Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


387254.3.10 Lišane Ostrovičke municipality1152. The Trial Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto alleged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Lišane Ostrovičke municipality.4.3.11 Lisičić municipality1153. The Trial Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto alleged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Lisičić municipality.4.3.12 Nadvoda municipality1154. The Trial Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto alleged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Nadvoda municipality.4.3.13 Obrovac municipality1155. The Trial Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto alleged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Obrovac municipality.4.3.14 Oklaj municipality1156. The Trial Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto alleged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Oklaj municipality.4.3.15 Orlić municipalityðurdija Amanović in Vrbnik1157. The Trial Chamber has received evidence with regard to the alleged ill-treatmentof ðurdija Amanović through the testimony of Vesela Damjanić, a Serb from Vrbnik inOrlić municipality. 4179 She stated that around 16 August 1995, she heard the screams ofðurdija Amanović, who lived in the neighbourhood on the other side of the road from4178 D1729 (Letter from Carmen Burger to Čermak as a follow-up to meeting, 18 September 1995), p. 2.4179 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), pp. 1-2 (witness statement of 8 July 1999), 7 (witnessstatement of 13 October 2004).590Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38724the witness. Amanović was elderly and had difficulty moving. The witness approachedAmanović’s house, and saw three soldiers in green camouflage uniforms shouting atAmanović and arguing about whether they should set her on fire. After the soldiers left,the witness found Amanović in her bedroom, and saw that the floor of the bedroom hadburned, as had Amanović’s skirt. Amanović told the witness that the soldiers had triedto burn her and had accused her sons of being “Chetniks”. Around 17 August 1995, thesame soldiers came to the house of ðurdija Amanović again and took away some of herfirewood in the presence of the witness. The soldiers also took Amanović’s televisionand parquet floor. The soldiers then left in a big green military truck with a soft coveredback in the direction of Drniš. 41801158. Based on the evidence received, the Trial Chamber finds that around 16 August1995, three persons threatened and tried to burn ðurdija Amanović from Vrbnik. TheTrial Chamber also finds that around 17 August 1995, the same persons took somefirewood, a television, and the parquet floor from Amanović’s house. Considering thatthe persons accused Amanović’s sons of being “Chetniks” and that, according to the1991 Population Census, 1309 out of 1332 persons in Vrbnik were Serbs, the TrialChamber finds that ðurdija Amanović was Serb. Considering in particular the persons’use of the term “Chetniks”, that they wore green camouflage uniforms, and drove a biggreen military truck the Trial Chamber finds that they were members of Croatianmilitary forces or Special Police. The Trial Chamber will further consider this incidentin relation to Counts 1, 4, 8, and 9 of the Indictment in chapters 5.6.2, 5.7.2 and 5.8.2 (c)below.Draginja Urukalo and Dušan Urukalo in Biskupija1159. The Trial Chamber has received evidence with regard to the alleged ill-treatmentof Draginja Urukalo through the testimony of Draginja Urukalo, a Serb from Urukalihamlet in Biskupija village in Orlić municipality, who was 73 years old in 1995. 4181 Shetestified that one Saturday or Sunday after the beginning of August 1995, Croatiansoldiers came to her village and began shooting and entering homes. 4182 Urukalo was4180 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), p. 5 (witness statement of 8 July 1999).4181 P964 (Draginja Urukalo, witness statement, 3 September 2003), p. 1, paras 1-2; Draginja Urukalo, T.10088.4182 P964 (Draginja Urukalo, witness statement, 3 September 2003), paras 2-4; Draginja Urukalo, T.10090-10091.591Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

387254.3.10 Lišane Ostrovičke municip<strong>al</strong>ity1152. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto <strong>al</strong>leged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Lišane Ostrovičke municip<strong>al</strong>ity.4.3.11 Lisičić municip<strong>al</strong>ity1153. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto <strong>al</strong>leged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Lisičić municip<strong>al</strong>ity.4.3.12 Nadvoda municip<strong>al</strong>ity1154. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto <strong>al</strong>leged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Nadvoda municip<strong>al</strong>ity.4.3.13 Obrovac municip<strong>al</strong>ity1155. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto <strong>al</strong>leged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Obrovac municip<strong>al</strong>ity.4.3.14 Oklaj municip<strong>al</strong>ity1156. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received insufficient or no relevant evidence with regardto <strong>al</strong>leged inhumane acts and cruel treatment in Oklaj municip<strong>al</strong>ity.4.3.15 Orlić municip<strong>al</strong>ityðurdija Amanović in Vrbnik1157. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber has received evidence with regard to the <strong>al</strong>leged ill-treatmentof ðurdija Amanović through the testimony of Vesela Damjanić, a Serb from Vrbnik inOrlić municip<strong>al</strong>ity. 4179 She stated that around 16 August 1995, she heard the screams ofðurdija Amanović, who lived in the neighbourhood on the other side of the road from4178 D1729 (L<strong>et</strong>ter from Carmen Burger to Čermak as a follow-up to me<strong>et</strong>ing, 18 September 1995), p. 2.4179 P632 (Vesela Damjanić, witness statements), pp. 1-2 (witness statement of 8 July 1999), 7 (witnessstatement of 13 October 2004).590Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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