Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38625areas of the building for security. 5085 The witness stated that 30-40 of the approximately120 dead brought in the first day wore civilian clothing. 5086 She estimated that out ofapproximately 170 wounded admitted to the hospital on the first day of shelling, 40-60wore civilian clothing and were mainly elderly people. 5087 Her casualty estimates werepartly based on her observations and partly based on discussions with other staffmembers. 5088 A co-worker later told the witness that she had seen members of the HVmoving bodies or wounded personnel from the hospital, either toward the Knincemetery or to a potential field hospital. 5089 She did not recall seeing any SVK vehiclesor organized group of SVK soldiers in the town. 5090 The witness heard the hissing noiseof shells being fired from the Dinara mountains and from the direction of Drniš. 5091 Thewitness could not identify any pattern to the shelling that she observed. 5092 The witnessstated that she observed areas, specific houses, and civilian buildings that had beenshelled, as well as civilians killed and injured by the shelling and the witness markedthese areas on a map. 5093 She indicated that she saw many shelled locations from thehospital. 5094 Among other targets hit, she noted that the Knin army barracks wereshelled. 5095 She saw and heard shells falling all around, and she also observed anexplosion just outside the UN camp. 50965085 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), p. 3; Mira Grubor, T. 1415-1416; D75(UNCIVPOL report on possible human rights violations, 8 August 1995), p. 2; D77 (Video of Kninhospital, 7 August 1995).5086 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), p. 3; Mira Grubor, T. 1426.5087 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), p. 3.5088 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), p. 3.5089 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), pp. 3-4; P55 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 12July 2007), para. 2; Mira Grubor, T. 1435-1436; P58 (Map of Knin, with markings by Mira Grubor), Knincemetery marked 5.5090 P55 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 12 July 2007), para. 10; Mira Grubor, T. 1408.5091 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), pp. 2, 4; Mira Grubor, T. 1482-1484; P58 (Mapof Knin, with markings by Mira Grubor), direction of Dinara marked 17, direction of Drniš marked 18.5092 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), p. 4; P55 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 12July 2007), para. 10; Mira Grubor, T. 1471, 1484.5093 P54 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 3 April 1998), pp. 3-5; P55 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 12July 2007), para. 10; Mira Grubor, T. 1396-1399, 1402-1405, 1439, 1441-1443; P58 (Map of Knin, withmarkings by Mira Grubor), police station marked 4, areas where Grubor observed shelling marked 6-11,area where a number of people were killed by a shell which hit a tractor marked 14; P59 (Video of shelldamage location).5094 Mira Grubor, T. 1403, 1405, 1441-1443.5095 Mira Grubor, T. 1443.5096 P55 (Mira Grubor, witness statement, 12 July 2007), para. 3; Mira Grubor, T. 1449; D72 (Map andphotos of area near UN Camp in Knin).690Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

386241308. Maria Teresa Mauro, a UN civil affairs officer and HRAT member in theformer Sector South based in Knin from March to December 1995, 5097 stated that on 4August 1995 at approximately 4 a.m. she received a phone call and was advised to “goto the warden”. 5098 According to the witness intense shelling started before she was ableto leave the house, which was in a residential area close to a school in which she hadpreviously seen some military equipment. 5099 At around 10 a.m., UN military arrived totake her and others to the UN compound. 51001309. Eric Hendriks, an ECMM monitor in Knin from 21 July 1995 until 30 October1995, 5101 testified that in the early morning of 4 August 1995 shelling started and thatbased on the sound, shells fell very close to where he was. 5102 Until noon, Hendriks wasin the basement of the ECMM RC building in Knin, which according to him waslocated in the northern part of town near the hospital. 5103 Around noon, Hendriks andothers were evacuated to the UN compound. 5104 When driving to the UN compound,Hendriks saw damage, burning houses, and smoke and fire in the town. 5105 Hendriksstated that according to his observations shells seemed to be falling everywhere and thatthey did not seem to be aimed at specific targets. 5106 Hendriks testified that the railwaystation, the barracks, and the logistics base were intact. 5107 In the early evening, theshelling stopped. 