Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38661station. 4679 After spending 30 minutes in the basement with other tenants, where heheard detonations very close by, the witness managed to drive to the police station. 4680While driving to the police station, the witness observed that the part of the town called“Breskvik”, located east of the northern barracks, was on fire. 4681 When arriving at thepolice station at around 6 a.m., the witness saw that all of its windows were broken. 4682While sheltering in the basement of the police station, the witness heard explosionsclose to the police station. According to the witness, there were approximately tenpolice officers at the station that day. 4683 Most Serb police officers and special police inthe area, amounting to several hundred men, were at combat positions on the Dinara andhad been placed under the command of SVK colonel Radić. 4684 When the witness leftthe police station for a while, he saw that his car, parked across the street from thepolice station, was burning. He also observed a lot of smoke. 46851276. Around 8 a.m., the witness and others helped a man called Dragović who used tolive close (about ten to twenty metres away) to the police station and who told them thathis house had been hit by a shell. 4686 The witness then saw Dragović’s house which washeavily damaged due to a shell hitting a wall. 4687 The witness assisted Dragović inbringing his injured daughter to a hospital and on his way back to the police station, hesaw many shells dropped in the area of the Knin fortress and in the direction of therailway station, the government building, and the army headquarters. 4688 The witnessdid not see signs of shelling on the hospital or in its vicinity, noting that the glass façadeon the hospital was still intact when he was there on 4 August 1995. 4689 During the day,the witness saw further shells land or consequences of shelling in the area towards4679 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 4; P288 (Witness 56, witness statement,12 June 2007), p. 9, para. 20; P289 (Witness 56, witness statement, 21 May 2008), para. 2, p. 10,apartment marked H; Witness 56, T. 3536.4680 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 4; Witness 56, T. 3539.4681 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 4.4682 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 5; P288 (Witness 56, witness statement,12 June 2007), para. 24.4683 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 5.4684 Witness 56, T. 3536-3538, 3550-3551, 3553-3554, 3558-3559.4685 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 5.4686 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 5; P288 (Witness 56, witness statement,12 June 2007), p. 9, para. 22; P289 (Witness 56, witness statement, 21 May 2008), para. 2; Witness 56, T.3639.4687 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 5; P288 (Witness 56, witness statement,12 June 2007), p. 9, para. 22; P289 (Witness 56, witness statement, 21 May 2008), para. 2, p. 10, housemarked K.4688 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 6; P289 (Witness 56, witness statement,21 May 2008), p. 11, para. 6.4689 Witness 56, T. 3620.654Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38660Madesevac, the area of the RSK centre for information, the police station, and theNorthern barracks. 4690 The witness then drove to the army headquarters around 8:30 or 9a.m. 4691 When driving around town, mostly along the main street, later that day, thewitness saw a lot of damage, mostly around the Knin fortress. 4692 Around noon, theshelling intensity decreased but otherwise the shelling continued for the entire day.According to the witness, thousands of shells were launched into town. 46931277. Witness 6, a Croatian Serb from Knin, 4694 was in his apartment in town when theattack on the city began at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995. 4695 One of the first buildings to behit was one close to Witness 6’s house. 4696 Witness 6 testified that he lived in anapartment building which stood at the entrance to the city, on the road that leads toZadar. 4697 Witness 6’s neighbour’s apartment was hit by a shell soon after the beginningof the shelling. 4698 Witness 6’s own apartment building was hit a number of times anddamaged, mainly by shell shrapnel. 4699 The occupants of Witness 6’s building, around50-70 people, took shelter in the basement. 4700 Around noon there was a pause in theshelling and Witness 6 decided to flee. 4701 Witness 6 made his way to the garage wherehis car was parked, about 500 metres from his apartment. 