Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38687down Gotovina’s forces along the most important axis which was endangering thepractically undefended capital. 4467 Mrkšić testified that on 4 August 1995, other than apart of the Main Staff, the President’s security, the staff units, and a police platoonsecuring the command, there were no combat units, anti-aircraft or tank units stationedin Knin, but only women and children. 4468 The SVK had transport vehicles in order torelocate the Main Staff and mobile communication equipment in Knin, but no combat ordefence systems. 4469 Some of the Main Staff, MUP police and President’s security werein the SVK command building, while others were at a nearby hotel, where a number ofofficers were billeted. 4470 The Knin corps, consisting of a company or two, withoutengineering devices, minefields or the necessary firepower, were holding the front linein the Crvena Zemlja area. 4471 According to an SVK MUP Special Units Administrationreport of 2 August 1995, a new combat group was formed under the command ofColonel Radić of the 7th Corps, consisting of 60 MUP members, three police companiesof the Secretariat for Internal Affairs Knin, the Special Unit Dalmatia with theMinñušari platoon, 4472 30 7th Corps Scouts and an incomplete SVK infantrycompany. 4473 Mrkšić testified that Martić sent the RSK MUP regular police forces andthe Special Police platoon to defend the “Unista” position on the frontline along theDinara, as the SVK lacked sufficient personnel. 44741222. Kosta Novaković testified that there were no military units in or directly outsideof Knin. 4475 There were no operational units in either the Northern barracks or theSenjak barracks in August 1995, as they were all on the front lines. 4476 On 4 August1995, the 2nd Guards Brigade was not in Knin, but was deployed somewhere betweenGolubić and Strmica. 4477 During Operation Storm, the Special Purpose Unit of the RSKMUP, consisting of around 100 members, was not located or housed in Knin, but fought4467 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18868.4468 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18813, 18832, 18874, 19023-19025.4469 Mile Mrkšić, T. 19023.4470 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18860-18861, 18888, 19024.4471 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18901.4472 The Trial Chamber understands this to refer to the unit also known as the Earring wearers.4473 D941 (MUP Special Units Administration report on employment of the police forces at the Dinara, 2August 1995), p. 1.4474 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18901, 18915, 19113.4475 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 30; Kosta Novaković, T. 11780-11781, 11783, 11906, 11916-11917.4476 P1093 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 8 March 2007), para. 9; P1094 (Kosta Novaković,witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 16; Kosta Novaković, T. 11699, 11750.4477 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 16.628Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38686with the 1st Brigade near Vrlika. 4478 Prior to the end of July 1995, there were about 40soldiers in the Senjak barracks, which number included the 10 to 15 soldiers whoformed Bjelanović’s staff. 4479 On the morning of 4 August 1995 there were 15 soldiersin the Garrison Command building. 4480 On 4 August 1995, only the 20-30 soldiersmanning the medical facilities, the kitchen and the technical workshop were in theNorthern barracks. 44811223. Andries Dreyer testified that the defensive positions in and around Knin that heobserved on 4 August 1995 included only a manned mortar section and one APC. 4482On the same day, Dreyer saw an overturned Milicija vehicle with one dead personinside. 4483 Other than that, Dreyer observed no SVK military activity or other defencerelated activities in Knin on that day: specifically, he saw no movement of heavyweapons or firing of heavy or other weapons from Knin, no dug-in positions. 4484Andrew Leslie testified that from May 1995 onwards soldiers had been deployed intothe zone of separation and were therefore no longer in the town of Knin. 4485 Untilapproximately 1 August 1995, it was common to see soldiers visiting family and friendsin the town of Knin. 4486 Leslie stated that the military presence in Knin from 1 to 4August 1995 was minimal and that the defensive preparations in or around the town ofKnin were essentially non-existent. 