Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38639was still going on, and that although it was not as heavy as in the morning it was a littlebit more intense than harassment fire. 49271295. Stig Marker Hansen, an ECMM monitor in Knin from June to September 1995and head of ECMM Knin from approximately 5 September to 23 September 1995, 4928testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995 he was in his house 100 metres east of theECMM RC in Knin when the shelling of Knin began, and he remained there forapproximately the next four hours. 4929 From his house he was able to overlook Knin,and when the attack on Knin started he could see shelling impacts all over the city andespecially in the immediate vicinity of the Knin hospital. 4930 He heard the sound ofshelling very close to him, houses close to his were hit, and he observed heavy smokecoming from a residential area several hundred metres to the south of him. 4931 Thewitness heard shell impacts coming from areas throughout Knin and observed smokeacross different parts of the city. 4932 To the witness, the shelling appeared general orrandom, however the TVIK factory was heavily shelled. He saw impacts on the slopesof Knin. 4933 Around 9 or 10 a.m., the witness went to the ECMM RC basement, fromwhere he could not monitor Knin, to take shelter. 4934 A grenade impacted 20 metresfrom the ECMM RC. 4935 The witness testified that he was later evacuated to the UNcompound where he took shelter in a basement cellar and at times overlooked Knin4927 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 5; John Hill, T. 3739, 3745-3746.4928 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995) p. 2; P1284 (Stig Marker Hansen,witness statement, 22 August 1997), p. 2; P1285 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008),para. 3.4929 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 2; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 15066; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, personal diary), p. 1; P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),ECMM RC marked I, witness’s house marked II; P1300 (ECMM daily monitoring report, 7 August1995), p. 2; D1276 (ECMM weekly assessment, 4-10 August 1995), p. 1.4930 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), pp. 2-3; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14901, 14903-14904; P1293(Aerial photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen), witness’s house marked II.4931 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; P1292 (Stig Marker Hansen, personal diary), p. 1;P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen), witness’s house marked II.4932 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14903-14904.4933 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3.4934 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 2; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 15066; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, personal diary), p. 1.4935 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, personal diary), p. 2; P1293 (Aerial photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),ECMM RC marked I.676Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38638from a balcony on the third floor. 4936 In his Rule 92 ter statement and in examination-inchief,the witness testified that in the afternoon of 4 August 1995 en route to the UNcompound, he saw houses on fire in a residential area, including the house of anorthodox priest, and saw impacts at the TVIK factory. 4937 In cross-examination and redirectexamination, the witness testified that he could not see anything from the APC hetravelled in to the UN compound. 4938 Confronted with this apparent inconsistency, thewitness testified that in his recollection, he first saw damage on his first trip to theECMM RC. 4939 Some time after 7 August 1995 while touring Knin, the witness saw thatthe house of the orthodox priest was a burned down ruin. 49401296. Roland Dangerfield testified that the Croat offensive on Knin started on 4August 1995, just before 5 a.m. 4941 He immediately went to hide in a bunker on the UNcompound. 4942 For approximately 90 minutes, he heard rocket and artillery fire, whichhe was able to identify as a result of training on weapons system recognition he hadreceived prior to his deployment. 4943 The witness was later told by Colonel AndrewLeslie that a total of 1,800 shells had fallen on Knin by 6:30 a.m., and that 300 of those,which consisted of shells and rockets, had hit Knin in the first half hour of the attack. 4944Around 6:30 a.m., Dangerfield came out of the bunker and observed that Knin wascovered in a blanket of dust and smoke. 