Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


39259110. On 6 July 1994, Šušak issued an order reaffirming the subordination of VP unitsto the VP administration under the command and control of the chief of the VPadministration. 292 VP platoons attached to brigades were subordinated by law to thebrigade commander and through him to the commander of the MD, Croatian Navy,Croatian Air Force, and “JB”. 293 The order required all members of VP platoonsattached to brigades to wear white armbands in addition to the insignia of the VPbattalions in their zone of responsibility. 294 Previous contrary orders ceased to be ineffect. 295111. The Trial Chamber now turns to evidence received in relation to VP-relatedevents in the days before Operation Storm. According to an order of 2 August 1995 byLaušić, setting out the tasks of the VP during upcoming operations, VP units on alllevels were to set up strong check-points with the task of preventing unauthorized anduncontrolled entrance into the zones of combat operations as well as uncontrolled exitfrom the zones of combat operations, and take vigorous actions against those who didnot obey and follow orders of the VP. 296 These tasks were to be carried out incooperation with the MUP. 297 The order further set out that within the daily operationalchain of command, commanders of VP battalions and independent companies should besubordinated to commanders of the MDs and commanders of Croatian Navy andCroatian Air Force and should report to them on a daily basis. 298 The commander of theSplit MD was copied as an addressee on this order. 299 According to the order, the 72nd292 D35 (Order issued by the Minister of Defence concerning the command and control of the VP, 6 July1994).293 D35 (Order issued by the Minister of Defence concerning the command and control of the VP, 6 July1994), para. 3.294 D35 (Order issued by the Minister of Defence concerning the command and control of the VP, 6 July1994), para. 7.295 D35 (Order issued by the Minister of Defence concerning the command and control of the VP, 6 July1994), para. 10.296 P2171/D267 (Order by Major General Mate Laušić re preparations of the VP, 2 August 1995), paras 5-6; see also P2159 (Mate Laušić, witness statement, 11 August 2004), paras 165-166, 168, 248-249; MateLaušić, T. 15253-15254. The Trial Chamber notes that P2171 and D267 are the same order with P2171containing a finalized translation.297 P2171/D267 (Order by Major General Mate Laušić re preparations of the VP, 2 August 1995), paras 5-6.298 P2171/D267 (Order by Major General Mate Laušić re preparations of the VP, 2 August 1995), para.12; see also P2159 (Mate Laušić, witness statement, 11 August 2004), paras 165-166, 168, 248-249; MateLaušić, T. 15253-15254.299 P2171/D267 (Order by Major General Mate Laušić re preparations of the VP, 2 August 1995).56Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39258and the 73rd VP Battalions were subordinated to Ivan Jurić. 300 This order was to takeeffect at midnight on 3 August 1995. 301112. On 3 August 1995, during a meeting at the MoD, Laušić stated that HV unitcommanders had been warned that they would be personally responsible for thediscipline of their subordinates. 302 He also explained that he authorized officers of theVP administration to remove commanders of VP units “on the spot” in case of “anyirregularities” in their work. Finally, he stated that the sequence of processing of POWsshould be first intelligence service, then SIS and SZUP, and lastly Crime VP, and hestressed that the VP must conform to the Geneva Convention on the treatment ofPOWs. 303 During the same meeting, Biškić presented the tasks of the VP, which at thestart of combat operations were setting up check-points on the roads, and carrying outsearch and mopping-up operations in the liberated areas. 304 Following advances by theHV, the tasks of the VP were policing and patrolling activities, deployment in Knin andGlina, as well as cooperation with the MUP in populated areas until the establishment ofcivilian authorities. After the termination of combat activities, the VP was responsiblefor the security of protected persons and facilities, setting up “firm” check-points,marking the boundaries between combat zones and areas under the control of civilianauthorities, as well as regrouping in accordance with the movements and deploymentsof the Armed Forces of Croatia. 305 Assistant Minister of the Interior Joško Morićannounced that the MUP would secure entries and exists to towns. 306113. According to an order of 3 August 1995 by Laušić, a meeting was held betweenthe representatives of the MUP and the VP on that day at which the tactics and conductof the VP and the civilian police at the start of the offensive operations and the newlyliberated areas were discussed. 