv<strong>al</strong>in Knin, he observed the city to be practic<strong>al</strong>ly intact, with approximately six houseshaving been hit by shells. 5295 A shell that had f<strong>al</strong>len on the radio station building hadgone through the top floor and exploded on the floor below in Milan Martić’s office.Two Croatian houses were <strong>al</strong>so hit by shells, one immediately next to the Staff buildingand the other at the exit of the town near the TVIK factory. 52961345. Edward Flynn, a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the UNHCHR andthe leader of one of the HRATs in the former Sector South from 7 August to mid-September 1995, 5297 arrived in Knin by helicopter with Akashi and others on 7 August1995 and saw smoke rising in a couple of places in Knin. 5298 Very shortly thereafter,they drove down the main stre<strong>et</strong> of Knin, where Flynn saw shattered shop windows,buildings with signs of b<strong>al</strong>listics impacts and a lot of persons in military uniform. 5299 He<strong>al</strong>so saw many buildings which appeared to have been left untouched by the fighting. 5300Flynn went to the hospit<strong>al</strong>, where a nurse told him that at one point during OperationStorm an SVK tank had been firing from a position very close to the hospit<strong>al</strong>, and hadreceived fire in r<strong>et</strong>urn. 5301 Flynn saw only one impact, with minor damage, to thehospit<strong>al</strong>. 53021346. Søren Liborius testified that on 7 or 8 August 1995, he conducted a crateran<strong>al</strong>ysis of four craters which were b<strong>et</strong>ween 40 and 200 m<strong>et</strong>res away from the ECMMRC building and south and south-west of it, one of those being the artillery shell5294 D1732 (Emin Teskeredžić, witness statement, 26 May 2009), p. 1, paras 1-4, 6, 11, 13, 19; EminTeskeredžić, T. 23242-23243, 23260, 23263-23264, 23274-23275; D1027 (Request by Čermak forTeskeredžić to be relieved of his employment, 19 August 1995).5295 D1732 (Emin Teskeredžić, witness statement, 26 May 2009), para. 6; Emin Teskeredžić, T. 23274-23276.5296 D1732 (Emin Teskeredžić, witness statement, 26 May 2009), para. 6.5297P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 1-2, 6, 13, 23; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 36; Edward Flynn, T. 1044, 1270, 1291-1292, 1312,1325.5298 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 2-3, 5, 16, 25; Edward Flynn, T. 1109,1141, 1298, 1301, 1303; D29 (Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995),para. 1.5299 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 3, 19; Edward Flynn, T. 1307; D29 (Cablefrom Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995), paras 1-2.5300 Edward Flynn, T. 1156, 1302, 1307; D29 (Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7August 1995), para. 2.5301 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 3; Edward Flynn, T. 1302-1303, 1307; D29(Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995), paras 1, 3.5302 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 3-4; Edward Flynn, T. 1301-1302, 1355;D29 (Cable from Akashi to Annan regarding his trip to Knin, 7 August 1995), para. 3.711Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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