Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


386711256. The Trial Chamber will now turn to the evidence concerning the HV’s reportingof firing artillery projectiles at targets in Knin on 5 August 1995.1257. According to a document bearing the name “Sekovanić” of the artillery andmissile battalion Zagreb Brigade, on 5 August 1995, at 00:40, the self-propelledmultiple rocket launcher fired 40 pieces at Knin. 4602 On the night of 4 August 1995,Rajčić and Gotovina slept for a couple of hours in a house near the operations centre,and the witness saw Gotovina early in the morning on 5 August 1995. 46031258. On 5 August 1995, the TS-4 reported firing six 130-millimetre shells at 5:20 Knin, without further specifying a target; at 6:20 a.m. six 130-millimetre shells and at6:50 a.m. twelve 130-millimetre shells at the Slavko Rodić barracks; at 7:10 a.m. twelveshells at the cross-roads KV-510, and at 7:20 a.m. twelve shells of 130 millimetres atthe Senjak barracks. 4604 TS-4 War diary P2533 further recorded firing twelve 130-millimetre shells at “Knin Tromost” at 7:30 a.m., which fire is not recorded in P1269,the TS-4 daily report for 5 August 1995. 4605 Rajčić also had information that the SVKwas pulling out and would be setting up their second defence line in the area ofPañene. 4606 To make this impossible, Rajčić ordered the TS-4 to fire on a location akilometre and a half away from an intersection of the road from Stara Straza to Pañene,in the Oćestovo area, which it did at 9:15 a.m. 46071259. On 5 August 1995, the TS-3 fired 15 shells of 130 millimetres on the SVK MainStaff and 15 shells of 130 millimetres on the communications centre and post office inKnin. 4608 According to Goran Mamić’s operations diary for the TS-3, these shells werefired between 1 and 3 a.m. 4609 According to Rajčić, on 4 and 5 August 1995, the TS-34602 P2455 (Document by Sekovanić on artillery and missile battalion Zagreb Brigade), p. 21,4603 Marko Rajčić, T. 16484.4604 P1269 (Regular report of the TS-4, Bruno Milin, 5 August 1995), pp. 1-2; P2336 (Analysis of SplitMD actions from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 17 October 2008), p. 12; P2340 (Reconstructionof the Split MD artillery from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 28 November 2008), p. 18; P2341(Reconstruction of command and control of TS-3 and TS-4, by Marko Rajčić), pp. 16-17, 19; P2533 (Wardiary of TS-4, August 1995), p. 5.4605 P1269 (Regular report of the TS-4, Bruno Milin, 5 August 1995), p. 2; P2533 (War diary of TS-4,August 1995), p. 5.4606 Marko Rajčić, T. 17658.4607 Marko Rajčić, T. 17655-17658; P2533 (War diary of TS-4, August 1995), p. 6.4608 P2336 (Analysis of Split MD actions from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 17 October 2008), p.12; P2340 (Reconstruction of the Split MD artillery from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 28November 2008), p. 17; P2342 (Operations Diary, TS-3, Goran Mamić, 4-11 August 1995), p. 4.4609 P2342 (Operations Diary, TS-3, Goran Mamić, 4-11 August 1995), p. 4.644Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38670and TS-4 fired a combined total of 150 shells in artillery attack preparations and 255shells as artillery attack support on targets in the town of Knin. 46101260. On 5 August 1995, the 7th and possibly also the 4th Guards Brigade were goingto fire on the Northern Barracks in the early morning hours with MBRLs, in addition tofiring at SVK soldiers on the front line. 4611 Rajčić covered the particular coordinates ofthe Northern Barracks with the two brigades prior to the firing. 4612 Rajčić hadinformation from the intelligence department, based on electronic surveillance, that theRSK leadership were still active in the Slavko Rodić barracks and in the Main Staffheadquarters. 4613 At 4 a.m., as artillery in support of the attack, the 7th Guards Brigade,fired 40 rockets of 122 millimetres from a BM-21 rocket launcher at the target S-54 inKnin; at 5 a.m. a further 40 rockets at the Slavko Rodić barracks, and further fired atotal of 271 shells of 122 millimetres D30 at the Slavko Rodić barracks at 5 a.m. and ontwo targets in Knin municipality on the Ivančica map. 4614 A document bearing the name“Sekovanić” of the artillery and missile battalion Zagreb Brigade, recorded that on 5August 1995, at 5:20 a.m., the 1st Howitzer battalion fired 80 pieces of 122 millimetreson Knin. 4615 The Split MD’s Operational Diary further noted that at 8:55 a.m. on 5August 1995, the 7th Guards Brigade was informed to cease T-130 fire at Knin. 4616According to the 7th Guards Brigade’s daily reports and orders for 5 August 1995, the7th Guards Brigade fired 102 rockets of 122 millimetres on Knin that day. 46174610 P2336 (Analysis of Split MD actions from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 17 October 2008), p.16; P2340 (Reconstruction of the Split MD artillery from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 28November 2008), p. 23.4611 Marko Rajčić, T. 16540-16541.4612 Marko Rajčić, T. 16552-16553.4613 Marko