Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38797not in uniform coming to Žagrović in civilian cars and looting TV s<strong>et</strong>s, chain-saws,furniture, and other items from different houses, loading them onto tractors, and takingvehicles that had been left behind by villagers. 3819 Among the looters, Witness 69recognized persons he knew and who lived in Zadar, Split, and Šibenik. 3820 One of thelooters was leading the others to show what was located where. 3821 The witness rec<strong>al</strong>ledone occasion when four soldiers, b<strong>et</strong>ween 20 and 30 years old and wearing Croatianemblems on their uniforms, looted ðoko Novković’s house in Žagrović. 3822 ðokoNovković was a refugee in the FRY at the time when Witness 69 gave his statement. 3823On 15 August 1995, Witness 69 saw Croatian soldiers looting from another houseowned by a Serb, that he had visited earlier in the evening of 11 or 12 August 1995, <strong>al</strong>lthe technic<strong>al</strong> appliances, v<strong>al</strong>uable working tools, livestock, and a tractor. 3824 Witness 69did not report the looting to UNCIVPOL or the Croatian police. 3825 The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamberhas considered further evidence of this witness, reviewed in chapter 4.1.9. 3826989. Witness 136, a Serb field interpr<strong>et</strong>er for UNCIVPOL and UNCRO, 3827 testifiedthat on 31 August 1995, she accompanied an UNCIVPOL offici<strong>al</strong> on patrol to thevillage of Žagrović in the area of Raškovići, in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, where upon arriv<strong>al</strong>,they saw that the Croatian police were <strong>al</strong>so patrolling the village. From the patrol carshe was in, Witness 136 saw a Croatian policeman wearing a norm<strong>al</strong> civilian policeuniform, loading things from a house owned by Milan Glumac into a sm<strong>al</strong>l trailerattached to a white VW Golf vehicle. 3828 Witness 136 added that the policeman pickedup a rifle from his car and fired a burst over the UN patrol car. When Witness 136reported the incident to the Croatian police, she was told that the person looting wasprobably f<strong>al</strong>sely wearing a Croatian police uniform. The witness did not believe thisbecause there were Croatian check-points <strong>al</strong>l over the region and that it should havebeen impossible for a person f<strong>al</strong>sely wearing a police uniform to g<strong>et</strong> through a check-3818 P179 (Witness 69, witness statement, 31 May 1997), p. 3; Witness 69, T. 2753.3819 P179 (Witness 69, witness statement, 31 May 1997), p. 4; Witness 69, T. 2707, 2724-2725, 2753.3820 Witness 69, T. 2724-2725, 2753-2754.3821 Witness 69, T. 2725.3822 P179 (Witness 69, witness statement, 31 May 1997), p. 4; Witness 69, T. 2725.3823 P179 (Witness 69, witness statement, 31 May 1997), pp. 4, 6.3824 P179 (Witness 69, witness statement, 31 May 1997), pp. 1, 4; Witness 69, T. 2725, 2753.3825 Witness 69, T. 2755.3826 Dmitar Rašuo, Milka P<strong>et</strong>ko, Ilija P<strong>et</strong>ko, ðuro Rašuo, and one unidentified person (Schedule no. 3).3827 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), pp. 1-2; Witness 136, T. 620, 622, 641, 726, 765,768, 780-782.3828 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), pp. 12-13; Witness 136, T. 641-642; P5 (Map ofSector South marked by Witness 136).518Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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