Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


38815witnessed HV soldiers shooting animals and burning houses in Bašinac in Kninmunicipality. 3739937. According to a UNCIVPOL report, dated 16 October 1995, a Serb called NañaKusanović informed UNCIVPOL that in the beginning of September 1995 she hadobserved two men in two cars without registration plates going to the village of Plavno,Knin municipality, and stealing a tractor from her mother’s house. She had reported theincident to the Croatian police in Knin on 18 September 1995 and tried several timesfollowing that to contact them regarding the incident but without success. Kusanovićalso stated that she had been able to locate the tractor in Vrlika and informed theCroatian police there but that they had taken no action. 3740938. Edward Flynn, a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the UNHCHR andthe leader of one of the HRATs in the former Sector South from 7 August to mid-September 1995, 3741 testified that on 4 September 1995, he visited the hamlets ofTintori, Petrovići and Cvijanovići in Plavno Valley, Knin municipality, in all of whichresidents reported having been visited by uniformed Croatian soldiers over theweekend. 3742 In Petrovići, residents reported that soldiers had come in three vehicles,loaded them with property and 20-30 sheep while firing some shots, and Flynn saw onesheep that had been shot dead. 3743 In Cvijanovići, Flynn met a couple of soldiers whowere relaxing next to a burning barn. 3744 Flynn’s local interpreter told him that theirinsignia were those of the 4th Brigade from Split. 3745 The witness noticed that up theroad, another building was on fire. 3746 Neither building had collapsed from the fire. 3747When the witness enquired about the fires, one of the soldiers smiled and somewhat3739 P801 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 12 October 2005), p. 12; D741 (Diary of Liborius), p. 19.3740 D740 (Collection of UNCIVPOL documents), p. 20 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S2-95-790, 16October 1995).3741P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 1-2, 6, 13, 23; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 36; Edward Flynn, T. 1044, 1270, 1291-1292, 1312,1325.3742 P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4September 1995), p. 2.3743 P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4September 1995), p. 2.3744 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 33-34; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; Edward Flynn, T. 1096-1097, 1321; P36 (HRAT daily report,2-4 September 1995), p. 2; P38 (Weekly report from Hussein Al-Alfi, 2-8 September 1995), p. 5.3745 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 33; P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement,26-27 February 2008), para. 29; Edward Flynn, T. 1097; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4 September 1995),p. 2.3746 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 33; P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement,26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4 September 1995), p. 2.3747 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 34.500Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38814sheepishly said that some other soldiers had started the fires. 3748 Flynn and hiscompanions reported the case to the Croatian authorities; he believed it was to someonein the office of General Čermak. 3749939. Kari Anttila, an UNMO in Sector South from 14 August 1995 until 27November 1995, 3750 went on patrol on 4 September 1995 to the hamlet of Petrovići inPlavno village, Knin municipality, where the Serb residents complained of looting byCroatian soldiers. The residents told the team that the soldiers visited the hamlet often,loading valuable items as well as cattle and sheep onto trucks. 3751940. According to an ECMM report, on 5 September 1995 ECMM observed four HVsoldiers and one member of the VP burning houses in Plavno, in Knin municipality. 3752941. On 10 September 1995, UNCIVPOL observed one house which had just beenburnt in Zorići hamlet in Plavno village, Knin municipality. Neighbours toldUNCIVPOL that they had seen two HV soldiers entering the house on the same day andthat when the soldiers found Serb uniforms in the house they had set the home onfire. 3753942. Jovan Grubor, a Serb from Grubori hamlet in Plavno village in Kninmunicipality, 3754 testified that on 10 September 1995, he saw two pairs of armedsoldiers patrolling and entering houses in Plavno village. 3755 The witness noticed amilitary truck on the road loaded with different items and some soldiers pushingfurniture into the truck. On 11 September 1995, he witnessed similar behaviour inRaškovići in Knin municipality. 3756 According to the witness, the inhabitants of Plavnowere 750 Serb families. 