Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38629of moving civilians. 5036 The witness tried to set up another meeting that night and a senta Liaison Officer, but the Serbs had left and the RSK headquarters was locked. 50371303. Bert Dijkstra, an UNMO in Sector South from 14 June 1995 untilapproximately 1 December 1995, 5038 testified that in the morning of 4 August 1995 at 5a.m., the witness was in his private accommodation, near the possible logistics base andnorth-east of Knin centre. 5039 At that time the witness was awoken by what he believedwas the sound of rockets from a multiple rocket launcher. 5040 Dijkstra believed that theimpact of the rocket was in a residential area, within a few hundred metres of hisaccommodation, and at least 500 metres from the closest military target the witnessidentified, which the Trial Chamber understands to refer to the Senjak barracks. 5041 Theshockwave blew in the windows and wooden shutters of the accommodation ofDijkstra. 5042 At approximately 8 a.m. the witness arrived at the UN compound. 5043 Thebuilding of the UN compound had two north-facing balconies overlooking Knin fromwhich the witness could see approximately 50-60 per cent of the town, all except themost northern part. 5044 Dijkstra testified that he went out on the balcony every hour toobserve the shelling. 5045 During the first couple of hours of the morning of 4 August1995 there was about one round of shelling every minute or every 30 seconds. 5046 Laterin the afternoon the shelling decreased to approximately one round every minute orevery two or three minutes. 5047 Dijkstra testified that the only time that he could clearlyrecall hearing a multiple rocket launcher was when he was awoken at 5 a.m., after this,mainly shells were fired. 5048 Dijkstra was not able to see from the balconies what was5036 P1160 (Hussein Al-Alfi, witness statement, 5 March 1998), pp. 31-32; Hussein Al-Alfi, T. 13882.5037 P1160 (Hussein Al-Alfi, witness statement, 5 March 1998), pp. 31-32.5038 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 2; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 2.5039 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 2; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 11; P430 (Aerial map of Knin marked by Bert Dijkstra), Dijkstra’sapartment marked as ‘living’.5040 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), pp. 2-3; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4760-4761.5041 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3.5042 P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 12 March 2008), para. 18.5043 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3.5044 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 20; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4770-4771; P431 (Aerial Map of U.N. compoundmarked by Bert Dijkstra).5045 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3.5046 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 16.5047 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 16.5048 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 17.686Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38628being targeted or hit, but from the sound of the explosions, and the shells he incidentallydid see landing, the witness got the impression that at least every 15-20 minutes shellslanded on the field, a swampy area next to the Krka river in a mountainous or hilly area,in front of the UN compound. 5049 Dijkstra testified that during the night, after around 8p.m., there was little to no shelling. 5050 Sometime around 8 or 9 p.m., Dijkstra sawcivilians, mostly in carts or cars, passing by the UN compound and entering Knin fromthe road that leads to Drniš. 50511304. Normand Boucher, UNCIVPOL’s Sector South Chief from 30 April 1995 until22 August 1995, 5052 testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995, a shell hit a house in hisblock. 5053 The third shell he heard hit his house. 5054 According to Boucher, his house inKnin was about 170-200 metres away from the police station and the SVK base in thenorthern part of Knin. 5055 The house was also in the direct line of fire between theCroatian positions on the Dinara mountain and the SVK’s and “milicija’s” barracks. 5056On 4 August 1995, while seeking cover from the shelling, Boucher noticed a schoolbeing hit by a shell, as well as eight to ten damaged houses in a residential area. 5057Boucher testified that damage to the buildings and houses was concentrated on the areasnear the SVK barracks, the SVK headquarters, the police building, and the school nextto the police building. 5058 According to Boucher, the shelling continued for 31 hours. 