5108 Hendriks testified that he did not see any SVK heavy artillery ortanks in or around Knin. 51095097 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), pp. 1-2; P1099 (Maria Teresa Mauro,witness statement, 6 February 2008), p. 1, paras 1, 7-9, 11-12; Maria Teresa Mauro, T. 11998, 12000,12024, 12075-12076.5098 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), p. 2.5099 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), p. 2; P1099 (Maria Teresa Mauro,witness statement, 6 February 2008), para. 3; Maria Teresa Mauro, T. 12080, 12083; D955 (Marked aerialphoto of Knin), area where Mauro believes she may have lived marked in blue.5100 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), p. 3.5101 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 3; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), pp. 1-2; Eric Hendriks, T. 9734-9735, 9755-9756.5102 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 14; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3; Eric Hendriks, T. 9700.5103 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 14; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3.5104 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 14; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3; Eric Hendriks, T. 9789.5105 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 15; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3; Eric Hendriks, T. 9700.5106 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 16.5107 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 16; Eric Hendriks, T. 9788.5108 D820 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 18 April 1996), p. 3.5109 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 12; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 2.691Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

386241308. Maria Teresa Mauro, a UN civil affairs officer and HRAT member in theformer Sector South based in Knin from March to December 1995, 5097 stated that on 4August 1995 at approximately 4 a.m. she received a phone c<strong>al</strong>l and was advised to “goto the warden”. 5098 According to the witness intense shelling started before she was abl<strong>et</strong>o leave the house, which was in a residenti<strong>al</strong> area close to a school in which she hadpreviously seen some military equipment. 5099 At around 10 a.m., UN military arrived totake her and others to the UN compound. 51001309. Eric Hendriks, an ECMM monitor in Knin from 21 July 1995 until 30 October1995, 5101 testified that in the early morning of 4 August 1995 shelling started and thatbased on the sound, shells fell very close to where he was. 5102 Until noon, Hendriks wasin the basement of the ECMM RC building in Knin, which according to him waslocated in the northern part of town near the hospit<strong>al</strong>. 5103 Around noon, Hendriks andothers were evacuated to the UN compound. 5104 When driving to the UN compound,Hendriks saw damage, burning houses, and smoke and fire in the town. 5105 Hendriksstated that according to his observations shells seemed to be f<strong>al</strong>ling everywhere and thatthey did not seem to be aimed at specific targ<strong>et</strong>s. 5106 Hendriks testified that the railwaystation, the barracks, and the logistics base were intact. 5107 In the early evening, theshelling stopped. 5108 Hendriks testified that he did not see any SVK heavy artillery ortanks in or around Knin. 51095097 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), pp. 1-2; P1099 (Maria Teresa Mauro,witness statement, 6 February 2008), p. 1, paras 1, 7-9, 11-12; Maria Teresa Mauro, T. 11998, 12000,12024, 12075-12076.5098 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), p. 2.5099 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), p. 2; P1099 (Maria Teresa Mauro,witness statement, 6 February 2008), para. 3; Maria Teresa Mauro, T. 12080, 12083; D955 (Marked aeri<strong>al</strong>photo of Knin), area where Mauro believes she may have lived marked in blue.5100 P1098 (Maria Teresa Mauro, witness statement, 3 March 2000), p. 3.5101 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 3; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), pp. 1-2; Eric Hendriks, T. 9734-9735, 9755-9756.5102 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 14; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3; Eric Hendriks, T. 9700.5103 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 14; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3.5104 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 14; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3; Eric Hendriks, T. 9789.5105 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 15; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 3; Eric Hendriks, T. 9700.5106 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 16.5107 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 16; Eric Hendriks, T. 9788.5108 D820 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 18 April 1996), p. 3.5109 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 12; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 2.691Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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