Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY

Gotovina et al Judgement Volume I - ICTY


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38816Torbice, Plavno village in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity som<strong>et</strong>ime b<strong>et</strong>ween 15 and 18 August1995. 3730933. Witness 136, a Serb field interpr<strong>et</strong>er for UNCIVPOL and UNCRO, 3731 testifiedthat on 20 August 1995, she observed that the haml<strong>et</strong> before Zorići in Kninmunicip<strong>al</strong>ity, which the witness thinks was c<strong>al</strong>led Torbice had been compl<strong>et</strong>ely burntdown. 3732934. Alun Roberts, Press and Information Officer for UN Sector South in Knin frommid-September 1993 until about mid-October 1995, 3733 testified that he visited Plavnoin Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity on 24 August 1995, saw that 12 per cent of the inhabitantsremained, and found the village badly burnt. 3734 He noted that 3,000 inhabitants lived inPlavno before the Croatian offensive. 3735935. Eric Hendriks, an ECMM monitor in Knin from 21 July 1995 until 30 October1995, 3736 testified that on 29 August 1995, he observed uniformed HV soldiers lootingand w<strong>al</strong>king around in Plavno V<strong>al</strong>ley in Knin municip<strong>al</strong>ity, after which houses wouldlight up with fire. 3737936. Søren Liborius, an ECMM Operations Officer and team leader based in Kninfrom 28 July 1995 until 27 November 1995, 3738 testified that on 29 August 1995 he3730 P263 (UNCIVPOL incident report, 18 September 1995).3731 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), pp. 1-2; Witness 136, T. 620, 622, 641, 726, 765,768, 780-782.3732 P2 (Witness 136, witness statement, 4 July 1996), p. 9; Witness 136, T. 641-642; P5 (Map of SectorSouth marked by Witness 136).3733 P675 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 27 August 1997), p. 1, para. 1; P676 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 31 July 1998), p. 1; P677 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 28 February 2007), pp. 1-2; P678(Alun Roberts, witness statement, 7 February 2008), p. 1, paras 3-4, 6; P680 (Alun Roberts, witnessstatement, 1 July 2008), p. 1.3734 P680 (Alun Roberts, witness statement, 1 July 2008), para. 6; P684 (Alun Roberts’s report to thepress on HV’s human rights violations in Sector South, 12 October 1995), p. 1.3735 P684 (Alun Roberts’s report to the press on HV’s human rights violations in Sector South, 12 October1995), p. 1. The Tri<strong>al</strong> Chamber understands this estimate to refer to a larger area than the village itselfand notes in this respect that the evidence did not establish clear boundaries to what was referred to as“Plavno “ or the “Plavno V<strong>al</strong>ley”.3736 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 3; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), pp. 1-2; Eric Hendriks, T. 9734-9735, 9755-9756.3737 P931 (Eric Hendriks, witness statement, 4 April 2008), para. 34; D820 (Eric Hendriks, witnessstatement, 18 April 1996), p. 5; Eric Hendriks, T. 9683-9684.3738 P799 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 2 November 1995), pp. 1, 3; P800 (Søren Liborius, witnessstatement, 11 November 1997), p. 2; P801 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 12 October 2005), p. 2;P803 (Søren Liborius, witness statement, 6 September 2008), para. 6; Søren Liborius, T. 8229; D741(Diary of Liborius), p. 3.499Case No.: IT-06-90-T 15 April 2011 `

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