Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38663where the HV targeted the hospital, as well as other similar buildings. 4658 On 4 August1995 at 6:30 a.m., General Mrkšić of the SVK sent a letter to General Janvier of theUNPROFOR command in Zagreb in which he notified him that at 5 a.m. HV and HVOstarted shelling civilian targets in towns across the RSK. 46591272. Around 10 a.m. on 4 August 1995, Forand, Al-Alfi, a Russian Colonel namedNikolai Ratsuk, a French colonel and some other officers met with Novaković at theSVK headquarters. 4660 After the meeting, Novaković, Ratsuk and a number of UNofficers and soldiers went to the Knin hospital in a UN APC to ascertain the situationthere. 4661 The buildings around the hospital were being shelled. 4662 At the hospital,Novaković observed that a number of dead persons were being and had been brought tothe hospital. 46631273. Intelligence information from the SVK general staff, dated 4 August 1995recorded that on that day, Knin was attacked by the HV from Livanjsko Polje, fromseveral directions, and that by the time this information was drafted at 10 a.m., between200-300 rounds of different calibres had impacted on Knin. It recorded that the firststrike was carried out on the building of the SVK General Staff, which suffered greatmaterial damage with the fleet of vehicles almost completely destroyed. Later, theshelling was aimed at the military barracks “1300 kaplara”, the TVIK factory, therailway intersection, and residential buildings in the area beneath the Knin fortress andelsewhere. At 10 a.m. on 4 August 1995, the HV was still actively shelling Knin,alternatively using artillery pieces and MBRLs, and also shelling the Udbina airport, inaddition to periodically firing on other RSK settlements. 46641274. Witness 54 testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995, the shelling in Kninbegan. 4665 The witness estimated that over 1,000 shells fell during the first ten minutesof the shelling. 4666 When the attack started, the witness and his relatives took shelter in4658 Kosta Novaković, T. 11783-11784; D331 (Message from General Mrkšić to General Janvier,transmitted by Kosta Novaković).4659 D270 (Letter from General Mrkšić to General Janvier of 4 August 1995 at 6:30 a.m.).4660 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10; Kosta Novaković, T. 11726,11786.4661 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10; P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witnessstatement, 3 October 2008), para. 2; Kosta Novaković, T. 11787-11788.4662 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10.4663 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10; P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witnessstatement, 3 October 2008), para. 2.4664 D389 (Intelligence information from SVK General Staff, dated 4 August 1995).4665 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), pp. 2-3.4666 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 3.652Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38662the basement of the witness’s house. 4667 Later that morning, the witness and his relativestook shelter from the shelling in the basement of a hotel near the witness’s house, wherelater in the day about 100 people had gathered. 4668 According to the witness, theatmosphere in the hotel was one of panic and people were afraid for their safety. 4669Between about 5:30 a.m. and 7 a.m., the witness passed between his house and the hotelon several occasions. 4670 While passing from his own house to the hotel, the witnessobserved that the house of Šime Dujić, a Croat, which was on the same side of the roadas the hotel, and which had been hit by a shell, was on fire. 4671 The witness stated thathe tried several times to leave the hotel to retrieve his second car, but because shellswere falling continuously it was difficult to leave. 4672 The witness testified that houseson either side of the main road were shelled, but that no shells hit the main road itself, asfar as the witness could see. 4673 From the hotel, the witness saw smoke rising from thehouses of Jandre (Jašo) Prijić and ðoko Žegović, which were across the main streetfrom the hotel. 4674 He said that he later passed by these two houses and saw that theywere destroyed. 4675 The witness and his relatives stayed in the basement of the hoteluntil approximately 4 p.m., when the witness left by car with one of his relatives to gopick up other relatives from a house in the Kovačić area of Knin whom he brought backto the hotel for shelter from the shells. 4676 The witness stated that at this time theshelling was slightly less intense. 46771275. Witness 56 testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995, the witness was awoken bygrenade explosions and heard shell explosions. 