Rajčić, T. 16471-16472.4614 Marko Rajčić, T. 16416; P2339 (Reconstruction of artillery activities of the 4th and 7th GuardsBrigade from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 28 November 2008), pp. 4-5; P2455 (Document bySekovanić on artillery and missile battalion Zagreb Brigade), p. 21; P2462 (Daily report of the 7th GuardsBrigade, 5 August 1995); P2473 (Daily order of the battery commander of the 7th Guards Brigade,August 1995), p. 3.4615 P2455 (Document by Sekovanić on artillery and missile battalion Zagreb Brigade), p. 21. See alsoP2339 (Reconstruction of artillery activities of the 4th and 7th Guards Brigade from 4 to 9 August 1995,by Marko Rajčić, 28 November 2008), pp. 4-5, 8-9.4616 P71 (Split MD operational diary for 25 July – 14 September 1995), pp. 1, 83-84.4617 P2462 (Daily report of the 7th Guards Brigade, 5 August 1995); P2466 (Guards Brigade report onammunition consumption, 3 to 5 August 1995), p. 5; P2473 (Daily order of the battery commander of the7th Guards Brigade, August 1995), p. 3. Having reviewed the evidence, the Trial Chamber decided to relyon P2462 in the original BCS text (which reads “70”) in relation to the number of rockets fired on Kninby the missile launcher referred to as “Cugi”.645Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38670and TS-4 fired a combined tot<strong>al</strong> of 150 shells in artillery attack preparations and 255shells as artillery attack support on targ<strong>et</strong>s in the town of Knin. 46101260. On 5 August 1995, the 7th and possibly <strong>al</strong>so the 4th Guards Brigade were goingto fire on the Northern Barracks in the early morning hours with MBRLs, in addition tofiring at SVK soldiers on the front line. 4611 Rajčić covered the particular coordinates ofthe Northern Barracks with the two brigades prior to the firing. 4612 Rajčić hadinformation from the intelligence department, based on electronic surveillance, that theRSK leadership were still active in the Slavko Rodić barracks and in the Main Staffheadquarters. 4613 At 4 a.m., as artillery in support of the attack, the 7th Guards Brigade,fired 40 rock<strong>et</strong>s of 122 millim<strong>et</strong>res from a BM-21 rock<strong>et</strong> launcher at the targ<strong>et</strong> S-54 inKnin; at 5 a.m. a further 40 rock<strong>et</strong>s at the Slavko Rodić barracks, and further fired atot<strong>al</strong> of 271 shells of 122 millim<strong>et</strong>res D30 at the Slavko Rodić barracks at 5 a.m. and ontwo targ<strong>et</strong>s in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity on the Ivančica map. 4614 A document bearing the name“Sekovanić” of the artillery and missile batt<strong>al</strong>ion Zagreb Brigade, recorded that on 5August 1995, at 5:20 a.m., the 1st Howitzer batt<strong>al</strong>ion fired 80 pieces of 122 millim<strong>et</strong>reson Knin. 4615 The Split MD’s Operation<strong>al</strong> Diary further noted that at 8:55 a.m. on 5August 1995, the 7th Guards Brigade was informed to cease T-130 fire at Knin. 4616According to the 7th Guards Brigade’s daily reports and orders for 5 August 1995, the7th Guards Brigade fired 102 rock<strong>et</strong>s of 122 millim<strong>et</strong>res on Knin that day. 46174610 P2336 (An<strong>al</strong>ysis of Split MD actions from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 17 October 2008), p.16; P2340 (Reconstruction of the Split MD artillery from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 28November 2008), p. 23.4611 Marko Rajčić, T. 16540-16541.4612 Marko Rajčić, T. 16552-16553.4613 Marko Rajčić, T. 16471-16472.4614 Marko Rajčić, T. 16416; P2339 (Reconstruction of artillery activities of the 4th and 7th GuardsBrigade from 4 to 9 August 1995, by Marko Rajčić, 28 November 2008), pp. 4-5; P2455 (Document bySekovanić on artillery and missile batt<strong>al</strong>ion Zagreb Brigade), p. 21; P2462 (Daily report of the 7th GuardsBrigade, 5 August 1995); P2473 (Daily order of the battery commander of the 7th Guards Brigade,August 1995), p. 3.4615 P2455 (Document by Sekovanić on artillery and missile batt<strong>al</strong>ion Zagreb Brigade), p. 21. See <strong>al</strong>soP2339 (Reconstruction of artillery activities of the 4th and 7th Guards Brigade from 4 to 9 August 1995,by Marko Rajčić, 28 November 2008), pp. 4-5, 8-9.4616 P71 (Split MD operation<strong>al</strong> diary for 25 July – 14 September 1995), pp. 1, 83-84.4617 P2462 (Daily report of the 7th Guards Brigade, 5 August 1995); P2466 (Guards Brigade report onammunition consumption, 3 to 5 August 1995), p. 5; P2473 (Daily order of the battery commander of the7th Guards Brigade, August 1995), p. 3. Having reviewed the evidence, the Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber decided to relyon P2462 in the origin<strong>al</strong> BCS text (which reads “70”) in relation to the number of rock<strong>et</strong>s fired on Kninby the missile launcher referred to as “Cugi”.645Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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