4945 The intensity of the shelling had lessened bythat time. 4946 Two to three artillery shells continued to be fired per minute throughout4936 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 2; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; P1292 (Stig Marker Hansen, personal diary), pp. 1,3; P1299 (ECMM special report, 7 August 1995).4937 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; Stig Marker Hansen, T.14901-14902; P1298 (Aerial photo of North-Eastern part of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),house of priest marked A.4938 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 15066-15067, 15094-15095.4939 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 15094-15095.4940 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14902.4941 P695 (Roland Dangerfield, witness statement, 21 December 1995), paras 4, 27; Roland Dangerfield,T. 7139; P698 (Brief Overview for Sector South on 4 August 1995), para. 1; P699 (Fall of the Republic ofSerb Krajina, authored by Roland Dangerfield), p. 2.4942 Roland Dangerfield, T. 7139, 7220; P699 (Fall of the Republic of Serb Krajina, authored by RolandDangerfield), pp. 2-3.4943 P695 (Roland Dangerfield, witness statement, 21 December 1995), paras 4, 27; Roland Dangerfield,T. 7139-7140, 7145, 7173, 7220-7221, 7268; P698 (Brief Overview for Sector South on 4 August 1995),para. 1.4944 P696 (Roland Dangerfield, supplemental witness statement, 9 January 2008), para. 1; RolandDangerfield, T. 7230-7231, 7173, 7230; P698 (Brief Overview for Sector South on 4 August 1995), para.1; P699 (Fall of the Republic of Serb Krajina, authored by Roland Dangerfield), p. 3.4945 Roland Dangerfield T. 7140, 7150, 7221.4946 Roland Dangerfield, T. 7140, 7145-7146; P698 (Brief Overview for Sector South on 4 August 1995),para. 1.677Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38639was still going on, and that <strong>al</strong>though it was not as heavy as in the morning it was a littlebit more intense than harassment fire. 49271295. Stig Marker Hansen, an ECMM monitor in Knin from June to September 1995and head of ECMM Knin from approximately 5 September to 23 September 1995, 4928testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995 he was in his house 100 m<strong>et</strong>res east of theECMM RC in Knin when the shelling of Knin began, and he remained there forapproximately the next four hours. 4929 From his house he was able to overlook Knin,and when the attack on Knin started he could see shelling impacts <strong>al</strong>l over the city andespeci<strong>al</strong>ly in the immediate vicinity of the Knin hospit<strong>al</strong>. 4930 He heard the sound ofshelling very close to him, houses close to his were hit, and he observed heavy smokecoming from a residenti<strong>al</strong> area sever<strong>al</strong> hundred m<strong>et</strong>res to the south of him. 4931 Thewitness heard shell impacts coming from areas throughout Knin and observed smokeacross different parts of the city. 4932 To the witness, the shelling appeared gener<strong>al</strong> orrandom, however the TVIK factory was heavily shelled. He saw impacts on the slopesof Knin. 4933 Around 9 or 10 a.m., the witness went to the ECMM RC basement, fromwhere he could not monitor Knin, to take shelter. 4934 A grenade impacted 20 m<strong>et</strong>resfrom the ECMM RC. 4935 The witness testified that he was later evacuated to the UNcompound where he took shelter in a basement cellar and at times overlooked Knin4927 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 5; John Hill, T. 3739, 3745-3746.4928 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995) p. 2; P1284 (Stig Marker Hansen,witness statement, 22 August 1997), p. 2; P1285 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008),para. 3.4929 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 2; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 15066; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, person<strong>al</strong> diary), p. 1; P1293 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),ECMM RC marked I, witness’s house marked II; P1300 (ECMM daily monitoring report, 7 August1995), p. 2; D1276 (ECMM weekly assessment, 4-10 August 1995), p. 1.4930 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), pp. 2-3; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14901, 14903-14904; P1293(Aeri<strong>al</strong> photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen), witness’s house marked II.4931 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; P1292 (Stig Marker Hansen, person<strong>al</strong> diary), p. 1;P1293 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen), witness’s house marked II.4932 Stig Marker Hansen, T. 14903-14904.4933 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3.4934 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 2; P1285 (Stig MarkerHansen, witness statement, 24 April 2008), para. 18; Stig Marker Hansen, T. 15066; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, person<strong>al</strong> diary), p. 1.4935 P1283 (Stig Marker Hansen, witness statement, 18 December 1995), p. 3; P1292 (Stig MarkerHansen, person<strong>al</strong> diary), p. 2; P1293 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photo of Knin with markings by Stig Marker Hansen),ECMM RC marked I.676Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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