4678 At that time, he lived in an apartment20 or 30 metres from the northern barracks and about 200 metres from the police4667 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), pp. 2-4; Witness 54, T. 2834, 2840-2842.4668 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), pp. 3-4; Witness 54, T. 2784, 2834-2835; P189(Photographs of Knin, marked by Witness 54), hotel marked A.4669 P187 (Witness 54, supplemental information sheet, 2 April 2007), para. 3.4670 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 3; Witness 54, T. 2834.4671 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 3; Witness 54, T. 2784-2785, 2837-2838; P189(Photographs of Knin, marked by Witness 54), one of two houses marked B.4672 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 4.4673 Witness 54, T. 2837, 2849.4674 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 4; Witness 54, T. 2784; P189 (Photographs ofKnin, marked by Witness 54), one of two houses marked B.4675 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 4.4676 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 4; Witness 54, T. 2840, 2842-2846, 2849, 2851.4677 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 4.4678 P286 (Witness 56, witness statement, 5 December 1996), p. 4.653Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38663where the HV targ<strong>et</strong>ed the hospit<strong>al</strong>, as well as other similar buildings. 4658 On 4 August1995 at 6:30 a.m., Gener<strong>al</strong> Mrkšić of the SVK sent a l<strong>et</strong>ter to Gener<strong>al</strong> Janvier of theUNPROFOR command in Zagreb in which he notified him that at 5 a.m. HV and HVOstarted shelling civilian targ<strong>et</strong>s in towns across the RSK. 46591272. Around 10 a.m. on 4 August 1995, Forand, Al-Alfi, a Russian Colonel namedNikolai Ratsuk, a French colonel and some other officers m<strong>et</strong> with Novaković at theSVK headquarters. 4660 After the me<strong>et</strong>ing, Novaković, Ratsuk and a number of UNofficers and soldiers went to the Knin hospit<strong>al</strong> in a UN APC to ascertain the situationthere. 4661 The buildings around the hospit<strong>al</strong> were being shelled. 4662 At the hospit<strong>al</strong>,Novaković observed that a number of dead persons were being and had been brought tothe hospit<strong>al</strong>. 46631273. Intelligence information from the SVK gener<strong>al</strong> staff, dated 4 August 1995recorded that on that day, Knin was attacked by the HV from Livanjsko Polje, fromsever<strong>al</strong> directions, and that by the time this information was drafted at 10 a.m., b<strong>et</strong>ween200-300 rounds of different c<strong>al</strong>ibres had impacted on Knin. It recorded that the firststrike was carried out on the building of the SVK Gener<strong>al</strong> Staff, which suffered greatmateri<strong>al</strong> damage with the fle<strong>et</strong> of vehicles <strong>al</strong>most compl<strong>et</strong>ely destroyed. Later, theshelling was aimed at the military barracks “1300 kaplara”, the TVIK factory, therailway intersection, and residenti<strong>al</strong> buildings in the area beneath the Knin fortress andelsewhere. At 10 a.m. on 4 August 1995, the HV was still actively shelling Knin,<strong>al</strong>ternatively using artillery pieces and MBRLs, and <strong>al</strong>so shelling the Udbina airport, inaddition to periodic<strong>al</strong>ly firing on other RSK s<strong>et</strong>tlements. 46641274. Witness 54 testified that at 5 a.m. on 4 August 1995, the shelling in Kninbegan. 4665 The witness estimated that over 1,000 shells fell during the first ten minutesof the shelling. 4666 When the attack started, the witness and his relatives took shelter in4658 Kosta Novaković, T. 11783-11784; D331 (Message from Gener<strong>al</strong> Mrkšić to Gener<strong>al</strong> Janvier,transmitted by Kosta Novaković).4659 D270 (L<strong>et</strong>ter from Gener<strong>al</strong> Mrkšić to Gener<strong>al</strong> Janvier of 4 August 1995 at 6:30 a.m.).4660 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10; Kosta Novaković, T. 11726,11786.4661 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10; P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witnessstatement, 3 October 2008), para. 2; Kosta Novaković, T. 11787-11788.4662 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10.4663 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 10; P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witnessstatement, 3 October 2008), para. 2.4664 D389 (Intelligence information from SVK Gener<strong>al</strong> Staff, dated 4 August 1995).4665 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), pp. 2-3.4666 P186 (Witness 54, witness statement, 2 July 1996), p. 3.652Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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