50595049 P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 12 March 2008), para. 21; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4771-4778; P430(Aerial map of Knin marked by Bert Dijkstra), field marked 6; D392 (Aerial view of Knin marked byGotovina Defence); D393 (Three-dimensional views of Knin area marked by Gotovina Defence).5050 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 23.5051 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 24.5052 P1176 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 20 February 1996), paras 1, 13; P1177 (NormandBoucher, witness statement, 12 November 1999), paras 5, 81; P1178 (Normand Boucher, witnessstatement, 24 November 2008), para. 51; D1217 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 17 December2008), para. 27; Normand Boucher, T. 14036, 14063-14064.5053 P1176 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 20 February 1996), para. 5; P1177 (Normand Boucher,witness statement, 12 November 1999), paras 39-40; D1217 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 17December 2008), para. 34; Normand Boucher, T. 14030.5054 P1177 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 12 November 1999), para. 40; D1217 (NormandBoucher, witness statement, 17 December 2008), para. 34; Normand Boucher, T. 13967; P1179 (Map ofKnin marked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-3, Boucher’s house marked A.5055 P1178 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 24 November 2008), para. 12; Normand Boucher, T.13965, 14022-14024; P1179 (Map of Knin marked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-3, Boucher’s housemarked A, police station marked B.5056 Normand Boucher, T. 14027.5057 P1178 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 24 November 2008), para. 14; Normand Boucher, T.13967; P1179 (Map of Knin marked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-2, school marked E, residential areamarked K.5058 D1217 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 17 December 2008), paras 36, 39; P1179 (Map of Kninmarked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-3, police station marked B, school marked E.687Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38628being targ<strong>et</strong>ed or hit, but from the sound of the explosions, and the shells he incident<strong>al</strong>lydid see landing, the witness got the impression that at least every 15-20 minutes shellslanded on the field, a swampy area next to the Krka river in a mountainous or hilly area,in front of the UN compound. 5049 Dijkstra testified that during the night, after around 8p.m., there was little to no shelling. 5050 Som<strong>et</strong>ime around 8 or 9 p.m., Dijkstra sawcivilians, mostly in carts or cars, passing by the UN compound and entering Knin fromthe road that leads to Drniš. 50511304. Normand Boucher, UNCIVPOL’s Sector South Chief from 30 April 1995 until22 August 1995, 5052 testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995, a shell hit a house in hisblock. 5053 The third shell he heard hit his house. 5054 According to Boucher, his house inKnin was about 170-200 m<strong>et</strong>res away from the police station and the SVK base in thenorthern part of Knin. 5055 The house was <strong>al</strong>so in the direct line of fire b<strong>et</strong>ween theCroatian positions on the Dinara mountain and the SVK’s and “milicija’s” barracks. 5056On 4 August 1995, while seeking cover from the shelling, Boucher noticed a schoolbeing hit by a shell, as well as eight to ten damaged houses in a residenti<strong>al</strong> area. 5057Boucher testified that damage to the buildings and houses was concentrated on the areasnear the SVK barracks, the SVK headquarters, the police building, and the school nextto the police building. 5058 According to Boucher, the shelling continued for 31 hours. 50595049 P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 12 March 2008), para. 21; Bert Dijkstra, T. 4771-4778; P430(Aeri<strong>al</strong> map of Knin marked by Bert Dijkstra), field marked 6; D392 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> view of Knin marked by<strong>Gotovina</strong> Defence); D393 (Three-dimension<strong>al</strong> views of Knin area marked by <strong>Gotovina</strong> Defence).5050 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 23.5051 P428 (Bert Dijkstra, witness statement, 7 December 1995), p. 3; P429 (Bert Dijkstra, witnessstatement, 12 March 2008), para. 24.5052 P1176 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 20 February 1996), paras 1, 13; P1177 (NormandBoucher, witness statement, 12 November 1999), paras 5, 81; P1178 (Normand Boucher, witnessstatement, 24 November 2008), para. 51; D1217 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 17 December2008), para. 27; Normand Boucher, T. 14036, 14063-14064.5053 P1176 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 20 February 1996), para. 5; P1177 (Normand Boucher,witness statement, 12 November 1999), paras 39-40; D1217 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 17December 2008), para. 34; Normand Boucher, T. 14030.5054 P1177 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 12 November 1999), para. 40; D1217 (NormandBoucher, witness statement, 17 December 2008), para. 34; Normand Boucher, T. 13967; P1179 (Map ofKnin marked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-3, Boucher’s house marked A.5055 P1178 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 24 November 2008), para. 12; Normand Boucher, T.13965, 14022-14024; P1179 (Map of Knin marked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-3, Boucher’s housemarked A, police station marked B.5056 Normand Boucher, T. 14027.5057 P1178 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 24 November 2008), para. 14; Normand Boucher, T.13967; P1179 (Map of Knin marked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-2, school marked E, residenti<strong>al</strong> areamarked K.5058 D1217 (Normand Boucher, witness statement, 17 December 2008), paras 36, 39; P1179 (Map of Kninmarked by Normand Boucher), pp. 1-3, police station marked B, school marked E.687Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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