Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


386951205. Kosta Novaković testified that there were no fixed artillery positions in ordirectly outside of Knin and that the closest SVK military unit and artillery position toKnin was the 7th Light Artillery Anti-Aircraft Rocket Regiment located in the generalarea of Pañene, in Knin municipality, some 10 to 15 kilometres from Knin. 4413 Thisregiment was tasked with defending Knin against aerial attacks. 4414 However, AndrewLeslie testified that military facilities in Knin included a fixed artillery position to thewest of the UN compound; one large anti-aircraft facility to the south-east of the UNcompound which was exclusively of military use. 4415 Roland Dangerfield, a Britisharmy sector liaison officer stationed in Knin in August 1995, 4416 testified that thelegitimate military targets in the area of Knin he was aware of included the air defencebattery outside of town, west of the army barracks. 4417 Andries Dreyer, UN SecurityCoordinator for Sector South in 1995, 4418 testified that he had heard from the militaryabout a Serbian anti-aircraft position that was located on the hill above the UNcompound. 44191206. With regard to the communications facilities in Knin, Mile Mrkšić testified thatthe SVK anticipated that the HV would strike at their communications network. 4420 TheSVK used the former JNA communications systems which were over 40 years old andwhich relied on relay communications, based on antennas with protected undergroundfacilities serving as nodes which sent signals to other locations. 4421 Kosta Novakovićtestified that the Post Office in Knin was located across from the railway station and4412 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 3; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 6; P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked by Murray Dawes),Serbian army facility east of UN compound marked C.4413 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 30; Kosta Novaković, T. 11780-11781, 11783, 11906, 11916-11917.4414 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 30.4415 Andrew Leslie, T. 2133-2140, 2153-2155; D131 (Maps of Knin identifying “legitimate militarytargets”), fixed artillery position to the west of the UN compound marked C3, anti-aircraft facility to thesouth-east of the UN compound marked C4.4416 P695 (Roland Dangerfield, witness statement, 21 December 1995), paras 1-2; Roland Dangerfield, T.7132.4417 P695 (Roland Dangerfield, witness statement, 21 December 1995), para. 26; Roland Dangerfield, T.7143-7144; D716 (Aerial photographs of Knin), p. 4.4418 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), p. 1, para. 1; D109 (Andries Dreyer,witness statement, 4 February 1996), p.1; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995),p. 1; Andries Dreyer, T. 1710, 1745-1746, 1748, 1812, 1831.4419 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1721-1722;P78 (Aerial photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 2008), marking AA (anti-aircraftposition); P79 (Aerial photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996).4420 Mile Mrkšić, T. 19056.4421 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18838, 19054-19055.620Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38694contained telegraph equipment. 4422 The railway also had a communication centrelocated across from the railway station in a residential building. 4423 The SVK never usedthe Post Office or railway communication equipment as it relied on its owncommunications system in the Garrison Command building, and if that system failed,the SVK had a mobile communication facility. 4424 The SVK did use normal landlinetelephones for general communications, including between commanders’ offices. 4425Fuel was stored at the secondary railway yard, which was used for the trains. 4426Witness 56 testified that there was an antenna for radio communication on top of thepolice station and that radio communications in Knin had to run through the postoffice. 44271207. With regard to the TVIK factory, Mile Mrkšić testified that the SVK did notmake military use of the TVIK factory, which made nuts and bolts, but received theirmilitary assets from installations in Serbia. 4428 Kosta Novaković testified that he wasnot aware of a military use of the TVIK factory, which produced screws and which hehad last visited in May 1995. 4429 The power transformers and administration buildingsof the power company which were immediately next to the TVIK factory distributedpower to the town, but served no military use as the SVK had its own powergenerators. 