Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38643dressed in military attire, some dead animals and numerous destroyed or burningbuildings. 4881 Most of the fires were near the POL station, which was a fuel storagearea. 4882 At 1 p.m. Berikoff accompanied the Senior Medical Officer to Knin hospital,and saw outside the hospital approximately 30-40 wounded persons who were bloodyand bandaged, as well as approximately 50-75 persons who were bloody and lyingimmobile on their backs in a row. 4883 The latter group appeared to be dead to Berikoff,and he stated that they were mostly civilians, while others were soldiers or wore amixture of civilian and military clothes. 4884 Berikoff then drove to the Jordanian Chiefof Staff’s (replacing Leslie) residence in Knin, during which an SVK soldier at a checkpointfired a hand-held rocket at his APC and missed. 4885 During this time, Berikoffnoticed two or three check-points manned with lightly armed SVK soldiers. 4886 Therewere damaged or burning buildings. 4887 At the Jordanian Chief of Staff’s residence,Berikoff encountered a number of confused and panicked Serb civilians on thestreet. 4888 Berikoff then returned straight back to the UN compound, and reported toGeneral Forand. 4889 At approximately 3 p.m., Berikoff accompanied Forand to the SVKNorth Dalmatian Corps headquarters in downtown Knin, where there was a meeting anda press conference. 4890 Press and Information Officer Alun Roberts was there. 4891 At this4881 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (g); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7-8; Philip Berikoff, T. 7729, 7731; P743 (Report by Berikoff on hisactivities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (a); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in SectorSouth between 8 July and 18 August 1995), p. 2; P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20August 1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 5.4882 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 8.4883 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (g); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7-9; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August 2008), pp. 1-2;Philip Berikoff, T. 7609-7611, 7641-7643, 7682, 7727, 7729-7731, 7740; P743 (Report by Berikoff onhis activities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (b); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in SectorSouth between 8 July and 18 August 1995), p. 2; P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20August 1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 5.4884 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 9; Philip Berikoff, T. 7730.4885 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (g); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7, 10; Philip Berikoff, T. 7643, 7647; P743 (Report by Berikoff on hisactivities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (b); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p.6.4886 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7, 10.4887 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 10; Philip Berikoff, T. 7729-7731;P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s dailyjournal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), pp. 5-6.4888 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 10.4889 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 10-11; P744 (Report by RobertWilliams on the situation in Sector South between 8 July and 18 August 1995), p. 2.4890 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (h); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 11; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August 2008), pp. 1-2;Philip Berikoff, T. 7610-7611, 7731; P743 (Report by Berikoff on his activities 4-12 August 1995), para.1 (c); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in Sector South between 8 July and 18 August1995), p. 3; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.672Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38642point, the shelling continued at a much decreased level of intensity. 4892 Berikoff thenassisted Roberts in locating a Serb interpreter, at which point he walked through somestreets and observed that most buildings had sustained some damage, most windowswere broken, there was lots of debris, and many buildings were still burning. 4893Berikoff stated that people were hiding and that he saw the occasional armed SVKsoldier but no defended positions. 48941293. At approximately 10 p.m. on 4 August 1995, a number of refugees arrived at themain gate of the UN compound, whom Forand decided to allow into the building, andBerikoff organized their entry. 4895 In addition, “Vandoos” - a nickname for CanadianRoyal 22nd infantry regiment - brought in refugees, some of whom were wounded andsome of whom were of military age, who quartered in a make-shift hospital in an area ofthe UN compound. 4896 UN personnel searched the refugees and found numerous andvarious weapons, including on women and elderly men. 4897 Some refugees parked theircars loaded with belongings on the road outside the main gate of the compound. 4898 Theshelling of Knin continued throughout 4 August 1995 at varying degrees of intensityuntil around midnight, when it ended with approximately 15-20 minutes of intenseshelling. 4899 More refugees, with means of transportation, then came to the front gate ofthe UN compound and Forand decided to distribute fuel so that they could leave. 