44874478 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 25; Kosta Novaković, T. 11895-11896.4479 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 12.4480 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 19.4481 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 11; Kosta Novaković, T. 11980.4482 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 4; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), pp. 3-4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1721, 1738, 1795; P78 (Aerial photograph ofKnin marked by Dreyer in February 2008), marking C (mortar section), marking D (APC); P79 (Aerialphotograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996); D105 (Aerial photographs of Knin marked byDefence reproducing Dreyer’s markings and indicating military targets as alleged by Defence), p. 3.4483 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 5; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1721, 1795; P78 (Aerial photograph of Kninmarked by Dreyer in February 2008), marking F (overturned Milicija vehicle with one dead person); P79(Aerial photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996); D105 (Aerial photographs of Kninmarked by Defence reproducing Dreyer’s markings and indicating military targets as alleged byDefence), p. 3.4484 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 6; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), pp. 3-4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1722, 1738, 1795, 1799, 1801.4485 Andrew Leslie, T. 1937-1938; P84 (Report on possible violations of international humanitarian law,signed by Andrew Leslie, 12 August 1995), p. 2.4486 Andrew Leslie, T. 1938.4487 Andrew Leslie, T. 1938; P84 (Report on possible violations of international humanitarian law, signedby Andrew Leslie, 12 August 1995), p. 2.629Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38686with the 1st Brigade near Vrlika. 4478 Prior to the end of July 1995, there were about 40soldiers in the Senjak barracks, which number included the 10 to 15 soldiers whoformed Bjelanović’s staff. 4479 On the morning of 4 August 1995 there were 15 soldiersin the Garrison Command building. 4480 On 4 August 1995, only the 20-30 soldiersmanning the medic<strong>al</strong> facilities, the kitchen and the technic<strong>al</strong> workshop were in theNorthern barracks. 44811223. Andries Dreyer testified that the defensive positions in and around Knin that heobserved on 4 August 1995 included only a manned mortar section and one APC. 4482On the same day, Dreyer saw an overturned Milicija vehicle with one dead personinside. 4483 Other than that, Dreyer observed no SVK military activity or other defencerelated activities in Knin on that day: specific<strong>al</strong>ly, he saw no movement of heavyweapons or firing of heavy or other weapons from Knin, no dug-in positions. 4484Andrew Leslie testified that from May 1995 onwards soldiers had been deployed intothe zone of separation and were therefore no longer in the town of Knin. 4485 Untilapproximately 1 August 1995, it was common to see soldiers visiting family and friendsin the town of Knin. 4486 Leslie stated that the military presence in Knin from 1 to 4August 1995 was minim<strong>al</strong> and that the defensive preparations in or around the town ofKnin were essenti<strong>al</strong>ly non-existent. 44874478 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 25; Kosta Novaković, T. 11895-11896.4479 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 12.4480 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 19.4481 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 11; Kosta Novaković, T. 11980.4482 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 4; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), pp. 3-4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1721, 1738, 1795; P78 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph ofKnin marked by Dreyer in February 2008), marking C (mortar section), marking D (APC); P79 (Aeri<strong>al</strong>photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996); D105 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photographs of Knin marked byDefence reproducing Dreyer’s markings and indicating military targ<strong>et</strong>s as <strong>al</strong>leged by Defence), p. 3.4483 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 5; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), p. 4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1721, 1795; P78 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Kninmarked by Dreyer in February 2008), marking F (overturned Milicija vehicle with one dead person); P79(Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996); D105 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photographs of Kninmarked by Defence reproducing Dreyer’s markings and indicating military targ<strong>et</strong>s as <strong>al</strong>leged byDefence), p. 3.4484 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 6; D109 (Andries Dreyer, witnessstatement, 4 February 1996), pp. 3-4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1722, 1738, 1795, 1799, 1801.4485 Andrew Leslie, T. 1937-1938; P84 (Report on possible violations of internation<strong>al</strong> humanitarian law,signed by Andrew Leslie, 12 August 1995), p. 2.4486 Andrew Leslie, T. 1938.4487 Andrew Leslie, T. 1938; P84 (Report on possible violations of internation<strong>al</strong> humanitarian law, signedby Andrew Leslie, 12 August 1995), p. 2.629Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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