4702 On the way there he sawbuildings hit by shells, houses on fire due to the shelling, and people running betweenbuildings, visibly upset. Witness 6 testified that the shells fell everywhere, without anapparent target and appeared to have been aimed at scaring people and making them4690 P289 (Witness 56, witness statement, 21 May 2008), paras 2, 6, pp. 10, northern barracks marked A,police station marked F, RSK centre for information marked P, 11, locations of shell impacts marked inblue.4691 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 6; P288 (Witness 56, witness statement,12 June 2007), para. 25.4692 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 7; P289 (Witness 56, witness statement,21 May 2008), para. 6, p. 11, route marked in red, locations of shell impacts marked in blue.4693 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 7.4694 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), p. 1, para. 1.4695 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 12.4696 Witness 6, T. 1039; P17 (Aerial photograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), locationA indicating Witness 6’s house.4697 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 12; P17 (Aerial photograph of Knin, withlocations indicated by Witness 6), location A indicating Witness 6’s house.4698 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 13; Witness 6, T. 885-887; P17 (Aerialphotograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), location A indicating Witness 6’s house.4699 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 14; Witness 6, T. 885-887; P17 (Aerialphotograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), location A indicating Witness 6’s house.4700 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 13.4701 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 15.4702 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 16; Witness 6, T. 887; P17 (Aerialphotograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), location B showing area where Witness 6’scar was parked.655Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38660Madesevac, the area of the RSK centre for information, the police station, and theNorthern barracks. 4690 The witness then drove to the army headquarters around 8:30 or 9a.m. 4691 When driving around town, mostly <strong>al</strong>ong the main stre<strong>et</strong>, later that day, thewitness saw a lot of damage, mostly around the Knin fortress. 4692 Around noon, theshelling intensity decreased but otherwise the shelling continued for the entire day.According to the witness, thousands of shells were launched into town. 46931277. Witness 6, a Croatian Serb from Knin, 4694 was in his apartment in town when theattack on the city began at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995. 4695 One of the first buildings to behit was one close to Witness 6’s house. 4696 Witness 6 testified that he lived in anapartment building which stood at the entrance to the city, on the road that leads toZadar. 4697 Witness 6’s neighbour’s apartment was hit by a shell soon after the beginningof the shelling. 4698 Witness 6’s own apartment building was hit a number of times anddamaged, mainly by shell shrapnel. 4699 The occupants of Witness 6’s building, around50-70 people, took shelter in the basement. 4700 Around noon there was a pause in theshelling and Witness 6 decided to flee. 4701 Witness 6 made his way to the garage wherehis car was parked, about 500 m<strong>et</strong>res from his apartment. 4702 On the way there he sawbuildings hit by shells, houses on fire due to the shelling, and people running b<strong>et</strong>weenbuildings, visibly ups<strong>et</strong>. Witness 6 testified that the shells fell everywhere, without anapparent targ<strong>et</strong> and appeared to have been aimed at scaring people and making them4690 P289 (Witness 56, witness statement, 21 May 2008), paras 2, 6, pp. 10, northern barracks marked A,police station marked F, RSK centre for information marked P, 11, locations of shell impacts marked inblue.4691 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 6; P288 (Witness 56, witness statement,12 June 2007), para. 25.4692 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 7; P289 (Witness 56, witness statement,21 May 2008), para. 6, p. 11, route marked in red, locations of shell impacts marked in blue.4693 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 7.4694 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), p. 1, para. 1.4695 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 12.4696 Witness 6, T. 1039; P17 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), locationA indicating Witness 6’s house.4697 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 12; P17 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin, withlocations indicated by Witness 6), location A indicating Witness 6’s house.4698 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 13; Witness 6, T. 885-887; P17 (Aeri<strong>al</strong>photograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), location A indicating Witness 6’s house.4699 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 14; Witness 6, T. 885-887; P17 (Aeri<strong>al</strong>photograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), location A indicating Witness 6’s house.4700 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 13.4701 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 15.4702 P16 (Witness 6, witness statement, 21 February 2007), para. 16; Witness 6, T. 887; P17 (Aeri<strong>al</strong>photograph of Knin, with locations indicated by Witness 6), location B showing area where Witness 6’scar was parked.655Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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