4900Based on the counting of Colonel Leslie, Master Bombardier Parlee and his own basicknowledge of flash-to-bang counting of artillery shelling, Berikoff stated that about1,800 high-explosive artillery shells (causing fires), rockets, mortar bombs, and smoke4891 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 11.4892 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (h); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal,17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.4893 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (h); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 11; Philip Berikoff, T. 7731-7732; P743 (Report by Berikoff on hisactivities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (c); P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), pp. 5-6.4894 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 11.4895 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (i); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 12; P743 (Report by Berikoff on his activities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1(c); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in Sector South between 8 July and 18 August1995), p. 3; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.4896 Philip Berikoff, T. 7733-7735.4897 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 12; Philip Berikoff, T. 7735-7736;P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.4898 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 12, 55.4899 P739 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 24 August 1996), pp. 2-3; P740 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 21 May 1997), paras 2 (g), 2 (i); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997),p. 12; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.4900 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (i); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 12; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journal, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.673Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38643dressed in military attire, some dead anim<strong>al</strong>s and numerous destroyed or burningbuildings. 4881 Most of the fires were near the POL station, which was a fuel storagearea. 4882 At 1 p.m. Berikoff accompanied the Senior Medic<strong>al</strong> Officer to Knin hospit<strong>al</strong>,and saw outside the hospit<strong>al</strong> approximately 30-40 wounded persons who were bloodyand bandaged, as well as approximately 50-75 persons who were bloody and lyingimmobile on their backs in a row. 4883 The latter group appeared to be dead to Berikoff,and he stated that they were mostly civilians, while others were soldiers or wore amixture of civilian and military clothes. 4884 Berikoff then drove to the Jordanian Chiefof Staff’s (replacing Leslie) residence in Knin, during which an SVK soldier at a checkpointfired a hand-held rock<strong>et</strong> at his APC and missed. 4885 During this time, Berikoffnoticed two or three check-points manned with lightly armed SVK soldiers. 4886 Therewere damaged or burning buildings. 4887 At the Jordanian Chief of Staff’s residence,Berikoff encountered a number of confused and panicked Serb civilians on thestre<strong>et</strong>. 4888 Berikoff then r<strong>et</strong>urned straight back to the UN compound, and reported toGener<strong>al</strong> Forand. 4889 At approximately 3 p.m., Berikoff accompanied Forand to the SVKNorth D<strong>al</strong>matian Corps headquarters in downtown Knin, where there was a me<strong>et</strong>ing anda press conference. 4890 Press and Information Officer Alun Roberts was there. 4891 At this4881 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (g); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7-8; Philip Berikoff, T. 7729, 7731; P743 (Report by Berikoff on hisactivities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (a); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in SectorSouth b<strong>et</strong>ween 8 July and 18 August 1995), p. 2; P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20August 1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 5.4882 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 8.4883 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (g); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7-9; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August 2008), pp. 1-2;Philip Berikoff, T. 7609-7611, 7641-7643, 7682, 7727, 7729-7731, 7740; P743 (Report by Berikoff onhis activities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (b); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in SectorSouth b<strong>et</strong>ween 8 July and 18 August 1995), p. 2; P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20August 1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 5.4884 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 9; Philip Berikoff, T. 7730.4885 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (g); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7, 10; Philip Berikoff, T. 7643, 7647; P743 (Report by Berikoff on hisactivities 4-12 August 1995), para. 1 (b); P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p.6.4886 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 7, 10.4887 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 10; Philip Berikoff, T. 7729-7731;P747 (Report by Berikoff on HV/HVO activities 4-20 August 1995), para. 1 (a); P748 (Berikoff’s dailyjourn<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), pp. 5-6.4888 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 10.4889 D284 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 26-27 May 1997), pp. 10-11; P744 (Report by RobertWilliams on the situation in Sector South b<strong>et</strong>ween 8 July and 18 August 1995), p. 2.4890 P740 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 21 May 1997), para. 2 (h); D284 (Philip Berikoff, witnessstatement, 26-27 May 1997), p. 11; D735 (Philip Berikoff, witness statement, 30 August 2008), pp. 1-2;Philip Berikoff, T. 7610-7611, 7731; P743 (Report by Berikoff on his activities 4-12 August 1995), para.1 (c); P744 (Report by Robert Williams on the situation in Sector South b<strong>et</strong>ween 8 July and 18 August1995), p. 3; P748 (Berikoff’s daily journ<strong>al</strong>, 17 July – 6 September 1995), p. 6.672Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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