3757943. HRAT reported that on 12 or 13 September 1995 it observed in Zorići, Kninmunicipality, persons appearing to be looting who covered the licence plates of their3748 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 33-34; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4 September 1995), p. 2.3749 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 34; Edward Flynn, T. 1098-1099, 1324.3750 P171 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 8 January 1996), p. 1; P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement,16 October 1997), pp. 1-2; P173 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 12 December 2007), p. 1, para. 2; KariAnttila, T. 2508.3751 P172 (Kari Anttila, witness statement, 16 October 1997), p. 3; P173 (Kari Anttila, witness statement,12 December 2007), para. 35.3752 P1286 (ECMM daily monitoring activity report, 5 September 1995), pp. 1-2.3753 P255 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S2-95-603, 10 September 1995).3754 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), pp. 1-2.3755 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), pp. 4-5.3756 P633 (Jovan Grubor, witness statement, 12 May 1997), p. 5.501Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

38815witnessed HV soldiers shooting anim<strong>al</strong>s and burning houses in Bašinac in Kninmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity. 3739937. According to a UNCIVPOL report, dated 16 October 1995, a Serb c<strong>al</strong>led NañaKusanović informed UNCIVPOL that in the beginning of September 1995 she hadobserved two men in two cars without registration plates going to the village of Plavno,Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, and ste<strong>al</strong>ing a tractor from her mother’s house. She had reported theincident to the Croatian police in Knin on 18 September 1995 and tried sever<strong>al</strong> timesfollowing that to contact them regarding the incident but without success. Kusanović<strong>al</strong>so stated that she had been able to locate the tractor in Vrlika and informed theCroatian police there but that they had taken no action. 3740938. Edward Flynn, a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the UNHCHR andthe leader of one of the HRATs in the former Sector South from 7 August to mid-September 1995, 3741 testified that on 4 September 1995, he visited the haml<strong>et</strong>s ofTintori, P<strong>et</strong>rovići and Cvijanovići in Plavno V<strong>al</strong>ley, Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, in <strong>al</strong>l of whichresidents reported having been visited by uniformed Croatian soldiers over theweekend. 3742 In P<strong>et</strong>rovići, residents reported that soldiers had come in three vehicles,loaded them with property and 20-30 sheep while firing some shots, and Flynn saw onesheep that had been shot dead. 3743 In Cvijanovići, Flynn m<strong>et</strong> a couple of soldiers whowere relaxing next to a burning barn. 3744 Flynn’s loc<strong>al</strong> interpr<strong>et</strong>er told him that theirinsignia were those of the 4th Brigade from Split. 3745 The witness noticed that up theroad, another building was on fire. 3746 Neither building had collapsed from the fire. 3747When the witness enquired about the fires, one of the soldiers smiled and somewhat3739 P801 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 12 October 2005), p. 12; D741 (Diary of Liborius), p. 19.3740 D740 (Collection of UNCIVPOL documents), p. 20 (UNCIVPOL incident report, S2-95-790, 16October 1995).3741P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 1-2, 6, 13, 23; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 36; Edward Flynn, T. 1044, 1270, 1291-1292, 1312,1325.3742 P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4September 1995), p. 2.3743 P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4September 1995), p. 2.3744 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), pp. 33-34; P21 (Edward Flynn, witnessstatement, 26-27 February 2008), para. 29; Edward Flynn, T. 1096-1097, 1321; P36 (HRAT daily report,2-4 September 1995), p. 2; P38 (Weekly report from Hussein Al-Alfi, 2-8 September 1995), p. 5.3745 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 33; P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement,26-27 February 2008), para. 29; Edward Flynn, T. 1097; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4 September 1995),p. 2.3746 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 33; P21 (Edward Flynn, witness statement,26-27 February 2008), para. 29; P36 (HRAT daily report, 2-4 September 1995), p. 2.3747 P20 (Edward Flynn, witness statement, 29 June 1997), p. 34.500Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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