4430 Murray Dawes, a former civilian UN accommodation officer stationedin Knin municipality from May 1994 to October 1995, 4431 testified that he had beeninside the TVIK factory many times before, at least once within a month prior to 4August 1995, and had not on these occasions seen any soldiers or military equipment in4422 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 28; P1095 (Aerial photograph ofKnin, marked by Kosta Novaković).4423 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 29; P1095 (Aerial photograph ofKnin, marked by Kosta Novaković), railway communication centre marked W.4424 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), paras 28-29; Kosta Novaković, T.11752-11753.4425 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 28; Kosta Novaković, T. 11752-11753, 11861.4426 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 34; P1095 (Aerial photograph ofKnin, marked by Kosta Novaković), secondary railway yard marked R.4427 P289 (Witness 56, witness statement, 21 May 2008), para. 2, p. 10, post office marked I, Witness 56,T. 3556-3557.4428 Mile Mrkšić, T. 19047, 19110, 19126-19127; D1525 (Map of Knin with markings by Mile Mrkšić),TVIK factory marked D.4429 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 31; Kosta Novaković, T. 11936-11937; P1095 (Aerial photograph of Knin, marked by Kosta Novaković), TVIK factory marked O.4430 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 33; P1095 (Aerial photograph ofKnin, marked by Kosta Novaković), power company buildings and transformers marked Q.4431 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), pp. 1-2.621Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

386951205. Kosta Novaković testified that there were no fixed artillery positions in ordirectly outside of Knin and that the closest SVK military unit and artillery position toKnin was the 7th Light Artillery Anti-Aircraft Rock<strong>et</strong> Regiment located in the gener<strong>al</strong>area of Pañene, in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, some 10 to 15 kilom<strong>et</strong>res from Knin. 4413 Thisregiment was tasked with defending Knin against aeri<strong>al</strong> attacks. 4414 However, AndrewLeslie testified that military facilities in Knin included a fixed artillery position to thewest of the UN compound; one large anti-aircraft facility to the south-east of the UNcompound which was exclusively of military use. 4415 Roland Dangerfield, a Britisharmy sector liaison officer stationed in Knin in August 1995, 4416 testified that thelegitimate military targ<strong>et</strong>s in the area of Knin he was aware of included the air defencebattery outside of town, west of the army barracks. 4417 Andries Dreyer, UN SecurityCoordinator for Sector South in 1995, 4418 testified that he had heard from the militaryabout a Serbian anti-aircraft position that was located on the hill above the UNcompound. 44191206. With regard to the communications facilities in Knin, Mile Mrkšić testified thatthe SVK anticipated that the HV would strike at their communications n<strong>et</strong>work. 4420 TheSVK used the former JNA communications systems which were over 40 years old andwhich relied on relay communications, based on antennas with protected undergroundfacilities serving as nodes which sent sign<strong>al</strong>s to other locations. 4421 Kosta Novakovićtestified that the Post Office in Knin was located across from the railway station and4412 P980 (Murray Dawes, witness statement, 22 August 1996), p. 3; P981 (Murray Dawes, witnessstatement, 2 April 2008), para. 6; P984 (Map of Knin with various locations marked by Murray Dawes),Serbian army facility east of UN compound marked C.4413 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 30; Kosta Novaković, T. 11780-11781, 11783, 11906, 11916-11917.4414 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 30.4415 Andrew Leslie, T. 2133-2140, 2153-2155; D131 (Maps of Knin identifying “legitimate militarytarg<strong>et</strong>s”), fixed artillery position to the west of the UN compound marked C3, anti-aircraft facility to thesouth-east of the UN compound marked C4.4416 P695 (Roland Dangerfield, witness statement, 21 December 1995), paras 1-2; Roland Dangerfield, T.7132.4417 P695 (Roland Dangerfield, witness statement, 21 December 1995), para. 26; Roland Dangerfield, T.7143-7144; D716 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photographs of Knin), p. 4.4418 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), p. 1, para. 1; D109 (Andries Dreyer,witness statement, 4 February 1996), p.1; D110 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 8 November 1995),p. 1; Andries Dreyer, T. 1710, 1745-1746, 1748, 1812, 1831.4419 P72 (Andries Dreyer, witness statement, 22 February 2008), para. 4; Andries Dreyer, T. 1721-1722;P78 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 2008), marking AA (anti-aircraftposition); P79 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin marked by Dreyer in February 1996).4420 Mile Mrkšić, T. 19056.4421 Mile Mrkšić, T. 18838, 19054-19055.620Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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