Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38647multiple rocket launchers in an area of Knin centre and at another spot marked “MRL”on P79, left of marking B on P78 and P79. 4839 Bricks, glass, and tree trunks fell downon Dreyer’s convoy, caused by the convulsion, even when they diverted their routethrough an area that was far from any military camps. 4840 During this time, shells fellaround and in the middle of the convoy. After making their way back to the main road,Dreyer stated that the impact of the shelling raised so much dust that the convoy had toreduce speed to avoid an accident. 4841 Dreyer saw that the Knin main road near theparliament building was being shelled. 4842 Dreyer stated that on the way back from thistrip to the UN compound, he saw and heard shells everywhere, and many shellsimpacted on houses, buildings, and department stores. 4843 On the second trip, whichlasted approximately from 6 a.m. until just before 8:30 a.m., Dreyer stated that he againnoticed constant shelling in areas where there were neither military movements norcamps, and that the Croatian military targeted numerous civilian areas with multipurposerocket launchers and artillery fire. 48441289. Dreyer testified that the attack on Knin on 4 August 1995 involved multiplerocket launchers, which he recognized from their specific sound upon impact, and 155-millimetre Howitzer cannons. 4845 The witness testified that the basis for this assessmentwas both his own personal recollection as well as information received from themilitary. 48461290. Alun Roberts testified that on 4 August 1995, he first heard and then saw theshelling at almost exactly 5 a.m., from his third and top floor apartment, located on the4838 Andries Dreyer, T. 1723.4839 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; Andries Dreyer, T. 1733-1735;P79 (Aerial photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996) (area within the circle and MRLwritten within it, left to marking B in the centre of Knin).4840 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 2; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 1.4841 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 2; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 1.4842 Andries Dreyer, T. 1759-1762, 1766; P73 (Aerial photograph of Knin with Dreyer’s markingsindicating route of first trip); D102 (Aerial photograph of Knin showing artillery targets as alleged by theDefence).4843 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), pp. 1-3; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 1.4844 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 13; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 2; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 2;Andries Dreyer, T. 1788-1789.4845 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 7; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 3; Andries Dreyer, T. 1732-1733.4846 Andries Dreyer, T. 1732-1733.668Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38646road going uphill from the main street close to and overlooking the centre of Knin. 4847According to Roberts, civilian buildings in Knin were directly hit by shells. 4848 Theshelling began from the direction of the Dinara mountains to the east of Knin. 4849Roberts initially heard and then observed other shelling that commenced a short timelater and originated from a southern direction, possibly from the hills overlooking Drnišabout 20 kilometres south of Knin. 4850 At about 5 a.m., Roberts saw SVK soldiers in thestreets, mainly helping civilians into shelters. Other than that, he saw no significantSVK presence in Knin. 4851 The early bombardment was consistent and most intense andlasted for about an hour. 4852 Shells hit several buildings behind and along the roadwhere Robert's apartment was located. 4853 Roberts testified that shells impacted on Kninradio station in the early morning of 4 August 1995. 48541291. During a lull in the shelling, around 6:30 a.m., Roberts saw from the balcony ofhis apartment a car and part of a roof of an apartment building across the street hit byshells and burning, and a large fire in the centre of the town, which appeared to be themain ammunition dump. 4855 The witness added that both the main ammunition dumpand the SVK headquarters were being shelled consistently. 4856 Roberts saw smoke risingfrom the direction of the RSK government building, from the fuel depot close to it andfrom the top of civilian apartments in various parts of town which he saw impacted byshells. 4857 He saw smoke rising from the top far side of the roof of an apartment4847 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 2; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement,28 February 2007), p. 4; Alun Roberts, T. 6820; P682 (Aerial map with markings shell impacts andbodies), Roberts’s apartment marked A.4848 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 2; P682 (Aerial map with markings shellimpacts and bodies), apartment buildings marked B, D, E and civilian building marked C.4849 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), pp. 2, 4-5; P677 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 28 February 2007), pp. 4-5; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1 July 2008), para. 14.4850 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), pp. 2, 5.4851 D1377 (BBC radio report, 4 August 1995, 3 p.m.).4852 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), pp. 2, 5; P677 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 28 February 2007), p. 4; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1 July 2008), para. 12; AlunRoberts, T. 6821-6822.4853 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 2; P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1July 2008), paras 13-14; P682 (Aerial map with markings shell impacts and bodies), apartment buildingsmarked B, D, E and civilian building marked C.4854 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), pp. 3-4; Alun Robert, T. 7085.4855 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), pp. 2-3; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), paras 13-14; Alun Roberts, T. 6821-6822, 7060; P682 (Aerial map with markingsshell impacts and bodies), apartment building marked B.4856 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 3.4857 P676 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 31 July 1998), p. 3; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement,28 February 2007), pp. 4-5; D1369 (Reuters news article, 5 August 1995), p. 1.669Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38647multiple rock<strong>et</strong> launchers in an area of Knin centre and at another spot marked “MRL”on P79, left of marking B on P78 and P79. 4839 Bricks, glass, and tree trunks fell downon Dreyer’s convoy, caused by the convulsion, even when they diverted their rout<strong>et</strong>hrough an area that was far from any military camps. 4840 During this time, shells fellaround and in the middle of the convoy. After making their way back to the main road,Dreyer stated that the impact of the shelling raised so much dust that the convoy had toreduce speed to avoid an accident. 4841 Dreyer saw that the Knin main road near theparliament building was being shelled. 4842 Dreyer stated that on the way back from thistrip to the UN compound, he saw and heard shells everywhere, and many shellsimpacted on houses, buildings, and department stores. 4843 On the second trip, whichlasted approximately from 6 a.m. until just before 8:30 a.m., Dreyer stated that he againnoticed constant shelling in areas where there were neither military movements norcamps, and that the Croatian military targ<strong>et</strong>ed numerous civilian areas with multipurposerock<strong>et</strong> launchers and artillery fire. 48441289. Dreyer testified that the attack on Knin on 4 August 1995 involved multiplerock<strong>et</strong> launchers, which he recognized from their specific sound upon impact, and 155-millim<strong>et</strong>re Howitzer cannons. 4845 The witness testified that the basis for this assessmentwas both his own person<strong>al</strong> recollection as well as information received from themilitary. 48461290. Alun Roberts testified that on 4 August 1995, he first heard and then saw theshelling at <strong>al</strong>most exactly 5 a.m., from his third and top floor apartment, located on the4838 Andries Dreyer, T. 1723.4839 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; Andries Dreyer, T. 1733-1735;P79 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996) (area within the circle and MRLwritten within it, left to marking B in the centre of Knin).4840 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 2; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 1.4841 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 2; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 1.4842 Andries Dreyer, T. 1759-1762, 1766; P73 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin with Dreyer’s markingsindicating route of first trip); D102 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin showing artillery targ<strong>et</strong>s as <strong>al</strong>leged by theDefence).4843 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 12; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), pp. 1-3; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 1.4844 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 13; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 2; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995), p. 2;Andries Dreyer, T. 1788-1789.4845 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 7; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 3; Andries Dreyer, T. 1732-1733.4846 Andries Dreyer, T. 1732-1733.668Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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