Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38631number of shells he recorded in his contemporary notebook at specific times throughoutthe day were only an approximate number of shells he saw and heard, and that thepurpose of the notes was not to record every shell that fell on Knin and its exactlocation. 5014 While it is recorded in the witness’s contemporary notebook that 60 shellsfell at 5:02 a.m. and 25 shells fell at 5:05 a.m., Gilbert testified that he does not knowwh<strong>et</strong>her the 60 shells recorded include the ones he heard f<strong>al</strong>l during his tour of the campupon his arriv<strong>al</strong>. 5015 At 5:38 a.m. and 5:39 a.m., Gilbert recorded two separate impactsas well as two shots from sm<strong>al</strong>l arms either within the UN camp or very close to it. 5016At 5:43 a.m., Gilbert recorded that there were shells landing close to the SVKbarracks. 5017 At 5:45 a.m. the witness recorded that there had been an impact from oneround every 30 seconds for the last 15 minutes, adding that shells had f<strong>al</strong>len behind oneof two sm<strong>al</strong>l hills and believed that a mortar shot was fired close to the UN camp. 5018Other than the SVK military barracks, Gilbert did not know wh<strong>et</strong>her there were militarytarg<strong>et</strong>s behind the hills where he observed shells landing, adding that it appeared to himthat there was firing <strong>al</strong>l over Knin. 5019 The witness’s best estimate of shelling was thatapproximately 500-700 shells fell in the morning of 4 August 1995, another 400 in theafternoon, and 20-30 in the evening. 50201302. Hussein Al-Alfi testified that at 5 a.m., the witness was in his office at the UNcompound when the shelling started. 5021 The witness heard loud, massive, and rapid(Photograph taken from b<strong>al</strong>cony of UN camp in Knin, marking white Parliament building); P596 (Photoof the view from 3rd floor b<strong>al</strong>cony of UN camp in Knin).5014 P589 (Alain Gilbert, witness statement, 5 February 2008), paras 6-7; Alain Gilbert, T. 6433-6435.5015 P589 (Alain Gilbert, witness statement, 5 February 2008), para. 7.5016 P589 (Alain Gilbert, witness statement, 5 February 2008), paras 11-13; P591 (Alain Gilbert'scontemporary notes on shelling of Knin, 4 August 1995), p. 1.5017 Alain Gilbert, T. 6460; P591 (Alain Gilbert's contemporary notes on shelling of Knin, 4 August1995), p. 1.5018 P589 (Alain Gilbert, witness statement, 5 February 2008), paras 16-18; Alain Gilbert, T. 6443-6451;D570 (Alain Gilbert, series of photos of two hills in Knin); D569 (Alain Gilbert, two screenshots from theUN headquarters of Knin, 4 August 1995); P591 (Alain Gilbert's contemporary notes on shelling of Knin,4 August 1995), p. 1; P594 (Photograph from UN headquarters of a hill and a shed in Knin); P595(Photograph taken from b<strong>al</strong>cony of UN camp in Knin, marking white Parliament building); P596(Photograph of the view from 3rd floor b<strong>al</strong>cony of UN camp in Knin); P597 (Photograph from the UNcamp in Knin of two hills).5019 P589 (Alain Gilbert, witness statement, 5 February 2008), paras 17-18; Alain Gilbert, T. 6443-6447,6450-6455; D570 (Series of photographs of two hills in Knin and identified military targ<strong>et</strong>s situatedbehind them); D571 (Photograph of significant military targ<strong>et</strong>s); D572 (Ari<strong>al</strong> photographs of UN camp inKnin), photograph no. 3.5020 P589 (Alain Gilbert, witness statement, 5 February 2008), paras 20, 23; P591 (Alain Gilbert'scontemporary notes on shelling of Knin, 4 August 1995), pp. 1-3; P593 (Article in a military magazineauthored by Alain Gilbert, 7 August 1995), p. 4.5021 P1160 (Hussein Al-Alfi, witness statement, 5 March 1998), pp. 27-29; Hussein Al-Alfi, T. 13889.684Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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