Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38701P1271 and P1272. On 2 August 1995, <strong>Gotovina</strong> and Rajčić issued orders for the HVartillery to provide artillery support to the main forces in the attack operation, throughpowerful strikes against the enemy’s front line, command posts, communicationscentres, and artillery firing positions and by putting the towns of Drvar, Knin,Benkovac, Obrovac, and Gračac under artillery fire (without further specifying whatshould be targ<strong>et</strong>ed). The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber will consider in chapter 5.8.2 (i) wh<strong>et</strong>her theseattack orders should be interpr<strong>et</strong>ed to mean that these towns as such were identified astarg<strong>et</strong>s.1195. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received evidence on the facilities used by the SVK inKnin at the time of Operation Storm from Novaković, Mrkšić, Witness 54, Witness 56and sever<strong>al</strong> internation<strong>al</strong> observers who were stationed or otherwise present in Knin atthe time.1196. Kosta Novaković, who was a member of the SVK Gener<strong>al</strong> Staff and assistantcommander to Mile Mrkšić during Operation Storm, 4349 testified that the Northernbarracks was situated on the edge of Knin, on the road to Strmica, in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity,and contained a kitchen, medic<strong>al</strong> facilities and a technic<strong>al</strong> workshop. 4350 Until the end ofJuly 1995, the Corps Command of the 7th North D<strong>al</strong>matian Corps, which protected theSector South area, was based in the Northern barracks. 4351 The command consisted ofaround 30 soldiers. There was <strong>al</strong>so a mobile communications unit consisting of 70soldiers and 10 vehicles at the barracks. 4352 At the end of the July 1995, the CorpsCommand moved to the Dinara Mountains. 43531197. Novaković testified that the SVK command centre was based in Knin town in afour storey building c<strong>al</strong>led the Garrison Command or Division Command, which wasnext to the Army h<strong>al</strong>l and opposite the railway station. 4354 This building was used as thecommand of the SVK, was the SVK’s main communications centre and it housed the4349 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), pp. 1-2; P1093 (Kosta Novaković,witness statement, 8 March 2007), paras 4-5; Kosta Novaković, T. 11708, 11711, 11775-11776, 11858.4350 P1093 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 8 March 2007), para. 9; P1094 (Kosta Novaković,witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 10; P1095 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin, marked by KostaNovaković), Northern barracks marked C.4351 P1093 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 8 March 2007), para. 7; P1094 (Kosta Novaković,witness statement, 3 October 2008), paras 10-11.4352 P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), para. 10; Kosta Novaković, T. 11929.4353 P1093 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 8 March 2007), para. 7; Kosta Novaković, T. 11929.4354 P1092 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 5 April 2001), p. 9; P1093 (Kosta Novaković, witnessstatement, 8 March 2007), paras 5, 9; P1094 (Kosta Novaković, witness statement, 3 October 2008), paras4, 18; P1095 (Aeri<strong>al</strong> photograph of Knin, marked by Kosta Novaković), Garrison Command marked H;Kosta Novaković, T. 11725.614Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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