Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38706It was decided that the MBRLs were going to fire early in the morning. 4313 Rajčićsubmitted the artillery plan to <strong>Gotovina</strong> on 1 August 1995. 43141185. On 2 August 1995, <strong>Gotovina</strong> ordered the Split MD forces to engage in avigorous attack with intense artillery and air support, on sever<strong>al</strong> axes, directed at themain military and politic<strong>al</strong> transportation features in the enemy’s operation<strong>al</strong> depth. 4315<strong>Gotovina</strong> further ordered the forces to use front<strong>al</strong> and flank strikes with strong artilleryrock<strong>et</strong>and air support to break up the enemy forces on the forward defence line and totake control of the key land, transportation, military, and politic<strong>al</strong> features in theoperation<strong>al</strong> depth, thereby putting the enemy in a no-exit situation and forcing him tosurrender or withdraw. <strong>Gotovina</strong> ordered his forces to encircle the enemy forces in thegener<strong>al</strong> Northern D<strong>al</strong>matia area, to cut off their communications from Knin to the north,and to encircle and take control of Knin. 4316 <strong>Gotovina</strong> tasked <strong>al</strong>l artillery-rock<strong>et</strong> groupswith providing artillery support to the main forces in the attack operation, throughpowerful strikes against the enemy’s front line, command posts, communicationscentres, and artillery firing positions and by putting the towns of Drvar, Knin,Benkovac, Obrovac, and Gračac under artillery fire. 4317 The artillery-rock<strong>et</strong> groups werefurther required to prevent the enemy from putting fresh forces into action fromlocations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as from Knin, Vrlika, Gračac, and Obrovac.The chiefs of artillery in the OGs were ordered to devise artillery plans of use and plansof action, in line with the established groups, each for their respective TS or TRS. 43181186. In the same order, <strong>Gotovina</strong> ordered the 4th and 7th Guards Brigades to carry outa vigorous strike on the Dinara-Knin axis to break up the enemy forces on the forwarddefence line, cut off the road leading from Knin to Gračac, and then to take control ofKnin. 4319 During the first phase of the attack, the 4th Guards Brigade was ordered toprovide artillery and rock<strong>et</strong> support to the 7th Guards Brigade. 4320 The 7th GuardsBrigade was ordered to provide maximum fire support on the right flank of the attack4313 D1425 (Marko Rajčić, witness statement, 13 February 2009), para. 16.4314 Marko Rajčić, T. 16264, 16266.4315 P1125 (Offensive Operation Order by Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 2 August 1995), pp. 4-5.4316 P1125 (Offensive Operation Order by Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 2 August 1995), p. 5.4317 P1125 (Offensive Operation Order by Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 2 August 1995), p. 14. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber hasdecided to rely on the CLSS translation of the word “udare” in P1125, as clarified in the Request forVerification of English Translation of Exhibit D970 of 12 January 2010.4318 P1125 (Offensive Operation Order by Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 2 August 1995), p. 14.4319 P1125 (Offensive Operation Order by Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 2 August 1995), pp. 6-8.4320 P1125 (Offensive Operation Order by Ante <strong>Gotovina</strong>, 2 August 1995), p. 8.609Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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