Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38655result of the shelling. 4751 Some of the dead males wore partial military uniforms. 4752 Thewitness also observed members of the Milicia (Serbian Police), though he did not seemany of them in town that day, helping civilians into shelters and bringing them to thehospital. 4753 In the area they were in, the witness testified that, apart from the youngSVK soldiers they encountered earlier, he did not see any heavy weapons, troops, oranything that would have constituted a military threat. 47541282. During Dawes’ first trip on 4 August, both sides of the road near to the SVK jailwere very heavily shelled; the side where the railway and bus station were located andthe side where Radio Knin was located. 4755 Sometime between 6:30 and 7 a.m., theparty travelled a half kilometre northwest into a purely residential area, where there wasa school with a red roof. 4756 The witness testified that the shelling in this area was alsointense, and what he described as “civilian” houses had been hit. 4757 Dawes and theothers also stopped once, in that same residential area, to pick up a UN localinterpreter. 4758 At this point, they took the main road en route to the UN compound. 4759Upon reaching the main crossing, they encountered a male Serbian doctor dressed inwhite whom they drove to the hospital. 4760 While Dawes and the others travelled alongthe road to the hospital, grenades and shrapnel continued to fall, though not as heavilyas they had in the centre of town. 4761 They drove with the trapdoor of the APC open,which allowed the witness to look around while standing on a bench inside thevehicle. 4762 Dawes claimed that he saw no visible damage to the Serbian North Barracks4751 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 10; Murray Dawes, T. 10466-10467, 10550.4752 Murray Dawes, T. 10550.4753 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 12.4754 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4755 Murray Dawes, T. 10465, 10468; P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked by MurrayDawes), bus station marked D, Radio Knin marked F.4756 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 14; Murray Dawes, T. 10470, 10472-10473; P982 (Photograph withschool building circled in red by Murray Dawes); P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked byMurray Dawes), residential area marked H; D861 (Video clip from Zastava Films showing schoolbuilding identified by Murray Dawes, 4 August 1995).4757 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4758 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 14; Murray Dawes, T. 10461-10462.4759 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4760 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 15.4761 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4762 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; Murray Dawes, T. 10477.660Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38654as they passed it. 4763 He testified that he continued to see no visible damage to theBarracks when they passed it many times after that. 4764 Just after driving past the mainentrance of the Barracks, Dawes and the others stopped outside of the UNCIVPOLstation to pick up four UNCIVPOL officers. 4765 They proceeded to escort the doctor tothe hospital and stopped outside the “atomic shelter” on the western side of thehospital. 4766 According to Dawes, the atomic shelter was being used as an area to selectand prioritise injured persons. 4767 There were more than a hundred people, includingnurses and injured persons, running around. 4768 The witness did not recall seeing anycorpses while he was at the shelter, though he never actually went into the hospital orgot out of the APC. 4769 Dawes and the others then hurried back towards the UNcompound. 4770 Dawes testified that at a location in Knin, they found that most of thetree tops along the alley had been cut off, without much visible damage to the bottomsof the trees. 4771 There they also discovered bomblets - about 20-30 small bombs from acluster bomb, each about 25 centimetres long and four to five centimetres in diameterwith cloth attached to them - covering the entire road. 4772 Dawes could not rememberthe exact location of these cluster bomblets, but testified that they found them eitherapproximately 150 metres southwest of the main crossing in the centre of Knin, whileheading in the direction of the bus station, or at a location east of the TVIK factory. 4773Both Dawes and Dreyer commented to each other that they should stay away from thebomblets, since both men at the time assessed them to be antipersonnel warheads. 47741283. Dawes, Dreyer, and the others returned to the UN compound at about 8 a.m. Atthat time, Dawes saw refugees from the south arriving in Knin, as well as refugeesgathered at the intersection near the UN compound. According to the witness, the4763 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; Murray Dawes, T. 10389, 10477.4764 Murray Dawes, T. 10389.4765 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4766 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; Murray Dawes, T. 10476.4767 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 15.4768 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4769 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 15; Murray Dawes, T. 10476-10477.4770 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4771 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 5; Murray Dawes, T. 10482, 10488-10489.4772 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 5; Murray Dawes, T. 10482.4773 P981 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 2 April 2008), paras 16, 18; Murray Dawes, T. 10488-10489, 10492, 10500; P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked by Murray Dawes), one of twopossible areas of bomblets marked I; D863 (Map marked by Murray Dawes identifying the main crossingand the area where he allegedly saw bomblets), one of two possible areas of bomblets marked 2.661Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38655result of the shelling. 4751 Some of the dead m<strong>al</strong>es wore parti<strong>al</strong> military uniforms. 4752 Thewitness <strong>al</strong>so observed members of the Milicia (Serbian Police), though he did not seemany of them in town that day, helping civilians into shelters and bringing them to thehospit<strong>al</strong>. 4753 In the area they were in, the witness testified that, apart from the youngSVK soldiers they encountered earlier, he did not see any heavy weapons, troops, oranything that would have constituted a military threat. 47541282. During Dawes’ first trip on 4 August, both sides of the road near to the SVK jailwere very heavily shelled; the side where the railway and bus station were located andthe side where Radio Knin was located. 4755 Som<strong>et</strong>ime b<strong>et</strong>ween 6:30 and 7 a.m., theparty travelled a h<strong>al</strong>f kilom<strong>et</strong>re northwest into a purely residenti<strong>al</strong> area, where there wasa school with a red roof. 4756 The witness testified that the shelling in this area was <strong>al</strong>sointense, and what he described as “civilian” houses had been hit. 4757 Dawes and theothers <strong>al</strong>so stopped once, in that same residenti<strong>al</strong> area, to pick up a UN loc<strong>al</strong>interpr<strong>et</strong>er. 4758 At this point, they took the main road en route to the UN compound. 4759Upon reaching the main crossing, they encountered a m<strong>al</strong>e Serbian doctor dressed inwhite whom they drove to the hospit<strong>al</strong>. 4760 While Dawes and the others travelled <strong>al</strong>ongthe road to the hospit<strong>al</strong>, grenades and shrapnel continued to f<strong>al</strong>l, though not as heavilyas they had in the centre of town. 4761 They drove with the trapdoor of the APC open,which <strong>al</strong>lowed the witness to look around while standing on a bench inside thevehicle. 4762 Dawes claimed that he saw no visible damage to the Serbian North Barracks4751 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 10; Murray Dawes, T. 10466-10467, 10550.4752 Murray Dawes, T. 10550.4753 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 12.4754 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4755 Murray Dawes, T. 10465, 10468; P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked by MurrayDawes), bus station marked D, Radio Knin marked F.4756 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 14; Murray Dawes, T. 10470, 10472-10473; P982 (Photograph withschool building circled in red by Murray Dawes); P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked byMurray Dawes), residenti<strong>al</strong> area marked H; D861 (Video clip from Zastava Films showing schoolbuilding identified by Murray Dawes, 4 August 1995).4757 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4758 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 14; Murray Dawes, T. 10461-10462.4759 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4760 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 15.4761 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4.4762 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 4; Murray Dawes, T. 10477.660Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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