Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38731On visits to Knin on 8 August 1995, Serb interpreters reported to Roberts that they hadbeen intimidated. 4143 Roberts testified that on 8 August 1995, he visited Knin with aCivil Affairs Officer and Šare to see the condition of their apartments, and had stoppedat Šare’s apartment, which had been ransacked. 4144 While Šare was inside the apartmentand as Roberts and the Civil Affairs Officer were leaving Šare’s apartment block,Croatian soldiers approached Roberts and the Civil Affairs Officer and challenged themin a threatening manner, asking them why they were there. 4145 The soldiers then enteredthe building, with Roberts and the Civil Affairs Officer following them, and the soldierslocated Šare’s apartment and confirmed his identity by looking at his UN ID card. 4146Roberts observed that the soldiers immediately began hitting and slapping Šare severaltimes hard in the face, pushing and punching him, pointing a rifle at him, andthreatening to use it. 4147 As Roberts and the Civil Affairs Officer attempted to escortŠare out of the apartment via the stairs, Šare was punched in the back andthreatened. 4148 The soldiers demanded that Šare be handed over by Roberts and the CivilAffairs Officer, who refused, and took Šare with them as they entered a UN vehicleoutside the building. 4149 When they attempted to drive away, one soldier shot in the airover the vehicle and then shot the right front tire. 4150 More soldiers appeared and they24 November 1994); D706 (Letter of the Security Department of the SVK’s General Staff, 20 November1994).4143 P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson Phillip Arnold on looting, 9 August1995), para. 8.4144 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; Alun Roberts, T. 7050-7051; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UNChief Spokesperson Phillip Arnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 8.4145 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; Alun Roberts, T. 7050-7051; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UNChief Spokesperson Phillip Arnold on looting, 9 August 1995), introduction, para. 9.4146P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; Alun Roberts, T. 7050; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN ChiefSpokesperson Phillip Arnold on looting, 9 August 1995), introduction, para. 9.4147P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), introduction, para. 9.4148 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), introduction, para. 10.4149 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), introduction, para. 11.4150P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), paras 11-12.584Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38730rocked the vehicle and hit the passenger side window. 4151 One soldier re-entered theinterpreter’s apartment and emerged with a paper with an SVK stamp and Šare’s nameon it and accused Šare of having committed war crimes; another soldier threatened Šarewith a knife, and a third threatened that if Šare was not handed over, he would killŠare. 4152 When Croatian police arrived at the scene, the situation cooled down, althoughit became tense again when military police arrived and demanded that Šare be handedover. 4153 A Croatian liaison officer arrived, stating that the UN should not have been inKnin with any Serb men. 4154 The situation was eventually solved when a senior Croatianofficer arrived, after which Šare was shielded by UN personnel and led to a UN militaryvehicle. 41551144. John Hill, Commanding Officer of the International Military Police in SectorSouth from early June 1995 to 8 December 1995, 4156 testified that on the evening of 8August 1995, he went to Knin to check on a reported incident. 4157 He foundapproximately 30 Croat soldiers and military policemen surrounding a UN vehicle witha flat tire, in which a Serb interpreter for the UN was sitting. 4158 Hill stated that theinterpreter had gone back to his house in Knin to pick up his belongings, but thenCroatian soldiers discovered that he was a Serb, and as he was trying to drive away,they shot one front tire of the vehicle he was in. 4159 Hill talked to one of the soldierswho was introduced to him, through another interpreter, as the commander of the 4th4151 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 12.4152P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 13.4153 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 14.4154 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 15.4155P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), paras 16-17.4156 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 2; P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21January 1998), pp. 3, 93; P293 (John Hill, witness statement, 2 November 1999), p. 3.4157 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 38; John Hill, T. 3766; D274 (John Hill’sdiary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), pp. 3-4.4158 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 38; John Hill, T. 3766; D274 (John Hill’sdiary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), p. 4.4159P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 38; John Hill, T. 3767; D274 (John Hill’sdiary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), p. 4.585Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38730rocked the vehicle and hit the passenger side window. 4151 One soldier re-entered theinterpr<strong>et</strong>er’s apartment and emerged with a paper with an SVK stamp and Šare’s nameon it and accused Šare of having committed war crimes; another soldier threatened Šarewith a knife, and a third threatened that if Šare was not handed over, he would killŠare. 4152 When Croatian police arrived at the scene, the situation cooled down, <strong>al</strong>thoughit became tense again when military police arrived and demanded that Šare be handedover. 4153 A Croatian liaison officer arrived, stating that the UN should not have been inKnin with any Serb men. 4154 The situation was eventu<strong>al</strong>ly solved when a senior Croatianofficer arrived, after which Šare was shielded by UN personnel and led to a UN militaryvehicle. 41551144. John Hill, Commanding Officer of the Internation<strong>al</strong> Military Police in SectorSouth from early June 1995 to 8 December 1995, 4156 testified that on the evening of 8August 1995, he went to Knin to check on a reported incident. 4157 He foundapproximately 30 Croat soldiers and military policemen surrounding a UN vehicle witha flat tire, in which a Serb interpr<strong>et</strong>er for the UN was sitting. 4158 Hill stated that theinterpr<strong>et</strong>er had gone back to his house in Knin to pick up his belongings, but thenCroatian soldiers discovered that he was a Serb, and as he was trying to drive away,they shot one front tire of the vehicle he was in. 4159 Hill t<strong>al</strong>ked to one of the soldierswho was introduced to him, through another interpr<strong>et</strong>er, as the commander of the 4th4151 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 12.4152P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 13.4153 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 14.4154 P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), para. 15.4155P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), p. 7; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P702 (Report from Alun Roberts to UN Chief Spokesperson PhillipArnold on looting, 9 August 1995), paras 16-17.4156 P291 (John Hill, witness statement, 23 August 1996), p. 2; P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21January 1998), pp. 3, 93; P293 (John Hill, witness statement, 2 November 1999), p. 3.4157 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 38; John Hill, T. 3766; D274 (John Hill’sdiary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), pp. 3-4.4158 P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 38; John Hill, T. 3766; D274 (John Hill’sdiary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), p. 4.4159P292 (John Hill, witness statement, 21 January 1998), p. 38; John Hill, T. 3767; D274 (John Hill’sdiary, entries from 5-13 August 1995), p. 4.585Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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