307 Laušić ordered among others the 72nd and 73rd VPBattalions to: immediately establish contacts with the MUP; follow the advance of theHV in the liberated territory, and with “joint patrols” ensure law and order, traffic forthe needs of the HV, and the isolation and evacuation of civilians for their security;300 P2171/D267 (Order by Major General Mate Laušić re preparations of the VP, 2 August 1995), paras10-12.301 P2159 (Mate Laušić, witness statement, 11 August 2004), para. 166.302 D45 (Minutes of meeting held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), pp. 4-5.303 D45 (Minutes of meeting held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), p. 6.304 D45 (Minutes of meeting held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), pp. 4-5.305 D45 (Minutes of meeting held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), p. 5.306 D45 (Minutes of meeting held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), pp. 3, 7.307 D269 (Order by Major General Mate Laušić concerning the cooperation between the MUP and the VP,3 August 1995), p. 1.57Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

39258and the 73rd VP Batt<strong>al</strong>ions were subordinated to Ivan Jurić. 300 This order was to takeeffect at midnight on 3 August 1995. 301112. On 3 August 1995, during a me<strong>et</strong>ing at the MoD, Laušić stated that HV unitcommanders had been warned that they would be person<strong>al</strong>ly responsible for thediscipline of their subordinates. 302 He <strong>al</strong>so explained that he authorized officers of theVP administration to remove commanders of VP units “on the spot” in case of “anyirregularities” in their work. Fin<strong>al</strong>ly, he stated that the sequence of processing of POWsshould be first intelligence service, then SIS and SZUP, and lastly Crime VP, and hestressed that the VP must conform to the Geneva Convention on the treatment ofPOWs. 303 During the same me<strong>et</strong>ing, Biškić presented the tasks of the VP, which at thestart of combat operations were s<strong>et</strong>ting up check-points on the roads, and carrying outsearch and mopping-up operations in the liberated areas. 304 Following advances by theHV, the tasks of the VP were policing and patrolling activities, deployment in Knin andGlina, as well as cooperation with the MUP in populated areas until the establishment ofcivilian authorities. After the termination of combat activities, the VP was responsiblefor the security of protected persons and facilities, s<strong>et</strong>ting up “firm” check-points,marking the boundaries b<strong>et</strong>ween combat zones and areas under the control of civilianauthorities, as well as regrouping in accordance with the movements and deploymentsof the Armed Forces of Croatia. 305 Assistant Minister of the Interior Joško Morićannounced that the MUP would secure entries and exists to towns. 306113. According to an order of 3 August 1995 by Laušić, a me<strong>et</strong>ing was held b<strong>et</strong>weenthe representatives of the MUP and the VP on that day at which the tactics and conductof the VP and the civilian police at the start of the offensive operations and the newlyliberated areas were discussed. 307 Laušić ordered among others the 72nd and 73rd VPBatt<strong>al</strong>ions to: immediately establish contacts with the MUP; follow the advance of theHV in the liberated territory, and with “joint patrols” ensure law and order, traffic forthe needs of the HV, and the isolation and evacuation of civilians for their security;300 P2171/D267 (Order by Major Gener<strong>al</strong> Mate Laušić re preparations of the VP, 2 August 1995), paras10-12.301 P2159 (Mate Laušić, witness statement, 11 August 2004), para. 166.302 D45 (Minutes of me<strong>et</strong>ing held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), pp. 4-5.303 D45 (Minutes of me<strong>et</strong>ing held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), p. 6.304 D45 (Minutes of me<strong>et</strong>ing held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), pp. 4-5.305 D45 (Minutes of me<strong>et</strong>ing held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), p. 5.306 D45 (Minutes of me<strong>et</strong>ing held at the MoD, 4 August 1995), pp. 3, 7.307 D269 (Order by Major Gener<strong>al</strong> Mate Laušić concerning the cooperation b<strong>et</strong>ween the MUP and the VP,3 August 1995), p. 1.57Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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